Кафедра "Хімічна техніка та промислова екологія"
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Від 1999 року кафедра має назву "Хімічна техніка та промислова екологія", попередня назва – кафедра механічного устаткування хімічних виробництв.
Кафедра механічного устаткування хімічних виробництв була організована 18 жовтня 1946 року у складі факультету технології неорганічних речовин Харківського хіміко-технологічного інституту. Становлення кафедри пов’язане з іменами доцентів Георгія Веніаміновича Петрова, М. Ковальова, Абрама Натановича Цейтліна, Анісіма Рудольфовича (Рувиновича) Ястребнецького . У 1960 році на базі кафедри створено Факультет хімічного машинобудування.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту механічної інженерії і транспорту Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 2 доктора та 14 кандидатів технічних наук, 4 доктора філософії; 3 співробітника мають звання професора, 12 – доцента.
Документ Analysis of studies in the field of wastewater pollution by pharmaceutical contaminants(Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2014) Samoilenko, N.; Yermakovych, I.The analysis of recent studies of surface waters pollution problem by pharmaceuticals and their derivatives was performed. The information about the sources of contaminated effluents formation, especially their negative impact on the elements of the environment, purification at municipal wastewater treatment plants was systematized. Measures of environmental pollution reduction were considered. The authors made the conclusions about the study degree of this problem and ways of this solving.Документ Analysis of the Sanitary Purification of Gas Emissions from Dust in the Lime Manufacture(Scientific Route, 2017) Pitak, Inna V.; Briankin, Serhii S.; Pitak, Oleg Ya.; Shaporev, Valery P.Experimental studies have been carried out to study the effect of the location of the blade vortex from the end of the flue (the flow outflow from the flue to the separation chamber) by the value Vϕmax and the determination of the optimum cross section where Vϕmax is reached, and also the study of the influence of structural changes on the purification efficiency. The dependence of this swirler on the value of the tangential velocity of the gas flow at its exit from the separator is established. The cross-sections of the flue duct in which, after the swirler, the maximum values Vϕ, Vr are reached, the features of the dust-gas flow in the studied sections are considered. Based on the studies of the hydrodynamic situation during the flow of a rotating flow in the flue after the swirler, the possibilities of agglomeration of dust particles in the investigated zones, as well as the destruction of NOx gas impurities, are analyzed. During the operation of the reconstructed vortex dust collector, qualitative indices are attained, which confirm the expediency of the conducted studies and the expediency of reconstructing the vortex apparatus. It is proved that the installation of the blade vortex enhances the purification efficiency of the dust-gas flow in a vortex dust collector and will allow for a comprehensive purification of the exhaust gases.Документ Analysis of ways to reduce environmental pollution from coke production in China(Національний технічний університет України "Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського", 2024) Samoilenko, N. M.; Xie, ZhongtingThe work considers environmental pollution by coke production using traditional technology in China. The features of emissions and discharges treatment, which are introduced into the practice of treatment systems in industrial production, are determined. The directions of reducing pollutant emissions into the air and natural waters, which provide for an integrated approach that combines regulatory and legal regulation, technical innovations in methods of cleaning polluted streams, introduction of technological methods of coke production, etc. are analyzed and systematized.Публікація Automating the process of calculating the singular points and modeling the phase diagrams of multicomponent oxide systems(Institute for Single Crystals, 2019) Krivileva, S. P.; Zakovorotniy, A.; Moiseev, V.; Ponomareva, N.; Zinchenko, O.To automate the processes of calculating elements of state diagrams of multicomponent eutectic type oxide systems and simulate them, a calculation algorithm and an application package using function libraries has been developed. On the example of binary and ternary systems FeO-Cr2O3-SiO2, BeO-MgO-TiO2, BeO-MgO-ZrO2, Ca3(PO4)2-CaF2, their functionality was tested. The experimental verification of the compositions of singular points (binary and triple eutectics and van Rijn points) and melting temperatures in them by high temperature microscope in situ has shown good correlation between the experimental and calculated data.Документ Brown coal humic substances hybrid modified biodegradable composites wear simulation("Interdruk" Poland, Warszawa, 2023) Lebedev, Vladimir Vladimirovich; Miroshnichenko, Denis Viktorovich; Tykhomyrova, Tetyana Sergiivna; Kochetov, Mykyta SergiyovichResearching on wares modeling from brown coal humic substances hybrid modified biodegradable composites based on polylactide and coffee waste technology are carried out in this work. New wares are pots for seedlings and vases for planting greenery that can be used for landscaping for urban territories. The products design was made, the mathematical modeling of the designed products was carried out. The process of modeling products based on brown coal humic substances hybrid modified biodegradable composites based on polylactide and coffee was carried out in the SolidWorks 2020: 3D CAD environment with subsequent receipt of g-code, which is intended for machines for the production of molds for plastic injection.Документ Cleaning and disposal of gas emissions from the production of calcinated soda ash(Cумський державний університет, 2017) Moiseev, V.; Manoilo, E.; Hrubnik, A.; Vasyliev, M.; Davydov, D.Стаття присвячена питанням зменшення негативного впливу на навколишнє середовище виробництва кальцинованої соди, що досягається за рахунок зменшення утворення газопилових викидів, а також їх більш глибокого очищення. Проблема очищення газових викидів від виробництва кальцинованої соди вирішена використанням порожнистих вихрових пристроїв, наведено їх порівняння з робочими апаратами. Відзначено переваги багатоступінчастих апаратів вихрового типу для очищення великих обсягів промислових газових викидів. У статті зазначено, що завдання очищення промислових газових викидів значно ускладняються їх великими обсягами, що ускладнює використання традиційного очисного обладнання. Більшість пристроїв, які зараз використовуються для очищення газів від газоподібних, рідкі та тверді домішки характеризуються низькою пропускною здатністю через малі максимально допустимі швидкості газу в апараті. Обґрунтовано необхідність використання багатоступеневих вихрових пристроїв для очищення газових викидів від аміаку та содового пилу. Відзначаються переваги апарату цієї групи – низький гідравлічний опір, високий ККД і низька енергетична та металоємність. Наведено порівняння вихрових пристроїв з іншими активними газоочисними приладами за дробовою ефективністю. Запропоновано схему очищення газових викидів від содового пилу з подальшою утилізацією. Ефективність осадження субмікронних частинок у вихровому апараті з інтенсивною фазовою взаємодією може перевищувати 95 %.Документ Cleansing of oilfield wastewater using inertial forces(ФОП Яроче́нко Я. В., 2022) Seif, Houssein; Moiseev, V. F.Документ Comparative analysis of the impact of synthetic additives and phosphatide concentrate on the adhesive properties of road petroleum bitumen(ДВНЗ Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет, 2023) Lavrova, I. O.; Demidov, I. M.; Cherkashina, G. M.; Lebedev, V. V.; Zabiyaka, N. A.The adhesive properties of brand BND 60/90 road bitumen with the oxidized phosphatide concentrate additive were studied. It was shown that the oxidized phosphatide increases the adhesive properties of bitumen brand BND 60/90. Oxidized phosphatide concentrate can be recommended as cost-effective alternative to expensive synthetic cationic surfactants, which are now widely used as adhesives for road bitumen. Based on the results of laboratory tests, the mathematical analysis of the obtained data was performed. Comparative graphs were plotted, and Pearson’s correlation coefficients and the approximation reliability values were calculated. It was found that the optimal composition for creating effective bituminous compositions with an increased thermo-physical and adhesive characteristics is 0.6 wt.% of oxidized phosphatide concentrate.Документ Composite materials for sustainable development and electromagnetic safety of biological and technical objects(The University of Technology in Katowice Press, 2023) Lebedev, Vladimir Vladimirovich; Miroshnichenko, Denis Viktorovich; Tykhomyrova, Tetyana SergiivnaПублікація Correlation of environmental management and intensification of wastewater treatment in the context of ensuring environmental safety of machine building enterprises(Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2024) Bosiuk, A.; Shestopalov, O. V.; Sacun, A.; Tykhomyrova, T. S.; Kulinich, S.The article examines the correlation between environmental management and the intensification of wastewater treatment, which is an important aspect of ensuring the environmental safety of a machine-building enterprise. Therefore, it is important to develop and implement an effective environmental management system, which includes pollution monitoring, planning measures to minimize emissions and discharges, and the implementation of environmentally friendly technologies. The purpose of the work is to analyze and study the relationship between environmental management and the intensification of wastewater treatment and to develop recommendations for improving the efficiency of environmental management and wastewater treatment. The successful solution of these issues helped to develop an effective wastewater management strategy, increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment and reduce its costs, and also ensured the fulfillment of environmental standards and legal requirements, as a result of which significant results were achieved to improve environmental safety at the enterprise and to reduce the negative impact on the environment. In the study of this correlation, there are several aspects that have scientific novelty: the use of new methods of intensification of wastewater treatment; studying the impact of environmental management on the efficiency of wastewater treatment and developing ecommendations for improving the effectiveness of environmental management and wastewater treatment. The study in this field is important from both scientific and practical points of view. The implementation of environmental policy has a positive effect on the image of the enterprise, increases its competitiveness and ensures sustainable development. In addition, it promotes compliance with high standards of sustainable development, which is an important prerequisite for attracting new investments and market advantages.Документ Decreasing of threats to the condition of environment of Turkmenistan at the hydrocarbon and mineral raw materials mining(NTU "KhPI", 2017) Ginkul, A. P.; Krivileva, S. P.The main ecological problems of Turkmenistan caused by the use of environmentally hazardous methods of exploration and production of hydrocarbon and mineral raw materials are analyzed. The main methods used in Turkmenistan for the extraction and transportation of oil and gas and the environmental consequences of their use are listed. The main causes of the deterioration of the natural environment of Turkmenistan during the extraction of hydrocarbons on the shelf of the Caspian Sea have been identified. Technological innovation in the exploration and production sector has equipped the industry with the equipment and practices necessary to continually increase the production of natural gas to meet rising demand. Hense formulated the prior areas for further rising of environmental safety in the oil and gas sector and extraction of mineral raw materials: wide introduction into the production of new innovative energy-efficient technologies and the latest achievements of the world science in the entire production cycle - from geologic explorations, development and development of production to transportation, storage and use of natural resources.Документ Defining features in the kinetics of sodium carbonate-bicarbonate solution carbonization and the quality of the resulting sodium bicarbonate crystals(Технологический центр, 2021) Porokhnia, Mykola; Tseitlin, Musii; Bukhkalo, Svitlana; Panasenko, Vladimir; Novozhylova, TetianaThis paper reports a study into the influence of temperature and gas consumption on the carbonization kinetics (saturation with carbon dioxide) of sodium carbonate-bicarbonate solution. The study also examined the quality and speed of crystal formation in this process. This research is predetermined by the environmental problems faced by modern enterprises that produce purified sodium bicarbonate – an insufficient degree of carbonization and, as a result, excessive air pollution with carbon dioxide, which did not participate in the reaction during the process. This study addresses these particular issues. As a result of using specialized laboratory equipment, it was found that an increase in the absorbent temperature from 79 to 85 °C leads to a decrease in the maximum degree of carbonization of the solution from 64 to 59 %. In contrast, the quality of the resulting sodium bicarbonate crystals improves but only in the range from 79 to 82 °C. With a further increase in temperature, the quality stabilizes. It is shown that the carbonization rate increases with increasing specific consumption of the absorbent (carbon dioxide) and is characterized by a negative correlation with the value of oversaturation of the absorbent in terms of NaНCO₃. The quality of sodium bicarbonate crystals decreases with increasing gas velocity. Thus, it was reasonable to assume that the established dependence of the kinetics of carbonization of Na₂CO₃ and NaНCO₃ solution on the gas velocity in the apparatus is explained by the inhibition of СО₂ absorption, which is caused by the diffusion resistance of sodium bicarbonate crystallization. To improve the quality of crystals and the productivity of carbonization by reducing the supersaturation in terms of NaНCO₃, it is recommended to introduce a seed crystal in the zone of binding of crystals in the carbonization columns.Документ Design and research of bituminous compositions modified by rubber brittle waste(Національний університет цивільного захисту України, 2022) Cherkashina, A. N.; Lavrova, I.; Lebedev, V. V.; Tykhomyrova, T. S.Документ Design and research of eco-friendly coffee grounds filled polymer composites(Національний університет цивільного захисту України, 2020) Lebedev, V. V.; Tykhomyrova, Tetiana Sergiivna; Lozovytskyi, A.; Grigorova, T.; Litvinenko, Ie.; Avina, S. I.; Saimbetova, Zh.Документ Design and Research of Environmentally Friendly Polymeric Materials Modificated by Derivatives of Coal(VÚRUP, 2023) Lebedev, Vladimir Vladimirovich; Miroshnichenko, Denis Viktorovich; Tykhomyrova, Tetiana Sergiivna; Kariev, Artem; Zinchenko, Mariya; Bukatenko, Nataliia; Filenko, OlesiaThe aim of the given work was to design new ecologically friendly polymer materials modified by derivatives of coal. An overview of the current trend in the development, production and application of efficient nvironmentally friendly polymer materials and composites is given. The main ways of hybrid modification of environmentally friendly polymeric composite for obtaining effective products based on them are presented. It is shown that it is promising to obtain environmentally friendly polymeric materials based on coffee waste using hybrid modifiers in the form of humic substances. Optimization studies have been conducted to determine the most effective composition of new environmentally friendly polymeric materials based on bioplastics "OK compost HOME" and coffee waste modified with humic substances. It was found that filling the bioplastic "OK compost HOME" with such coffee waste as coffee husk is more effective as with coffee grounds. It was found that the optimal content is 60 % mass coffee husk, that was modified by humic substances (2 % mass).Документ Design and researching of biologically active polymeric hydrogel transdermal materials modified by humic acid(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2023) Lebedeva, K. O.; Cherkashina, A. M.; Tykhomyrova, T. S.; Savchenko, D. O.; Lebedev, V. V.Biologically active polymer hydrogel transdermal materials based on gelatin, sodium alginate, modified by humic acids, were designed and researched. Literature review was carried out and it was proved that humic acids using is perspective for the functional effect on the biologically active polymer hydrogel transdermal properties. It has been found that effective processes for receiving biologically active polymer hydrogel transdermal materials based on gelatin, hydroxypropyl cellulose and sodium alginate can be carried out in different humic acids concentration while achieving an effective increase in hydrogel polymers structuring processes. It can be seen efficiently increasing biologically active polymeric hydrogel transdermal materials based on gelatin and sodium alginate conditional viscosity and the specific electrical conductivity with an increase of humic acids content: from 114 to 135 sec and from 2350 to 2850 mkS/cm, respectively. Humic acids modification in biologically active polymeric hydrogel transdermal materials based on gelatin and sodium alginate caused structure formation with high density, and resistance and with larger agglomerates in hydrogels. It was found that the gelatin-based biopolymer hydrogels modification by humic acids makes it possible to receive biologically active polymeric hydrogel transdermal materials with higher swelling degree. It is shown that the application of new biologically active polymeric hydrogel transdermal materials based on gelatin and sodium alginate modified by humic acids allows improving the skin moisture-lipid balance. From the initial values of 34-36% moisture and 8-10 skin fat, they increase to 58-66% and 52-60%. So, designed polymer hydrogel based on gelatin, sodium alginate, modified by humic acids, are transdermal materials with good properties.Документ Determination of kinetic characteristics of heat and mass exchange in a column heat exchanger with direct phase contact(РС Tесhnology сеntеr, 2024) Tseitlin, Musii; Shkop, Andrii; Shestopalov, Oleksіi; Raiko, Valentina; Ponomarova, NataliiaОб’єктом дослідження були процеси тепломасообміну в колонному теплообміннику з безпосереднім контактом фаз. Досліджувана проблема пов’язана з необхідністю визначення оцінок кінетичних характеристик теплообміну при концентруванні розчинів у контактному теплообміннику, оснащеному двопоточними тарілками. Зокрема, передбачалося, що визначення впливу швидкості газу в апаратові і щільності зрошення тарілок рідиною, а також геометрії тарілок, на кінетичні коефіцієнти дасть змогу виявити закономірності теплообміну і масообміну між рідиною і контактуючим з нею повітрям в колонному апарату. Визначено, що для збільшення інтенсивності масообміну в газі та теплообміну в рідині необхідно збільшувати значення швидкості газу та щільності зрошення. Тоді швидкість газу та щільність зрошення приблизно однаково впливають на інтенсивність масообміну в газі та теплообміну в рідині. При дослідженні впливу геометрії тарілки на кінетичні коефіцієнти тепловіддачі в рідині та масообміну в газі встановлено, що величина частки вільного перерізу тарілки має вирішальний вплив на значення розглянутих кінетичних коефіцієнтів. Отримано узагальнене рівняння, яке дає змогу не тільки розрахувати коефіцієнт передачі ентальпії при взаємодії розчину хлориду натрію з повітрям, а й визначити лімітуючу стадію цього процесу. Отримані результати можуть бути використані в розробці установки концентрування гарячого розчину хлориду натрію випаровуванням води при продуванні повітрям в контактному теплообміннику. Це може дати змогу отримання кристалічного хлориду натрію з використанням вторинних енергоресурсів та інших нетрадиційних джерел теплової енергії.Документ Determination of the influence of hemp oil-based emulsion systems composition on the oxidation products content during storage(Technology center PC, 2024) Kunitsia, Ekaterina; Popov, Mykola; Gontar, Tatiana; Stankevych, Serhii; Zabrodina, Inna; Stepankova, Galyna; Zolotukhina, Olena; Filenko, Olesia; Novozhylova, Tetiana; Nechyporenko, DmytroThe object of the study is the content of antioxidants and the induction period of accelerated oxidation under simulated conditions of the lipid component of the emulsion system. The way to solve the problem of developing compositions of oxidation-stable emulsion systems based on nutritionally valuable oils, in particular hemp oil, by adding natural physiologically active antioxidants is considered. The research is relevant in the context of finding effective storage methods and extending the shelf life of products using hemp oil. The feature of the work lies in determining the influence of the composition of emulsion systems based on hemp oil on chemical oxidation during storage. The content of stabilizers in the hemp oil emulsion system (lecithin – 0.8...1.0 %; xanthan gum – 0.0...0.1 %) is proposed, which is effective in the inhibition of oxidative spoilage. The content range of β-carotene (0.012 %) in model emulsion systems is outlined, the addition of which increases the induction period of accelerated lipid oxidation by 1.58...2.08 times. The peroxide value of the lipid component of the emulsion system during storage at different temperature conditions (0...15 °C) and during different storage periods (15...60 days) was studied. The results of the study confirm the significant influence of the composition of emulsion systems on the chemical oxidation of the lipid component, which is important for ensuring the quality and stability of food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. An applied aspect of the obtained scientific result is the possibility of modeling the composition of emulsion systems based on valuable hemp oil depending on the ratio of polyfunctional antioxidants of the oil component.Документ Development of a highly efficient combined apparatus (a combination of vortex chambers with a bin) for dry dedusting of gases(ПП "Технологічний Центр", 2019) Pitak, Inna V.; Shaporev, Valery P.; Briankin, Serhii S.; Komarysta, Bohdana; Nechyporenko, DmytroThe use of dust collectors of a new type which combine the operation principle of centrifugal and louvre-vortex apparatuses was considered. The use of a heterogeneous reactor for gas-solid systems with two streams in a cyclone, a direct-flow cyclone with a chamber of preliminary collision of gas-dust flows, as well as improved designs of vortex chambers was considered. A combined dust collector was presented in a form of the Rankine vortex tube in combination with a bin in which louvre-vortex devices are installed. The combined deduster under study provides an organized supply of a gas-dispersed system at adjustable hydrodynamic conditions to louvre-vortex devices used as the dedusting apparatus. It was assumed that the processes of coagulation of particles under appropriate hydrodynamic conditions as well as partial destruction of harmful gas impurities in a continuous phase will take place in the vortex tube. Thus, development of a substantiated physical model (of a design) of a combined dust collector for specified initial conditions and operability of the design were considered on the basis of theoretical and experimental provisions. It has been established that creation of hydrodynamic conditions in centrifugal devices and pipelines is the most promising direction of increasing the degree of dedusting of a gas-dispersed flow. These conditions must ensure supply of the gas-dispersed system to the centrifugal apparatus to ensure agglomeration of fine particles. Design of a dedusting apparatus in which intense collision of dust particles in a special chamber and their agglomeration and subsequent separation supposed to proceed in a chamber which is actually a cyclone is an expedient and effective solution. It provides the degree of purification of the gas and dust flow at a level of 98-99 % regardless of particle size.Документ Development of methods for estimating the environmental risk of degradation of the surface water state(PC Technology center, 2018) Rybalova, O.; Artemiev, Sergey; Sarapina, M.; Tsymbal, Bohdan; Bakhareva, A. ; Shestopalov, Oleksii; Filenko, O.We presented three new methods for assessment of the environmental risk of deterioration of a surface water state. We defined the ecological risk of deterioration of surface water at the state level as an addition of the integrated parameter of the state of surface waters and the integral index of anthropogenic loading. We used the official information of the National Report on the state of the environment of Ukraine to calculate the mentioned indicators. We developed classifications of anthropogenic loading on aquatic ecosystems and ecological risk of deterioration of water ecosystems. The assessment of the ecological risk of deterioration of surface water state in Ukraine showed that there are watercourses of the Siversky Donets river basin in the most dangerous state. A base of the methodology for assessment of the risk of water ecosystem well-being disruption is the determination of all parameters of the state of quality of surface waters that exceed the ecological standards using the probit-regression model. The process of determining ecological risk for watercourses of the Siversky Donets river basin in Kharkiv region showed a high level of danger to the well-being of the water ecosystem of the Udi river. We obtained the forecast of climatic changes by parameters of temperature and volumes of precipitation in Kharkiv region. We investigated the dynamics of wastewater discharge to the Udi river for the period from 1992 to 2016. The study on an influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the ecological state of the Udi river revealed that the impact of wastewater discharge with a correlation coefficient of 0.747 is a significant factor. The application of a new methodology for assessment of the risk of degradation processes made it possible to determine a list of small rivers in Kharkiv region, which require implementation of measures based on the analysis of water use efficiency, taking into consideration landscape and ecological features of a catchment area. We proposed an algorithm for the improvement of water protection strategy based on determining the ecological risk of deterioration of the condition of surface water at the state, regional and local levels. The improvement of water preservation strategy aims at introduction of an integrated interactive surface water quality management.