Исследование параметров плазменного потока установки для ионно-плазменной модификации стекла
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В статье на основании зондовой методики исследовано изменение потенциала плазменного потока и оценена концентрация положительных ионов материала внедрения при ионно-плазменной модификации поверхности стекла при атмосферном давлении.
Change of the glass's surface properties using plasma treatment is a progressive technological method that allows achieves the surface layer with desired physical properties. To choose technological parameters ion-plasma treatment of the surface of the glass at atmospheric pressure, is necessary to examine potential variation of the plasma flow rate and the concentration of positive ions of the implementation. Electrical probe method is one of the most widely used and informative methods of plasma diagnostics which allows to establish its local characteristics. To investigate the potential distribution, temperature and concentration of positive particles in the section of the plasma flow used single electrical probe, which is a tungsten wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm and a length of 2 mm, placed in an alundum insulators. As a result of probing the plasma flow were obtained dependences of the ionization degree and the positive ions concentration of the material implantation from the temperature. Found that by using the developed plasmatrons for the process of ion-plasma treatment of the glass surface greatly increases the positive ions concentration of the material implantation and the degree of ionization the plasma flow.
Change of the glass's surface properties using plasma treatment is a progressive technological method that allows achieves the surface layer with desired physical properties. To choose technological parameters ion-plasma treatment of the surface of the glass at atmospheric pressure, is necessary to examine potential variation of the plasma flow rate and the concentration of positive ions of the implementation. Electrical probe method is one of the most widely used and informative methods of plasma diagnostics which allows to establish its local characteristics. To investigate the potential distribution, temperature and concentration of positive particles in the section of the plasma flow used single electrical probe, which is a tungsten wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm and a length of 2 mm, placed in an alundum insulators. As a result of probing the plasma flow were obtained dependences of the ionization degree and the positive ions concentration of the material implantation from the temperature. Found that by using the developed plasmatrons for the process of ion-plasma treatment of the glass surface greatly increases the positive ions concentration of the material implantation and the degree of ionization the plasma flow.
Ключові слова
ион, низкотемпературная плазма, электрический зонд, вольт-амперная характеристика, температура, алундовые изоляторы, ion, low-temperature plasma, electric probe, current-voltage characteristic, glass
Бібліографічний опис
Шрам А. А. Исследование параметров плазменного потока установки для ионно-плазменной модификации стекла / А. А. Шрам // Энергосбережение. Энергетика. Энергоаудит = Energy saving. Power engineering. Energy audit. – 2014. – № 11. – С. 52-57.