Вісник № 31
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2850
Документ Анализ остаточных напряжений в автофретированном толстостенном цилиндре после механической обработки(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Львов, Геннадий Иванович; Таранюк, Владимир ИвановичThe paper discusses the common statement of problems of determination of residual stresses after autofrettage of a thick-walled cylinder and additional machining. Analytical statement of the given problem is resulted. Numerical realization is carried out in finite-element program complex ANSYS.Документ Вариационная формулировка задачи ползучести при конечных деформациях(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Золочевский, Александр Алексеевич; Склепус, С. Н.A variational formulation for creep problem under conditions of large strains is considered. On the base of material Lagrangian formulation, principle of virtual work and Green-Lagrange strain rate tensor and symmetric Piola-Kirhgoff stress rate tensor variational principle in the form of Lagrange have been formulated. The linearized equilibrium equations and static boundary conditions in terms of rates of displasements are the Eulerian's equations for Lagrange functional.Документ Влияние нестационарности процесса теплопроводности на термическое сопротивление тепловой изоляции(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Капинос, Василий Максимович; Пустовалов, Владимир Николаевич; Мезерная, Мария ВитальевнаFor the transient conduction predictions the relations which describe convective heat exchange are used in the same form as for the steady-state conduction, which could not be always justified. In this connection the approximate solution of the transient conduction problem for an unlimited plate was considered with the replacement of its thermal resistance by the boundary conditions of the third kind. It is shown that the conventional heat transfer coefficient on the insulated plate in the form of the ratio of.Документ Вынужденные колебания рам тележек вагонов метрополитена при случайном воздействии с учетом запаздывания(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Белоцерковский, Александр БорисовичThe problem of definition of probability performances of the bogie frames of transit vehicles at random action with delay is considered. The random action is caused by track irregularities. The external load is modelled by the stationary random process. The calculation is executed by the finite element method and the method of spectral representations. The program system ANSYS 6.0 was used. Also the program on Turbo Pascal for delay has been developed.Документ Експериментально-аналітичне визначення параметрів зношування та витривалості авіаційних матеріалів(НТУ "ХПІ", 2004) Приймаков, Олександр Григорович; Приймаков, Григорій Олександрович; Градиський, Юрій Олександрович; Бобровицький, О. В.Intensity of wear (I) and coefficient of friction (μ) of most typical aviation construction high-alloyed and heat-resistant steels 40ХНМА, Х17Н2, 30ХГСНА (DSTU 4543 - 94) are experimentally defined. It is shown, that intensity of wear can be integral index of endurance of aviation construction steels, that allows to determine simultaneously parameters of wearproof and endurance.Документ Идентификация ударного нагружения пластины на основе экспериментальных данных(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Янютин, Е. Г.; Ярещенко, В. Г.; Воропай, Алексей ВалериевичThe results of identification an unknown impact load of rectangular plate is presented. The input data for identification is taken from the experimental researches. The problem is reduced to the first-kind Volterra integral equation, which is solved numerically by Tikhonov's regularization method.Документ Использование высокотемпературной пайки при создании высокопрочных конструкций(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Вакуленко, К. В.; Сотрихин, С. Ю.; Чернобрывко, М. В.The problem of connection of two thick cores is considered. The équation of non-stationary heat conductivity is solved. Results of the decision allow to estimate necessary temperature conditions of the soldering of constructional elements.Документ Исследование НДС толстостенной гиперупругой эллипсоидальной оболочки с относительно жесткими включениями (модель левого желудочка сердца)(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Кантор, Борис Яковлевич; Яблучанский, Н. И.; Мисюра, Е. Ю.The geometrically and physically nonlinear statical axisymmetric problem for the investigation of the stressstrain state of the hyper-elastic thick-wall ellipsoid loaded by the internal pressure (the model of a left ventricle heart in the diastole) was formulated. The model comprises two relatively hard inclusions (the base of the heart and the infarction zone). The problem was solved by developing the variational principle of possible displacements in the increments, which was used in the step-by-step algorithm of the finite element method. Influence of the kind and dimensions of the infarction zone on the stress intensity and also dependence of the end-diastolic volume of the left ventricle on the infarction zone volume was studied. It was determined that the maximum values of the stress intensity arises by the endocardial inclusion and increases with the angle of the infarction zone; increase of the angle of the infarction zone decreases the end-diastolic volume, the minimum volume arises by the endocardial inclusion.Документ Исследование переходных процессов при перемотке проволок и прядей в канатном производстве(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Бохонский, А. И.; Хромов, Е. В.Investigate torsion oscillations in act of twist ropes ofropeweving machines.Документ К вопросу анализа и синтеза элементов биомеханических систем(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Ткачук, Николай Анатольевич; Веретельник, Юрий ВикторовичThe development of methods for the volumetric modelling of endoprosthetic operations on the locomo-torium and spine, postoperative complications is proposed, for determination of prosthetic elements strength and rigidity and for choosing of optimum operative scheme and prosthetic parameters taking into account postoperative complications.Документ К вопросу оптимизации технологических параметров центробежно-ударных дробилок(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Алтухов, В. Н.The article is devoted to the research of the working process of rotary crushers, choice of the optimum structure and parameters providing lowering of dynamic loads and rise of the technological level of crushing engines. In operation the new solution of the actual scientific task encompassing by develop¬ment of the theory of working process of rotary crushers allows to install the rational structure and pa¬rameters of the crusher at the stage of designing, to forecast the power characteristics of the process of subdivision, productivity and grain composition of the product for the concrete operation conditions.Документ К дискрентно-структурной теории многослойных оболочек с дефектами структуры(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Верещака, Сергей МихайловичThe variant of the discrete - structural theory of the multilayered anisotropic of shells of rotation with defects of structure such as local sites non-glue is offered. At a conclusion of the equations of balance and geometrical ratio the influence of deformations of cross shift and transverse pressure on is intense - is deformed a status of thin-walled designs from composite materials in vectorially nonlinear production is taken into accountДокумент Комлексная оценка параметров упругой муфты с радиальными пакетами пружин(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Мац, В. И.; Остапчук, Юрий АлександровичВ работе рассматривается вопрос комплексной оценки параметров упругой муфты с радиальными пакетами пружин. Важнейшим моментом является правильный выбор числа пакетов,числа пластин в пакете,толщины и длины пакета с учетом максимального использования нелинейного участка характеристики при одновременном обеспечении максимально возможного демпфирования и энергоемкости муфты,а также возможной конструктивной реализации. Получена система уравнений и неравенств для расчета этих параметров.Документ Компьютерное моделирование осесимметричных течений жидкости в каналах сложной формы(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Суворова, И. Г.The paper considers theoretical principles of the R-functions method application to axisymmetric fluid in the channel of complicate form. The computer-based models of such fluid are created. Also the efficiency of one based on computation of the real channel are showed.Документ Локализация энергии при электромагнитной и тепловой диффузии в металлах(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Автономова, Людмила Владимировна; Степук, Александр ВладимировичIt is considered the possibility for energy localization under the pulse magnetic field diffusion. The features of parabolic equation solutions under the vary initial and border conditions has been searched. It has been found that the energy time-space localization might be achieved in fields 2-3 times higher than critical ones and the limited time uprising for an initial magnetic field.Документ Метод расчета бифуркационных линий механических систем(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Аврамов, К. В.The method for bifurcation curves of forced oscillations of mechanical system is suggested in this paper. The example of transmission calculations is given.Публікація Метод розв'язування задач повзучості геометрично нелінійних оболонок обертання(НТУ "ХПІ", 2004) Морачковський, Олег Костянтинович; Замула, Олексій ОлександровичIn article the method of the solution of the initial-boundary value problems of the creep theory of shells of revolution is given, which one are constructed on the basis of finite element method (FEM) and equations of state with allowance creep-damage process. The shells with deformation of transversal shift and geometrical nonlinearity are reviewed at final normal displacements. The input equations and schemes of their linearization are given. An example, in which one the properties of convergence of a method are established, is reviewed.Документ Нестационарное распределение давления в магистральном газопроводе подземной прокладки с учетом тепловых и нелинейных эффектов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Якунин, А. В.; Ратаушкин, В. А.Рассматриваются слабо нестационарные неизотермические управляемые процессы транспорта газа,что позволяет использовать ряд упрощающих предположений о характере течения. Предлагается интегрально-разностная модель распределения давления газа вдоль трубопровода, полученная на основе метода малого параметра и декомпозиции краевой задачи в рамках операционного исчисления. Рекуррентные процедуры последовательного интегрирования можно реализовать как стандартными методами, так и на основе предыдущей аппроксимации ядер интегральных операторов и их аргументов.Документ О повышении экономичности паровых турбин с противодавлением(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Капинос, Василий Максимович; Навроцкий, В. В.; Михайлова, Ирина Александровна; Михайленко, Т. И.The question on use of steam turbines stages with the reduced reactions degree gradient is considered with the purpose of efficiency increase due to reduction the losses connected to leakings of environment through overbandage backlashes in flowing parts of turbines with rather short blades.Документ Об одном подходе к исследованию статики и динамики комбинированных систем оболочек вращения(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Доценко, П. Д.A peculiar method for computing static and dynamic state of com-bined shell structures is discussed, as well as the relevant algorithms and some specific ex-amples. The proposed digital procedure, as compared to the known ones, is of the enhanced accuracy and processing speed, higher reliability and lower hardware requirements. It does not demand high professionalism from a user in reprocessing phase, and never-theless, is of a rather broad applicability. The non-linear differential equations of dynamics of shell of revolution were the mathematic model and the basis to formulate the equations for calculating the unperturbed static and dynamic state, as well as the equations in dis-turbances for computing the problems of small-ampliude oscillation, stability and bearing ca-pacity. The numerical algorithm is based on relatively simple recurrent processes and on a number of specially created program units, that ensure the features noted above.