Анализ электромагнитных и механических полей в составных конструкциях













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В статье представлен метод анализа связанных электромагнитных и механических полей в технологических системах. Связанность учтена с помощью объемных электромагнитных сил, которые определяются по результатам анализа распределения электромагнитного поля. Для определения характеристик электромагнитного поля используются понятия векторного магнитного потенциала. Решение предполагается по схеме метода конечных элементов. Проведено решение для системы «индуктор–проводник». Представлены сравнения с аналитическим решением. Проанализировано распределение интенсивности напряжений.
The article in presence is devoted to analysis of the coupled electromagnetic and mechanical fields in composite structures. High-intensity electromagnetic fields are conditions for a variety of technical and technological objects. The interaction of electromagnetic fields with conductive bodies can cause their movement and deformation. Energy levels that are developed by an electromagnetic field can be significant to such an extent that it can lead to the destruction of elements of structures and machines. The creation of effective methods of analysis of the stress-strain state of the conductive bodies under the influence of electromagnetic fields is an important problem in scientific and practical terms. The paper presents a general approach to the analysis of deformation of the conductive bodies in the electromagnetic field. This approach relies on the analysis of the distribution of a vector of characteristics of the electromagnetic field and tensor characteristics of the deformation process. These characteristics are determined from the solutions of the two groups of differential equations. The first group describes the propagation of the electromagnetic field in the material, while the most often used representation of Maxwell, which formed the basis of the differential equations of the vector electric and magnetic field vector electric and magnetic induction currents and charges. Unsteady deformation of a system of interacting bodies is described by the known relationships, which include differential equations of motion (equilibrium), the geometric dependence (in the form of Cauchy) and the equation of state. Coupling of "electromagnetic" and "mechanical" processes is taken into account through the introduction of "electromagnetic" forces. To conduct the numerical analysis of the propagation vector component of the electromagnetic field in the article the concept of a vector magnetic potential is used.


Ключові слова

потенциал векторный, потенциал магнитный, метод конечных элементов, состояние напряженно-деформированное, electromagnetic field, vector magnetic potential, finite element method, stress-strain state

Бібліографічний опис

Лавинский Д. В. Анализ электромагнитных и механических полей в составных конструкциях / Д. В. Лавинский // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Динамика и прочность машин. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2014. – № 57 (1099). – С. 31-36.



