Образование дефектов при сверлении слоистых композитов и механизм появления расслаивания
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Рассмотрены физический, технологический и математический аспекты появления дефектов при сверлении многослойных композиционных материалов. Представлен анализ экспериментальных и теоретических исследований образования расслоения и скалывания в заготовке при сверлении. Описан механизм появления таких дефектов и современное состояние проблемы прогнозирования их количественных характеристик. Проанализировано влияние различных технологических факторов на уменьшение величины дефектов, в том числе фактора расслоения. Приведены модели прогнозирования появления дефектов и пути их минимизации в процессе сверления.
The physical, technological and mathematical aspects of defects when drilling of multilayer composite materials are considered. The analysis of experimental and theoretical studies of delamination and spalling in the workpiece during drilling is represented. The mechanism of occurrence of such defects and the current state of the problem of predicting their quantitative characteristics is described. The influence of different technological parameters on the reduction in the amount of defects, including delamination factor is analyzed. Destruction around the hole size increases with increasing axial force and tends to smoothing with a significant increase of the axial force. The value of defects increases with increasing hole diameter and can be assumed that a mismatch diameter will rise more quickly to its increase. The models of prediction of defects and ways to minimize them in the process of drilling are presented.
The physical, technological and mathematical aspects of defects when drilling of multilayer composite materials are considered. The analysis of experimental and theoretical studies of delamination and spalling in the workpiece during drilling is represented. The mechanism of occurrence of such defects and the current state of the problem of predicting their quantitative characteristics is described. The influence of different technological parameters on the reduction in the amount of defects, including delamination factor is analyzed. Destruction around the hole size increases with increasing axial force and tends to smoothing with a significant increase of the axial force. The value of defects increases with increasing hole diameter and can be assumed that a mismatch diameter will rise more quickly to its increase. The models of prediction of defects and ways to minimize them in the process of drilling are presented.
Ключові слова
композиционные материалы, скалывание, макродефекты, drilling defects, layered composites, delamination during drilling
Бібліографічний опис
Хавин Г. Л. Образование дефектов при сверлении слоистых композитов и механизм появления расслаивания / Г. Л. Хавин // Вестник Нац. техн. ун-та "ХПИ" : сб. науч. тр. Темат. вып. : Технологии в машиностроении. – Харьков : НТУ "ХПИ". – 2015. – № 4 (1113). – С. 96-100.