Прогнозування розвитку внутрішнього ринку товарів
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Ужгородський національний університет
У статті розглянуто науково-методичні підходи до прогнозування розвитку внутрішнього ринку товарів. Обґрунтовано використання методів прогнозування внутрішнього ринку товарів, що полягає в поєднанні методу ковзної середньої з методом аналітичного вирівнювання. Здійснено прогнозування внутрішнього ринку товарів за коефіцієнтами зміни об'ємно-цінових параметрів. У результаті дослідження отримано результати щодо прогнозування за коефіцієнтами зміни рівномірності розподілу товарообігу внутрішнього ринку товарів, структурою товарообігу за товарними групами внутрішнього ринку товарів, коефіцієнтами зміни структури товарообігу внутрішнього ринку товарів, суб'єктами внутрішнього ринку товарів, а також визначено прогресивність змін в структурі внутрішнього ринку товарів.
The article deals with the scientific and methodical approaches to forecasting the development of the domestic commodity market. The essence of the method of moving average is that for the initial range of dynamics, enlarged intervals, which consist of the same number of values, are formed. Each successive interval is obtained by a sequential shift from the initial to singles value. For newly created intervals, average values are calculated, which allows you to get a new series, built from moving averages. This method of analysis shows the tendency of the phenomenon through the elimination of the fluctuations of values due to random reasons. In combination with the moving average method, the method of analytical alignment is applied. The essence of this method is that the value of a row is replaced by the value that is calculated on the basis of a function of dependence, which most accurately reflects the general tendency. The combination of these methods will allow, firstly, to smooth the random fluctuations of the development factors, and secondly, to obtain formulas for their changes in time and with their help to obtain prediction data for the next period. The forecasting of the domestic market of goods is carried out on coefficients of changes in volume-price parameters. The results of forecasting on the coefficients of the change in the uniformity of the distribution of goods turnover of the domestic market of goods, the structure of commodity turnover by commodity groups of the domestic market of goods, on the coefficients of change in the structure of the commodity circulation of the domestic market of goods, on the subjects of the domestic market of goods and determined progressive changes in the structure of the domestic market of goods. The expediency of the conducted researches is predicted calculations of the development of the domestic market of goods in the development of appropriate measures within the framework of strategic support for the development of the market of goods. Implementation of the prognosticated approaches to forecasting will prevent the negative development of events or at least mitigate their impact.
The article deals with the scientific and methodical approaches to forecasting the development of the domestic commodity market. The essence of the method of moving average is that for the initial range of dynamics, enlarged intervals, which consist of the same number of values, are formed. Each successive interval is obtained by a sequential shift from the initial to singles value. For newly created intervals, average values are calculated, which allows you to get a new series, built from moving averages. This method of analysis shows the tendency of the phenomenon through the elimination of the fluctuations of values due to random reasons. In combination with the moving average method, the method of analytical alignment is applied. The essence of this method is that the value of a row is replaced by the value that is calculated on the basis of a function of dependence, which most accurately reflects the general tendency. The combination of these methods will allow, firstly, to smooth the random fluctuations of the development factors, and secondly, to obtain formulas for their changes in time and with their help to obtain prediction data for the next period. The forecasting of the domestic market of goods is carried out on coefficients of changes in volume-price parameters. The results of forecasting on the coefficients of the change in the uniformity of the distribution of goods turnover of the domestic market of goods, the structure of commodity turnover by commodity groups of the domestic market of goods, on the coefficients of change in the structure of the commodity circulation of the domestic market of goods, on the subjects of the domestic market of goods and determined progressive changes in the structure of the domestic market of goods. The expediency of the conducted researches is predicted calculations of the development of the domestic market of goods in the development of appropriate measures within the framework of strategic support for the development of the market of goods. Implementation of the prognosticated approaches to forecasting will prevent the negative development of events or at least mitigate their impact.
Бібліографічний опис
Мардус Н. Ю. Прогнозування розвитку внутрішнього ринку товарів / Н. Ю. Мардус // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету : зб. наук. пр. Сер. : Міжнародні економічні відносини та світове господарство. – Ужгород : УжНУ, 2019. – Вип. 23, ч. 2. – С. 5-9.