Математическое моделирование воздушных линий с тросами в несимметричных режимах
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Украинская государственная академия железнодорожного транспорта
Украинская государственная академия железнодорожного транспорта
Представлены математические модели ВЛ различного конструктивного исполнения в фазных координатах и показана возможность их представления в унифицированной форме, что позволяет сократить разнообразие форм записи уравнений элементов сети и обеспечить алгоритмизацию формирования обобщенной базовой модели, не ограничивая ее возможностей.
The article represents a mathematical model of overhead lines of different structural design (single-circuit, double-circuit with and without cables to the equivalent single-phase without cables) in phase coordinates. The possibility of their representation in the unified form is shown. The use of electric systems equations in phase coordinates for modeling emergency and operating conditions can reflect all the features of embodiment of corresponding elements in the parameters matrixes. However, the necessity to consider the variety of designs and shapes of overhead lines complicates the development of models of electrical systems in single-ended modes. To reduce the order of the system of simultaneous equations, to unify the formation and solution of system of equations in the phase coordinates, the overhead lines equations of different structural design are reduced to a single form by elimination the voltage and current in cables. Following conditions, caused by specific suspension of cable are taking into account (zero voltage of repeatedly grounded cables; lack of current in cables, grounded at one point). The transition to the level of three-phase multipoles, representation of the equations of elements in a unified form improve the efficiency of modeling of complex single-ended modes of electrical systems, reduce the diversity of notation of equations of network elements and provide formalization and algorithmization of the base model formation, without limiting its capabilities.
The article represents a mathematical model of overhead lines of different structural design (single-circuit, double-circuit with and without cables to the equivalent single-phase without cables) in phase coordinates. The possibility of their representation in the unified form is shown. The use of electric systems equations in phase coordinates for modeling emergency and operating conditions can reflect all the features of embodiment of corresponding elements in the parameters matrixes. However, the necessity to consider the variety of designs and shapes of overhead lines complicates the development of models of electrical systems in single-ended modes. To reduce the order of the system of simultaneous equations, to unify the formation and solution of system of equations in the phase coordinates, the overhead lines equations of different structural design are reduced to a single form by elimination the voltage and current in cables. Following conditions, caused by specific suspension of cable are taking into account (zero voltage of repeatedly grounded cables; lack of current in cables, grounded at one point). The transition to the level of three-phase multipoles, representation of the equations of elements in a unified form improve the efficiency of modeling of complex single-ended modes of electrical systems, reduce the diversity of notation of equations of network elements and provide formalization and algorithmization of the base model formation, without limiting its capabilities.
Ключові слова
координаты фазные, линия электропередач, заземление, изоляция, матрица, mathematical modeling, phase coordinates, equations, single-ended modes
Бібліографічний опис
Веприк Ю. Н. Математическое моделирование воздушных линий с тросами в несимметричных режимах / Ю. Н. Веприк // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий = Eastern-Еuropean journal of enterprise technologies. – 2012. – № 5/8 (59). – С. 30-34.