Кафедра "Ділова іноземна мова та переклад"
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Кафедра "Ділова іноземна мова та переклад" була заснована в грудні 1998 року з ініціативи професорів Михайла Дмитрович Годлевського, Віктора Яковича Заруби, Олександра Сергійовича Куценка та колишнього ректора НТУ "ХПІ", професора Юрія Трохимовича Костенка.
Викладачі кафедри є членами міжнародних професійних організацій викладачів англійської мови, розробляють і упроваджують інтенсивні програми вивчення іноземної мови, які дозволяють випускникам вільно володіти професійною термінологією іноземною мовою.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту соціально-гуманітарних технологій Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 11 кандидатів філологічних наук, 6 співробітників мають звання доцента.
Документ Applying systems methodology of dynamic modeling to monitoring of students' effective communication skills(East European Institute of Psychology, 2016) Badan, A. A.; Tymchenko, IrynaMonitoring of effective communication skills is performed for the first time with the use of systems dynamics methodology of modeling. Linguistics and extralinguistic characteristics of the communication skills development process are considered as a complex dynamic system that combines multiple interrelated components. The informational technology of modeling is suggested, stages of research identified, simulation experiments performed among university students, the effectiveness of applying the methodology to effective communication skills monitoring are confirmed.Документ Cognitive and communicative ecolinguistics as a new field of interdisciplinary studies(Видавничий центр "ХАІ", 2022) Зенякін, Олексій СергійовичДокумент Der linguistische status von illokutionären indikatoren(MDPC Publishing, 2024) Badan, A. A.; Shevchenko, V. V.Документ Design of the User’s Interface of Virtual Lexicographic Laboratory for Explanatory Dictionary of the Spanish Language(2020) Kupriianov, Yevhen; Ostapova, Iryna; Yablochkov, MykytaOne of the most effective tools to work with dictionaries in digital environment is virtual lexicographic laboratories (VLL). Unlike electronic dictionaries, they are intended mostly for professional linguists. The paper shares the authors’ experience in elaborating the interface of the virtual lexicographic laboratory for Explanatory dictionary of the Spanish language (DLE 23). Using the theory of lexicographic systems a formal model of DLE 23 was elaborated. On the basis of the model the database structure and VLL interface elements were defined. The current version of VLL DLE 23 interface has the following advantages: 1) making an inventory of language units in the dictionary or in a sample; 2) conducting DLE 23-based linguistic researches to reveal lexical-semantic, etymological, grammatical and usage properties of the Spanish language; and 3) building of secondary lexicographic objects or sub-dictionaries on the basis of DLE 23, for example: sub-dictionary of morphemes, homonyms, collocations, etc.Документ Developing linguistic research tools for virtual lexicographic laboratory of the spanish language explanatory dictionary(Ruzica Piskac, 2019) Kupriianov, Yevhen; Akopiants, NunuThe present article is devoted to the problems of creating linguistic tools for the virtual lexicographic laboratory of Spanish explanatory dictionary (DLE 23). The goal of the research is to consider some issues related to the development of linguistic tools for the virtual lexicographic laboratory. To achieve this goal the dictionary was analyzed to define the peculiarities of linguistic facts representation, its structure and metalanguage. On the basis of the dictionary analysis and the theory of lexicographic systems the formal model of DLE 23 was developed and its main components, including their relationships, were determined to ensure their availability via linguistic tools for accessing linguistic information. The range of research activities to be performed by using the linguistic tools was outlined.Документ Digital Technologies for Communication Simulation in Foreign Language Learning under Pandemic(2022) Badan, A. A.; Onishchenko, N.; Zeniakin, O. S.Foreign language acquisition presupposes building up communication skills in audition and speaking by way of using special communicative simulation. With the lack of an authentic foreign language environment it’s important to bring about similar to real-life multimedia simulations that substantially speed up and facilitate language acquisition simultaneously raising the students’ communicative competence. The research offered is the first integrated scientific investigation in the field of multimedia simulation put into practice at the time of a global-scale pandemic. It presents theoretical background of simulations and empirical results achieved during the experiment phase of the research. The paper highlights the use of modern digital tools and their impact on students’ progress. In addition, the authors emphasize the appropriate combination of traditional and multimedia technologies that acquired a special term "blending" in the frame of the student-centered approach.Документ English for Effective International Business Communication. Part 1(Publishing House I. Ivanchenka, 2022) Ahibalova, T. M.; Karachova, D. V.The study guide is composed due to current requirements for the development of foreign language communicative competence among students of philological specialties at higher educational institutions. The edition contains authentic materials that objectify the language behavior model of professional community representatives. For students in the specialty 035 "Philology", specialization "Germanic languages and literature (including translation), the first language is English", postgraduate students, teachers, and everyone who is interested in English-language communication within a business environment.Документ Framing the environment under the pandemic: The anthropocentric perspective (a case study of British online media)(2022) Zeniakin, O. S.At the current stage of civilisation development, there arise many issues that attract both public and media attention. One of them is definitely the climate crisis. In 2020, when the world faced the Covid-19 pandemic, there appeared a new incentive to look at our natural world when factories stopped, air flights were cancelled, and human activity was almost at the bottom level concentrating primarily on the big problem — fighting a disease. The pandemic brought to ecolinguists an unprecedented opportunity to investigate how people perceive the natural world in the broad context of a real emergency. This article presents an attempt to look at British online media outlets, both broadsheets and tabloids, and the way the environmental issues are framed on their pages under the circumstances of the world-scale pandemic. The main goal of the research is to find what frames are rendered in the contemporary media discourse in terms of anthropocentrism. The methodology applied to the samples under scrutiny comprised both general scientific methods like those of analysis and synthesis, as well as those of special interest for linguists — critical discourse analysis, multimedia discourse analysis, and frame analysis. The findings of the article present that no matter how difficult the situation is, people remain conservative in their world perception. However, there is slight optimism as some of the anthropocentric frames clear the way for a new paradigm of human-and-nature relations — ecocentrism.Документ Intercultural Sensitivity in Foreign Language Acquisition(Таврійський національний університет імені В. І. Вернадського, 2020) Halahan, Yа. V.; Ahibalova, T. M.; Karachova, D. V.The current paper is devoted to the intercultural approach to foreign language teaching at higher education institutions. The theoretical and methodological research, conducted in the context of a social cognitive perspective, is currently relevant and arises from the need to clarify an issue of effective learning as a means of integrating into a wider range of strategies, greater complexity of understanding, increased engagement, and self-direction. Developing concepts of themselves as interculturally sensitive language comprehenders, learners go through more positive emotions and affiliation to learning as well as tend to enhance action appropriate to the goals and context of education. Communicative skills are measured through individual language performance that exists due to the cultural awareness of speech act functions (apologies, suggestions, complaints, refusals) and, at the same time, they appear to be an instrument for organizing other cultural domains. Graduates should be prepared for international interaction and cooperation, both at the language and professional level. Lack of foreign language experience that is a background for intercultural erudition, or judging another culture according to one's own values may lead to communication problems. To teach a foreign language taking into account more sense of students’ participation in their field-of-study knowledge community, it is necessary to create an environment of real communication for professional purposes: to organize scientific discussions in a foreign language on key themes, current problems, or research que stions with the involvement of specialists in a particular field; to use field-specific terminology in the classroom via dialogues and monologues, wordplay; to use etymology reference literature on the origin and development of foreign professional words with the aim of enrichment of highly specialized terminology vocabulary.Key words: linguoculturological approach, communicative skills, intercultural sensitivity, field-specific terminology, cultural awareness, term, vocabulary.Документ Investigation of the nature of fossilized errors in the process of foreign language acquisition(Видавництво Іванченка І. С., 2019) Ahibalova, T. M.Документ Lyrical I in Poetic Discourse of Carl Sandburg: A Linguo-Cognitive Approach(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2020) Babych, Vira; Nedainova, IrynaThe article deals with the linguo-cognitive analysis of the expression of the lyrical I in the poetic discourse of the prominent representative of the epoch of American modernism—Carl Sandburg. The lyrical I is understood as a poet’s imagery in which the image of a lyrical hero and the image of the author are united in a syncretic way and which represents a three-fold linguo-cognitive construct that incorporates a conceptual, pragmatic and verbal embodiments. Based on the analysis made in the research, the authors arrived at the conclusion that Carl Sandburg’s lyrical I describes a man of labor, depicts a difficult life of a man in an industrial city, shows the author’s appeal in support of a man’s fighting for his rights, for peace and freedom. In the poetic discourse of Carl Sandburg, the lyrical I is represented with the help of an urban figurativeness, a newspaper style of the language, a perfect skill of use of a blank verse resembling a song folklore, and a wide use of local expressions and dialectal words, colloquial language and prosaisms.Документ Manipulation and Power: Pragmatic Markers in Political Discourse(University of Hradec Králové, 2023) Nedainova, IrynaДокумент Modern life: лексичний мінімум англійської мови(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Зенякін, Олексій СергійовичЦей посібник являє собою словник-конспект з найпоширенішими лексичними одиницями англійської мови, якими має володіти та користуватися студент. Лексичний мінімум задля зручності користування та запам’ятовування поділений на секції. Матеріал відповідає рівню В1+ Загальноєврепейських компетенцій володіння іноземною мовою. Розраховано на студентів спеціальності "Філологія".Документ Multimedia in developing communicative competence among ESL students: cultural aspect(Херсонський державний університет, 2018) Badan, A. A.; Nedainova, I. V.; Akopiants, N. M.This article presents the results of the use of multimedia tools in the development of communicative competencies in terms of enhancing the cultural aspect in the process of teaching English to students who study it as a foreign language. Special attention is paid to the consideration of specific examples of the use of multimedia by teachers of the department of business foreign language and translation of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute".Документ Noun Inflectional System of Interslavic Language(2020) Kupchenko, Alona; Kupriianov, YevhenLinguistics nowadays is extending the limits of theory. Many systems of morphological analysis, synthesis and lemmatization that focus on the grammatical specificity of the appropriate language have been developed in recent decades. Interlsavic language that has recently emerged is gaining popularity. Thus, we have formalized the model for the noun inflectional paradigm of Interslavic language This article describes the noun inflectional paradigm of Interslavic language developed on the basis of the Shirokov`s inflectional paradigm. Also, this study analyzes the grammar states of the noun in paradigm classes. The author suggests differentiation of grammatical groups and paradigmatic classes for Interslavic language.Документ Psycholinguistic aspect as the latest and significant component of modern translation studies(Полонійна академія в Ченстохові, 2021) Karachova, D. V.; Prytychenko, H. V.Документ Reconsidering CLIL in high and low context cultures(Херсонський державний університет, 2020) Tkalia, Iryna Anatoliivna; Tsarova, Svitlana OleksiivnaPurpose. The goal of the research is to analyze psycholinguistic peculiarities of the development of communicative competence and intercultural abilities and skills of university educators and students with reference to high and low context cultures. The emphasis is on the need for introducing cross-cultural aspects to the curricula of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) courses at tertiary level in Ukraine, especially in the conditions of international academic mobility. Thus, referring to Ukraine as a host country, the relevance of the issue under consideration is determined by the challenge for foreign students to be adapted to Ukraine's socio-cultural conditions and for Ukrainian students to become aware of intercultural values, traditions, and norms of verbal and non-verbal interaction. Methods. The goal of the research has been achieved through comparative analysis which allows highlighting main dimensions of cultural differences among nationalities including Ukraine, in particular, in low-context and high-context cultures. In the process of achieving this goal we used interdisciplinary approaches as well as the methods of observation and generalization to define intercultural skills and abilities required to gain cross-cultural competence and the methods of induction and systematization to concretize general conclusions. Results. The existing inseparable relationship of language and culture serves as a key to understanding that language and culture complement each other. It is inevitable to teach foreign culture in a foreign language class. The core of students' cross-cultural competence is to be rooted in cultural sensitivity, i.e. knowledge that there exist cultural differences and similarities among people which can hardly ever be evaluated either positively or negatively. We believe that due to this very factor the ability to overcome stereotypes in intercultural relations can be developed. Conclusion. Cross-cultural aspects should be included in the curricula of CLIL courses at tertiary level in Ukraine. Hence, classroom activities targeted at building students' competences in “cross-cultural nuances” can be a useful start in preparing students to socialize and perform successfully in their academic and professional endeavors.Документ Specificity of Organizational and Methodological Ensuring the Learning Process in the Information and Educational Environment(Shiny World Corp., 2023) Samoilenko, Oksana; Vyshkivska, Vanda; Prokofiev, Yevhen; Kozlov, YevhenThe article identifies the main trends characterizing the modern educational space; analyzed the content characteristics of the informational educational environment as a pedagogical system that combines informational educational resources, computer learning tools, educational process management tools, pedagogical techniques, methods and technologies. Based on the analysis of the scientific works of leading scientists, the main characteristics of the informational educational environment (variability, contextuality, polyfunctionality, adaptability) are determined, and their explanation is given; the functions of the informational educational environment are determined and the structure is substantiated. It has been proven that the information and educational environment consists of the goals and tasks of the organization of the project process, as well as the program-methodical (normative support for the functioning of the educational system), information-knowledge (a set of competencies), communication (interaction of the subjects of the educational process), technological ( modern teaching aids) components. The specifics of the use of advanced educational technologies in the information and educational environment are clarified. The conclusion that the information and educational environment of higher education institutions in modern conditions solves the following tasks is substantiated: improving the quality of education and the level of professional competence formation; ensuring the availability of educational services; lifelong learning; preparing students for the use of information technologies in an open digital society; increasing the efficiency of the education system in general.Документ Sport metaphors in the media as a translation problem(Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2019) Nedainova, I. V.Документ Teaching Effective Interpreters'communication Skills in Multimedia Classrooms(Таврійський національний університет імені В. І. Вернадського, 2020) Tymchenko, I. I.; Badan, A. A.; Nedainova, I. V.The development of new approaches to introducing communication exercises and activities imitating real life situations remains an urgent task for ESL teachers. This study examines the development of university students’ professionally significant communication skills during their classes of English taught in multimedia-based classrooms. The research conducted in groups of undergraduate students, who major in translation and interpreting, identified a set of the most valuable communication skills which require special attention of the novice interpreters. The necessity to focus on the development of these particular skills determined the methodology of teaching and the sequence of a year-long research, which 1) identified seven professionally significant communication skills that influence the efficiency of interpreters’ communication in working environment; 2) proved the advantages of teaching these skills to undergraduate students mainly in multimedia-based classrooms; 3) developed a convenient way to measure and assess the students’ individual progress in development of the seven professionally significant skills of communication, and 4) revealed ways to improve the technology of teaching by developing a set of exercises to be practiced in multimedia-based classrooms in order to imitate situations of working communication and interpreting. Introduction of the exercises in the teaching process has demonstrated appreciable improvement in students’ communication performances. Methodological recommendations for the teachers, who will be introducing the set of exercises in multimedia classrooms, were developed to ensure maximum efficiency of its applications.