Інновації в товарній інноваційній політиці підприємства: особливості вибору і реалізації
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ВД "Гельветика"
Перманентні зміни умов зовнішнього середовища потребують підвищення ефективності управління товарною інноваційною політикою підприємств. У статті досліджено особливості вибору і реалізації різних типів товарних інновацій, окреслено і систематизовано фактори впливу. Розроблено рекомендації щодо вибору конкретних заходів товарної інноваційної політики підприємства залежно від вектору дії факторів зовнішнього макро- і мікросередовища та рівня потенціалу інноваційного розвитку підприємства. Проаналізовано основні характеристики та особливості проблеми виведення інноваційних товарів на ринок. Розроблено схему реалізації товарної інноваційної політики підприємства та етапи вибору товарної інновації. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо уточнювального вибору зазначених заходів на етапах життєвого циклу товару.
Constant changes in the external environment require increasing the efficiency of managing the product innovation policy of enterprises. Today, there is an aggravation of competition in the market and a constant increase in consumer demands for goods. These factors accelerate the reduction of the life cycle, which in turn requires a constant increase and improvement of the product range. The article examines the features of the choice and implementation of various types of product innovations, identifies and systematizes the factors of influence. The market for innovative products has its own characteristics, which are reflected in the marketing of innovations. Recent studies and publications of Ukrainian scientists have been analyzed, and it has been revealed that the issues of managing the choice and creation of innovations in the product policy are insufficiently studied. The article identifies opportunities and threats that affect innovation in product policy. Recommendations for the choice of specific measures of the enterprise's product innovation policy are developed depending on the vector of action of external macro- and micro-environment factors and the level of the enterprise's innovative development potential. The main characteristics and features of the problem of bringing innovative products to market are analyzed. The necessity of taking into account the features of the life cycle of the analyzed product (product innovation) for the final choice of the system of measures of product innovation policy is justified. The article considers innovations in product policy and factors that increase the probability of success of a product innovation as well as factors that reduce the probability of success of an innovation. The scheme of implementation of the company's product innovation policy and the stages of choosing a product innovation were developed. Recommendations for clarifying the choice of these measures at the stages of the product life cycle are offered. The results obtained can be used as a basis for developing methodological foundations for effective management of the choice of marketing innovations in the product innovation policy of enterprises in various sectors of the economy.
Constant changes in the external environment require increasing the efficiency of managing the product innovation policy of enterprises. Today, there is an aggravation of competition in the market and a constant increase in consumer demands for goods. These factors accelerate the reduction of the life cycle, which in turn requires a constant increase and improvement of the product range. The article examines the features of the choice and implementation of various types of product innovations, identifies and systematizes the factors of influence. The market for innovative products has its own characteristics, which are reflected in the marketing of innovations. Recent studies and publications of Ukrainian scientists have been analyzed, and it has been revealed that the issues of managing the choice and creation of innovations in the product policy are insufficiently studied. The article identifies opportunities and threats that affect innovation in product policy. Recommendations for the choice of specific measures of the enterprise's product innovation policy are developed depending on the vector of action of external macro- and micro-environment factors and the level of the enterprise's innovative development potential. The main characteristics and features of the problem of bringing innovative products to market are analyzed. The necessity of taking into account the features of the life cycle of the analyzed product (product innovation) for the final choice of the system of measures of product innovation policy is justified. The article considers innovations in product policy and factors that increase the probability of success of a product innovation as well as factors that reduce the probability of success of an innovation. The scheme of implementation of the company's product innovation policy and the stages of choosing a product innovation were developed. Recommendations for clarifying the choice of these measures at the stages of the product life cycle are offered. The results obtained can be used as a basis for developing methodological foundations for effective management of the choice of marketing innovations in the product innovation policy of enterprises in various sectors of the economy.
Ключові слова
маркетингові інновації, товарна інноваційна політика, інноваційний менеджмент, інноваційний маркетинг, управління маркетинговими інноваціями, marketing innovations, product innovation policy, innovation management, innovative marketing, marketing innovation management
Бібліографічний опис
Ілляшенко С. М. Інновації в товарній інноваційній політиці підприємства: особливості вибору і реалізації / С. М. Ілляшенко, М. П. Рудь // Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Сер. : Економіка і менеджмент : зб. наук. пр. / гол. ред. Т. В. Деркач. – Херсон : Гельветика, 2020. – Вип. 41. – С. 19-25.