Публікація: Історія розвитку сільськогосподарського двигунобудування на Харківщині (1950–1991 рр.)
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Дніпровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара
Досліджено історію галузі двигунобудування, починаючи з повоєнних років, на території м. Харкова. Проаналізовано діяльність підприємств, що виготовляли двигуни, зокрема, заводу "Серп і молот" і Харківського заводу тракторних двигунів. Слід зазначити, що це не єдині підприємства на території
Харкова, які виготовляли двигуни, проте увагу у статті зосереджено лише на заводах, що виробляли продукцію для сільського господарства. Здійснено розгляд обох підприємств у зазначений період, спираючись на архівні матеріали та дослідження науковців-істориків. З’ясовано причини, що
призвели до занепаду підприємств, незважаючи на їхній початковий стрімкий розвиток.
During the postwar years there was a rapid development of various branches of the national economy. First of all, this is due to the need of new technology. At first, enterprises were restored, and, subsequently, the production of technology for the needs of the national economy was adjusted. The technology, in turn, needed parts and accessories. Taking into account the situation, since 1943, the production areas of the "Sickle and Hammer" Kharkiv Engine plant were restored and the production of engines for the equipment of the national economy was set up. At this enterprise, a special design bureau was created for agricultural machinery engines, which initially produced gasoline, and subsequently also diesel engines. Gradually, this plant created a number of engines such as SMD. In connection with the broadening of production, new departments were built and production volumes gradually increased. On the basis of the «Sickle and Hammer» plant, a new enterprise was built, which allowed to increase the volume and to expand the range of diesel engines. The newly created Kharkov Tractor Engine Plant was supposed to provide the industry with engines of the SMD type, which were intended for tractors T-150 and T-150K.Kharkov Tractor Engine Plant (KhTEP) supplied its products not only to Kharkiv enterprises, but also to other cities and even countries. Despite this, the company has never been able to achieve the planned production volume at all times throughout its existence. Both plants failed to compete in an open market conditions and eventually ceased to exist.
During the postwar years there was a rapid development of various branches of the national economy. First of all, this is due to the need of new technology. At first, enterprises were restored, and, subsequently, the production of technology for the needs of the national economy was adjusted. The technology, in turn, needed parts and accessories. Taking into account the situation, since 1943, the production areas of the "Sickle and Hammer" Kharkiv Engine plant were restored and the production of engines for the equipment of the national economy was set up. At this enterprise, a special design bureau was created for agricultural machinery engines, which initially produced gasoline, and subsequently also diesel engines. Gradually, this plant created a number of engines such as SMD. In connection with the broadening of production, new departments were built and production volumes gradually increased. On the basis of the «Sickle and Hammer» plant, a new enterprise was built, which allowed to increase the volume and to expand the range of diesel engines. The newly created Kharkov Tractor Engine Plant was supposed to provide the industry with engines of the SMD type, which were intended for tractors T-150 and T-150K.Kharkov Tractor Engine Plant (KhTEP) supplied its products not only to Kharkiv enterprises, but also to other cities and even countries. Despite this, the company has never been able to achieve the planned production volume at all times throughout its existence. Both plants failed to compete in an open market conditions and eventually ceased to exist.
Ключові слова
двигуни, Харківський завод тракторних двигунів, двигунобудування, конструкторське бюро, engines, Kharkov tractor engine plant, engine building, design bureau
Бібліографічний опис
Кривоконь О. Г. Історія розвитку сільськогосподарського двигунобудування на Харківщині (1950–1991 рр.) / О. Г. Кривоконь, Н. В. Писарська // Дослідження з історії і філософії науки і техніки = Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology. – 2019. – Т. 28, № 2. – С. 63-69.