Вісник № 32
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2755
Документ Автоматизация пьезооптических измерений(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Тесленко, А. А.In simulation methods work being presented, the photoelasticity method accuracy is investigated for methods used under measurements automation. Besides, the method application limitations related to the investigated product orientation accuracy evaluation are shownДокумент Исследование влияния механических характеристик материала на характер деформирования рабочих колес центробежных компрессоров(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Бухолдин, Ю. С.; Левашов, В. А.; Львов, Геннадий Иванович; Костромицкая, Ольга АнатольевнаThe influence of a yield stress value on character of elastoplastic deformation and elastic unloading of the working wheel under inertial loading is investigated. The realization of the large number of calculation variants by a of finite-element method shows, that there is a so-called critical value of a yield stress. It is not recommended to use materials having a yield stress lower of this critical value, for making of working wheels of centrifugal compressors, as it will result in redistribution of a deforming picture, appearance of the large bending moments and displacements, which after unloading do not disappearДокумент Крутильные колебания стержня, вызванные движущейся нагрузкой(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Шаповалов, А. В.; Шатохин, Владимир МихайловичPeculiarities of rod torsion oscillations under the influence of equal regularly located on circumference force system are investigated. Force lines of action are perpendicular to circumference plane and rod axle. Points of their application evenly move on stated circumference. Criteria of resonance lack and conditions of polyresonance beginnings are receivedДокумент Определение областей динамической неустойчивости для пластин сложной геометрии(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Мазур, Ольга СергеевнаThe method of construction of dynamic instability region for plates with complex form is offered. The proposed approach is based on application R-function method and variational one. New numerical results for plates with complex form are obtainedДокумент Выбор допускаемых напряжений в условиях абразивного изнашивания(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Приймаков, А. Г.; Устиненко, Александр ВитальевичThe criteria estimation of comparative endurance of materials is given in view of structural adaptation to conditions of a working environment. The level of an anisotropy and complexity of a structural condition of surfaces of abrasive chafing, with the help of the Fourier-assaying is quantitatively estimated. It is shown how to realize a choice of supposed stress at presence of an abrasive in a friction zoneДокумент Анализ чувствительности конструкций при воздействии физических полей различной природы(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Назаренко, Сергей АлександровичCoupled-field analyses are useful for solving problems where the coupled interaction of phenomena from various disciplines of physical science is significant. There are basically two methods of coupling distinguished by the finite element formulation techniques used to develop the matrix equations. Complicated finite-element models with high geometric and physical self-descriptiveness sensitivity analysis methods are given in this article. The developed mathematical apparatus application domains are examinedДокумент Исследование вибрационных характеристик опорной конструкции длинного валопровода(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Красников, Сергей ВасильевичThe problems, related with creation of test bed for lengthy rotor-system are considered. On the basis of the eigentones analysis of a several versions of a rotor-base system guidelines on a construction of the test bed are made. The mathematical models and calculations are executed on the basis of finite elements methodДокумент Оптимізація нагріву при роз'єднанні деталей(НТУ "ХПІ", 2006) Андрєєв, Арнольд Георгійович; Резниченко, М. К.; Щепкін, Олександр ВіталійовичOn example of heating the vehicle gear when putting it on the axis the opportunities of charge energy optimization are shown. The optimization was conducted with restrictions on pressure and temperatures. The dependence of charge of energy from properties of material is shown. The improved simplex method by J.A. Nelder and R.Mead is appliedДокумент Эффективная методика анализа динамических систем с нелинейным демпфированием(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Филипковский, С. В.The airplanes aggregates elastic-damped suspensions are reviewed. The efficiency of computational methods of transient analysis of suspensions at an operation on them of short-lived and sudden loads is investigated. Accuracy, convergence and expenses of a machining time in Runge-Kutta, Newmark and Wilson methods are determined . The modifications of Newmark and Wilson methods for calculation of non-linear systems are offered. The calculations of suspensions with constructional dispersion of energy and dry friction are executed. A designed technique and the programs are intended for optimal designing of suspensionДокумент Топологически регулярные конечно-элементные сетки для тел с кинематически генерируемыми поверхностями(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Ткачук, Николай НиколаевичIn the paper a technology of topological regular finite element models generation for bodies with complicated geometry is proposed. It enables to achieve parameterized finite element models within the framework of researched objects' geometry synthesis procedure and can be implemented in CAE softwareДокумент Алгоритм чисельної оптимізації конструкцій з урахуванням обмеженнь за допомогою R-функцій(НТУ "ХПІ", 2006) Грищенко, Володимир Миколайович; Галаган, Ю. М.The algorithm of the decision of a problem of optimum designing of designs which prominent feature is the way of the account of restrictions inequalities is offered. With this purpose properties of R-functions are usedДокумент Вынужденные колебания трубопроводов гидросистемы копрового пресса(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Астахова, К. В.; Жовдак, В. А.; Татьков, В. В.; Трубаев, Александр Иванович; Федоренко, И. М.On the basis of a finite element method the numerical researches of forced and free vibrations and strength of the pipeline of a hydraulic-circuit system were under an operation of transient shocks are held. The estimation of influence of internal pressure on a spectrum of natural frequencies and stress state of a system is given. The dynamic responses of internal pressure are defined experimentallyДокумент Математическое и компьютерное моделирование в гидродинамических сложнополостных системах(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Суворова, И. Г.; Холобцев, С. С.The mathematic model current of the tough incompressible fluid and her computer realization in POLE system allowed making the numerical research into hydrodynamics canals with compound profile building by R-function method. Qualitative pictures currents are received. The influence of Reinolds number (Re) is valuedДокумент Исследование закритического поведения ортотропных пологих оболочек сложной формы в плане(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Курпа, Лидия Васильевна; Любицкая, Екатерина ИгоревнаGeometrically nonlinear behavior of orthotopic shallow shells subjected to the transverse load is investigated. The method of linearization of nonlinear equations and finding of upper and lower critical load, which is based on the combination of variational methods and R-function theory, is proposed. The algorithm is applied to solve problems of orthotopic spherical shallow shells with complex plan form. Test results of isotropic case are compared with those available in the literatureДокумент Структурно-механические свойства и морфология биокерамики(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Степук, А. А.; Степук, Александр Владимирович; Автономова, Людмила ВладимировнаThe Calcium Hydroxyapatite (HAp), which physical and chemical properties are similar to bone tissue, is applied in various medicine areas as ceramics, cements and composite implants. It is exposed that thermo treatment leads to crystallites form and structure modification. It is examined the crystallites morphology, that influence to structural and mechanical HAp propertiesДокумент Зарождение и развитие Харьковской школы теории управления(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Бреславский, Дмитрий Васильевич; Горелова, Светлана Александровна; Ларин, Андрей АлексеевичThe paper is devoted to the genesis of Control Theory from first papers of Maxwell, Vyshnegradsky and Stodola. The contribution of Kharkiv engineers and scientists and the development of this Theory in control systems in power engineering and spacecraft technique are suggestedДокумент Анализ расчетных методов оценки работоспособности элементов автомобильных шин(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Ларин, А. Н.; Коханенко, В. Б.; Конохов, Владимир Иванович; Школьный, С. М.Decided of problems of fatigue and type of failure for tires there are large complex in connections of many aspects. The contemporary systems of finite element analysis allow to obtained of solutions for the several moments of this total problemДокумент Уточнение математической модели ротора на ЭМП за счет определения магнитной проводимости зазоров под полюсами с учетом взаимовлияния смещений в радиальном и осевом направлениях(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Мартыненко, Геннадий ЮрьевичIn work the mathematical model of a rotor on magnetic bracket with inclusion in it of the specified nonlinear expressions for permeances of gaps of radial and axial electromagnetic bearing is examined. The example of calculation of permeances of gaps by the offered way and by means of the simplified expressions is describedДокумент Статический анализ прочности конструктивных элементов пресс-форм для прессования изделий из порошков(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Бирюков, О. В.; Саенко, С. Ю.; Колосенко, В. В.; Лавинский, Денис Владимирович; Соболь, Владимир Николаевич; Морачковский, Олег КонстантиновичThe method and outcomes of the strength analysis of a two-layer thick-walled matrix and central core, which one reshapes an internal surface of item, moulds for pressing powdered materials are submitted. The analyses of strength of structural members of a mould by a finite element method (FEM) are executed. The predicted data on the basis of which one it is possible to execute designing elements of moulds to their structural members under strength conditions are submittedДокумент Способ разборки прессовых соединений(НТУ "ХПИ", 2006) Андреев, Арнольд Георгиевич; Звонарева, Антонина Петровна; Щепкин, Александр ВитальевичIn the article the press junctions disassembly method of a type the shaft-cartridge is described. The method consists of heat of junction and quick postcooling by liquid nitrogen