Структура та складові професійної компетентності вчителя історії профільної школи













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Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"


Професійна компетентність є визначальним критерієм фаховості суб‘єкта будь-якої діяльності. Для вчителя історії профільної школи професійна компетентність є як ціллю, так і результатом його/її самостійного розвитку. Ця проблематика в основі свого вирішення повинна містити опору на структурно-критеріальну систему та її визначене теоретичне забезпечення. Визначено структурні компоненти професійної компетентності вчителя історії профільної школи. Запропоновані ключові критерії оцінювання рівня професійної компетентності та рівні їхній сформованості.
Problem setting. Based on the imperative of their own professional development, a history teacher in a profession-oriented school, as an important subject of the educational process, should always set the goal of personal professional competence growth. Under the activity in a profession-oriented school, the teacher faces both factors that consolidate a certain level of formation of his/her professional skills and factors that stimulate their further development. According to this, the task is to identify the main structural components of the professional competence of a history teacher in a profession-oriented school, which, taking into account the positive impact on them, will determine the growth of professionalism of their carrier. The profession of a teacher requires constant self-improvement and professional growth from its subject. The request of the society for qualified personnel is a constant sign of our time.The profession of a history teacher is distinguished by the dynamic nature of the subject of his/her research, so the relevance of considering his/her professional competence and the possibility of further development becomes more vivid. Teaching in a profession-oriented educational institution, in our opinion, determines both the level of the teacher‘s own career development and the degree of conformity to staff requests of a profession-oriented school. The issue of professional competence of a history teacher in a profession-oriented educational institution is a determining position that characterizes his/her activities and, at the same time, is an end in itself. Recent research and publications analysis. Currently, scientists devote quite a lot of time to the issue of professional competence. In scientific works, professional competence is considered as a phenomenon (Yu. Zinkovsky, S. Skvortsova, H. Shumskaya et al), as a goal that is the object of formation for future professionals (Yu. Boychuk, A. Voitovska et al) as a professional component of pedagogical activity (V. Tkachenko, S. Kara, V. Vasilyshyn et al) and aspects of further development (N. Lalak, V. Symonenko, A. Ovcharuk et al). The main guidelines in the study of the theoretical component of the teacher‘s professional competency are the regulatory provisions of state educational standards, the laws of Ukraine On Education, On General Secondary Education, On Higher Education, the system of educational development programs in the present and in the near future (for example, ― Education‖ (Ukraine, 21st century)).Paper objective. To determine the basic structural elements of the professional competence of a history teacher in a profession-oriented school in a theoretical plane and outline their structural and criterial characteristics. Paper main body. The professional competence of a history teacher is an important indicator of the level of his/her professional development and further development. Under the work in the structure of a profession-oriented school for a history teacher, a plane of professional competencies which includes knowledge, abilities that comprehensively form the professional competence of the teacher is built up. In the context of our study, the structural components of professional competence of a history teacher in a profession-oriented school are defined simultaneously as criteria for professional competence. Among them, we define the following: value-motivational, professional-cognitive, activity-practical, and reflective. We also determine the levels of professional competence of a history teacher, with their description and characteristics. Conclusions of the research. Summarizing the theoretical experience, we conclude that the components and structural compounds of the professional competence of a history teacher in a profession-oriented school are determined by the characteristics of the profession, its specificity and tasks, as well as the personal qualities of the specialist. The professional competence of a history teacher as a complex personal-professional education emphasizes not only the personality of the teacher as a professional, but also as an educator and a psychologist; this is a qualitative state, a procedural phenomenon, and the final result, reflecting in sum the personal characteristics of the level of professionalism. This set of qualities is formed during training at a higher educational institution, in accordance with the standards established by the State and professional requirements, which are developed throughout the course of professional activity through ―lifelong learning‖, which is an absolute constant of our time. The professional competence of a history teacher in a profession-oriented school should include the need to rethink the content of education, its constituent components and forms of implementation, with a priority to increase the professional competence of the teacher, providing his/her status with greater significance.


Ключові слова

критерії оцінювання професійної компетентності, рівні сформованості професійної компетентності, criteria for assessing professional competence, levels of professional development competence

Бібліографічний опис

Шутов Д. Структура та складові професійної компетентності вчителя історії профільної школи / Д. Шутов // Теорія і практика управління соціальними системами: філософія, психологія, педагогіка, соціологія. – 2019. – № 4. – С. 3-14.



