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Документ 1,8-Bis(9'-carbazolyl)-3,6-dioxaoctane: Synthesis and Structure(Ekskluziv Publ., 2015) Shtamburg, V. G.; Shtamburg, V. V.; Zubatyuk, R. I.; Kravchenko, S. V.; Klotz, E. A.; Distanov, V. B.; Uspensky, B. V.Документ 1-(N-Alkoxyamino)pyridine Derivatives and others N-Alkoxyhydrazines(Ekskluziv Publ., 2015) Shtamburg, V. G.; Tsyhankov, A. V.; Shtamburg, V. V.; Klotz, E. A.; Shishkina, S. V.; Zubatyuk, R. I.; Mazepa, A. V.Документ 1-Alkoxyamino-4-dimethylaminopyridinium derivatives as new representatives of O–N–N⁺ geminal systems and their structure(Elsevier Inc., 2012) Shtamburg, V. G.; Tsygankov, A. V.; Shishkin, O. V.; Zubatyuk, R. I.; Shtamburg, V. V.; Gerasimenko, M. V.; Mazepa, A. V.; Kostyanovsky, R. G.Документ 100 лет специальности "Двигатели внутреннего сгорания" в Украине(НТУ "ХПИ", 2018) Марченко, Андрей Петрович; Парсаданов, Игорь Владимирович; Пылев, Владимир АлександровичДокумент 125 лет асинхронному двигателю с короткозамкнутым ротором: итоги и перспективы(НТУ "ХПИ", 2014) Шилкова, Лариса Васильевна; Егоров, Борис АлексеевичДокумент 125-летие Национального технического университета "Харьковский политехнический институт"(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Товажнянский, Леонид ЛеонидовичДокумент 135 lat Politechniki Charkowskiej(Politechniki Gdańskiej, 2020) Gutnyk, Maryna; Chrzan, Krystian LeonardW pracy opisano 135 letnią historię Politechniki Charkowskiej, jednej z najstarszych uczelni technicznych Imperium Rosyjskiego i niepodległej Ukrainy. Po zniesieniu pańszczyzny w Rosji w 1861 roku powstały warunki do rozwoju przemysłu. Brak kadry technicznej spowodował konieczność zorganizowania uczelni technicznych. Profesorowie Politechniki Charkowskiej stanowili trzon kadry młodszych Politechnik w Imperium Rosyjskim i ZSRR.Документ 15 років Етнографічному музею "Слобожанські скарби" ім. Г. Хоткевича НТУ "ХПІ"(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Красіков, Михайло МихайловичДокумент 18-Pulse rectifier with electronic phase shifting and pulse width modulation(2018) Sokol, Yevgen I.; Zamaruiev, Volodymyr V.; Ivakhno, Volodymyr V.; Voitovych, Yurii S.; Butova, Olha; Makarov, VadimAt present, 12-pulse rectifiers with electronic phase shift are known. Unlike classic rectifiers, they do not use phase-shifting transformers and have a unit power factor. Increasing of the rectifier’s pulse makes it possible to improve the harmonic composition of the input current. This article is devoted to the study of the operation of an 18-pulse rectifier with an electronic phase shift. The use of the principle of electronic phase shift leads to different levels of constant voltage at the output of the rectifiers. The introduction of pulse-width modulation contributes to equalizing the output voltages of the 6-pulse rectifiers which are the parts of the converter. In addition, the use of the pulse-width modulation allows eliminating matching magnetic elements which are used to equalize rectifiers output voltages. This improves the mass and dimension parameters of the converter. The results of modeling are presented.Документ 18-pulse rectifier with electronic phase shifting with autotrans-former in inverter and rectifier mode(2018) Voitovych, Yurii; Makarov, Vadym; Pichkalov, IevgenTo reduce harmonic distortion of the input current, multipulse rectifiers are used. They require the presence of phase-shifting transformers or autotransformers. Elimination of electromagnetic phase-shifting devices while maintaining small harmonic distortion of the input current and obtaining a power factor close to unity is possible with the use of electronic phase shift. The electronic phase shift is realized by means of the rectifier itself: the introduction of positive and negative control angles in the pairs of rectifiers’ modules. At present, 12-pulse rectifiers with electronic phase shift are known. Unlike classic rectifiers, they do not use phase-shifting transformers and have a unit power factor. Increasing of the rectifier’s pulse makes it possible to improve the harmonic composition of the input current. The use of the principle of electronic phase shift in 18-pulse rectifier leads to different levels of constant voltage at the output of the rectifiers. In this case, to equalize the currents of rectifiers’ modules, one can use both an increase the voltage at the input of rectifiers operating with large control angles and a decrease the input voltage of the rectifiers operating with smaller control angles. The principles of constructing of matching autotransformers for the 18-pulse rectifier with an electronic phase shift are considered in the article. Comparison of 18-pulse rectifiers with use of step-up and step-down autotransformers is made. Data on the installed capacity of autotransformers, power losses are obtained. The results of thermophysical modeling are presented. When comparing the parameters of the matching magnetic elements, it can be concluded that it is more appropriate to use a step-down autotransformer.Документ 18-пульсный выпрямитель с электронным сдвигом фаз и согласующим автотрансформатором(НТУ "ХПИ", 2018) Сокол, Евгений Иванович; Замаруев, Владимир Васильевич; Бутова, Ольга Анатольевна; Войтович, Юрий СергеевичДля снижения гармонических искажений входного тока, применяются многопульсныевыпрямители, требующие наличия фазосдвигающих трансформаторов либо автотрансформаторов. Исключение электромагнитных фазосдвигающих устройств при сохранении малых гармонических искажений входного тока и получении близкого к единице коэффициента мощности, возможно при использовании электронного сдвига фаз. В статье рассмотрены принципы построения многопульсных выпрямителей с электронным сдвиг фаз, который осуществляется средствами самого выпрямителя: введением положительных и отрицательных углов управления. В этом случае, для выравнивания токов отдельных выпрямителей может применяться как повышение напряжения на входе выпрямителей, работающих с большими углами управления, так и понижение входного или выходного напряжения выпрямителей, работающих с меньшими углами управления. Проведено сравнение выпрямителей с использованием повышающих и понижающих автотрансформаторов. Получены данные об установленной мощности автотрансформаторов, мощности потерь. Приведены результаты теплофизического моделирования.Документ 1917 – революція: 100 років потому(НТУ "ХПІ", 2017) Журавльов, Ю. В.; Кіпенський, Андрій ВолодимировичДокумент "1941–1945: фотоісторія у родинному альбомі"(НТУ "ХПІ", 2015) Красіков, Михайло МихайловичДокумент 2-D моделирование течения в осевом компрессоре ГТУ с учетом загромождения профильным и торцевым пограничными слоями(НТУ "ХПИ", 2011) Ковалева, Е. А.Приведены результаты исследований 2-D моделирования течения в проточной части осевого компрессора в осесимметричной постановке задачи, а также с учетом загромождения профильным и торцевым пограничными слоями. Сделано сравнение с экспериментом.Документ 25 уроков русской устной речи(Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", 2006) Олейник, Светлана Павловна; Романов, Юрий АлександровичПособие включает тексты, диалоги, упражнения, направленные на расширение и активизацию общелитературного словарного запаса, на развитие навыков русской устной речи в ее разговорной разновидности. Предназначено для студентов-иностранцев подготовительных факультетов и первых курсов продвинутого этапа обучения.Документ 3-D моделювання дії сили тертя при свердленні глибоких отворів спіральними свердлами(Українська інженерно-педагогічна академія, 2010) Чернякова, О. В.; Маршуба, В'ячеслав ПавловичДокумент 3D magnetic filed distribution in a screw double-stator induction motor(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Zablodskiy, Nikolai; Pliugin, V.In this paper Ansys Maxwell calculation result of 3D magnetic field in double-stator screw induction motor with hollow outer ferromagnetic rotor is given.Документ 3D methodology of research of diamond-abrasive machining process(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020) Grabchenko, A. I.; Fedorovich, V. A.; Pyzhov, I.; Ostroverkh, Y.; Kozakova, N.Subsystem of computer-generated determination of conditions of manufacturing of defect-free diamond wheels and grinding of superhard materials on the base of 3D simulation of deflected mode of elements of the "SHM crystal grain – metal phase – grain – bond" system at process of diamond wheel sintering and grinding is developed.Документ 3D modeling of complex spatial forms by cognitive programming technology method(Sp. z o.o. "Nauka i studia", 2020) Sokol, G. V.; Lytovchenko, А. P.; Kirakosyan, A. A.; Shut, V. V.; Shugailo, A. O.This article examines the problem of harmonization of 3D modeling and 3D prototyping of complex spatial forms within the framework of cognitive programming technology. The ways of its solution is offer on the example of the 3D Studio MAX environment. An analysis of the strategic trend of the development of digital programmable technology, from the mathematical modeling of physical, biological and other natural processes when the production-element basis of the nano-level has been reached, has led to the creation of a technology for the direct reproduction of three-dimensional spatial objects of complex forms. Informatics is not only an ontology of projects, but also its spatial materialization. Biological objects are artificially reproduced based on cognitive programming technology. Now in the world in all areas of knowledge there is a burst of digital modeling: through computer engineering and digital modeling is practically any new product. At Japanese exhibitions, a demonstration of the bulk copy process is already underway: digital input of objects is performed at the input, then processing in the 3D modeling environment - and as a result you can print a copy of the prototype. A printer that prints parts for itself, an electric battery with a variable battery, gadgets communicate with each other and are responsible for the comfort of the owner - the reality of the new digital world, which is formed now. With regard to the programmable technology of info communication, not the bandwidth of the channel, but the transformation of the properties of the communication of physical nature in the properties of biological nature and social needs is important.Документ 3D objects creation approaches(Khmelnytskyi national university, 2021) Vorontsova, Darya; Dashkevych, Andrii; Fedchenko, Hanna; Tiahlo, VladislavIn this paper are discussed the application of 3D technologies, which are reflected in various areas of life, such as education, science, engineering and entertainment industry. The use of 3D technology in the educational process can significantly increase its efficiency by bringing the virtual computer environment closer to the real three-dimensional world. But for now the use of augmented reality in teaching is only gaining momentum. Many applications are still quite primitive, but developers are actively working on their refinement, increasing the amount of educational content, improving quality. It is not entirely clear what the basic steps of 3D modeling are for importing a model into augmented reality. Today there are a large number of areas of application of 3D models. The question is whether it is possible to use a single algorithm for all models and which. The aim of this work is to increase the level of use of 3D technologies in the educational process for an effective and external interactive way of providing information. In the course of the work the methods of creating 3D content for different areas of application such as game industry, 3D visualization, 3D printing, AR projects, holographic fans, preliminary assessment of technical properties of the product and etc were considered. Data analysis has been shown that for each area of application 3d contenthas its own requirements and features. This information was identified and presented in the form of a comparative table. Based on the analysis of modern methods of developing 3D content for different applications, it was proposed to combine the requirements for creating 3D models of individual areas. Based on the proposed combination, a small experiment was performed. 3D model of the character for the children audio-encyclopedic stories educational application was designed. The obtained models were also integrated in the augmented reality environment. After analyzing the relevant indicators, we concluded that the requirements for 3D content in these areas are the same. The paper also structured the main stages for creating 3D models of different applications, which in turn brings clarity and clarity to the process of developing 3D content for further import into AR training projects.