The use of radiolocation control methods to protect the perimeters of large objects
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National Aviation University
To detect an intruder for the perimeter security of a large object it is proposed to use radiolocation sensors. The sensors are chosen with taking into account the use conditions, which are inhomogeneous along the object perimeter. The way to simplify a synthesis of the security system is to use a space imaging data.
Бібліографічний опис
Kolisnyk K. V. The use of radiolocation control methods to protect the perimeters of large objects / K. V. Kolisnyk, A. V. Kipensky, E. I. Sokol // Safety in aviation and space technologies : Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress "Aviation in the XXI-st century", September 25-27, 2012. – Kiev : NAU, 2012. – Vol. 2. – P. 100-104.