Кафедра "Автоматизація технологічних систем та екологічного моніторингу"
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Кафедра заснована у 1964 р. для підготовки спеціалістів з автоматизації виробництва.
Кафедра займається підготовкою спеціалістів з розробки і експлуатації комп’ютерно-інтегрованих та автоматизованих систем керування різноманітних об’єктів та процесів і виробництв (побутові, харчові, нафто- та газопереробні, хімічні ттощо).
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту комп’ютерного моделювання, прикладної фізики та математики.
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 2 доктори технічних наук, 5 професорів, 6 доцентів.
Документ Algorithmic tools for optimizing the temperature regime of evaporator at absorption refrigeration units of ammonia production(Технологический центр, 2018) Babichenko, A.; Kravchenko, Y.; Babichenko, J.; Krasnikov, I.; Lysachenko, I.; Velma, V.Проведено аналіз випарників абсорбційно-холодильних установок блоку вторинної конденсації виробництва аміаку як об’єктів керування. Визначені координати векторів стану, керування та зовнішніх збурень. Обґрунтована необхідність розв'язання задачi мiнiмiзацiї температури охолодження циркуляційного газу у випарниках для пiдвищення енергоефективностi виробництва. За результатами аналізу промислового апаратурно-технологічного оформлення блоків первинної i вторинної конденсації з'ясовані особливостi умов роботи випарника, що зумовлюють параметричну невизначенiсть у функцiонуваннi об’єктiв керування. Основна з таких невизначеностей пов’язана з керуючою дією витрати флегми. Методом математичного моделювання за розробленим алгоритмом визначені закономiрностi керуючої дiї витрати флегми на ефективнiсть процесiв теплообміну у випарниках абсорбцiйно холодильних установок. Встановлено екстремальний характер залежностi тепловогопотоку (холодопродуктивностi) та температури охолодження циркуляцiйного газу вiд витрати флегми. Максимальна холодопродуктивнiсть, а отже i мiнiмальна температура охолодження циркуляцiйного газу за певного температурного напору, обумовленi досягненням критичного режиму бульбашкового кипiння холодоагенту. Подальше збiльшення температурного напору з пiдвищенням витрати флегми сприяє встановленню перехiдного режиму i зниженню ефективностi поверхнi теплообмiну. Визначенi показники енергоефективностi виробництва амiаку, а саме витрати природного газу в умовах змiни керуючої дiї витрати флегми та значень координат вектора збурень. Розроблене алгоритмiчне забезпечення дозволяє здiйснити розв’язання задачi мiнiмiзацiї температури охолодження циркуляцiйного газу безградiєнтним способом крокового типу з використанням методiв одномiрного пошуку екстремуму. Показано, що за рахунок мiнiмiзацiї температури охолодження циркуляцiйного газу рiчна витрата природного газу може бути знижена в середньому на 500 тис. нм3.Документ Alumina cement on chemical industry wastes(Weimar, Bundesrepublik, Deutschland, 2015) Vorozhbiian, R.; Shabanova, H.; Ryshchenko, T.The problem of creating new refractory materials on the base of chemical wastes with preset complex of performance characteristics is currently of topical importance.Документ Assessment of the forecast of the operating mode of the complex of ammonia secondary condensation production in uncertainty conditions(Premier Publishing s.r.o., 2020) Babichenko, Anatolii; Kravchenko, Yana; Babichenko, Juliya; Velma, Volodymyr; German, EduardThe article describes the analysis of conditions of secondary condensation complex functioning. There, the software algorithm for estimating the forecasts of functioning mode is developed, which makes it possible to prepare the complex operator in conditions of existing uncertainty for making decisions in supervisor control mode.Документ Automated control system modernization of the nitric acid absorption process(2022) Puhanovskyi, OlehVariants of modernization of the automated control system of the nitrogen oxide gas absorption unit used in the production of nitric acid are offered. These solutions do not require large capital costs for devices and equipment, provided that microprocessor controllers are used at the facility. The complex proposed set measures allows to reduce costs and increase the stability work of the absorption column.Документ Automated control system of nitrogen oxydes absorption with added oxygen flow(2022) Puhanovskyi, OlehThe results of the development of the automatic control system for the nitrogen oxide absorption apparatus are presented. The automatic adjustment system is built on the basis of fuzzy logic. The proposed system is intended for use with modernized absorption units. The main functions of the control system are regulation of water and air flow. As a result of the operation of the automated control system, the concentration of nitrogen oxides in the tail gases stabilizes.The flow of air added to the unit is also optimized.Документ Automated water consumption control system in nitric acid production(CPN Publishing Group, 2024) Puhanovskyi, Oleh; Puhanovskyi, KyryloThe paper proposes a variant of the water flow control system used for irrigation of the absorption column in the production of nitric acid. The proposed solution was developed for industri - non-concentrated nitric acid. Modern specialized devices and microprocessor controllers were used to create the control system. A model of the control system was created during the development. Based on the model, basic controller settings were found, which will be useful when implementing the system in production.Документ Construction of a mathematical model of the film absorber for sulfating two-component mixtures of organic substances(PC Technology Center, 2021) Dzevochko, O.; Podustov, M.; Dzevochko, A.; Panasenko, V.The processes that occur in film absorbers during the sulfation of two-component mixtures of organic substances are quite complex and require mathematical modeling. This paper reports the construction of a mathematical model that makes it possible to adequately describe the process of sulfation involving gaseous sulfur trioxide in the production of surfactants. Based on the model, it became possible to investigate this process for higher alcohols of fractions C₁₂–C₁₄ and monoethanolamides of higher fatty acids of coconut oil. The data are given on the comparison of mathematical modeling results based on the mathematical model built with known experimental data and results of alternative mathematical modeling for different ratios of the length of the reaction pipe to its diameter (l/d). It is shown that the error in comparing the experimental data was 4.8–9.6 % at l l/d=29; 1.1–8.7 % at l/d=70; 3.9–12.3 % at l/d=144. The error in comparing known results of alternative mathematical modeling was, respectively, 6.3–7.2 %, 0.1–6.5 %, 0–1.0 %. These results were obtained for the molar ratio in the range of 1.0–1.15 and the SO3 concentration in the stream of 4.0–6.0 %. Such findings suggest that the established dependences of the basic parameters for the sulfation process are adequate in terms of the absorber length and its radial direction. Therefore, the mathematical model built does hold within the considered ranges of input variables. Consequently, it could be used in the theoretical study of the process of sulfation of two-component mixtures of organic substances by gaseous sulfur trioxide in a film absorber with a downward flow of phases. The results obtained could be used in practice, in particular in the manufacture of high-quality products for the cosmetic industry.Документ Design of an intelligent system to control the technological system of ammonia production secondary condensation(PC тесhnology сеntеr, 2022) Babichenko, A.; Kravchenko, Ya.; Babichenko, J.; Lysachenko, I.; Krasnikov, I.; Velma, V.This paper has analyzed the functioning conditions for the technological system of secondary condensation (TSSC) in a typical ammonia synthesis unit of the AM-1360 series with the use of a system-control approach. The coordinates of control vectors and external disturbances have been determined. An algorithm has been developed for predicting the coordinates of the control vector for the subsystem of decision support under the conditions of external disturbances for such a complex inertial object with high metal consumption as TSSC. The method of mathematical modeling was used to determine, based on the developed algorithm, the patterns and quantitative dependences of the influence of external disturbances such as the temperature of primary condensation and the flow rate of circulation gas on the efficiency of TSSC heat exchange processes. The regularity of increase in the heat flows and coordinates of control vector with an increase in the temperature of primary condensation has been established. The parametric sensitivity of the coordinates of the control vector under the conditions of change in the temperature of the primary condensation has been determined, which, compared with the circulation gas flow rate, exceeds it by more than six times. The executed software implementation of the algorithm employing the MATLAB programming environment makes it possible, owing to the embedded client part (ORC client), free software access to the current data on the technological process. The functional structure of computer-integrated TSSC technology with the proposed correction subsystem under a supervisory control mode has been designed. Correction solutions involving the additional hardware and software based on the programmable logic controller VIPA and SCADA-system Zenon have been practically implemented. The implementation of the developed system ensures the stabilization of the secondary condensation temperature at the regulatory level of −5 °C, which reduces the consumption of natural gas by almost 1 million nm³ per year.Документ Development of a diagnosing system for the absorption-distillation department of soda ash production(Технологический центр, 2020) Pereverzieva, Alevtyna; Bobukh, Anatoly; Podustov, MikhailProduction of soda ash using the ammonia method belongs to the class of complex continuous chemical-technological systems and is characterized by multidimensionality, inertia, the existence of cycles of material flows, complex dependences between the input and output parameters of technological modes. The research into the operation of this production and its performance indicators revealed that 24–26 % of losses in soda ash production were caused by violations of the technological mode at the absorption-distillation department. Many of these violations can be prevented, and losses can be significantly reduced, by developing a system of diagnosing the state of technological processes at this department. The main task of the diagnosing system at the absorption-distillation department is to determine the moment of transition of the technological process to the emergency state, disabling the control system, informing a technologist-operator about the probable cause of the emergency, and giving recommendations for its elimination. After the elimination of the reasons for the deviation of the technological process from normal functioning, the measures on switching on the control system are taken. The system of diagnosing an absorption-distillation department of soda ash production should be implemented based on the passive observations of the course of the technological process. This is due to the continuity of production, on the one hand, and the requirement to adhere to the mode of the normal functioning of the technological process, on the other hand. The results of the analysis of diagnosing emergencies prove that the implementation of the method of logical decision tables will enhance the speed of the diagnosing process and improve its quality due to the prevention and timely liquidation of emergencies. It was established that if the same emergency analysis vector corresponds to different causes of emergencies in this system, it is necessary to use characteristics of the statistical theory of solutions.Документ Development of hardware and software support of computer-integrated technology of complex of secondary condensation of ammonia production(PC тесhnology сеntеr, 2022) Babichenko, A.; Lysachenko, I.; Kravchenko, Ya.; Babichenko, J.; Krasnikov, I.; Shutynskyi, O.The object of research is the technological complex of secondary condensation (TCSC) and the control system of a typical ammonia synthesis unit of the AM-1360 series. The analysis of the conditions of its functioning and hardware and technological design was carried out. The coordinates of the control vector are determined. The features of the proposed functional diagram and the necessary algorithmic software for the computer-integrated control technology of the TCSC with a correction subsystem for decision-making under uncertainty are established. The implementation of the proposed solutions is complicated by the use of the information and control complex TDC-300 (USA) with closed-type software installed on the existing ammonia synthesis units. The need for such a control complex to implement a decision-making subsystem under conditions of uncertainty is shown to supplement the existing control system with hardware and software of an "open" type. A computer-integrated TCSC technology based on a three-level hierarchical structure has been created. The implementation of the zero and first levels of such a structure form single software and hardware complex consisting of a programmable logic controller and an automated operator’s workplace based on an industrial computer with installed software. A software implementation of decision-making on the correction of the coordinates of the control vector by additional hardware and software based on the VIPA logic controller and the Zenon SCADA system was made. A scheme of network information flows has been implemented, which illustrates the functioning of the decision-making correction subsystem in the general structure of the TCSC computer-integrated control technology. Implementation of the developed system allows, under the existing uncertainties, to reduce the secondary condensation temperature by an average of 3 °C, which ensures an annual reduction in natural gas consumption by 1 million nm³. The proposed approach to the possibility of combining "open" and "closed" type hardware and software can be applied in other industries.Документ Development of the algorithm for chemical technology control in interference conditions(Premier Publishing s.r.o., Austria, 2019) Bobukh, Anatoly; Pereverzieva, Alevtyna; Bolotynska, O.Документ Effect of hydrodynamic cavitation on the absorption processes occurring in the production of nitric acid(Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет, 2019) Vorozhbiian, M. I.; Moroz, N. A.; Vorozhbiyan, R. M.; Mykhailova, E. A.The research data on the process of the formation of acid under the conditions of hydrodynamic cavitation are presented in the paper. A change in the absorption properties of activated water exposed to the hydrodynamic cavitation has been established. The physicochemical characteristics of activated water, in particular electrical conductivity, pH value and redox potential, have been studied. It was confirmed that cavitated water can be used in technological processes during 10–15 hours before returning its properties to the initial values. A positive effect of the cavitation on the adsorption capacity of liquid phase in the production of weak nitric acid was established. The use of the cavitation results in an increase in the conversion rate of nitrose gases by 20–30%. The most significant effect is observed in the region of increased concentrations of nitric acid solutions supplied to the absorption column and at increased linear velocities of gaseous phase. The fullscale testing of the cavitated water used for the absorption division of the production of weak nitric acid showed a positive effect which had been revealed during experimental investigations.Документ Features of creating systems development for obtaining mathematical models of heat exchangers(Український державний університет залізничного транспорту, 2018) Krasnikov, I.; German, E.; Babichenko, J.The paper presents analytical mathematical models of heat exchangers, based on typical hydrodynamic models of ideal mixing and ideal exclusion. These models allow researching the influence of technological parameters on the heat exchange process and determining the dynamic properties of heat exchangers through various channels. Mathematical models are implemented in the MATLAB environment and can be used in industrial control system (ICS) and computeraided design (CAD) systems.Документ Formation of oxide fuels on VT6 alloy in the conditions of anodial polarization in solutions H₂SO₄(Технологический центр, 2018) Pilipenko, Alexei; Pancheva, H.; Deineka, V.; Vorozhbiyan, R.; Chyrkina, M.Наведенi результати дослідження процесу електрохімічного оксидування титанового сплаву ВТ6 у розчинах H₂SO₄. Показано, що характер залежностей формовки зразків сплаву залежить вiд величини густини струму. При j<0,5 А.дмˉ² суцiльна оксидна плiвка на поверхнi сплаву не утворюється i задане значення напруги не досягається. При j>0,5 А.дмˉ² на поверхнi сплаву утворюється суцiльна оксидна плівка та спостерігається лiнiйна характер залежностей. Плiвки, одержанi в цих умовах, вiдносяться до інтерференційно-забарвлених. Гранична товщина плівки визначається заданою величиною U i не залежить вiд iнших параметрiв електролiзу. Для ряду однакових значень U залежнiсть τ–j має лiнiйну форму. Колір оксидної плiвки визначається значенням напруги i не залежить від густини струму та концентрацiї електролiту. Встановлена вiдповiднiсть кольору плiвки i величини U в діапазоні значень 10-100 В. Ефект пояснюється тим, що утворення плівки при анодній поляризації відбувається в умовах наявності градієнта потенціалу, величина якого для титану постiйна. Збільшення заданої величини U призводить до пропорційного збільшення максимальної товщини оксиду, яка визначає колір її забарвлення. Результати дослідження з визначення впливу параметрів електролізу на характеристики оксидних плівок дозволили обґрунтувати режим отримання плівок TiO₂ на поверхнi сплаву ВТ6. Отримані данi є передумовою для розробки технології електрохімічного оксидування титанових імплантатів для надання їх поверхнi функцiональних властивостей.Документ Heat-resistant concrete based on alumina cement from substandard raw material(Springer US, 2019) Vorozhbiyan, R. M.; Shabanova, G. N.; Korogodskaya, A. N.Results are provided for development of refractory concrete based on modified alumina cement using chemical industry waste. A quantitative ratio for mixed filler fractions, the effect of production factors on concrete strength, the dependence of its strength properties on form of filler, and solidification conditions are established. It is shown that with respect to physical mechanical and engineering properties the concretes developed is no worse than those existing in the market.With respect to all engineering properties this form of refractory product may be recommended as lining for high-temperature units.Документ Identification of heat exchange process in the evaporators of absorption refrigerating units under conditions of uncertainty(Технологический центр, 2018) Babichenko, A.; Babichenko, J.; Kravchenko, Y.; Velma, S.; Krasnikov, I.; Lysachenko, I.Проведено аналіз функціонування випарників абсорбційно-холодильних установок блоку вторинної конденсації типового для України агрегату синтезу аміаку. Обґрунтована необхідність мінімізації температури вторинної конденсації за рахунок створення автоматизованої адаптивної системи оптимального програмного управління. Встановлені рівняння для чисельної оцінки невизначеності теплового навантаження випарника та коефіцієнту теплопередачі. Розроблено алгоритмічне забезпечення щодо розв’язання задач ідентифікації та створення математичної моделі. Визначена технічна структура автоматизованої системи для їх реалізації.Документ Methodical guidelines for independent (distance) learning of the academic discipline "Distributed control systems"(National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2023) Lysachenko, Ihor; Dzevochko, AlyonaThey contain the necessary information about the order of study of the aca-demic discipline, requirements for students' knowledge and skills, distribution of study time, form, types and procedure of conducting classes, meaningful modules, a list of questions and practical tasks for the modules and the exam, options for individual tasks and a list of questions for independent control Given the purpose of the publication, the methodological instructions do not contain theoretical information, i.e., they only indicate to the student the procedure for mastering the discipline. Therefore, the student of higher education needs to use additional informational materials and other printed publications, i.e., a course of lectures, methodological instructions for performing laboratory work and individual homework. References to sources of information are given in the bibliography.Документ Microclimate automated control system for poultry farms(2022) Puhanovskyi, Oleh; YevheniiaThe features of the creation and application of automated microclimate control systems based on microcontrollers and single-board computers are presented. Such systems are designed for use in small and medium-sized poultry and animal farms. The main objective of the research was to reduce the cost of creating a control system and maintaining the functions performed.Документ Modeling of the technological process of obtaining the suspension of sodium hydrocarbonate in the production of soda ash(Premier Publishing s.r.o., Austria, 2019) Bolotynska, O.; Bobukh, A.; German, E.Документ Regularities of the process of sulfation of the mixtures of organic substances(Технологический центр, 2016) Dzevochko, A.; Podustov, M.Наведено результати досліджень процесу сульфатування сумішей органічних речовин низькоконцентрованим газоподібним триоксидом сірки в об'ємному реакторі. Описано матеріали та методи дослідження процесу. Визначено залежності якості поверхнево-активних речовин від основних технологічних параметрів: мольного співвідношення реагентів, концентрації триоксиду сірки та температури процесу сульфатування. Наведено дані про зміну величин щільності та в'язкості реакційних мас в ході даного процесу.