Вісник № 03
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/6960
Документ Численный анализ влияния соотношения чисел лопаток статора и ротора на нестационарные нагрузки и режимы колебаний лопаток(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Гнесин, Виталий Исаевич; Колодяжная, Любовь ВладимировнаUsing the numerical method for calculation of coupled problem of unsteady aerodynamics and elastic blade oscillations there performed the numerical analysis for influence of stator-rotor blade number ratio on aeroelastic blade row characteristics. There shown that choice of optimal blade number ratio allows to reduce critically the unsteady loads acting on the rotor blades, and the amplitudes of blade oscillations.Документ Щодо використання наближеного розрахунку температурного поля стрижня, що закріплений з одного кінця(НТУ "ХПІ", 2009) Пустовалов, Володимир Миколайович; Чижев, Д. А.The approximate prediction of a temperature field of a bar is widely used in various areas of heat engineering. In the paper, the error estimation caused by using of simplifying assumption is putting forward.Документ Обратная задача теории решеток на осесимметричной поверхности тока(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Субботович, Валерий Петрович; Юдин, Александр Юрьевич; Фан, Конг ТамThe inverse problem about the three-dimensional flow in the blade channel on the surface which is the general surface of revolution was researched. The problem is researched as the one that consists of the independent problems of the flow’s calculation in the separated cross-section of the stream filament. These independent problems can be solved either one after another or simultaneously. The inverse problem allows to obtain a geometrical characteristics of blade profiles when limitations of aerodynamic and geometrical parametersДокумент Динамика переменной массы вихревых течений(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Гапон, Галина АлександровнаThe mathematical model of the variable mass’ vortical motion is created according to the variable mass concept in the continuous medium. The equations for vortex in the case of the variable mass continuous medium motion are derived for the first time. These equations are analogs and generalizations of the Gromeka – Lamb and Fridman equations in case of variable mass motion. The model can be applied for statement of the problem of vortical motion calculation, when fluid flow rate is changing along the channel. Variable fluid flow rate can be caused by the working medium masses attachment and detachment, which take place in steam and gas turbines, scroll cases of centrifugal turbines [1], etc.Документ Математическая модель течения двухфазного потока в каплеуловителях контактных аппаратов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Братута, Эдуард Георгиевич; Боровок, С. В.The mathematical model of current drop moisture environments in dropcatcher contact devices, as a theoretical basis for the further increase efficiency of process separation is considered.Документ Паровые турбины ОАО "Турбоатом" для тепловых электростанций(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Субботин, В. Г.; Левченко, Евгений Владимирович; Швецов, В. Л.There are presented the stages of the JSC «Turboatom» progress during the manufacture of the new series turbines and modernization and repair of the turbine-generator sets produced earlier. The mentioned refurbishing and repair allow sustaining the effectiveness, reliability and maneuverability of the Kharkov turbine plants up to the best world samples. There are considered the turbine types manufactured by the works, there are described the structural and operating features.Документ Оценка эффективности работы ЦНД турбины Т-250/300-23,5 Харьковской ТЭЦ-5(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Слабченко, Олег Николаевич; Зайцев, М. В.; Козлоков, А. Ю.; Золотухин, А. Д.It was proposed to carry out an estimation of the steam turbines flow paths efficiency for the low pressure cylinder in general and particularly for the low pressure cylinder of the T-250/300-23,5 steam turbine taking into account inherent operation conditions. Basing on such estimation it is possible to make recommendations for flow path modernization. Efficiency estimation for the each modernized variant should be developed basing on rate of the electrical energy generation. The rate can be determined by using the integrated characteristics of the turbine stages, i.e. mass flow rate, heat drop, performance factor in varying duty that were obtained as experimentally as well in calculations.Документ Газотурбинная установка ГТЭ-115М(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Акерман, Д. Ш.; Зарубин, Л. А.; Решитько, В. П.; Росинская, А. В.In the article there are given technical characteristics of the enhanced GTE-115M gas turbine unit and some of its separate systems. The design of the 18-stage axial-flow air compressor is performed in collaboration with the specialists of N.Ye. Jukovsky Aerospace National University «KhAI», design of the cooling system of the turbine 1st stage guide blade and cooling system of the turbine rotor – in collaboration with the specialists of National Technical University «KhPI». There is developed the design of an assembly turbine rotor, shaft-line, turbine casing, combustion chamber, turbine 1st stage guide blade and longitudinal section.Документ Точка появления привтулочного отрыва за направляющим аппаратом турбинной ступени(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Голощапов, Владимир Николаевич; Касилов, Виктор Иосифович; Козлоков, А. Ю.The estimation of the hub flow separation point behind the turbine nozzle cascade is proposedДокумент Результаты аэродинамических исследований окружной неравномерности давлений за последней ступенью ЦНД паровой турбины(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Левченко, Евгений Владимирович; Субботович, Валерий Петрович; Юдин, Юрий Алексеевич; Лапузин, Александр Викторович; Юдин, Александр ЮрьевичExperimental data concerning the peripheral pressure nonuniformity behind the last stage of the low pressure turbine is given. The experiment was held on the air turbine at the changing of the operation mode and the size of exhaust manifold. The received results are represented by the function.Документ Математическое и численное моделирование теплофизических процессов на примере модели двухфазного переноса в пористой среде(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Литвиненко, Оксана Алексеевна; Михайлова, Ирина АлександровнаPossibility of the mathematical and numerical modeling of the thermo physical processes on the example of two-phase heat exchange in a porous environment is presented. Comparison of the experiment with numerical modeling is executed. It was shown the mathematical model of the two-phase heat exchange is adequate to physical model.Документ Розрахункове дослідження лопатевих систем робочих коліс здвоєного капсульного прямоточного гідроагрегату(НТУ "ХПІ", 2009) Потетенко, Олег Васильович; Крупа, Євгеній Сергійович; Дранковський, Віктор ЕдуардовичIn this work the results of numeral research of flow of liquid are presented in running part of the dual hydrounit of capsule type. With the use of the program for the calculation of a bidimentional flows kinematics descriptions of drivings wheels are expected and balances of losses of energy are built in their blade systems.Документ Возможности повышения эксплуатационных показателей турбоустановок для ТЭС и АЭС ОАО "Турбоатом" на основе математического моделирования(Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", 2009) Шубенко, Александр Леонидович; Лыхвар, Н. В.; Швецов, Виктор ЛеонидовичThe issues of transfer from standard methodic for remedial maintenance and replacement of TPP and NPP steam turbine plants (STP) to «on-condition» maintenance and repair of power generating equipment have been considered. Such transfer is impossible if STP diagnostic techniques and means are not put to use. We offer a new approach to solution of the problem of STP condition diagnosis by thermodynamic parameters which is based on application of comprehensive, flexible and adapted mathematical model for the purpose of determination of basic values of the diagnosed factors.Документ Электрогидравлические системы регулирования паровых турбин ОАО "Турбоатом"(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Субботин, В. Г.; Бураков, А. С.; Рохленко, В. Ю.; Швецов, В. Л.There have been considered the various variants for the performance of the hydraulic part of the electrohydraulic control systems of the steam turbines. Based on the experience of the operation there have been shown their advantages and disadvantages and formed the instructions for their application.Документ Интегрирование процедуры создания и расчета схем ГТУ в САПР "Турбоагрегат"(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Бойко, Анатолий Владимирович; Говорущенко, Юрий Николаевич; Усатый, Александр Павлович; Руденко, Алексей СергеевичОписані особливості інтегрування нових компонент до САПР "Турбоагрегат". Виконано інтегрування процедури створення та розрахунку схем ГТУ до САПР. Для перевірки працездатності зазначеної процедури проведені розрахунки та оптимізація параметрів циклу ГТ-750-6М. Наведені результати розрахунків та оптимізації.Документ Реконструкция тепловой схемы энергоблока 200 МВт ст. № 4 Старобешевской ТЭС(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Мамонтов, Н. И.; Кобцев, О. М.; Пугачева, Татьяна НиколаевнаThe reconstruction of thermal chart of power unit 200 MWt of №4 Starobeshevsk is described at options of new boiler of CFB with the operating turbine of К-200-130. A reconstruction allows to pass to the two—by-pass starting chart providing reliable work of new boiler.Документ Оценка виброактивности компрессорной установки передвижной компрессорной станции(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Гапонов, Владимир Степанович; Мац, В. И.; Наумов, Александр ИвановичThe question of estimation of vibroactivity of turning vibrations is examined in the system engine-compressor of low pressure in the options of the movable compressor stations. It is revable that for such sort of the systems, possessing muffs with toroid-shape shell, possessing high pliability, the task is taken to the decision of the dynamic systems with multifrequency excitation.Документ Моделирование воздухозаборного тракта ГТЭ-110 Ивановской ГРЭС в программном комплексе FlowVision(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Михайлов, В. Е.; Страшников, А. А.; Севастьянова, Т. В.Possibilities of use of program complex FlowVision for modelling intake duct GTE-110 Ivanovo power station are shown. The created model is used for imitation of work intake duct from filter house to a snail of compressor. There was made the analysis of losses a total pressure and their comparison with results of experiment, and also calculation of uniformity velocities field in the compressorДокумент Теплообмен при охлаждении высокотемпературной поверхности диспергированной водой(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Переселков, Александр РомановичThe method and results of investigations of dependence between specific heat and heat temperature surface irrigation density have been presented. The influence of parameters which determine hydrodynamic conditions of surface irrigation has been investigatedДокумент Учет центробежного эффекта в расчетах систем охлаждения роторов газовых турбин(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Тарасов, Александр Иванович; Чан Конг ШангThe flow pattern in a cavity between the revolved disk and stator of gas turbine is numerically studied. The main features of the centrifugal pressure, generated in a cavity, depending on a mass flow rate is fixed. It was shown that 1-D model for the vortex coefficient can be used for the centrifugal pressure prediction. The reasonability of the implementation of the simulation models for the centrifugal pressure in calculations of the gas turbines cooling systems is shown.