Research of forms and methods of commercialization of intellectual property objects




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The article provides a scientific substantiation of the methodological foundations of modeling the process of specialization of intellectual technologies, development based on basic models for different conditions of their use, formulation of proposals for the organization of specialization of technologies at industrial enterprises. It is proved that commercialization of intellectual property is one of the most important tasks of innovation activity. It is substantiated that it is through the processes of commercialization that intellectual and innovative technologies enter the market. The introduction of intellectual property objects into economic circulation can be carried out by various methods and forms, which differ significantly from each other. The main factors that affect the speed, efficiency and time of commercialization of innovations are the costs of their creation and profits from their use. These factors have the greatest influence on the choice of the form and method of commercialization of intellectual property objects by the enterprise-developer. The authors prove that the main factor influencing the choice of the form and method of commercialization of intellectual property is the resource provision of an industrial enterprise. It depends on this whether it is expedient for an enterprise to introduce the results of innovative activity into economic circulation independently, or with the participation of another enterprise, or to completely outsource this process to intellectual outsourcing. It should be noted that each method has its advantages and disadvantages, which are mainly manifested for profit received, commercialization costs and the amount of responsibility for the implementation of this process. In further researches, it is necessary to compare the forms and methods of commercialization of intellectual property objects with the state of modern industrial enterprises and to explore the potential possibilities of their use.


Бібліографічний опис

Kobielieva A. Research of forms and methods of commercialization of intellectual property objects [Electronic resource] / A. Kobielieva, P. Pererva // Mérleg és kihívások – fenntarthatóság : ХІІ nk. tud. konf., október 12-14 2022, Miskolc-Lillafüred / University of Miskolc. – Electronic text data. – Miskolc, 2022. – P. 514-522. – URI:



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