Nonlinear Dynamics of a Metabolic Process of the Atherosclerosis
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Назва тому
A mathematical model of the metabolic process of atherosclerosis is constructed. The functioning of the
polyenzymatic prostacyclin-thromboxane system of blood and the influence of a level of “bad cholesterol",
namely low density lipoproteins (LDL), on it are studied. With the help of the numerical experiment, we analyze
the influence of the concentration of molecules of fat on hemostasis of blood vessels. The kinetic curves for
components of the system, phase-periodic bifurcation diagrams, attractors for various modes, and Poincare
cross-section and image of a strange attractor are constructed. The complete spectra of Lyapunov’s exponents,
divergencies, KS-entropies, predictability horizons, and Lyapunov dimensions of the fractality of strange
attractors are calculated. Conclusions about the structural-functional connections, which determine the
dependence of hemostasis of a circulatory system on the level of cholesterol in blood are drawn.
Ключові слова
self-organization, hemostasis, chaos, circulatory system, prostacyclin-thromboxane system, Lyapunov’s exponents, KS-entropy
Бібліографічний опис
Grytsay V. Nonlinear Dynamics of a Metabolic Process of the Atherosclerosis / V. Grytsay // Nonlinear Dynamics–2016 (ND-KhPI2016) : proceedings of 5th International Conference, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician V. L. Rvachev, September 27-30, 2016 = Нелінійна динаміка–2016 : тези доп. 5-ї Міжнар. конф., 27-30 вересня 2016 р. – Kharkov : NTU "KhPI", 2016. – P. 304-311.