Кафедра "Технологія кераміки, вогнетривів, скла та емалей"
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Кафедра "Технологія кераміки, вогнетривів, скла та емалей", первісна назва – кафедра силікатів, була створена в 1926 році в складі Харківського Хіміко-технологічного інституту.
Першим завідувачем кафедри (1926 – 1941 рр.) та засновником наукової школи був вчений зі світовим ім'ям, тричі Лауреат Державних премій, Заслужений діяч науки і техніки, академік АН УССР і член-кореспондент АН СССР, доктор технічних наук, професор Петро Петрович Будніков. Підготовка спеціалістів з силікатних технологій була започаткована в 1910 році на кафедрі мінеральної сировини під керівництвом академіка Єгора Івановича Орлова.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту хімічних технологій та інженерії Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 5 докторів та 3 кандидата технічних наук; 4 співробітника мають звання професора, 3 – доцента.
Документ Alkali-earth element aluminates and chromites cement bonded refractory castables(The editorial committee of China's refractories, 2016) Shabanova, G. N.; Korohodska, A. M.This scientific paper gives the data of theoretical and experimental research done to solve the scientific and practical problem related to the establishment of theoretical basics and the development of the technology for the production of refractory castables of high strength, high refractoriness and hostile environment resistance on the basis of aluminates and chromites of alkaliearth elements due to the well-directed formation of the phase composition and the structure of clinker, cement stone and castables. The conceptual principles of the formation of such materials are based on the primary thermodynamically advantageous coexistence of the special-purpose combinations of phases in the subsolidus structure of the multicomponent subsystems of the oxide system (Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba)O – Al₂O₃ – Cr₂O₃. The obtained data allow for the development of highstrength refractory alumochromite cements and castables based on them. Specific features of the behavior of phase formation processes and the hydration of alumochromite cements, including the structure formation during the castable service have been studied.Документ Analysis of the baсor refractories after their service in glass furnace(Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2016) Yaitskiy, Serhiy; Bragina, L. L.; Sobol, YuliyaThe degree of the baddeleyite-corundum refractories erosion depending on the areas of their location in the glass-making furnace in the float glass production was established. With the use of petrographic analysis the influence of chemical and mineral composition and also temperature and gas environment on corrosion of bacor linings was studied. Due to obtained results the recommendations in relation to the increase of glass-attack resistance of the furnace and its service life length were formulated.Документ Antibacterial glass-composite coatings for protection of special purpose steel panels(2011) Savvova, Oksana; Bragina, L. L.; Babich, ElenaIt has been established that the most informative and universal method for determination of biocide properties of vitreous coatings is qualitative method that takes into account the growth level of biotest microorganisms inoculated into liquid nutrient media. It is shown, that biocidity of glass-composite coatings on the basis of glasses of Na₂O–K₂O–CaO–ZrO₂–TiO₂–Al₂O₃–P₂O₅–B₂O₃–SiO₂ system is determined by the presence of calcium phosphates in them and depends on the type of bactericide filler. The most effective ones by the action on Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium and Aspergillus niger and Саndida albicans fungiare zinc titanate and Ag⁺, to Escherichia coli- only zinc phosphate.Документ Binding properties of oxide compounds of special cements in interaction with water(Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, 2020) Taranenkova, V. V.; Pitak, Ya. N.; Shabanova, G. N.To synthesize special multimineral cements, it is necessary to have information concerning binding properties of individual phases being part of given cements. Despite numerous studies, there are not yet clear theoretical criteria to evaluate the behavior of various oxide compounds (if only qualitatively, not to mention quantitatively) with respect to their possible use in chemistry of special cements. Therefore, the development of corresponding quantitative dependences as well the ascertainment of the physical and chemical conditions determining the binding properties remain the actual task of chemistry of binding materials. Our study shows that a certain range of relative electronegativity values, where compounds under consideration reveal their binding properties, can be determined clearly by means of the concept of electronegativity. It is ascertained that some binary and ternary compounds (about 100) lie within a certain range of relative electronegativity, including those ones which binding properties have not been fully studied yet. Besides, the obtained data will allow selecting the most favorable conditions for compound hardening. Thus, in terms of our findings, the binding properties of oxide compounds and prospects of their application in special cement technology can be evaluated.Документ Ceramic radiotransparent materials on the basis of BaO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ and SrO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ systems(Scientific Society of the Silicate Industry, 2015) Lisachuk, G. V.; Kryvobok, R. V.; Fedorenko, E. Y.; Zakharov, A. V.Based on the literature review, the authors made a justified choice of ceramic materials with a low dielectric constant and dielectric loss tangent. The composition and process parameters (burning temperature - 1550 °C, burning duration - 5 hours) of producing of celsian and Sr-anorthite ceramics with low dielectric properties were defined. The phase composition of products of burning was examined. X-ray phase studies of Sr-ceramics after burning were conducted.Документ Ceramics with adjustable dielectric properties based on the system SrO – TiO₂ – SiO₂(2018) Lisachuk, Georgy; Kryvobok, Ruslan; Pitak, Yaroslav; Lapuzina, O.; Gusarova, Irina; Lisachuk, Lidiya; Grebenyuk, AndreyThis work presents the results of optimization of the compositions area of radio-absorbing ceramic. As a result of laboratory samples test, dependences "composition – property" was obtained, the choice of the most technologically advanced composition area and sintering temperature for manufacturing the radio-absorbing ceramic was substantiated. The optimal composition of the Sr- titanate ceramics is characterized by the following properties: water absorption (W = 1,3 %), dielectric permeability (ε = 115), density (ρ =4,35·10³ kg/m³).Документ The classes of inorganic substances(2020) Ved, M. V.; Korohodska, A. M.; Proskurina, V. O.The classes of inorganic substances are the fundamental material in the course of general and inorganic chemistry studying. The classification of substances facilitates the study and systematizes the whole variety of inorganic compounds in nature. Knowing the structural features of the chemical compounds classes, it is possible to characterize the properties of their individual representatives. The purpose of the work is to help students fill the missing knowledge and fully master the presented material. The nomenclature, production and chemical properties of the main classes of inorganic compounds (oxides, bases, acids and salts) are considered.Документ Development of engobe composition with the use of pharmaceutical glass waste for glazed ceramic granite(Технологічний Центр, 2019) Samoilenko, Nataliya; Shchukina, Lyudmyla; Baranova, AntoninaПредставлені результати досліджень застосування фармацевтичних вiдходiв зi скла, що являють собою суміш використаних медичних ампул, у виробництві керамічної плитки. Утилiзацiя таких вiдходiв зменшує негативний вплив на довкілля та сприяє збереженню мінеральної сировини. При цьому екологiчно безпечне поводження з ампульними формами фармацевтичних вiдходiв зi скла на стадiї утилiзацiї передбачає вилучення з них залишкiв лiкарських препаратiв. Експериментально та теоретично обґрунтовується доцiльнiсть використання очищених вiд залишків лікарського препарату скляних ампул у якостi флюсуючого компоненту ангобних покриттiв для глазурованого керамогранiту. Проведено порiвняльний аналiз шихтового складу ангобів різних виробників та хiмiчних складiв флюсуючих матерiалiв, що є компонентами даних ангобiв. Визначено, що хімічний склад фармацевтичних скло вiдходiв дозволяє припустити схожiсть основних властивостей розплавів цих вiдходiв та ангобних склофритт. Розглянуто залежнiсть в’язкостi розплавiв ангобних склофритт вiд температури. Встановлено, що за розрахунковими значеннями в’язкостi розплавів та експериментально визначеними характеристиками плавкостi скловiдходи можуть служити замiнниками коштовних ангобних фритт при їх використанні з іншими традиційними компонентами ангобів. Методом рентгенівської спектрометрії визначено хiмiчний склад вiдходiв та базової ангобної фритти. За допомогою термомiкроскопа MISURA досліджено характеристики плавкості. Визначено дилатометром DIL402РС температурний коефіцієнт лiнiйного розширення скломатерiалiв. Проведено дослiдження по розробцi ангобних покриттiв з використанням фармацевтичних вiдходiв зi скла для технологiї глазурованого керамогранiту з температурою випалу 1185 °С. Визначено рацiональний шихтовий склад глянцевого ангобу з білизною 76 %, що мiстить 30 мас. % скловiдходiв. Отримана ангобована плитка з водопоглинанням 0,3–0,4 % i границею мiцностi при згинi 52–54 МПа.Документ Development of glass-ceramic high-strength material for personal armor protection elements(Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2017) Savvova, Oksana; Bragina, L. L.; Voronov, Gennadii; Sobol, Yuliya; Babich, Olena; Shadrina, Galina; Kuriakin, MykolaThe perspective of glass-ceramic high-strength materials used for personal armor elements has been established. The methodological approach has been developed and the choice of initial lithium aluminosilicate system for obtaining high-strength lightweight glassceramic materials has been substantiated. The glass formation area in the chosen system was studied, and model glasses were synthesized. Features of crystal structure formation during heat treatment of the developed model glasses were investigated. As a result, high-strength glass-ceramic materials have been developed. It has been determined that they possess high performance characteristics and can be used in manufacturing of modern composite armor.Документ Development of radio transparent ceramic materials(The American Ceramic Society, 2016) Kryvobok, R. V.; Lisachuk, G.; Zakharov, A.; Fedorenko, E.; Prytkina, M.Документ Development technology of electrical conductance ceramics(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020) Lisachuk, Georgiy Viktorovych; Ved, Maryna Vitaliivna; Kryvobok, Ruslan Viktorovych; Zakharov, Artem Viacheslavovych; Voloshchuk, Valentyna Vasylivna; Maistat, Mykyta SerhiiovychThe article considers the influence of the technological parameters of the composite ceramics production on the specific volume resistivity of the composition and, consequently, on the protective properties against the effects of electromagnetic radiation. The technological parameters included the preparation method, the averaging time of the raw materials, both the pressing and second calcination pressure. Based on the complex of studies carried out, the following technological parameters of production were established: duration of grinding – 60 minutes; the moisture content of the press powder is 6.2%; pressing pressure – 25 MPa; first calcination temperature – 1060 °С; temperature of the second calcination – 1060 °C. The developed technology can be applicated at enterprises that produce ceramic tiles according to high-speed calcination. The resulting material can to protect biological and technical objects from the action of electromagnetic radiation. Further research at selecting a glaze coating for the developed ceramics is aimed.Документ Directed phase formation of functional glass-crystalline coatings for ceramics in TiO₂–Al₂O₃–SiO₂ system(STC "Institute for Single Crystals", 2015) Lisachuk, G. V.; Bilostotska, L. O.; Trusova, Yu. D.; Vernygora, K. P.; Podchasova, K. V.; Krivobok, R. V.Possibility of obtaining of thin crystallization (less than 4 μm) of non-fritt coatings by adding significant number (up to 15 wt. %) of tin dioxide (SnO₂) to theire compounds was studied. It was found that titaniferous coatings, containing SnO₂ as mineralizer, promotes the directed mullite and stable anosovite phase formation. Glass-crystalling coatings with the easy-to-clean and biostability properties were obtained upon moulding temperature up to 1200 °C.Документ Features of high-strength composite material structure creation(Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, USA, 2015) Semchenko, G. D.; Makarenko, V. V.; Logvinkov, S. M.; Shuteeva, I. Yu.; Katyukha, A. S.The basis of technology proposed is use of a sol-gel method for preventing polycrystalline corundum fiber from crystallization during heating to high temperature and for low-temperature synthesis of prescribed phases in a corundum matrix with the aim of improving the operating properties of composite materials based on corundum. As a result of firing a charge based on corundum powder modified with tetraethoxysilane and polycrystalline corundum fiber modified with ethylsilicate-32 at 1360°C materials are created with very good strength properties. The materials exhibit electrical insulation properties and are stable in ionized gas streams at the level of known analogs as a result of creating self-reinforced mullite and β-SiC corundum matrix, reinforced with polycrystalline fiber and rapidly sintered due to presence of silicon oxynitride.Документ Formation of material prescribed phase composition from refractory filler silica powder modified with alkoxide and sol-gel composite(Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, USA, 2014) Semchenko, G. D.; Shuteeva, I. Yu.; Ryshchenko, M. I.; Borisenko, O. N.Creation of ceramics and refractories with improved physicomechanical properties is possible with use of nanomaterials in their technology. Introduction of SiC nanoparticles into a ceramic material charge by using modified filler powders is proposed. Fillers modified with tetraethoxysilane during grinding leads to powder crystal structure breakdown and SiC mechanochemical synthesis. The amount of -SiC synthesized in this way depends on the amount of modifying additive. Results are provided for modified filler phase composition before and after heat treatment at 1000°C, and mechanochemically synthesized SiC thermal stability is established. It is shown that sintering of modified electro-corundum worsens with an increase in amount of synthesized silicon carbide nanoparticles. The difference is demonstrated in phase composition formation with heat treatment of a mixture of modified and normal finely ground electrocorundum with a sol-gel binder and firing up to 1600°C. Silicon carbide nanoparticle synthesis does not exceed 3 – 7 % in both cases. Recommendations are given for use of corundum filler with a different amount of modifying additive.Документ Glass coatings on the basis of Na₂O-B₂O₃-SiO₂ system for tin bronze protection during melting(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Bragina, L. L.; Sobol, YuliyaRequirements to properties of protectivetechnological coatings for the tin bronze melting from secondary raw materials were formulated in the work. The choice of model glasses compositions in the initial Na₂O-B₂O₃-SiO₂ system on the basis of the melting parameters values was made. Non-scarce and inexpensive raw materials for protective coatings were selected. Also the best glass composition was determined based on the complex of chosen properties. The formation mechanism of the selected composition glassy melting by using DTА and XRDА was studied.Документ Heat-resistant concrete based on alumina cement from substandard raw material(Springer US, 2019) Vorozhbiyan, R. M.; Shabanova, G. N.; Korogodskaya, A. N.Results are provided for development of refractory concrete based on modified alumina cement using chemical industry waste. A quantitative ratio for mixed filler fractions, the effect of production factors on concrete strength, the dependence of its strength properties on form of filler, and solidification conditions are established. It is shown that with respect to physical mechanical and engineering properties the concretes developed is no worse than those existing in the market.With respect to all engineering properties this form of refractory product may be recommended as lining for high-temperature units.Документ An improvement of criteria for assessing the quality of clay raw material for architectural and construction ceramics(Технологічний Центр, 2018) Shchukina, Lyudmyla; Galushka, Yaroslav; Bohdanova, KaterynaThe study analyzes the existing methods for assessing the suitability of clay raw materials for the production of architectural and construction ceramics and substantiates the need for their improvement in the direction of developing an indicator based on an analysis of the mineral composition of clays. Using the compositions of the kaolinite – montmorillonite – hydromica – quartz system, which simulate the composition of polymineral clays, the effect of clay-forming minerals and quartz impurities on the properties of the clinker ceramic materials has been established. It has been determined that the montmorillonite component of the compositions has a positive effect on the water absorption of materials, and kaolinite produces a favourable effect on the mechanical strength and frost resistance. The increase in the content of quartz in the composition of compositions from 30 % to 50 % leads to an increase in water absorption of materials, reducing their strength and frost resistance to a level unacceptable for ceramic clinker. It has been established that to obtain clinker ceramics, the quartz content in the compositions cannot exceed 40 %. A diagram of the mineral composition was developed, clearly illustrating the ratios of the main rock-forming minerals in clays with a quartz content of 30 % and 40 %, acceptable for the production of modern clinker products. The diagram shows areas of the mineral composition of clays suitable for the production of facing, paving and road clinker of the M200–300 grades and road clinker of the M400 grade at a firing temperature of 1,100 °С. The diagram of the mineral composition complements the existing indicators of the suitability of clay raw materials for the production of architectural and construction ceramics and can serve as an additional criterion for assessing their technological quality. The diagram can be used to analyze the suitability of clays for the production of ceramic clinker, provided that only the mineral composition of clays is determined without establishing their chemical and particle size distribution.Документ Integration of modern technology for architectural-building glass production(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Bragina, Liudmyla; Yaitsky, Serhiy; Petrov, Dmytro; Starolat, OlenaThe current state of technologies for the production of glass products used in the architectural and construction industry, types of the energy-saving float-glasses and their role in the lighting quality of the buildings was analyzed. The relevance of the use of Low-E glass, in particular in the glass units, is shown. Innovative trends in the production of sheet architectural and construction float glass with the use of modern technologies and equipment, in particular, at PJSC "Lysychansk glass factory "Proletary ", considered. It is established that a significant disadvantage ofmore energy-efficient I-glasses, which have a wide range of color characteristics, is the insufficient mechanical strength of soft coatings applied by magnetron vacuum spraying. It is shown that the technology of manufacturing low-emission I-glasses with such coatings does not allow them to be hardened while maintaining all the necessary operating parameters. Physicochemical properties and operational characteristics of large-sized glasses with silver, sunscreen soft coating, laminated, flat and radial tempered glasses, as well as their areas of applicationare presented. The principles of strengthening soft magnetron coatings for low-emission Double Low-E glasses and composition, layer combinations and technological parameters of multilayer nanocoatings with a total thickness of up to 140 nm, which allows to harden I-glass with these coatings, investigated. The technological parameters of obtaining low-emission I-glasses with variable coatings, which regulate the spectral and operational indicators of these glassware according to the interstate standards GOST EN 673-2016 and GOST EN 410-2014, are analyzed. Technological methods ofthe sheet glass with low-emission coatings hardening by creating of the special compositions and optimizing magnetron sputtering processes optimizing, as well as the basic regularities of the arrangement of the film layers of the Si3N4/ NiCr/Si3N4 film for the heat treatment withstanding of the glasses in the R2O – RO – SiO2 system are considered. The principles of adjusting their spectral and mechanical characteristics depending on the concentration and ratio of the components of the thin-film nanolayer, which will contribute to the creation of a variation series of float glasses with the required level of reflection in the infrared spectrum, are proposed.Документ Investigation of phase separation processes for bioactive glasses in Na₂O–CаO–ZnO–TiO₂–ZrO₂–Al₂O₃–B₂O₃–P₂O₅–SiO₂ system(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Savvova, Oksana; Babich, ElenaNanostructural changes on initial stages of calcium silicophosphate glasses nucleation in Na₂O–CаO–ZnO–TiO₂–ZrO₂–Al₂O₃–B₂O₃–P₂O₅–SiO₂ system during phase separation have been investigated. It has been established that the presence of drop-shaped nano- and micro-nonuniformities in the structure of calcium silicophosphate glasses substantially affects the glass separation in a precrystallization period, helping intense fine hydroxyapatite crystallization with the crystal size of up to 1 μm after heat treatment.Документ Investigation of surface free energy of the glassceramic coatings on titanium for medical purposes(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Savvova, Oksana; Shadrina, Galina; Babich, Olena; Fesenko, ОleksiyBiocompatible calcium silicophosphate glassceramic coatings for titanium on the base of glasses in R₂О–RO–RO₂–R₂O₃–P2O₅–SiO₂ system have been obtained. The influence of crystallization ability and roughness of experimental coatings on their surface free energy has been established. The use of titanium implants with applied apatite-containing glass-ceramic coating will significantly increase biocompatibility of the prosthetic implant and will reduce the time of its union with the bone.