Кафедра "Біотехнологія, біофізика та аналітична хімія"
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Кафедра "Бiотехнологiя, біофізика та аналiтична хiмiя" була створена у 1998 році на базі кафедри "Аналітична хімія", яка у 1940 році була виділена з кафедри хімії в самостійну кафедру. Ініціатива створення кафедри належить доктору технічних наук, професору Миколі Федосовичу Клещеву.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту хімічних технологій та інженерії Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут". Кафедра провадить освітню, методичну та наукову діяльність у галузі знань "Хімічна та біоінженерія". Крім теоретичних основ біотехнології, велику увагу було приділяється контролю якості і сертифікації біотехнологічної продукції.
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 2 доктора наук: 1 – технічних, 1 – фармацевтичних; 8 кандидатів наук: 3 – біологічних, 5 – технічних; 2 співробітника мають звання професора, 6 – доцента.
Документ Anomalous polaritonic luminescence from rare-gas solids(2016) Ogurtsov, A. N.; Kleshchev, N. F.; Bliznjuk, O. N.Документ Anomalous polaritonic luminescence from solid xenon(2014) Ogurtsov, A. N.; Kleshchev, N. F.; Bliznjuk, O. N.Документ Crystal size effect in polaritonic luminescence from atomic cryocrystals(Hyogo University, 2019) Ogurtsov, Alexander; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Masalitina, NataliiaПублікація Development of rational technology for sodium glyceroxide obtaining(Технологічний центр, 2022) Korchak, Mykola; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Nekrasov, Serhii; Gavrish, Tatiana; Petrova, Olena; Shevchuk, Natalia; Strikha, Liudmyla; Kostyrkin, Oleg; Semenov, Evgeny; Saveliev, DmytroThe process of sodium glyceroxide obtaining by the reaction of glycerol and sodium hydroxide in the form of an aqueous solution was investigated. Glycerol salts (metal glyceroxides) are important components in the synthesis of many compounds. Glyceroxides are used in the chemical industry, construction, medical practice, etc. Glyceroxides of alkali metals are used in the production of modified fats and biodiesel fuel. P.a.-grade glycerol (CAS Number 56-81-5) was used with a mass fraction of the main substance of 99.5 %. The parameters of sodium hydroxide (CAS Number 1310-73-2) were studied: the mass fraction of the main substance is 98.0 %, the mass fraction of sodium carbonate is 0.5%. Rational conditions for sodium glyceroxide obtaining were determined: temperature (145 °C) and concentration of sodium hydroxide solution (65 %). Under these conditions, the mass fraction of the main substance in the product was 80 %. The melting point (72 °C) and mass fraction of moisture (0.3 %) in sodium glyceroxide were determined. The catalytic activity of the product in the process of transesterification of palm olein was tested. The increase in the melting point of palm olein was 15 °C. Under similar conditions of using potassium glyceroxide with a mass fraction of the main substance of 75.77 %, the increase in the melting point is 12.1 °C. This indicates an increase in the efficiency of the transesterification process using sodium glyceroxide obtained by the developed technology. The research results make it possible to produce sodium glyceroxide under rational conditions with a high mass fraction of the main substance at enterprises that use metal glyceroxides as a production component or commercial product. The determined rational conditions will make it possible to effectively use the company’s resources and predict the quality of the final product. Досліджено процес одержання натрій гліцерату шляхом реагування гліцерину та натрій гідроксиду у вигляді водного розчину. Солі гліцерину (гліцерати металів) є важливими складовими у процесах синтезу багатьох сполук. Гліцерати застосовуються у хімічній промисловості, будівництві, медичній практиці тощо. Гліцерати лужних металів використовуються у виробництві модифікованих жирів та біодизельного пального. Застосовано гліцерин (CAS Number 56-81-5) кваліфікації ч. д. а. з масовою часткою основної речовини 99,5 %. Досліджено показники натрій гідроксиду (CAS Number 1310-73-2): масова частка основної речовини – 98,0 %, масова частка натрій карбонату – 0,5 %. Встановлено раціональні умови отримання натрій гліцерату: температуру (145 °C) та концентрацію розчину натрій гідроксиду (65 %). За цих умов масова частка основної речовини в продукті склала 80 %. В натрій гліцераті визначено температуру плавлення (72 °C) та масову частку вологи (0,3 %). Перевірено каталітичну активність продукту у процесі переетерифікування олеїну пальмового. Підвищення температури плавлення олеїну пальмового склало 15 °C. За аналогічних умов використання калій гліцерату з масовою часткою основної речовини 75,77 % підвищення температури плавлення становить 12,1 °C. Це свідчить про підвищення ефективності процесу переетерифікування з використанням натрій гліцерату, отриманого за розробленою технологією. Результати досліджень дають можливість виробляти натрій гліцерат за раціональних умов з високою масовою часткою основної речовини на підприємствах, де використовують гліцерати металів як складову виробництва або товарний продукт. Встановлені раціональні умови дозволять ефективно використовувати ресурси підприємства та прогнозувати якість кінцевого продукту.Документ Development of safe technology of obtaining fatty acid monoglycerides using a new catalyst(ПП "Технологічний Центр", 2022) Bliznjuk, O. N.; Masalitina, N. Yu.; Mezentseva, Iryna; Novozhylova, Tetiana; Korchak, Mykola; Haliasnyi, Ivan; Gavrish, Tatiana; Fomina, Iryna; Khalil, Viktoriya; Nikitchenko, OlgaFatty acid monoglycerides are a valuable component of the products of various industries. The emulsifying ability of monoglycerides is used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food production. The process of fatty acid monoglycerides obtaining by the reaction of vegetable hydrogenated fat (salomas) with glycerol (glycerolysis method) has been studied. Potassium glycerate is used as a catalyst, which is characterized by high efficiency and safety of production and use. A feature of the work is the study of the dependence of the yield and melting point of monoglycerides on the technological parameters of glycerolysis. As a raw material, hydrogenated refined fat according to DSTU 5040 (CAS Number 68334-28-1) was used: melting point – 48 °C, mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances – 0.08 %, acid value – 0.25 mg KOH/g, peroxide value – 2.8 ½ O mmol/kg. In all experiments, the glycerolysis temperature was 180 °C, the catalyst concentration – 0.5 % in terms of metal. Rational conditions for glycerolysis were determined: duration (90 min.) and glycerol concentration (50 %). Under these conditions, the monoglycerides yield was 32.9 %, melting point – 61.5 °C. The mass fraction of free glycerol in monoglycerides was 1.0 %, acid value – 2.2 mg KOH/g. The efficiency of monoglycerides obtaining using potassium hydroxide and glycerol mixture as a catalyst under certain rational conditions has been studied. The monoglycerides yield of 30.1 %, melting point of 59 °C were obtained. Therefore, the use of potassium glycerate catalyst is more efficient. The results of the study make it possible to improve the technology for the production of fatty acid monoglycerides using a new catalyst and use resources rationally.Документ Energy loss and inelastic scattering of photoelectrons in N₂ doped solid Kr(al-Farabi Kazakh National university, 2014) Ogurtsov, A. N.; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Masalitina, N. Yu.Документ Evidence of defect phase formation in photoirradiated solid Xe: Steady-state kinetic study(2006) Masalitina, N. Yu.; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Ogurtsov, A. N.Документ Kinetic analysis of sample degradation progress curves(2005) Ogurtsov, A. N.; Masalitina, N. Yu.; Bliznjuk, O. N.Документ Kinetic modeling of the catalytic ammonia oxidation to N₂O(Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет, 2017) Bliznjuk, O. N.; Ogurtsov, A. N.; Savenkov, A. S.; Masalitina, N. Yu.Документ Low temperature oxidation of ammonia to N₂O over mixed oxide catalysts(2017) Bliznjuk, O. N.; Ogurtsov, A.; Masalitina, N.The study is devoted to development of technology of catalytic ammonia oxidation to nitrogen(I) oxide. The process of low-temperature oxidation of ammonium on oxidizing catalysts has been investigated for production of nitrogen(I) oxide to be used for medical purposes and organic synthesis. Mixed oxide catalysts under various technological parameters were investigated. Experimentally validated concepts became the basis for creation the technological process of ammonia oxidation. Technological scheme of nitrogen(I) oxide production for organic synthesis was developed. The developed technological process is pro-posed for industrial implementation and appropriate output data are provided for industrial design.Документ Mathematical modeling of the equilibrium between nitrogen(II) and (IV) oxides in the combined process of metals extraction from the spent catalysts(Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет, 2019) Suvorin, A. V.; Savenkov, A. S.; Shmelev, A. S.; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Ozheredova, M. A.; Masalitina, N. Yu.; Ogurtsov, A. N.The paper gives the results of the study of equilibrium between nitrogen(II) and (IV) oxides under the conditions of the combined process of nitrogen oxides chemisorption from their mixtures with air and the extraction of metals from spent catalysts by an aqueous solution that contacts with the catalyst and the extractant. The mechanism of the combined process was established and the mathematical model was created that takes into account the interaction between nitrogen oxides and water with the formation of nitric acid, its subsequent interaction with the reactive component of the spent catalyst and the extraction of the formed metal nitrates. The investigation was performed and the mathematical model was developed for the determination of the equilibrium composition of nitrogen oxides in the production of nitric acid and the calculation of the equilibrium concentration and conversion degree of nitrogen oxides in the combined process. DIAP-3-6N catalyst was used as an example and the algorithm was proposed for the calculation of the time variation of the composition of a three-phase system "solid–liquid–gas". A mathematical model of the process was created that takes into account the dependence of the equilibrium conversion degree of nitrogen oxides on the consumption rate of the produced nitric acid in the extraction of metals from the catalyst.Документ Modeling of ammonia oxidation on a platinoid catalyst, taking into account the N₂O formation(Pleiades Publishing, 2015) Savenkov, A. S.; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Kuznetsov, P. V.; Vyatkin, Yu. L.; Masalitina, N. Yu.A mathematical model of ammonia oxidation on a platinoid catalyst, taking into account the N₂O formation, was developed. The possibilities of lowering the amount of N₂O, which is formed as by-product in high-temperature oxidation of ammonia in nitric acid production, are examined. The developed model allows calculation of the reactor for ammonia oxidation using platinoid catalysts of different geometric profiles.Документ Modeling the catalytic reducing of N₂O amount in nitric acid production(Nauka i studia, 2016) Bliznjuk, O. N.; Kleshchev, N. F.; Ogurtsov, A. N.Документ Optical detection of radiation-induced defect phase formation in solid XE(2016) Ogurtsov, A. N.; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Kleshchev, N. F.; Masalitina, N. Yu.Документ Purification of Cr(VI)-containing wastewater by chemical precipitation: test results of an experimental-industrial installation(Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет, 2021) Suvorin, A. V.; Shorokhov, M. N.; Ozheredova, M. A.; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Ryshchenko, I. M.; Masalitina, N. Yu.We present the main results of experimental and industrial study of the developed process and pilot plant for purification of the Cr(VI)-containing rinse water by chemical precipitation. This technique implies full or partial return of treated water to rinse workpieces after chromium plating and prepare working solutions (precipitators). We characterize the manufacturing scheme of the pilot plant and the mode of its performance. Saturated aqueous solutions of Cа(OH)₂ and Bа(OH)₂ were used as precipitating reagents. The tests confirmed the possibility of automatic dosing the reagents with due regard for the pH value of a medium, which can be used in both continuous and periodic rinsing. The operating conditions of rinsing the workpieces after electrochemical chromium plating were justified. We derived the equation for the calculation of the total salt content in the rinse water after its purification. We determined the duration of the rinsing without the need to renew the bath volume. The performed calculations substantiated the possibility of reducing the consumption of fresh water supplied for rinsing by the recycling of wastewater without deteriorating the quality of the rinsed workpieces. The reduction of water consumption by 35% was observed as compared with that stated by the regulations.Документ Radiation-induced inelastic processes in Rare-gas Solids probed by VUV luminescence spectroscopy(2006) Savchenko, E. V.; Khyzhniy, I. V.; Ogurtsov, A. N.; Masalitina, N. Yu.; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Stryganyuk, G.; Zimmerer, G.Документ Recombination kinetics in model condensed matter system(2005) Ogurtsov, A. N.; Masalitina, N. Yu.; Bliznjuk, O. N.Документ Thermal inactivation of defect formation induced by exciton self-trapping in rare-gas solids(2015) Ogurtsov, A. N.; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Kleshchev, N. F.; Masalitina, N. Yu.Документ Thermal inactivation of excitonically-induced defect formation in rare-gas solids(2007) Masalitina, N. Yu.; Bliznjuk, O. N.; Ogurtsov, A. N.Документ Treatment of wastewater through biofilters: nitrification and denitrification processes(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2016) Bliznjuk, O. N.; Zub, Yu. V.; Ogurtsov, A. N.