Кафедра "Теплотехніка та енергоефективні технології"
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2810
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Від 2008 року кафедра має назву "Теплотехніка та енергоефективні технології", первісна назва – кафедра загальної теплотехніки.
Кафедра загальної теплотехніки створена в 1950 році. Першим її завідувачем був кандидат технічних наук, доцент Павловський Гаврило Іванович. З 1968 року вона стала випускаючою, на даний час підготовлено понад 1500 спеціалістів. На кафедрі сформувалася наукова школа з дослідження тепломасообмінних процесів в дисперсних газорідинних потоках.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту енергетики, електроніки та електромеханіки Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 2 доктора технічних наук, 10 кандидатів технічних наук; 2 співробітника мають звання професора, 9 – доцента.
Документ Analysis of efficiency and reliability of blast-furnace process waste heat recovery systems(Полтавська державна аграрна академія; НВП ПП "Технологічний Центр", 2017) Ganzha, A.; Zaiets, O.; Koshelnik, A.The object of research is a hot blast generating system, which consists of three hot blast stoves with sequential mode of operation. One of the factors that reduce the hot blast stove block efficiency is the existence of losses with the waste gases, the heat of which can be recovered and used for combustion air preheating. In order to improve the efficiency of a hot blast generating system the possibility of using of recuperative heat exchanger for waste heat recovery is observed. The process of initial parameters determining (the required level of combustion air preheating, waste gases temperature and flow rate at the inlet of the heat exchanger) is described. Software based on using of an original mathematical model and used for calculating of the parameters of the waste heat recovery heat exchanger was created. These data provide tools for refined calculation of heat recovery systems based on recuperative heat exchangers. It is shown that the combustion air preheating results in a reduction of the coke oven gas flow rate. The calculations results in building of temperature distribution diagrams that allow to define the areas of corrosion. Such areas in the observed recuperative heat exchanger model appear at temperatures below 26 °C. Thus, the set approaches can be used to refine the calculation of heat-transfer equipment of waste heat recovery systems to improve their reliability, long life, analyze their technical and economic parameters. This will improve the energy efficiency of the hot blast stoves block and reduce the cost of iron production.Документ Analysis of thermodynamic processes of water vapour(Моделіст, 2021) Kruhliakova, O. V.; Koshelnik, O. V.; Pugacheva, T. N.Документ Calcul thermique du Diesel(l'Institut National des Hydrocarbures et de la Chimie, 1974) Bestcharov, E.; Netchaev, S.Документ Essai du moteur Diesel(l'Institut National des Hydrocarbures et de la Chimie, 1974) Bescharov, E.; Netchaev, S.Документ Experimental investigation of droplet flow structure when dispersing water by water-and-air flat spray nozzles(ТОВ "Планета-Прінт", 2021) Krugliakova, O. V.; Pereselkov, A. R.Документ Film evaporators to be used with crystallized solutions(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020) Koshelnik, O. V.; Krugliakova, O. V.; Pavlova, V. G.; Dolobovska, O. V.Документ Improvement of Methods for Calculating Thermal Characteristics of Loop Air Heaters(Технологічний центр, 2021) Yurko, V.; Ganzha, A.; Tarasenko, O.; Tiutiunyk, L.Utilization of heat from gases leaving the waelz process is a promising way to increase its energy efficiency and nvironmental safety. Taking into account the gas dustiness, the most rational is the use of a loop air heater, which is a multi-pass and multi-section heat exchanger with a complex mixed scheme of coolant movement. In modern conditions, when the methods and means of calculation of such devices are simplified, the task of obtaining improved methods and means of calculation, determining the efficiency and reliability of their work is relevant. Two mathematical models of the process of heat transfer and hydroaerodynamics in a multi-pass tubular air heater with a cross-circuit of coolants are used. The developed models for the loop air heater are based on the main methods of thermal calculation: a simpler method of correction factor to the average logarithmic temperature pressure and a discrete P-NTU method, which allows obtaining local thermal characteristics of the surface. Diagrams of distribution of heat transfer coefficients, heat transfer, local temperatures of flue gases, air and pipe walls are constructed. The influence of dust and dust particle size on heat transfer is determined. When the flue gas dust is 50 g/Nm3 and with a dust particle size of 1 μm, the heat transfer coefficient increases by 12 %. The application of the air heater design with different schemes of coolant movement is substantiated. The developed universal methods allow determining the thermal productivity of heat exchangers and obtaining the distribution of local temperature characteristics on the heating surface. It is also possible to identify places of possible overheating of the heat exchange surface and the course of corrosion processes, taking into account the design of recuperators, operating conditions, operating modes and different schemes of coolant movementПублікація Increasing the amount of thermal energy produced in a cogeneration unit on the base of internal combustion engine(ТОВ "Планета-Прінт", 2021) Pylyov, V. V.; Pylyova, T. K.Документ The influence of interaction surface structure and irrigation scheme on heat and mass transfer in direct contact condenser(Országos Sugárbiológiai és Sugáregészségügyi Kutató Intézet (OSSKI), 1997) Bratuta, E. G.; Akmen, R. G.; Jaroshenko, T. I.; Krugliakova, O. V.The contact condensation of saturated steam on liquid spray has been studied. The mathematical model of heat and mass transfer processes between dispersed liquid and steam has been usin one-parameter drop distribution function has been worked out. The rational degree of liquid dispersing and optimál irrigation scheme has been defined.Документ Mathematical study of heat transfer in direct contact condenser(NTU "KhPI", 2018) Krugliakova, O. V.Публікація Methodological instructions to calculation assignments "Thermodynamic and heat transfer processes" of the course "Theoretical Fundamentals of Heat Engineering"(2023) Pylyov, V. V.Principles ruling thermodynamic and heat transfer processes are important to understand for specialists working in all fields of knowledge related to designing and operation of devices and facilities for generation, conversion and transfer of energy. The mandatory assignments of the heat engineering course include three problems: – finding heat energy consumed by an ideal gas mixture, while it is being heated isochorically and isobarically, – calculating the thermodynamic parameters of states of an ideal gas during a cyclic process, as well as a work of the gas expansion, the thermal efficiency of the cycle, – calculating intensity of heat transfer in processes of forced and natural convection using criterial equations, solving the system of heat transfer and energy conservation equations. These methodological instructions contain tasks and methods of solving the assignments. Assignments solutions are expected to be given in handwritten form, done legible, and labeled with the student’s name, group and variant. Which variant of the task to solve is distributed by the lecturer. Calculated values must be presented with corresponding units of measurement permitted by International System of Units. The plots in solutions must be drawn keeping scale, their axes designated with titles, units and value labels near the tick marks. The works failing to meet said requirements are not accepted to be checked. After an assignment solution having been checked, the lecturer may ask additional theoretical questions related to the assignment topic to determine an appropriate mark. Self-check questions for preliminary making-ready for it are listed after the solving methods.Публікація Methodological instructions to the laboratory work "Analysis of the Process of Forced Heat Convection in the Tube Bundle"(2021) Pylyov, V. V.; Peresyolkov, O. R.Acquiring an ability to solve problems regarding forced convection is an important part of studying the discipline "Theoretical Fundamentals of Heat Engineering", as far it is the most abundant mode of heat transfer in all kinds of enginery, power plants, heat exchangers, heat-using devices and facilities. An accepted method of solving of such problems in simplified and generalized form provides for usage of similarity theory. Examination of the process of heat emission of a cylindrical tube in an air flow, and more complicated case of heat emission of a tube bundle, are convenient way to improve knowledge of criterial equation usage and gaining skills of their composing on a base of experimental data. Hence, the goal of the laboratory work is upgrading knowledge of forced convection, becoming familiar with methods of related experimental investigation and criterial equation set-up.Публікація Methodological instructions to the laboratory work "Estimation of Thermal Conductivity of Heat Insulation of a Pipeline"(2021) Pylyov, V. V.; Peresyolkov, O. R.The intensity of conduction, which is a mode of heat transfer innate to solid bodies, is determined by the temperature gradient and the value of the thermal conductivity. The latter is a thermophysical characteristic of the substance, which in the general case depends on temperature and is usually found experimentally. The goal of the laboratory work is deepening knowledge of the theory of thermal conduction, obtaining the skills of carrying out experimental work to determine the thermal conductivity of materials. It is an important part of training of students regarding heat engineering.Документ Modeling of thermal processes in the packing of regenerative heat exchangers in industrial glass-melting furnaces(Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2008) Koshelnik, A. V.A mathematical model of regenerative heat exchangers (regenerators) with stationary refractory packing used for heating incoming air for combustion in the high-temperature melting units of glass works is examined. The calculation package developed with the model can be used to model operation of the regenerators in tank glass-melting furnaces using modern types of packing with a different packing chamber configuration for glass-melting furnaces with horseshoe arid transverse flames in consideration of the features of their operation.Документ Theoretical study of the efficiency of the water supply systems with a fan cooling tower under high outside temperatures(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020) Pereselkov, O. R.; Krugliakova, O. V.Документ Use of a hydrogen metal hydride system to increase glass production efficiency(Інститут проблем машинобудування ім. А. М. Підгорного НАН України, 2019) Chorna, Natalia A.; Koshelnik, Oleksandr V.; Kruhliakova, Olha V.; Dolobovska, Olha V.Today, the most effective means of using the energy potential of the secondary energy resources of industrial enterprises is the use of cogeneration utilization systems. This makes it possible to concurrently obtain both heat and electrical energy, and significantly reduce heat losses. This paper proposes that sheet glass producing enterprises use additional utilization systems for making use of heat from glass furnace gases. The current state of hydrogen use during glass production is analyzed. A scheme of energy technology complex with a hydrogen turbine and a metal hydride system for the combined production of heat and electric energy is developed. A calculation and theoretical study has been conducted to determine the main parameters of the hydrogen heat recovery system in the range of furnace gas temperatures from 523 to 673 K, as well as the efficiency of the system application. Using the developed mathematical model of the processes of heat and mass transfer in metal hydrides, we obtained data regarding the operating parameters of the thermosorption compressor, which allowed us to determine the structural characteristics of the metal hydride system as a whole. As a result of the calculation, we obtained coolant characteristics at hydrogen circuit key points, and determined the hydrogen turbine power. The electric energy produced in it can be used for the electrolyzer of the hydrogen station of an enterprise. The oxygen generated during the electrolysis process is added to the combustion air, which will increase the combustion temperature of the fuel mixture and increase glass furnace efficiency. Thus, a complex of proposed measures for the utilization of the energy potential of glass furnace gases will allow us to increase the energy efficiency of sheet glass production and the competitiveness of glass-producing enterprises.Документ Алгоритм расчёта и исследование коррозионного износа боковых ограждений ванной стекловаренной печи(Технологический центр, Украинский государственный университет железнодорожного транспорта, 2014) Бекназарян, Давид Владимирович; Кошельник, Вадим Михайлович; Ларин, Алексей АлександровичРазработан алгоритм расчёта температурных полей и конфигурации поперечного сечения огнеупорного бруса бокового ограждения пламенной ванной стекловаренной печи при условии разрушения под воздействием агрессивного высокотемпературного расплава стекломассы. На базе разработанного алгоритма создан программный комплекс, позволяющий получить распределение температуры в огнеупорных и теплоизоляционных материалах ограждения, конфигурацию огнеупора в зоне расплава и длительность работы огнеупорного бруса в данном сечении.Документ Анализ влияния сопротивления соединительных трубопроводов холодильной машины на ее эффективность(НТУ "ХПИ", 2007) Братута, Эдуард Георгиевич; Шерстюк, В. Г.; Харлампиди, Д. Х.На основании сформированной системы уравнений, описывающей термодинамические и гидродинамические процессы в холодильной парокомпрессионные одноступенчатой машине, выполнено численный эксперимент по влиянию сопротивления трубопроводной обвязки на холодильный коэффициент при использовании хладагентов R22, R124a и R717.Документ Анализ нагрева крупнотоннажного сляба в методической печи(НТУ "ХПІ", 2018) Тарасенко, Николай Алексеевич; Тарасенко, Александр Николаевич; Угольников, Сергей ВикторовичДокумент Анализ особенностей состояния высокотемпературных роторов и факторов, влияющих на их работоспособность и ресурс(НТУ "ХПИ", 2009) Пугачева, Татьяна НиколаевнаThe issues has been treated connected of determination of residual resource of service of high temperature knots of turbine. Factors determining duration of reliable exploitation of turbine are analysed: exhausting of the protracted plasticity from the creep of material; accumulation of damages in the critical areas of rotors because of a cyclical fatigue.