С. Жижек о бессознательных предпосылках идеологии













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Національний юридичний університет ім. Ярослава Мудрого


В статье рассматривается проблема становления и функционирования идеологии в критическом по отношению к марксистской концепции ракурсе. Применение психоаналитичских подходов в нетрадиционном поле становится чрезвычайно популярным в самых разных областях знаний. Работы С. Жижека заставляют под непривычным углом взглянуть на проблему идеологии, осуществить конструктивную критику устоявшихся подходов, выявить эвристические возможности обращения в этой области к психоаналитическому потенциалу.
In the following paper the establishing andfunctioning of ideology in the perspective critical to Marxism ideology is examined. The use of psychoanalytical approach as a methodological guide becomes extremely popular in many fields of knowledge. The works of S. Zizek make readers see the problem of ideology from different viewpoint, constructively criticize the established approaches, and detect heuristic possibilities ofpsychoanalysis use in this field. As opposed to methodological orientation of postmodernism, Zizek in his analysis ensures consistency with Marxism and German classical philosophy; he even states the necessity to rehabilitate Hegel and his dialectics. He believes that psychoanalytical interpretation of ideology reestablishes the concept of thinking to be a real process, without concentration on the world of subjective individual. He sees Marxism as a teaching to study and explains fetishistic forms of consciousness, categorizing ideology as its intellectual variation. Ideology is something bigger than a false reflection of reality. In the case of ideology, reality distortion is possible only because human individuals in their practical work unconsciously create and cultivate this kind of distortion. The mere existence of social reality is based on the fact, that individuals to reproduce this reality are not fully aware of the content and consequences of their actions. Psychoanalytical interpretation of ideology studies social practices and socially sustained beliefs as something derivative from subjective inner appetence ofan individual. The most important objective of psychoanalytical criticism of ideology is to bring the ideological consciousness to the point where it can distinguish distorted products of projective activity in its own life. Psychoanalytical criticism of ideology should answer the question o f what the symbolic order should be. It should be social reality constituting to save body and spirit health of individuals creating this reality.


Ключові слова

реальная абстракция, протофантазия, иллюзия, фетишистская инверсия, real abstraction, protophantasy, real, symbolic

Бібліографічний опис

Голованов Б. Д. С. Жижек о бессознательных предпосылках идеологии / Б. Д. Голованов, О. В. Фролова // Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Сер. : Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія : зб. наук. пр. – Харків : Право, 2019. – № 2 (41). – С. 132-141.



