Security management of innovation activity of an enterprise based on a multiple-factor approach




Назва видання


Назва тому


World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Greece

Дослідницькі проекти

Структурні одиниці

Випуск видання


The introduction of innovations is carried out in conditions of uncertainty and is associated with a high degree of risk which affects the economic security of enterprises. The purpose of the research is to develop a methodology for selecting innovative enterprise projects that are optimal for investment. To achieve the goal we proposed to compare project evaluations in the external and internal environment by using a comparative analysis. In this case, the object of research is a portfolio of innovative projects where an indicator of internal competitiveness is calculated by taxonomic assessment for each project. Each project is evaluated to predict its level of market competitiveness by the analytic hierarchy process. The implementation of the proposed methodology will result in the selection of such innovative projects in the capacity of investment objects that simultaneously have a high level of internal and market competitiveness. Thus, the implementation of the proposed methodology will optimize the choice of areas of innovative activity of enterprises, which will significantly reduce the risk of innovation.


Ключові слова

innovation, competitiveness, economic security, multi-criterion, project, comparative analysis

Бібліографічний опис

Security management of innovation activity of an enterprise based on a multiple-factor approach / T. Romanchik [et al.] // WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. – 2020. – Vol. 17. – P. 664-675.



