Вісник № 23
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2665
Документ Применение методов дистанционного зондирования для определения природной пожарной опасности в лесу(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Долгодуш, М. Н.; Комяк, В. М.; Марыкивский, О. Е.The possibilities of using of air means of a remote environment are considered. The purpose - definition of natural fire danger of a wood. Is shown, that the given problem is identical to the research problem of a radiation index of drynessДокумент Анализ микроструктуры циркониевых сплавов с использованием компьютерных методов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Чубарова, Я. А.; Гордая, А. П.In the given article are presented results of metallography researches of the cladding tubes of Ukrainian (Zrl%Nb) and Russian (E-110) make. The computer program uses for processing images of the materials microstructure, offered for use in estimation of the quality according to the grain size and amount of second phase per a section unitДокумент Квазипериодические возмущения в среднеширотной ионосфере по данным радара некогерентного рассеяния в Харькове и мировой сети ионозондов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Ляшенко, М. В.Analysis of worldwide ionosonde net and Kharkov incoherent scatter radar critical frequency variations and other ionospheric parameters is presented. It is shown that in ionosphere in different heliogeophysical conditions are present the quasi wave processes with different temporary and spatial scales. It is obtained that wave processes can make significant contribution to response of the ionosphere on different intensity magnetic disturbancesДокумент Корреляционная обработка сигнала некогерентного рассеяния(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Лысенко, В. Н.; Кононенко, А. Ф.; Черняк, Ю. В.The method of incoherent scattering (IS) allows on correlation or spectral functions of IS signal to determine basic ionosphere parameters. For it's measurements in real time the programmed correlator is created. One consists of a two-channel analog-to-digitial converter (ADC), personal computer (PC) on the Pentium-III processor, parallel interface between ADC and PC and built-in synchronizer. The altitude dependence 19 samples of complex correlation function of a IS signal in a heights interval 100 1500 km with an altitude resolution 10 - 120 km are measuredДокумент Гафний - перспективный материал для ядерной энергетики(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Ефимов, Александр Вячеславович; Ажажа, В. М.; Пилипенко, Н. Н.; Мухачев, А. П.The basic nuclear-physical properties of hafnium as perspective absorber material for regulatory authority of nuclear reactors are considered. Fluoride calcium thermal technology of obtaining of high pure hafnium, which mastered in Ukraine is analyzed. The basic physical-mechanical properties and chemical composition of not imported hafnium in comparison with metal of foreign production are represented. With the purpose of improvement of the quality of metal was offered and carry out the complex of researches on advancing metallurgical processes of obtaining high pure hafnium and its deformation processingДокумент Универсальный измерительный блок для изучения трех фотоэффектов на монохроматоре УМ-2(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Ушаков, В. В.; Корж, Ирина АнатолиевнаBy way of extending of functional mobility and didactic capacity of educational equipment the laboratory device based on monochromator УМ-2 for learning three kinds of photoeffect - external (with vacuume phototube, or photoelectronic multiplyer), internal(with photoresistor) and ventil (with photodiode) is actualized. Alternation brings to effect by adequate commutation of apparatus and elements on the stand. Computation of the optimal duty of ventil photoelement and Plane constant is realized on PCДокумент Регистрация показаний спектрофотометра СФ-46 с использованием ЭВМ(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Шкалето, Владимир Иванович; Копач, Галина Ивановна; Харченко, Н. М.; Карасёв, С. Н.The circuit of the interface unit of a computer with a spectrophotometer СФ-46, using the universal voltmeter B7-23 is described. The device is intended to automatic registration results of measurement spectral dependencies of a transmittanceДокумент Определенные высотно-временного распределения электронной концентрации в диапазоне высот 100-1000 км(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Черняк, Ю. В.The method of measurement N, what based on the use of sounding signal compound, is developed. The additional channel metering with the improved height resolution is implemented. The information concerning distribution N in the regions of the E and F ionosphere is obtained during equinoxДокумент Расчет волнового сопротивления копланарно связанных линий пакета пленочных кабелей(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Антонова, В. А.; Борщев, В. Н.; Резник, А. П.In paper is offered the mathematical model for calculation of a characteristic impedances of lines of package of signal cable taking into account finite width of conductors of multilayer coplanar coupled lines, and outcomes of researches of dependence of a characteristic impedances of lines from geometrical sizes of conductors, clearances between them and thickness of a covering film is described. The possibility of obtaining of optimal characteristic impedances of transmissions lines is shownДокумент Результаты сравнения разработанной теоретической модели нижней части области F ионосферы с эмпирической моделью А. Д. Данилова(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Живолуп, Т. Г.Comparison of the elaborated theoretical model of the ionosphere F-region lower part with the A. D. Danilov empirical model is considered. Comparison results of the experimental and theoretical height profiles give evidence about good accuracy characteristics of the elaborated theoretical modelДокумент Анализ ошибок измерений при зондировании ионосферы методом HP в режиме сдвоенных импульсов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Рогожкин, Евгений Васильевич; Белозёров, Д. П.The features of measurements of parameters ionosphere incoherent scatter are analyzed in the article. The capability of account of high-altitude profiles autocorrelation functions transformations measuring during incoherent scatterДокумент Расчет мощности лазера и параметров оптических схем ЛДИС(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Никитин, А. М.Estimated calculation of the radiation power is adduced, permitting to receive a steady signal of a laser Doppler anemometer (LDA), for the optical systems adapted to measurements of flows characteristics in the composite channel power and heat engineering of the equipment. Efficiency of algorithm at a phase of layout LDA optical schemes is shownДокумент Ионосферные эффекты магнитосферных электрических полей по наблюдениям на радаре некогерентного рассеяния в Харькове(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Григоренко, Е. И.; Пазюра, С. А.; Таран, В. И.; Черногор, Л. Ф.Effects of magnetosphere electric fields during geomagnetic storms are studied from the results of ionosphere observations with the Kharkov incoherent scatter radar. It is shown, that electric field pulse in the ionosphere over Kharkov, associated with the non-stationary magnetosphere electric fields and its penetration in the middle latitudes resulted in destabilizing of F region behavior during the severe magnetic storm on May 30,2003 and caused the anomalous ionosphere storm on March 21,2003Документ Перспективы применения ионозонда в составе радара некогерентного рассеяния Института ионосферы(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Лысенко, В. Н.; Скляров, И. Б.Features of automatic ionospheric stations operation jointly with IS radar are considered. The information obtained after digital processing allows to essentially increasing ionospheric data qualityДокумент Результаты наблюдения аномальной ионосферной бури 21 марта 2003 года на харьковском радаре некогерентного рассеяния(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Пазюра, С. А.The study results of variations of ionosphere parameters, accompanied a magnetic storm with the main phase on March 21,2003 are presented. Data are obtained with the Kharkov incoherent scatter radar. According to time variations of concentration, velocity, ion temperature of solar wind, induction of IMF measured on artificial satellite "ACE" indices the details of magnetic and ionosphere storms are restoredДокумент Особенности интерпретации результатов ионосферных измерений при HP(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Белозёров, Д. П.The chances of account transformations measuring during incoherent scatter are discussed in the articleДокумент Регрессионные зависимости электронной концетрации области F2 ионосферы от солнечной активности по данным Харьковского радара некогерентного рассеяния(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Дзюбанов, Дмитрий Анатольевич; Захаров, И. Г.; Ляшенко, М. В.Dependence of the F-region electron density peak (Nm) for 12 LT from the solar activity level is investigated. The regression's coefficients of dependence of the Nm from the solar activity for every month had calculated. Then regression's coefficients had used for calculation of seasonal variations of the Nm. Good agreement between calculated and an experimental seasonal variation of the Nm under any solar activity level is obtained. The features and possible reasons of the seasonal variations of the Nm for different solar activity level are consideredДокумент Определение ионосферных параметров в методе HP на основе использования искусственных нейронных сетей(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Пуляев, Валерий АлександровичQuestions of the using neural networks for the solution of an electrodynamics return problem of an ionospheric parameters definition by an incoherent scatter method. Architecture of neural network is shownДокумент Обоснование характеристик радара для определения скорости дрейфа ионосферной плазмы методом некогерентного рассеяния(НТУ "ХПИ", 2004) Емельянов, Л. Я.The aspects of ensuring of reliable ionospheric plasma drift velocity measurements by incoherent scatter method are considered. The substantiation of some parameters of IS radar is presente