Оценка качества координированных отверстий в машиностроении статистическими методами
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В статье рассмотрены основные подходы при оценивании качества координированных отверстий с помощью статистических методов. Предложена новая модель для процесса оценивания показателей качества точности координированных отверстий при механической обработке. Получены числовые характеристики для модели оценивания качества точности координированных отверстий с помощью статистических методов машиностроении.
The main approaches to the quality assessment of coordinated holes using statistical methods were considered in the paper. The main methods in estimating the accuracy of coordinated sizes were analyzed. The basic characteristics of quality indicators of coordinated holes in the mechanical engineering were examined. Aspects of the accuracy of coordinated holes as a complex indicator were considered. The basic causes of errors in coordinated-hole making during machining were identified. Regulated quality indicators of the accuracy of coordinated sizes in hole making were considered. Analysis of the data of coordinated-hole making was carried out by the Pearson's chi-squared test. A new model for the evaluation of quality indicators of the accuracy of coordinated holes in machining was proposed. Numerical characteristics for the model of quality assessment of the accuracy of coordinated holes using statistical methods in the mechanical engineering and other industries were obtained.
The main approaches to the quality assessment of coordinated holes using statistical methods were considered in the paper. The main methods in estimating the accuracy of coordinated sizes were analyzed. The basic characteristics of quality indicators of coordinated holes in the mechanical engineering were examined. Aspects of the accuracy of coordinated holes as a complex indicator were considered. The basic causes of errors in coordinated-hole making during machining were identified. Regulated quality indicators of the accuracy of coordinated sizes in hole making were considered. Analysis of the data of coordinated-hole making was carried out by the Pearson's chi-squared test. A new model for the evaluation of quality indicators of the accuracy of coordinated holes in machining was proposed. Numerical characteristics for the model of quality assessment of the accuracy of coordinated holes using statistical methods in the mechanical engineering and other industries were obtained.
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Бібліографічний опис
Трищ Р. М. Оценка качества координированных отверстий в машиностроении статистическими методами / Р. М. Трищ, В. М. Бурдейная // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Механико-технологические системы и комплексы. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 40 (1083). – С. 14-20.