Technology transfer
Науковий ступінь
Рівень дисертації
Шифр та назва спеціальності
Рада захисту
Установа захисту
Науковий керівник
Члени комітету
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Назва тому
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
Scientific and methodological recommendations have been developed for improving the organizational and economic mechanism for transferring intellectual products. Particular attention is paid to the development of organizational forms of technology transfer, management of the processes of creation, production and marketing of intellectual products. Developed recommendations for the valuation of technology and pricing it. The issues of monitoring innovation processes in the creation, production and transfer of technological products, as well as in assessing their economic efficiency are considered.
Бібліографічний опис
Technology transfer : monograph / P. G. Pererva [et al.] / ed.: P. G. Pererva, G. Kocziszky. – Kharkiv : NTU "KhPI" ; Miskolc : University of Miskolc, 2012. – 599 c.