Кафедра "Електричні станції"
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Від 1950 року кафедра має назву "Електричні станції", первісна назва – кафедра "Центральні електричні станції".
Кафедра "Центральні електричні станції" була створена в 1930 році. Першим завідувачем кафедри був призначений професор Берлін Сергій Миколайович. Підготовка інженерів-електриків для роботи на електричних станціях почалася в Харкові від часу відкриття, в 1921 році, електротехнічного факультету. За роки своєї роботи кафедра випустила понад 4000 інженерів-електриків, які плідно працюють в енергетиці.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту енергетики, електроніки та електромеханіки Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 7 кандидатів технічних наук; 5 співробітників мають звання доцента, 1 – старшого наукового співробітника.
Документ Amplitude-Frequency Characteristic of a Neural Control Based DC Drive(1996) Sergeev, S. A.; Klepikov, V. B.; Mahotilo, K. V.The paper interprets characteristics of a neural-control-based DC servodrive in terms of the classical theory of automatic control. It also touches on the problem of choosing training patterns to synthesize a nonlinear PID-controller with a desired amplitude-frequency characteristic and analyses the efficiency of using for this purpose input signals in form of a step function and a harmonic one. Synthesis of the neurocontroller has been performed within the framework of a three-layer perceptron. To train it, a genetic algorithm has been developed.Документ Calculation of power equipment parameters of power plants after repairs(National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2024) Shevchenko, V. V.; Lazurenko, O. P.Публікація Design of photovoltaic power plants(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Ivakhnov, A. V.; Kulapin, O. V.; Makhotilo, K. V.; Bulhakov, O. V.; Hritsenko, V. V.; Shokarov, D. A.The Textbook discusses the design of Photovoltaic Power Plants from the study of the solar insolation potential of the area, to the output of power to the grid. The DC and AC sides are discussed in detail. The main purpose of the manual is to help students gain knowledge about the design of photovoltaic power plants. The manual is recommended for students of specialty 141 "Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics"Документ Designing of a large-scale ground photovoltaic plant in Esna, Egypt(ТОВ "Планета – Принт", 2019) Selim, M. T.; Lazurenko, A. P.; Lysenko, L. I.Документ Development of a renewable hybrid power plant with extended utilization of pumped storage unit equipment(Технологический центр, 2019) Makhotilo, K.; Chervonenko, I.; El Masri, S. A. H.The scheme of a renewable hybrid power plant with the extended use of the installed equipment of the pumped storage unit for the conversion of the photovoltaic and wind generators direct current to the alternating one is proposed. The scheme is based on existing components with widely used proven technology. To output the power of solar and wind generators to the grid and for DC to AC conversion, a synchronous generator of the pumped storage unit is used in addition to grid inverters. An induction motor, powered through a variable frequency drive from a common DC bus, is used together with a hydraulic turbine to rotate the generator. In addition, batteries and capacitors banks are connected to the DC bus. The possibility of using various types of electric machines to drive a synchronous generator is analyzed and the preference of an induction motor is shown. The response of an induction motor to rotational speed fluctuations is modeled and its capability to participate in the network frequency regulation is shown. With the example of a typical daily load and generation profile, it is shown that the proposed solution for DC to AC conversion has an efficiency close to that of the grid inverter. The proposed scheme of the hybrid power plant can increase the reliability of renewable energy sources and the stability of the network frequency. This is achieved due to increasing the inertia of the rotating masses in the power system, the power factor control capabilities of the synchronous generator and the proper response of induction motor to rapid fluctuations of the rotation speed. The creation of such hybrid power plants opens the way for a further increase in the share of renewable energy sources in the power system.Документ Development of the converter structure that enables power supply to traction induction motors of mine electric locomotives from different levels of voltage(PC Technology Center, 2018) Lazurenko, O.; Shokarov, D. A.; Chorna, V.; Melnyk, O.; Cherkashyna, H. I.; Volynets, V.; Antsyferova, O. O.We have proposed an adjustable structure of the converter of energy of electric drive in the electrotechnical complex of a mine electric locomotive from power sources with different voltage levels ‒ from a contact network and a battery of traction accumulators. A characteristic feature of the converter is the presence of inverter units that can be connected either sequentially or in parallel. When powered by a lowvoltage source, inverter units are connected in parallel over the entire range of change in the output voltage. When powered by a high voltage source, inverter units are connected sequentially in the range of low output voltages and in parallel in the range of high output voltages. Such an approach makes it possible to align the power voltage levels of traction asynchronous motors of a mine electric locomotive at a lower level. The expected alignment of voltage levels is carried out at a lower level compared to a standard circuit of the threephase bridge autonomous inverter and is achieved by controlling the paired bridges in the power circuit of traction induction motors. Given this, the frequency of voltages of widthpulse modulation does not change, which is important for the process of reducing dynamic losses of power in the drive’s elements. It has been confirmed that an increase in the output voltage distortion coefficient in the IGBtransistors of the inverter with the minimal level of energy losses in the electric drive’s elements is achieved by modulating the voltage at a constant switching frequency at different voltage levels. We have proven the fact that the best indicators for the harmonic coefficient were obtained at frequencies about 30 Hz, which are the working ones, so the converter operating mode is most effective at these frequencies. The result of analysis of the classical scheme of the inverter has revealed that increasing the frequency of pulsewidth modulation by three times significantly increases electrical losses in the windings of traction electric motor. In the proposed circuit of the voltage inverter of engine’s power, at leveling the voltage at low level, there is no need to increase the frequency of pulsewidth modulation, which does not lead to a growth in the electrical losses in a traction motor.Документ Diploidy-based Genetic Algorithm in Nonstationary Environment(Харьковский государственный политехнический университет, 1995) Klepikov, V. B.; Lysenko, L. I.; Mahotilo, K. V.; Sergeev, S. A.Документ Economic feasibility study of expediency of establishment of solar modules in the private household(НТУ "ХПІ", 2017) Shokarov, Dmitrо; Chorna, Viktoriia; Bogodist, KseniiaThe question of rather economic feasibility of use of solar modules in a private household as the power supply of household appliances is considered under the conditions of use of "a green tariff" in this article. The results of the calculations of the greatest possible volume of development of electric energy by solar modules for a year are given. On the basis of a method of discounting return on the investment in a photo-electric system is defined.Документ Evolutionary Synthesis of Dynamical Object Emulator Based on RBF Neural Network(Nagoya University, 1996) Sergeev, S. A.; Mahotilo, K. V.The combination of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) has already resulted in researchers advancing in quite a few real world applications but it is in control that this alliance yields much appreciable benefit. The paper reports a Radial Basis Function (RBF) network training technique which joins together global strategy of GAs and a local adjusting procedure typical for RBF networks. While activation function window centres and widths are processed via a "slow" numeric GA, output-layer neurone synaptic weights are defined by a "fast" analytical method. The technique allows to minimize not only the network hidden-layer size but also the pattern set required for training the adequate dynamical object neuroemulator.Документ Improving the Energy Efficiency of Pumped-Storage Power Plants(Springer, Heidelberg, ALLEMAGNE, 2015) Artyukh, S. F.; Galat, V. V.; Kuz’min, V. V.; Chervonenko, I. I.; Shakaryan, Yu. G.; Sokur, P. V.Possible ways to improve the energy efficiency of hydroelectric generating sets of pumped-storage power plants (PSPPs) are studied. The Kiev PSPP is used as an example to show how its generating sets can be upgraded. It is concluded based on studies conducted that synchronous motor-generators should be replaced with asynchronized motor-generators. The feasibility of changing over the turbine to variable-speed operation is shown.Документ Managing demand in the modern energy system: the role of consumers and the potential of demand response programs(2023) Kiianchuk, VladyslavThis article covers demand response and its potential benefits and challenges, including the roles of different consumer types and current trends and technologies. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the demand response landscape and its key opportunities and challenges in managing demand.Документ Neural Technologies in Electrical Drive Control(1995) Klepikov, V. B.; Mahotilo, K. V.; Sergeev, S. A.; Voronovsky, G. K.Публікація Optimization of Storage Systems According to the Criterion of Minimizing the Cost of Electricity for Balancing Renewable Energy Sources(2020) Fedorchuk, S. O.; Ivakhnov, A. V.; Danylchenko, D. O.The article is devoted to the issues of integration of renewable sources into existing energy systems. The main stages of this process, problems associated with them and the ways to solve are considered. The method of choosing the configuration of the accumulation system is proposed and the result of calculating the cost of 1 kWh from accumulation system is applied to the main stages of using accumulation.Документ Optimization problems of power system economic dispatch(FOP Panov A. M., 2021) Lysenko, L. I.; Makhotilo, K. V.; Cherkashyna, H. I.The study guide considers mathematical modeling techniques for problems of linear and nonlinear programming in the field of power engineering. Control of power system operation requires specifying economic loading of power plants under various operating conditions as well as optimal electric grid dispatch with minimum active power loss. The first chapter describes linear programming problems of optimal fuel scheduling among power plants and economic electric grid loading. The second chapter deals with economic dispatch problems for thermal and hydropower plants taking into account power loss in the electric grid. The third chapter analyzes minimization of active power loss through optimal reactive power compensation in electric grids of various configurations. The study guide considers numerous examples of various-type optimization problems of power engineering focusing on building mathematical models and searching for optimal solutions with application of Microsoft Excel Solver. The manual contains information that may be helpful for students taking master’s and PhD programs in Electric Power Engineering.Документ Practical methods of power system steady-state analysis(FOP Panov A. M., 2021) Lysenko, L. I.; Danylova, O. A.; Fedorchuk, S. O.The book includes theory and practical application of mathematical apparatus to solving special tasks of power engineering. Control of power system operation requires permanent analysis of the system operating conditions. Steady-state operation of power system is described with systems of linear and nonlinear equations. The basic parameters of the power system steady-state operation to compute are voltages at power grid nodes, power flow and power loss in the grid elements. The book focuses on building systems of linear and nonlinear equations for both DC and AC electrical grids and determining the basic steady-state parameters in Microsoft Excel with application of conventional practical computational methods. Also is described application of Matlab Simulink to steady-state analysis of DC electric systems. The manual contains information that will be required by useful for students taking a bachelor’s educational program in Electric Power Engineering. Also it may be useful for specialists who work in power industry.Документ Reform of power engineering specialists training in higher education institutions of Ukraine(2016) Artyukh, S. F.; Lazurenko, A. P.Документ The Formed Autonomous Source for Power Supply of Single-Phase Consumers on the Basis of the Three- Phase Asynchronous Generator(2018) Chenchevoi, Volodymyr; Zachepa, Iurii; Chornyi, Oleksii; Zachepa, Nataliia; Ogar, Vita; Shokarov, DmytroThe work of a three-phase autonomous asynchronous generator with controlled capacitive excitation in asymmetric loading conditions is considered. The quality parameters of output voltage of a three-phase autonomous asynchronous generator operating on single-phase electric power consumers are investigated. The application of the phase-byphase adjusting system of the generator output voltage with relay control of capacitive excitation is based, providing the desired amount of generated electricity in all operation modes, in particular when single-phase consumers are connected, by balancing the output voltage and increasing its control range.Документ The Increase in Efficiency of the Modes Power Resources Consumptions of the Processing Equipment of the Enterprises of Oil-processing Industry(2018) Shokarov, Dmytro; Lazurenko, Oleksandr; Cherkashyna, Halyna; Chorna, ViktoriaThe technique of static planning of an experiment for creation of mathematical model of energy consumption of technological plants of the enterprise of oil industry is offered that has allowed to analyze effectively the factors which influence the production and to optimize the expenses, to reduce the prime cost and to increase the overall performance of the enterprise in general.Документ Автоматическая система управления электроснабжением жилых домов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2011) Лазуренко, Александр Павлович; Черкашина, Галина ИгоревнаДокумент Автономна сонячна тригенераційна енергоустановка(ДП "Український інститут інтелектуальної власності", 2019) Жарков, Антон Вікторович; Тугай, Юрій Іванович; Жарков, Віктор Якович; Галько, Сергій Віталійович; Новах, Богдан Станіславович; Хромишев, Віталій Олександрович; Діордієв, Олександр Олександрович; Довгалюк, Оксана Миколаївна; Лазуренко, Олександр ПавловичАвтономна сонячна тригенераційна енергоустановка з гібридними фотоелектричними модулями, об'єднаними в батарею, зі спільним охолоджувальним колектором. Кожен модуль містить дві коаксіально розташовані скляні трубки, з'єднані між собою з утворенням вакуумної колби. Внутрішня трубка покрита фотоелектричними перетворювачами (ФЕП), з'єднаними в послідовний ланцюг з виведеними електричними гермо контактами. Акумулятор, контролер, інвертор, послідовні ланцюги із ФЕП кожного фотоелектричного модуля (ФЕМ) приєднані через контролер до акумулятора. До іншого виходу контролера приєднані споживачі постійного струму безпосередньо. Споживачі змінного струму приєднані через інвертор. Гібридний ФЕМ містить термосифон у вигляді окремого металевого корпусу, запаяного з обох сторін, наповненого під вакуумом робочим тілом з фазовим переходом і низькою температурою замерзання, розташований у вакуумній колбі типу посудини Дьюара. Герметичний корпус термосифона виконаний із чистої червоної міді, з конденсатором, контактуючим зі спільним охолоджувальним колектором, наповненим рідким незамерзаючим теплоносієм, бак-акумулятор з теплообмінником, вхідним і вихідним трубопроводами, з термодатчиком на вхідному трубопроводі і вихровим насосом на вихідному трубопроводі. Установка додатково містить абсорбційний холодильник, приєднаний до бака акумулятора.