Кафедра "Технологія жирів і продуктів бродіння"
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Від 2011 року кафедра має назву "Технологія жирів і продуктів бродіння", первісна назва – "Технологія жирів".
Кафедра "Технологія жирів" розпочала свою діяльність у 1930 році. Від початку заснування ХПТІ, спеціальність технологія жирів була складовою частиною кафедри технології органічних і забарвлюючих речовин і тільки в 1923 році виділена в окрему групу.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту хімічних технологій та інженерії Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут". Випускники кафедри працюють в олійно-жировій, кондитерській, пивоварній, виноробній, спиртовій, лікеро-горілчаній та безалкогольній галузях харчової промисловості.
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 3 доктора та 10 кандидатів технічних наук; 3 співробітника мають звання професора, 4 – доцента, 1 – старшого наукового співробітника.
Документ Analysis of the influence of technological parameters of the chlorogenic acid extraction process from sunflower meal on the degree of its extraction(Технологический Центр, 2020) Labeiko, Marina; Gladkiy, Fedir; Bochkarev, Sergiy; Mazaeva, Viktoria; Litvinenko, Olena; Ovsiannikova, Tetiana; Zhyrnova, Svitlana; Sytnik, NataliaThe object of research is the efficiency of extraction of chlorogenic acid ‑ the natural antioxidant, depending on the conditions of its extraction from sunflower meal. The main problem of this issue is the fact that the extraction degree of the specified phenolic compound is influenced by many factors, such as the degree of grinding of the product, the type of raw material, the method of extraction, the nature of the solvent-extractant, the temperature and duration of the extraction process, the hydromodule in the system "raw – extractant" etc. The impact of each of these parameters requires careful consideration and appropriate research. This will determine the optimal values of the specified parameters of the extraction process and increase the efficiency of extraction of chlorogenic acid. In this work, the raw material for the production of chlorogenic acid is a meal made from sunflower seeds – a cheap second raw material of oil and fat production. Previous studies have found that a high-efficiency extractant of the specified antioxidant is a solution of ethyl alcohol with a concentration of 60 %, and the optimum temperature of the process of extracting chlorogenic acid from sunflower meal is the boiling point of the extractant. As a result of this study, the regularity of the influence on the extraction degree of chlorogenic acid of such technological parameters as the hydromodule in the system "meal – ethyl alcohol solution 60 %" (hereinafter referred to as "meal – extractant") and the duration of the extraction process were studied. Experiments to determine the dependence of the extraction degree of chlorogenic acid on the hydromodule in the system "meal – extractant" and the duration of extraction were carried out in accordance with the plan of the full factor experiment. Mathematical methods using the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (USA) and Stat Soft Statistica v6.0 (USA) software packages have been applied for experiment planning and data processing. The dependence indicated in the paper is a quadratic function that predicts an increase in chlorogenic acid content during extraction, with an increase in the hydromodule in the "meal‑extractant" system from 1:5 to 1:10 and a decrease in the extraction time from 60 minutes up to 30 minutes. It is established that for the maximum possible increase in the extraction degree of chlorogenic acid from the meal of sunflower seeds, the optimal value of the hydromodule extraction ‑ 1:10, the duration of extraction ‑ 30 minutes. The obtained results allow to increase the extraction degree of chlorogenic acid from sunflower meal from 2.46 % to 5.58 %. This indicates the possibility of increasing the efficiency of extraction of antioxidant more than 2 times.Документ Approbation and biomedical research of "coriander petrozeline"(Alma Mater Publishing House of the University of Bacãu, 2020) Kalyna, Viktoriia S.; Lutsenko, Maryna V.; Tchoursinov, Yuriy O.; Kunitsa, Katerina V.; Kharytonov, Mykola M.The certain organoleptic and physicochemical properties of “Coriander petrozeline” were specified. Comparative analysis of bakery fat was conducted. It was established the semi-solid fraction of fatty coriander oil - the “Coriander petrozeline” can be defined as a special fat for baking. The expediency of using the “Coriander petrozeline” in the recipes of bakery products with the complete replacement of usual fatty ingredient - margarine was discovered. The test baked goods were made from the high quality wheat flour to determine the impact of “Coriander petrozeline” on the quality indicators of bakery products. The advantage of “Coriander petrozeline” using lies also in the fact that the technological process of manufacturing products does not change after its inception. The biomedical research of “Coriander petrozeline” was conducted by feeding it to laboratory rats. It was established that the results of biochemical studies of blood serum of white linear rats are within the limits of control healthy parameters of animals. It was proved that “Coriander petrozeline” is a hygienically safe food product and promising ingredient for application in the food industry.Документ CFD підхід для аналізу характеристик потоку високонапірної радіально-осьової гідротурбіни(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Миронов, Костянтин Анатолійович; Олексенко, Юлія Юріївна; Миронов, Вадим КостянтиновичЗ ростом обчислювальної механіки віртуальні гідравлічні машини стають все більш реалістичними, дають можливість визначити незначні деталі потоку, що в свою чергу неможливо отримати при тестуванні моделей. В данній роботі проведено 3D турбулентний аналіз реального потоку в радіально-осьовій гідравлічній турбіні при трьох відкриттях направляючого апарату та різній швидкості обертання за допомогою програмного забезпечення для обчислювальної динаміки рідин (CFD) Ansys CFX. Обчислюються для отримання характеристик потоку середні значення параметрів потоку, такі як швидкість і кути потоку на вході і на виході з робочого колеса, направляючого апарату і статору. Для поліпшення енергетичних показників на попередньому етапі проектування гідротурбіни проводиться чисельне моделювання потоку. Даний підхід CFD знижує витрати і час в порівнянні з експериментальними підходом і дає можливість удосконалити і аналізувати показники турбіни і її конструкцію до моменту виготовлення моделі. Розрахунковий комплекс програм надає можливість побачити картину розподілу тиску, поле векторів швидкості і руху частинок рідини для обґрунтування та аналізу результатів. Наведені результати розрахункового дослідження підтверджують, що гідравлічний коефіцієнт корисної дії гідравлічної турбіни в значній мірі залежить від втрат в напрямному апараті і робочому колесі і означає, що саме цим елементам варто приділяти найбільші увагу, їх конструкції та узгодженню потоку в них. Отримані розрахункові дані відповідають відомим раніше експериментальним рекомендаціям для високонапірної радіально-осьової гідротурбіни.Документ Determination of the celluloseand lipid-containing components influence on the extrudate technological indicators(Технологічний центр, 2024) Petik, Ihor; Litvinenko, Olena; Stankevych, Serhii; Zabrodina, Inna; Ponomarova, Maryna; Kotliar, Oleh; Kliuchko, Ruslan; Muhalenko, Oleksii; Pidpala, Tetiana; Danylchuk, GalynaThe effect of cellulose- and lipid-containing components on the technological parameters of the extruded mixture based on protein- and starch-containing raw materials on the technological parameters of the extrudate was studied. The use of components that modify such technological indicators of the extruded mixture as water resistance and swelling is substantiated. It is proposed to use sunflower husks and sunflower phosphatide concentrate as modifying additives to the mixture for extrusion. A rational ratio of the specified components in the extrudate was established to obtain indicators of water resistance in the range of 220...300 min and swelling in the range of 100...120 %. This is an important aspect of expanding the range of extruded products from the waste of oil and fat industries and obtaining high-quality competitive products. The object of the study is the dependence of water resistance and swelling of the extruded mixture on the content of modifying additives. Their rational ratio in the extrudate is: sunflower husk – 6.0 %; sunflower phosphatide concentrate – 5.0 %. The manufactured extrudate sample corresponds to commercial fish feed in terms of chemical composition and technological parameters, and also has a 4 times lower cost. A feature of the obtained results is the possibility of regulating the water resistance, swelling and porosity of the extrudate based on proteinand starch-containing raw materials, depending on the ratio of cellulose- and lipid-containing modifying additives. This allows to change the technological parameters of the finished product depending on the chemical composition of the mixture of raw components according to the requirements of the consumer. The results of the conducted research prove that cellulose- and lipid-containing secondary products of production can be successfully transformed into new competitive products.Документ Development of extruded animal feed based on fat and oil industry waste(Технологічний центр, 2023) Petik, Ihor; Litvinenko, Olena; Kalyna, Viktoriia; Illinska, Olha; Raiko, Valentina; Filenko, Olesia; Lutsenko, Maryna V.; Romanova, Tetiana; Svishchova, Yana; Ivakin, OleksiiThe paper considers the way to solve the problem of processing waste from the oil and fat industry, namely sunflower and soybean meals, which are a source of many valuable substances. The peculiarity of the work lies in determining the rational ratio of the base components of extruded animal feed, which is an important aspect of obtaining highquality competitive products. The research object is the use of oil and fat industry waste in extruded animal feed technology. The rational ratio of the components of extruded animal feed has been determined. The rational ratio of animal feed components is: sunflower meal – 0.40 parts by weight; soybean meal – 0.25 parts by weight; oatmeal – 0.35 parts by weight. The animal feed sample with justified composition corresponds to the commercial analogue in terms of porosity (72 % and 76 %, respectively) and cost ($285/t and $285/t, respectively). In addition, the extruded feed with the developed composition exceeds the commercial analogue in terms of protein content by 3.2 times and essential amino acids content by 2.9 times. The obtained data are explained by the use of a complex of components, namely oil and fat waste and starch-containing grain raw materials with various limiting amino acids and various technological features of the extruded mass of their mixture. The feature of the obtained results is the possibility to control the technological characteristic (porosity) of the finished product depending on the components ratio, which allows changing product characteristics according to consumer requirements. The research results make it possible to efficiently process secondary products of oilseed processing into a new competitive marketable product. From a practical point of view, the technology makes it possible to reduce the cost of storage/utilization of industry waste, get additional income from new products sales and improve environmental conditions. The applied aspect of using the scientific result is the possibility to create a range of animal feed with different technological indicators depending on the components ratio.Документ Estimation of the Measurements’ Accuracy During the Production of the New Liquor "Mentina"(Technical University of Sofia, 2017) Piven, Olena Mykolayivna; Chunikhina, Tatyana Vitalievna; Papchenko, Viktoriia Yurievna; Kumpitskaya, Victoria VitalievnaThe article considers laboratory and sensory evaluation methods to estimate important consumer appeals for a new alcoholic beverage "Mentina." The work shows that during a series of experiments in order to ascertain the optimal composition of the new drink a regression equation for the relationship between sensory evaluation and content of plant extracts (mint, lemon balm and savory) was obtained. Also dependence between beverage stability and technological parameters of the process was experimentally found. The analysis of the accuracy of the measurements with using the physical and chemical methods was done.Документ Investigation of the intensive technology of food sprouts using organic acids(Scientific Route, Estonia, 2020) Kovaliova, Olena; Tchursinov, Yuriy; Kalyna, Viktoriia; Khromenko, Tatyana; Kunitsia, EkaterinaThe features of the intensive technology of getting food sprouts with organic acids as an intensifier of germination were studied. The aim was to establish the features of the intensive technology of producing sprouts of different crops with using organic acids at germination (butanedioic, 3-pyridine carbonic, pteroylglutamic). It is important to search new and safe germination stimulators of universal use. Such substances are just the studied organic acids, because positive changes of quality parameters of a ready product are traced at their use in the sprout technology. There was studied the sprout technologies that includes washing, disinfection, step-by-step air-water soaking of grains from different crops and their germination. As a disinfectant and growth stimulator at the stage of grain material soaking, there were used water solutions of the organic acids in the concentration diapason from 0.025 to 2.5 g/l. Due to their use, it became possible to get high-quality healthy food products, namely sprouts of different crops. Organic acid solutions stimulatethe germination process and allow to get an essentially higher amount of high-quality sprouts in shorter terms without chemical toxic admixtures. The research results of the influence of the mentioned organic acids on germination indices of different grains materials are presented. Optimal values of concentrations of active substances in solutions have been established. Comparing with the classic technology of using these acids as a growth stimulator for sprouts allows to decrease the total duration of material germination in 1.5–2 times. Due to that it becomes possible to initiate the industrial production of sprouts. The experimental studies proved the effectiveness of using organic acids at getting living sprouts. It is demonstrated, that their use allows not only to intensify grains germination, but also favors more active formation of sprouts. The presented technology of producing sprouts of different crops is innovative. The obtained grain raw materials may be used independently or as an important component of new food products.Документ Kinetics and thermodynamics of biocatalytic glycerolysis of triacylglycerols enriched with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids(Украинский государственный химико-технологический университет, 2018) Nekrasov, P. O.; Piven, Olena Mykolayivna ; Nekrasov, O. P.; Gudz, O. M.; Kryvonis, N. O.The enrichment of fats with omega-3 polyunsaturated acids increases the nutritive value of fats and makes them more health promoting by boosting the immune system and reducing blood coagulability, the level of neutral lipids and the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. That is why it is important to develop scientific basis of the synthesis of these lipid systems. There have been created the mathematical model of kinetics of enzymatic glycerolysis of triacylglycerols enriched with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, enabling quantitative and qualitative assessment of the reaction composition. For the mathematical modeling of the process, a system of nonlinear differential equations has been created which describes the change in the content of the resulting substrates and reaction products through time. To determine acylglycerol composition of the reaction systems, the high temperature gas-liquid chromatography method was used. The simulation was performed using Mathcad 15 environment via the identification of the parameters of the model by means of a random multivariable search algorithm being called a method of complexes, in the course of which the errors between experimental and model data were minimized. The Runge–Kutta method with a variable step of the fourth order of accuracy was used as a numerical procedure for differential equations modelling. As a result of the calculations, the numerical values of the constants of direct and reverse reactions rates and the corresponding equilibrium constants were determined. Based on the received constants of homogeneous substrates mixtures the values of thermodynamic parameters and activation energies of the studied process have been calculated. The conclusions have been drawn about the contribution of each reaction, occurring during biocatalytic glycerolysis of triacylglycerols, to the process under consideration.Документ Modelling formulae of strawberry whey drinks of prophylactic application(Одеська національна академія харчових технологій, 2017) Tkachenko, N.; Nekrasov, P. O. ; Vikul, S.; Honcharuk, Ya.Expediency of the development of formulae and innovative technologies for production of prophylactic application drinks possessing antioxidant, probiotic and hepatoprotective properties with the use of the secondary dairy product – whey, as well as the domestic vegetable raw materials having a high content of bioactive substances has been substantiated. Formulation composition of the prophylactic drinks based on cheese whey, extract of Tagetes patula flowers and the berry filler “Strawberry” with the use of the response surface method has been developed. Bioactivity of the drinks and the complex quality indicator which accounts for the total influence of the bioactivity, organoleptic assessment and weight coefficients of the specified unit indicators were taken as the optimization criteria; as the independent factors that were varied in the course of the experiment, the mass fractions of the marigold flowers extract and the strawberries filler were selected. It is recommended that the mass fractions of the berry filler “Strawberry” and the extract of Tagetes patula flowers in the prophylactic drinks are set as 7 and 20 % of the finished product, accordingly. The practical mass fraction of the citric acid of 0.2 % was determined as it ensures high organoleptic characteristics of the finished drinks. Recommendations are given concerning development of innovative technologies of unfermented and fermented strawberry whey drinks of prophylactic application enriched with the extract of Tagetes patula flowers.Документ New vegetable oil blends to ensure high biological value and oxidative stability(Технологический центр, 2017) Nosenko, Tamara; Shemanska, Evgeniya; Bakhmach, Volodymyr; Sidorenko, Taisiya; Demydova, Anastasiya; Berezka, T. O. ; Arutyunyan, Tetyana; Matukhov, DmitrijThe compositions of fatty acids of 15 types of vegetable oils of cold pressing have been studied to develop and justify the blends of sunflower oil with camelina oil, flaxseed oil and walnut oil as those that have reasonable ratios of ω-3:ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The autocatalytic oxidation of the blends was studied at a storage temperature of (20±2) ºС with free access of light and air. A significant slowdown in the rate of accumulatng peroxides and free fatty acids was established when blending 45 % of walnut oil or 40 % of camelina oil with the appropriate amount of sunflower oil. The developed blend of 55 % of sunflower oil plus 45 % of walnut oil has been found to have a ratio of ω-3:ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids close to that recommended for daily nutrition. Blends of vegetable oils with a higher ratio of ω-3:ω-6 fatty acids (75 % of sunflower oil plus 25 % of flaxseed oil and 60 % of sunflower oil plus 25 % of camelina oil) are recommended by the authors for therapeutic nutrition. Blending of traditional sunflower oil with other types of vegetable oils makes it possible to solve two problems – to increase the biological value of fat by optimizing the fatty acid composition and to increase resistance to oxidative spoilage. The developed blends of sunflower oil with walnut oil or camelina oil are stable to oxidation, so they can be recommended for making health-improving products.Документ Optimization of formulation composition of the low-calorie emulsion fat systems(Технологический центр, 2016) Tkachenko, N.; Nekrasov, P. O. ; Makovska, T.; Lanzhenko, L.Among the promising food products of oil-and-fat industry, special place is held by emulsion fat products, in which vegetable oil is in the dispersed state that increases its assimilation. High taste and nutritional properties, due to the specific character of their structure, are inherent in emulsion fat systems. Therefore, water-fat emulsions are the promising systems, on the basis of which it is possible to create mayonnaises, sauces, dressings, oil pastes, spreads and other food products, including low fat ones, with the balanced composition and health-improving properties. The work substantiated the optimum content of the concentrate of Jerusalem artichoke “Noteo” and the stabilizing system “Hamulsion QNA» – 10,06 and 0,42 % respectively, as the components of low calorie emulsion fat basis for the production of low fat oil-and-fat products. It is shown that a low calorie emulsion fat system, produced with the use of raw components in the optimal ratio, possesses standardized physical-chemical and microbiological indicators, high organoleptic characteristics and can be used as the raw material for the production of low calorie mayonnaises, sauces and dressings for healthy nutrition. The recommendations are provided regarding the design of the technologies of the two groups of low calorie mayonnaises, sauces, dressings, enriched with food fibers and prebiotics (or the complexes of synbiotics), on the basis of the developed emulsion fat systems.Документ Optimization of the composition of fat systems of new generation(Технологічний центр, 2019) Nekrasov, P. O. ; Gudz, O.; Nekrasov, O.; Berezka, T. O.Fats are an integral part of human nutrition. The increased content of trans-isomers in their composition causes a number of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders. A promising approach to solving the problem of minimizing the content of trans- isomers of fatty acid in the composition of food products is the creation of a new generation of fat systems – the oleogel, which is the subject of the presented research. As the dispersion medium of the oleogel, high-oleic sunflower oil is used, in contrast to the oil of traditional varieties, it is possible to obtain systems with enhanced oxidation resistance. The dispersed phase of these fat systems is beeswax, tripalmitin and monoacylglycerols. The choice of a complex of these components is based on their properties to create in oleogels a three-dimensional structure with desired thermomechanical characteristics. At present, there is not enough information about the dependence of the main characteristics of the oleogel on the ratio of ingredients of dispersed phase. In particular, one of the most problematic places in the oleogel technology is its thermal stability, which significantly affects the parameters of production, transportation, as well as storage conditions and periods. To solve this problem, the methodology of the response surface is used in the work. The determination of the unknown values of the parameter vector is carried out by applying regression analysis algorithms. The minimization of the deviation functional is performed by finding the appropriate combinations of experimental predictor series. As a result of research, a mathematical model is developed, which allows, based on data on the component composition of the oleogel, to predict its thermal stability. Reasonably rational mass fractions of the components of the dispersed phase of the oleogel: the content of beeswax is 3.27 wt. %; content of tripalmitin is 3.07 wt. % and the content of monoacylglycerol is 4.70 wt. %, at which the maximum value of the response function is reached. The results will serve as a scientific basis for the development of technological parameters of the industrial production of fat systems of the new generation, the conditions and terms of their storage and transportation.Документ Optimizing the parameters of the production process of fat systems with a minimum content of trans-isomers(Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет, 2020) Nekrasov, P. O.; Gudz, O. M.; Nekrasov, O. P.; Berezka, T. O.Currently, the vast majority of solid fats, which are used as formula components of food products, are produced in Ukraine by partial hydrogenation. This method of fats modification leads to the formation of a significant amount of trans-isomers of fatty acids, which negatively affects the human body. It is known that the increased content of these isomers in the composition of fat products results in an increased risk of developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In particular, the action of high-density lipoproteins is blocked, the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of human blood vessels is initiated, and the development of atherosclerosis is provoked. We suggest resolving this problem by using interesterification of fats under the action of lipases, which has some advantages as compared with traditional technology. For instance, alkaline agents will not be used for catalysis, the reaction products will not be contaminated with catalysts, soaps will not be formed as by-products, the temperature of the process will be almost halved, and the organization of production will be less complicated and cheaper. The purpose of the work was to determine the rational parameters of the interesterification reaction aimed at the synthesis of fat systems with a minimum content of trans-isomers. The research objective was achieved by using the response surface methodology. The kinetics of reaction was studied by pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance. The processing and analysis of experimental data was performed by means of the Statistica 10 package. As a result of investigations, a mathematical model was developed that allows predicting the degree of conversion of starting materials into reaction products based on the data on the conditions of the interesterification process. Rational values of the main parameters for the synthesis of fatty systems with a minimum content of trans-isomers of fatty acids were specified. The obtained results can serve as a scientific basis for the development of technology for the production of fat systems with improved quality and safety characteristics.Документ Some opportunities of developments oil stabilization technology against oxidative spoilage(НТУ "ХПІ", 2017) Bukhkalo, S. I.; Bilous, Olesia Valeriivna; Demidov, Igor NikolaevichThe materials are presented defined correlation between the amount of antioxidants produced from walnut leaves and calendula flowers and technological parameters of an extract. Fixed the dependence of the induction period of triggered sunflower oil oxidation process on the content and value of plant antioxidants. Detected the synergy effect of an antioxidant produced from walnut leaves and calendula flowers and sunflower oil tocopherols. Discovered, that the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids are comprised in plant oils, does not affect the antioxidant activity of plant antioxidant complex. Defined that injecting of complex plant antioxidant together with monoacylglycerols into oil creates the sedimentationresistant dispersed phase.Документ Substantiation of storage parameters of the sour-milk infant drink "Biolakt"(Одеська національна академія харчових технологій, 2017) Tkachenko, N.; Nekrasov, P. O. ; Avershina, A.; Ukrainceva, Ju.Changes in the quality indicators of sour-milk infant drink «Biolakt» characterized by high probiotic and immunomodulatory properties and low allergic effect that were made according to the improved technology and stored in sealed-off containers at temperature (4±2) ºС during 28 days have been studied: organoleptic properties of taste and odour, consistency and appearance; physical and chemical properties – titrated acidity, ºТ; active acidity, pH units; moisture retention property, %; microbiological properties – number of living cells of mixed cultures B. bifidum 1 + B. longum Ya3 + B. infantis 512, CFU/cm³; the most probable number of living cells of monocultures L. acidophilus La-5, CFU/cm³; presence of coli form bacteria in 0.3 cm³; presence of Salmonella in 50 cm3; biochemical properties – antioxidant activity, activity units; and maximum possible content of malondialdehyde at complete oxidation of the product ingredients, mg/100 g. It is proved that under indicated conditions in the course of 24 days the studied samples of target products possess high organoleptic and standardized for sour-milk infant drinks physical, chemical, biochemical and microbiological indicators and are, also, characterized by high content of probiotics: (0.43 – 8.60)∙109 and (0.25 – 1.10)∙109 CFU/cm3 of living cells of bifidus bacteria and lactobacilli, accordingly. It has been established that the limit storage period of sour-milk infant drink «Biolakt» produced according to the improved technology and stored at temperature (4±2) ºС should not exceed 12 days with due account of the safety margin for sour-milk infant drinks (provided they are kept in sealed-off containers). It has been proved that the target product formulas should include lactulose, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 FT EU of «Fortitech» company (Denmark), vitamin complex FT 041081EU of «Fortitech» company (Denmark) and/or complex of mineral substances FT 042836EU of «Fortitech» company (Denmark).Документ Technology of culinary (frying) fats(Scientific Route, Estonia, 2020) Udovenko, Oleksiy; Gladkiy, Fedir; Shkredov, Ivan; Havriushenko, Kateryna; Litvinenko, Olena; Kunitsia, KaterinaThe increased popularity of deep-fried foods has put health and safety concerns on the agenda. Factors that affect the quality and safety of culinary (frying) fats include the fatty acid profile, as well as cooking modes and time, especially when renewal rates are low. The industry is currently facing a top-of-mind technology challenge: to reduce the “oil content” of fried foods by developing a frying fat that would meet up-to-date food production standards. In other words, there is a need for a frying fat, which should last as long as possible without oxidizing and changing colour. Furthermore, its uptake by foods, fried in it, must be 40–50 % less than that of conventional fats. To this end, the authors put forward an innovative technology for producing culinary (frying) fats through esterification of fatty acids with high molecular weight alcohols. The research work that has been carried out so far prove the possibility of producing specialty fats by such modification to the applicable regulatory requirements: the melting range is between 29.6 and 34.65 °С, the acid value is up to 0.4 mg KОН/g. The viscosity of modified fats is lower than that of oils, which is due to the fat structure, and this circumstance will have a positive effect on the fat content in a finished product. The researchers has identified a numerical relationship (expressed as a regression model) of the yield of the desired fraction of a modified fat versus the ratio of reagents, reaction time, and process temperature, as well as calculated rational process parameters. The aim of the research is to develop the technology of obtaining culinary (frying) fats by esterification of fatty acids with high molecular weight alcohols.Документ The technology of modification of fats (acylglycerols) by changing the composition of the alkyl group(Sp. z o.o. "Nauka i studia", 2020) Havriushenko, K. O.; Udovenko, O. O.; Gladkiy, F. F.A rational technology for the esterification of fatty acids with ethyl alcohol has been developed, a feature of which is the removal of a reaction by-product (water) by evaporation of an azeotropic mixture of ethyl alcohol - water, the condensate of the latter is dehydrated with zeolites, which allows ethanol to be returned to the reaction zone at a higher concentration, thereby increasing the yield of ethyl esters up to 98%. A rational technology for the enzymatic esterification of fatty acids with high molecular weight alcohols has been developed, which provides a degree of conversion of the starting components to the target product of about 99 %. Such modified fats can be used as confectionery and cooking (deep-frying) fats, respectively, as a safe alternative to traditional specialty fats.Документ Technology of specialty fats based on palm stearin(Технологический центр, 2016) Kunitsa, Ekaterina; Udovenko, Aleksey; Litvinenko, Elena; Gladkiy, Fedor; Levchuk, IrinaNew technology of modification of fats was developed, which allows, by fermentative ethanolysis, obtaining a new type of specialty fats for use in the food industry (culinary, bakery and dairy products). We proposed, for the modification of fatty raw materials, restructuring of the fats, namely, their active parts (acyl groups) with obtaining of derivatives of fatty acids that have functional properties. Obtained fats meet the requirements of normative documentation by the indicators of quality, and are additionally enriched with physiologically–active ingredients – ethyl esters of fatty acids, which are better digested and reduce the resynthesis of fat in a human body. The influence of conditions of fermentative alcoholysis of palm stearin by ethyl alcohol on the degree of its conversion to ethyl esters of fatty acids was defined. It was established that when using ethyl alcohol as a reagent in the presence of lipolytic enzyme, ethyl esters and incomplete acylglycerols accumulate that causes the change of physical and chemical indicators (including the melting temperature decrease), the composition of the reaction mixture, and allows obtaining fats with given composition and properties. Thus, using this method, selecting necessary raw materials and varying the conditions of the reaction, one can obtain a whole range of specialty fats.Документ Адсорбційно-активна присадка "Амірол-М"(Державне патентне відомство України, 1999) Стахурський, Олександр Дмитрович; Губанова, Валентина Андріївна; Горпінко, Юлія Генадіївна; Шапошник, Олександр Васильович; Боханов, Дмитро Федорович; Македонський, Олег Олександрович; Гладкий, Федір Федорович; Гладкий, Валентин Федорович; Чумак, Ольга Петрівна; Виноградний, Михайло Миколайович; Гасюк, Лариса Василівна; Глущенко, Катерина Арсентіївна; Жиліна, Світлана Сергіївна; Логачов, Володимир ЮрійовичАдсорбционно-активная присадка, содержащая продукт конденсации полифункциональных кислородсодержащих соединений с тризтаноламином, отличающаяс я тем, что в качестве продукта конденсации полифункциональных кислородсодержащих соединений с триэтаноламином она содержит продукт полимеризации и конденсации с тризтаноламином жирных кислот, выделенных из соапстоков светлых растительных масел и модифицированных кислородом воздуха до кислотного числа 150-165 мг КОН/г, а также она дополнительно содержит жирные кислоты, выделенные из соапстоков светлых растительных масел, причем содержание жирных кислот находится в количестве, необходимом для поддержания соотношения триэтанолового мыла (т) и кислоты (п) в молекуле кислого мыла как 1:3, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Продукт полимеризации и конденсации с тризтаноламином жирных кислот, выделенных из соапстоков светлых растительных масел и модифицированных кислородом воздуха до кислотного числа 150-165 мг КОН/г 75-81. Жирные кислоты, выделенные из соапстоков светлых растительных масел 19-25.Документ Амарантова олія - якість та безпечність щодо використання як біологічно активної добавки(НТУ "ХПІ", 2015) Левчук, І. В.; Кіщенко, В. А.; Тимченко, Валентина Кузьмівна; Куниця, Катерина ВікторівнаВ статье подтверждена высокая ценность амарантового масла в качестве биологически активной добавки. Разработан метод исследования сквалена – естественного антиоксиданта на основе методов газожидкостной и тонкослойной хроматографии. Представлены результаты мониторинга сквалена в амарантовом масле и определены его некоторые структурные, физико-химические и показатели безопасности для целей идентификации, фальсификации и создания схем технохимического контроля производства.