Вісник № 36
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/3977
Документ Энергосберегающие электроприводы уменьшенной металлоемкости(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Грачев, Павел Юрьевич; Горбачев, Евгений ЕвгеньевичIn the report possibilities to designing of new systems of the electric drive with electromechanical converters, with built in operating electronics and conductors of windings of variable section which allow saving the electric power and it is essential to lower metal consumption of a power part.Документ Дискретное управление конденсаторным компенсатором реактивной мощности в пусковых режимах мощных асинхронных двигателей(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Муха, Николай Иосифович; Павленко, Сергей СергеевичThe expediency consideration capacitor bank reactive power compensation, consisting of several sections, switched on to the network- phase thyristor as a digital automatic control system of reactive power. A comparison of standard linear impulse control laws reactive conductance started-up the motor from a diesel generator of comparable capacity indicates that the best compensation processes are achieved by using the integral control law. The resulting analytical description of discrete processes of reactive power compensation allows calculations of systems with various model laws, to choose the optimal tuning parameters of pulsed reactive power regulators.Документ Керування машиною подвійного живлення з матричним перетворювачем в колі ротора при несиметрії напруг мережі живлення(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Михальський, Валерій Михайлович; Соболєв, Володимир Миколайович; Шаповал, Іван Андрійович; Чопик, Василь Васильович; Дорошенко, Андрій ЛеонідовичControl algorithms of doubly-fed induction generator with matrix converter under unbalanced grid voltages have been considered. Comparison of the strategies to improve the performance of DFIGs under unbalanced network conditions suggests that some control strategies achieves selective control targets, namely: symmetric and sinusoidal stator currents, removing stator reactive power ripples; cancelation of stator active power ripples, torque ripples minimization. Control strategies of matrix converter as part of DFIG under unbalanced grid voltage conditions have been considered.Документ Экономия электроэнергии при использовании преобразователей частоты в многодвигательном асинхронном электроприводе(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Бекбаев, Амангельды Бекбаевич; Акпанбетов, Дархан Берикович; Хидолда, Е.; Сарсенбаев, Ерлан Алиаскарович; Касымбекова, Айжан МуратовнаThe article considers the energy savings using the frequency converter in asynchronous multi-motor electric-drive. The uniform distribution of loadings between the engines can be achieved through the use of of semiconductor frequency converters, in which require a more careful adjustment of regulators electric drives.Документ Экспериментальные исследования термомеханических колебаний в электромагнитном поле медной проволоки натянутой в струну(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Семернин, Андрей НиколаевичThis paper presents experimental study of thermomechanical fluctuations in the electromagnetic field of copper wire stretched into a string. It is shown that oscillation process of a conductor stretched into a string is affected by heating of the conductor under the influence of alternating current, ambient temperature, blowing of the conductor by air flow, elastic properties of the conductor and the magnetic field.Документ Микропроцессорный идентификатор угла нагрузки приводных двигателей турбокомпрессоров(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Крюков, Олег Викторович; Степанов, Сергей ЕвгеньевичРассмотрены проблемы устойчивой работы синхронных электродвигателей мегаваттного класса в приводе турбомеханизмов. Предложены методы косвенного измерения и стабилизации угла нагрузки машин в рамках векторной системы автоматического регулирования возбуждения электроприводных магистральных газокомпрессоров. Анализ разработки алгоритмов идентификатора сопоставлен с результатами компьютерного моделирования системы.Документ Математична модель асинхронного двигуна з суміщеними обмотками(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Кіковка, Сергій Вікторович; Титюк, Валерій КонстантиновичThe article describes the basic equations of the mathematical model ADSO as bahatoobmotochnoyi electric machine and a generalized algorithm for solving the proposed system of equations. As the object chosen for modeling asynchronous motor АИР 180 S4. The results of simulation starting the engine with the standard scheme of connection of stator windings and windings combined.Документ Тяговый электропривод рудничного контактно – аккумуляторного электровоза(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Шокарев, Дмитрий АнатольевичThe substantiation of the structure of the traction induction motor miner contact-battery electric pulse-width modulated power supply and a method of controlling them. The analysis of the shape of the voltage and current for trapezoidal control law. The analysis of electromagnetic processes in traction induction motor drives the basic structure of a voltage inverter - mine electric induction motor.Документ Исследование пуска синхронного электрического двигателя на математической модели(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Синчук, Олег Николаевич; Захаров, Вячеслав Юрьевич; Михайличенко, Дмитрий АнатольевичOne of the tasks in the development and practical realization of energy efficient systems of synchronous electric drives (SED) is the design of adequate mathematical model of engine in different coordinate system and study with its help of transfer functions in different control actions. In the article the mathematical model SED with steel satiation has been suggested; the graphs of transition processes have been presented that confirm the adequacy of mathematical apparatus. The results of the study concerning SED startup modelling with IGBT-regulators for efficiency assessment of starting device use have been stated.Документ Практическая реализация системы синхронного вращения приводов перемещения мостового крана(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Макурин, Андрей ВитальевичShows a variation of traffic without skewing the bridge crane systems based on synchronous rotating actuators move the bridge that can reduce the wear of wheel and rail crane ways. Shows the practical realization of CERS based managed by frequency asynchronous electric drive. The described system is actually on tap 125/20T converter plant (station slag bowls) Alchevsk metallurgical plant.Документ Автоматизированная система управления технологическим процессом прессования порошкообразных материалов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Требукова, Н. С.The article describes the automated process control system) pressing powder materials with an integrated management system the hydraulic press with the ability to determine the experimental values of the coefficients of a mathematical model of the process of pressing powdered materials.Документ Идентификация тока источника при регулировании напряжения звена постоянного тока преобразователя частоты в системе векторного управления(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Мирошник, Денис НиколаевичThe researches of transvector system with the combined formation of asynchronous machine stator voltage in the traction electric drive with supply from charge battery are received in paper, providing the exclusion of current sensor at DC-link on the input of voltage source inverter. It is proposed to use channel of error indemnification at frequency converter DC link voltage control with information of asynchronous machine active power from transvector system. Maximal speed in regulation of the induction motor torque for systems with combined formation of stator voltage is achieved by active power machine channel of error indemnification in comparison with the same channel by active power of DC-link.Документ Спрощені спостерігачі для відновлення статичної та динамічної складових електромагнітного моменту асинхронного двигуна в системах частотно-регульованого електропривода(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Толочко, Ольга Іванівна; Чекавський, Гліб Станіславович; Розкаряка, Павло Іванович; Журов, Ігор ОлеговичThe synthesis of observers has been carried out on base of linearized model of induction motor. The observers let to recovery static and dynamic components of motor’s electromagnetic torque. They can be used in adjustable-frequency drive systems, which use scalar frequency control law and make invariable the magnitude of stator flux, with or without speed sensor.Документ Повышение надежности частотно-регулируемого электропривода каскадных систем стабилизации давления насосных станций(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Чермалых, Александр Валентинович; Торопов, Антон ВалериевичBased on the analysis of cascaded control units pumping station with the launch of motors from one inverter, consider the problem of reducing the reliability of the system in case of extinction voltage in the mains. With a synthesized virtual model studied the behavior of the system in the case of a momentary power failure. Simulation results are given advice on the rational use of uninterruptible power supplies low power for uninterrupted power supply coils of power contactors, which increases the reliability of the system un- der consideration the electric drive pumps.Документ Универсальный высокоэффективный источник питания для электроприводов постоянного и переменного тока(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Самчелеев, Юрий Павлович; Дрючин, Виктор Гаврилович; Белоха, Галина СергеевнаThis considers three phase current stabilization system powered by the four-wire network. Presents analytical research of processes in the active power filter, to derive equations showing the relationship between the parameters of the system stabilize and the current network and equations for determining the frequency of the relay mode. Shows oscillograms of the electric drive AC and DC based on the proposed stabilization system. In both cases, the drive is electromagnetically compatible with the network.Документ К причинам порывов водопроводных систем при пусках электроприводов насосных агрегатов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Коротаев, Павел АлексеевичThe frequency-regulated electric drive of pump installation modelling in a condition of hydraulic blow with representation of a hydrohighway by a line with the distributed parameters is executed. It is investigated influences of narrowing of the pipeline on pressure throws at start-up of pump units electric drives. The conclusion is drawn on expediency of smooth start-up system use in the electric drive of the pump unit.Документ Идентификация электрических параметров торцевых ошиновок печей сопротивления прямого действия(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Ярымбаш, Дмитрий Сергеевич; Олейников, Александр Михайлович; Ярымбаш, Сергей Тимофеевич; Килимник, Ирина МихайловнаThe upgrade of identification procedure of the electrical parameters of the front bus packages of AC graphitization furnaces using the numerical field analysis and 3D mathematical models of electromagnetic and electrothermal processes are proposed. The around contact resistance boundary subdomain are added. The variation of the finite element density are increased the computational efficiency and calculation accuracy. The face bus packages construction modernization are substantiated. The energy and mass efficiency parameters are improved.Документ Енергоформуюче оптимальне керування синхронним генератором з постійними магнітами у складі вітроелектроустановки без давача швидкості вітру(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Білецький, Юрій ОлеговичNovel energy-shaping control systems (ESCS) without wind speed sensor for wind turbine (WT) with permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) were created based on using ESCS of PMSG with well-known Morimoto’s principle. These systems provide work of WT in optimal response mode, which is mathematically described in this rticle. The stability analyze of new systems is presented here as well. The results of comparative computer researches of synthesized systems, ESCS with wind speed sensor, Morimoto’s control system and ideal WT on turbulent wind are shown and analyzed.Документ Многодвигательная электромеханическая система литейного крана (опыт разработки, наладки и внедрения)(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Дубенецкий, А. С.; Лимонов, Леонид Григорьевич; Потапов, С. В.The paper describes the results of developing and introduction a set of motor drives and the automated control system for pouring crane designed for use in the arc-furnace melting shop of metallurgical plant.Документ Средства мониторинга и отладки сложных многопроцессорных приводов, объединенных промышленной сетью(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Алямкин, Дмитрий Иванович; Лашкевич, Максим МихайловичThis article is intended for developers of electric control systems. The methods and means of software debugging MCU, when intended for this JTAG connector is not available, and the target is a sophisticated multi-interconnected system.