Кафедра "Передача електричної енергії"
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Кафедра "Передача електричної енергії" була заснована у березні 1930 року академіком АН України Василем Михайловичем Хрущовим. У Технологічному інституті викладання електротехніки вперше було розпочато ще у 1893 році.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту енергетики, електроніки та електромеханіки Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 3 доктора технічних наук, 12 кандидатів технічних наук ; 2 співробітника мають звання професора, 9 – доцента, 1 – старшого наукового співробітника.
Документ Adjustment of air line structure for optimal transport management and electricity distribution(PC тесhnology сеntеr, 2018) Cherkashyna, V. V.The object of research is processes in air lines that affect the transportation and distribution of electricity. One of the most problematic places is the wires of overhead lines. The variety of wires with which the lines are made leads to heterogeneity of the network, which is reflected in the technological losses of power. In the course of the study, the technical and economic model of discounted costs in air lines is used, which is improved due to a change in the analytical connection of investments with wire cross-section. A criteria method is used to analyze this model. This method allows to analyze such models and to make a decision in relative units with incomplete initial information. It is received that perfection of structure of overhead lines at the expense of optimization of parametrical series of sections of wires allows to reduce influence of heterogeneity of a network. And also to proceed to the unification of overhead lines, to increase the schedule for the reconstruction of the facility, but does not expand the functionality of the lines. Equipping the lines with a fiber-optic monitoring system allows to monitor the parameters of the object along the entire length of the object. This reduces the loss of active power and provides an opportunity to optimally manage the transport and distribution of electricity in real time. The proposed direction has a number of features, in particular, shows a consistent improvement in the structure of the lines. In comparison with similar known approaches, the advantage of the proposed approach is the complex justification of the development of overhead lines in the electricity market.Документ Allocation of steady-state areas of total electrical load schedules of 10/0.4 kV transformer substations located in residential areas(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Dovgalyuk, Oksana; Shcherbak, Iryna; Kovalova, Yuliia; Korobka, VolodymyrImproving the efficiency of regulating the parameters of distribution network modes is an actual task for the energy sector, requiring a detailed analysis of the nature of the total electrical load graphs of 10/0.4 kV transformer substations. The complexity of the problem in consideration is due to the fact that the load variation of transformer substations 10/0.4 kV in residential areas occurs randomly, due to the significant number, wide range and probabilistic nature of the operating modes ofconnected consumers, and the lack of deterministic links between consumers of electricity. The investigated function of total load of transformer substations 10/0.4 kV on a daily interval is non-stationary, in this connection there was a necessity of allocation of stationarity areas for adjusting the process of regulation of parameters of electrical network modes. In order to solve this problem, total load graphs for 10/0.4 kV transformer substations located in a residential area were constructed based on experimental measurements of active and reactive loads. The use of these dependencies made it possible to analyse the distribution law for the active and reactive power of the total load of 10/0.4 kV transformer substations, which change in time is stochastic characterised. The use of probabilistic-statistical modelling was justified to reliably describe the load variation process of 10/0.4 kV transformer substations. The hypothesis of a normal law distribution of the functions under consideration was confirmed and parametric tests were performed. Fisher's F-criterion was used to confirm the hypothesis of variance constancy, and Student's t-criterion was used to confirm the hypothesis of mathematical expectation constancy. Using the fact of constancy of dispersions and expectations of investigated mode parameters, autocorrelation coefficients of investigated random functions were determined and autocorrelation function graphs were plotted. In order to approximate the functions under investigation, the autocorrelation function coefficients were determined using the least-squares method, and an analysis of the attenuation of the autocorrelation function was carried out. The calculations carried out have highlighted the areas of stationarity on the total load curves of the 10/0.4 kV transformer substations. These stationarity plots can be used for further modelling of load graphs and the formation of control actions to adjust the load of consumer regulators in order to equalise the overall electrical load graph, as well as for voltage regulation facilities, which will contribute to the required modes of operation of the electricity distribution networks.Документ Analysis of distribution laws of insulation indicators of high-voltage oil-fillled bushings of hermetic and non-hermetic execution(РC Tесhnology сеntеr, 2018) Shutenko, O. V.; Zagaynova, A. A.; Serdyukova, G. N.The object of research is the distribution laws of capacitor-type insulation values that were obtained during preventive tests for both serviceable and defective high-voltage bushings of 110 kV of hermetic and non-hermetic execution. One of the most problematic areas is insufficient knowledge and lack of justification of the laws for distributing these preventive tests of insulation of bushings. In the course of the research, a comprehensive approach to the solution of the problems was used, including probability theory and statistical analysis, analysis of world experience and a logical approach. In the long term, the results are expected to be extended to the bushing of other types having similar problems in the diagnosis of the condition. The method of statistical processing of the results of periodic tests of high-voltage bushings is proposed, which allows to form arrays with homogeneous values of indicators in conditions of limited measurement information. It is established that for the bushings of hermetic and non-hermetic execution, the insulation values for both the serviceable and faulty state can be described by the Weibull distribution. It is established that the distribution densities for serviceable and faulty state of high-voltage bushings intersect, and therefore it is impossible to select the maximum permissible values of insulation parameters that would not give erroneous solutions. The maximum permissible values of the insulation indices of high-voltage oil-filled bushings are proposed using statistical methods and taking into account the most significant operational factors. It is shown that for high-voltage bushings of the same execution there is a shift in mathematical expectations, which is due to the difference in operating time and different load factors of transformers. This circumstance must be taken into account when adjusting the maximum permissible values of the insulation indices of high-voltage bushings. The use of the developed algorithms and procedures of mathematical statistics in the problems of diagnosing high-voltage bushings contribute to improving expert judgment and decision-making.Документ Analysis of factors influencing the intensity of transformer oil ageing in long-term operation(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Ponomarenko, SerhiiThe results of the analysis of influence of operational factors and peculiarities of transformer design on intensity of oxidative reactions of transformer oils in the tanks of 110 kV high-voltage power transformers are presented. As a result of two-way analysis of variance it was found that with increasing operating time there is a statistically significant increase in the value of the organic acid content in the oil. At the same time the rate of increase in the organic acids content in the transformer oil, operated under different conditions, significantly differs, which indicates a significant influence of operating conditions on the intensity of oxidative reactions. The results of two-way analysis of variance also show that the effects of changes in factor levels are not additive, that is, the effect of a change in the level of influence of one factor leads to a change in the effect of the level of influence of another. In other words, the process of oil oxidation is cumulative and a certain level of organic acids in the oil can be achieved either over a longer period of operation, but with relatively 'light' operating conditions, or over a shorter period of time, but with more 'heavy' operating conditions. In order to determine the factors most affecting the intensity of oxidative reactions, an analysis of the quality of filled oil, operating time, the influence of the region, the influence of the type and nominal characteristics of transformers on 6 data sets with identical rates of oxidative rea ctions was carried out. The results of the analysis show that the intensity of oxidation reactions is strongly influenced by the operating time, the transformer loa ding factors, the consumer composition (region of Ukraine) as well as the type and quality of oils. At the same time, factors such as rated capacity, type of transformer, number of windings, and the value of rated voltage on the medium and low voltage windings do not influence the intensity of oxidation of oils. The results obtained allow the correction of the maximum permissible values of oil acidity, taking into account the factors affecting the intensity of oxidation of oils.Публікація Analysis of gas content in oil-filled equipment with defects for which ethane is the key gas(Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 2020) Shutenko, Oleg Volodymyrovych; Kulyk, Oleksii SerhiiovychThe article presents results of a comprehensive analysis of the gas content in oil of 252 pieces of high-voltage equipment with defects, for which ethane is the key gas. There are 14 types of defects with maximum ethane content, which correspond both to overheating with temperature 150-300°C and low temperature overheating accompanied by discharges with different energy density (partial discharges, spark discharges, discharges with low and high energy density, arc discharges). The most typical defects are analysed and examples of their recognition by different researchers are given. For each type of defect, ranges of gas percentage values and gas ratio values are obtained. This is particularly important for the recognition of combined defects (overheating that is accompanied by discharges), because for such defects the values of these criteria are not regulated in any known standard for the interpretation of the results of the analysis of gases dissolved in oil. For the first time, 14 nomograms and graphic areas of defects for which ethane is the key gas have been obtained, which makes it possible to significantly expand the range of reference nomograms, as the regulatory document in force in Ukraine does not contain reference nomograms for defects with the maximum content of ethane. For all 252 pieces of equipment, a comparative analysis of known diagnoses with diagnoses made using the Duval triangle was made. It has been determined that diagnoses made using different methods may differ significantly from each other as well as from real diagnoses. The ranges of gas percentage and gas ratio values obtained in the work, together with the defect nomograms, make it possible to use three of these criteria simultaneously to recognise the type of defect with a maximum ethane content, which in turn will improve the reliability of defect type recognition based on the analysis of gases dissolved in oil.Публікація Analysis of gas content in oil-filled equipment with low energy density discharges(School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2020) Shutenko, Oleg Volodymyrovych; Kulyk, Oleksii SerhiiovychIn the ageing conditions of the high-voltage oil-filled equipment stock, increasing the diagnostics reliability of its condition is an urgent and practically significant task. One possible way to solve this problem is to modify diagnostic criteria used to recognize the type of equipment defects, especially for those cases when the use of known methods does not allow establishing the correct diagnosis. In the article, the gas percentage and values of gas ratios for 184 units of equipment with electrical discharges of low energy density are analysed. It is shown that for 144 units out of 184, the values of these criteria differ significantly from the values regulated in the current standards for recognition of low energy density discharges. Nomograms (graphic areas) for 8 types of defects that are not regulated in any of the current standards are given. The comparative analysis of recognition reliability of the analysed defects with the use of known standards and methods is carried out. The given in work values of percentage and relations of gases, and also graphic areas (nomograms) of defects are the advanced diagnostic scheme which use allows to increase accuracy of defect type recognition by results of the dissolved gases analysis. This, in turn, significantly increases the operational reliability of oil-filled equipment.Документ Analysis of generation by photovoltaic plants(ТОВ "Друкарня Мадрид", 2020) Rubanenko, O.; Danylchenko, D.Документ Analysis of hydropower plants operation peculiarities in the electric power system of Tajikistan(ТОВ "Друкарня Мадрид", 2020) Dovgalyuk, Oksana M.; Lazurenko, O. P.; Saidov, Sh. N.Публікація Analysis of the diagnostic criteria used to defect type recognition based on the results of analysis of gases dissolved in oil(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020) Kulyk, Oleksii SerhiiovychDissolved gas analysis is one of the most used and common diagnostic methods for high voltage oil-filled equipment. According to existing methods for interpreting the results of dissolved oil gas analysis, defect types are recognised using different diagnostic criteria. Using different methods to recognize the type of defect may result in different diagnoses. There area sufficient number of publications on the comparative analysis of methods for the results interpretation of dissolved gas analysis. Most of them do not cover more than 4 methods at a time, and only a small number of publications deal with more methods. Some methods remain unreported, therefore an analysis of diagnostic criteria used in various standards and methods to identify types of defects by the dissolved gas analysis is given. The national standards of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, international methods, as well as a number of author's methods and standards are considered. All considered methods can be divided by the type of diagnosis, by the diagnostic criterion used and by the number of recognizable defects. According to the type ofdiagnosis, the considered methods can be divided into two groups – analytical and graphical methods. In the considered methods the following diagnostic criteria are used – valuesof gas concentrations or the gas pair ratios or gas percentage content. Most of theanalysed methods allow identification of 6–7 most characteristic types of defects. The highestnumber of recognizable defects is 13–14, and the lowest only 3–4. Only a few methods make it possible to diagnose defect-free condition and/or damageof solid insulation as well as to recognize combined defects. The results show significant differences in the criteria and norms used by different standards and author's methods to determine the type of defect, which can lead to different diagnoses for the same data.Публікація Analysis of various methods for diagnosing the condition of oil-filled equipment based on the dissolved gas analysis(ТОВ "Друкарня Мадрид", 2021) Kulyk, O. S.Документ Application of digsilent PowerFactory software and computing complex for reliability analysis of electrical networks(ТОВ "Друкарня Мадрид", 2020) Dovgalyuk, Oksana M.; Yakovenko, I. S.Публікація Comparative analysis of existing standards and methodologies for interpreting DGA results(Typography Madrid, 2021) Shutenko, O. V.; Kulyk, O. S.; Ponomarenko, S. G.The study guide is intended for performing individual computational tasks in the course "Mathematical Bases of Technical Diagnostics". The guide contains a systematised analysis of methods and criteria used to recognise the type of defects in oil-filled equipment based on the results of analysis of gases dissolved in oil. The contents of the problem, an example of its performance and variants for calculation are given. It is intended for full-time and extramural international Masters and learners in English of specialisation No. 141 "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics" with specialisation in "Electrical systems and networks", as well as for applicants, postgraduate students and researchers working in the field of diagnostics of high-voltage electric power equipment state.Документ Determining the maximally permissible values for the indicators of insulation of sealed entrance bushings with a voltage of 110 kV using the method of minimal risk(PC тесhnology сеntеr, 2018) Shutenko, O. V.; Zagaynova, A. A.; Serdyukova, G. N.A method for determining the maximally permissible values for the indicators of insulation of high-voltage oilfilled entrance bushings that ensure the minimal risk value has been proposed. The proposed method differs in that the maximally permissible values for indicators are determined by minimizing the function of average risk, using the Newton’s method, taking into consideration the actual operating conditions of equipment, which makes it possible to improve the operational reliability of entrance bushings. We have derived an expression to determine the average risk with respect to the distribution law of indicators for the insulation of high-voltage entrance bushings (by Weibull), the minimization of which makes it possible to determine the maximally permissible values for the indicators, taking into consideration the duration of their operation, the values of load currents, the grade of a transformer oil, and other factors. A comparative analysis was performed for risk values, which are accompanied by applying the maximally permissible values for indicators that are regulated in Ukraine, with the maximally permissible values for indicators, which were obtained by using different methods. The analysis revealed that the minimal risk value is ensured by the maximally permissible values for indicators, which are obtained by applying the method of minimal risk, taking into consideration the operating conditions for entrance bushings. We have performed an analysis of impact of the values for probabilities of the proper-functioning and faulty state of entrance bushings, the cost of incorrect decisions, as well as the value for a scale parameter and a shape parameter in the Weibull distribution, on the maximally permissible values for the indicators of insulation of high-voltage oil-filled entrance bushings in an airtight structure. It was established that an increase in the probability of a defect and its conditional cost, as well as prolonging the operation duration of entrance bushings and their loading, leads to a decrease in the maximally permissible values for the indicators. It has been proven that the maximally permissible values for the indicators of insulation of high-voltage entrance bushings, which ensure the minimal economic loss, are not constant. In order to practically implement the method of minimal risk during operation, it has been proposed to apply the likelihood ratios, which make it possible to diagnose the state of high-voltage entrance bushings at a minimal risk, but without determining the maximally permissible values for the indicators.Документ Electrical systems and networks(2019) Danylchenko, D. O.; Dryvetskyi, S. I.; Cherkashyna, V. V.; Shevchenko, S. Yu.Designed to clarify the sequence of calculating the course project in the discipline "Electrical Systems and Networks" students of foreign education. The basic disciplines for successful mastering of the program material during the practical training are: algorithmization and software, theory of automatic control, distribution electrical networks. These guidelines provide for the formation of the following competencies: the ability to improve existing technological systems and find the best methods for their operation; ability to carry out research by methods of classical sciences, planning, organize and carry out scientific researches in the field of electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics.Публікація Features of using IEC 60599 to determine the tyre of defect based on the analysis of gases dissolved in oil(ТОВ "Друкарня Мадрид", 2020) Kulyk, Oleksii SerhiiovychДокумент Investigation of general optimization characteristics in basic solar collector model for PVT systems(ТОВ "Друкарня Мадрид", 2020) Zaitsev, Roman; Minakova, K.Документ Lightning-induced overvoltages in overhead lines with shielded wires of medium voltage classes(Serednyak T. K., 2023) Dryvetskyi, S. I.; Danylchenko, D. O.; Shevchenko, S. Yu.The monograph is devoted to the solution of an actual scientific and applied problem in the field of lightning protection of overhead power lines with protected wires of medium voltage classes from lightning-induced overvoltages that occur during lightning strikes near the power transmission line. Currently, shielded wires for overhead lines are becoming more and more widespread in Ukraine. The use of wires in a protective sheath has several significant advantages, namely: reliability, economic feasibility. Damage in distribution networks causes most of the damage associated with interruptions in the electricity supply to consumers. One of the main causes of accidents and disturbances is lightning overvoltages on overhead lines, which cause impulse overlaps and destruction of insulators and lead to arcing and disconnection of lines. Due to the low impulse strength, the insulation of distribution networks is prone to overlaps both during direct lightning discharges and from inductive overvoltages during lightning discharges near the line. The latter are the main cause of lightning shutdowns and equipment damage of 6-35 kV networks, making up to 90% in some cases. Thus, the reliability of electricity supply to consumers largely depends on the effectiveness of lightning protection measures.Документ Managing the load schedule of the administrative building taking into account emerging risks when connecting the kinetic energy storage to the power supply system(NTU "KhPI", 2017) Shevchenko, S. Yu.; Savchenko, N. A.; Tretjak, A. V.Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to analyze load schedules of the administrative building and develop a structural scheme for connecting the kinetic energy storage in the power supply system of this building, which will allow using it as a consumer regulator, as well as a theoretical study of the risks that arise. Methodology. To conduct the research, the theory of designing internal electrical networks of buildings, the theory of plotting electric load graphs, methods of the theory of electromechanical systems and for analyzing the risk system, the T. Saati method of hierarchies were used. Results. The structure of kinetic energy storage (KES) connection to the power supply system of the administrative building is developed and the structural diagram of the KES proposed for installation is given, the average daily winter and summer load schedules are presented, a set of groups and subgroups of risks and their influence on the work of the power supply system of the building are connected with the connection of the KES. Originality. For the first time, the application of the kinetic energy storage in the power supply system of the building with the analysis of emerging risks is considered, which makes it possible to improve the reliability of the developed system and the efficiency of load regulation. Practical value. The application of the proposed scheme will make it possible to use administrative buildings as load regulators of the external power supply system, and also effectively manage the load in the internal power supply system of the building.Документ A method of early detection of defects in high-voltage oil-filled equipment based on analysis of the dynamics of criteria used to interpret the DGA results(ТОВ "Друкарня Мадрид", 2020) Shutenko, Oleg VolodymyrovychПублікація Method of fault-type recognition based on the dissolved gas analysis using a set of diagnostic criteria(The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2023) Shutenko, Oleg Volodymyrovych; Kulyk, Oleksii SerhiiovychThis paper proposes a method for recognising the fault type using a set of diagnostic criteria. Existing approaches to the interpretation of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) results usually rely on single diagnostic criteria. The proposed method solves the problems of incomplete use of diagnostic information and discrepancies in the norms and criteria for recognising the same fault inherent in the existing methods. The feature of the method is the analysis of the compliance of the DGA results of the diagnosed equipment with the ones of the equipment with a confirmed diagnosis from the fault database. This approach outperforms the existing methods in the number of faults recognised, allowing a wider range of faults to be detected, including combined faults. In addition, the method provides an opportunity to identify possible causes and localise the fault. This feature is unique and provides a significant advantage when interpreting DGA results. The proposed method demonstrates significantly higher accuracy (100%) in recognising various fault types, including combined faults, in comparison to existing methods (about 50%). The proposed method has a 60% success rate in determining the cause and location of a fault, but this figure depends on the database with faults of various types used.