Кафедра "Інформаційно-вимірювальні технології і системи"
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Від 2007 року кафедра має назву "Інформаційно-вимірювальні технології і системи", попередня назва – "Інформаційно-вимірювально техніка" (від 1970), первісна – "Електровимірювальна техніка".
Кафедра "Електровимірювальна техніка" заснована у червні 1961 року. Першим завідувачем кафедри став Олександр Васильович Федоров (1961–1974) – відомий фахівець у галузі електромагнітних вимірювань, випускник Харківського електротехнічного інституту. Серед перших викладачів кафедри були В. І. Дякін, В. І. Піскляров, В. І. Бондаренко, В. О. Федоров, К. С. Полулях і О. П. Копняєва – донька видатного вченого-електротехніка П. П. Копняєва.
Виключно з числа викладачів кафедри "Інформаційно-вимірювально техніка" та її випускників була сформована нова кафедра "Прилади та методи неруйнівного контролю".
До 2017 року кафедра була структурною одиницею факультету автоматики та приладобудвання, від 2017 по 2021 року – факультету комп’ютерних та інформаційних технологій, від 2021 року – кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту комп'ютерного моделювання, прикладної фізики та математики Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 2 доктора технічних наук, 1 – доктора історичних наук та 6 кандидатів технічних наук; 3 співробітника мають звання професора, 4 – доцента.
Публікація Application of user interface Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for quality control of products and services(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Hrihorenko, Igor; Drozdova, Tatyana; Hrihorenko, Svetlana; Tverytnykova, ElenaIn this work, the solution for the quality control of products and services is illustrated for the first time on examples of wine production and the provision of educational services in the university by creating a heuristic analyzer based on the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox interface of the Matlab program. There were also considered the problems of constructing quality control models with fuzzy logic for solving problems arising in cases when it is not possible to use classical statistical methods. The factors influencing the quality of products, in particular wine, and services on the example of providing education are analyzed, the possibility of using the fuzzy logic apparatus for determining the weight contribution of factors that ensure maximum quality is proved. Computer simulation using the Mamdani algorithm is performed, which consists of fuzzification with the definition of ranges of change of input values for each example, assigning the distribution functions for each input parameter; calculation of the rules, based on the adequacy of the model; defuzzification with the transition from linguistic terms to quantitative evaluation; graphical construction of the response surface using a centroid method with determination of the center of gravity of the response surface. The modeling has confirmed that the creation of a heuristic analyzer for determining the quality of wine and the quality of education is appropriate and necessary for preventing the production of substandard products and theprovision of substandard services.Документ Arduino-базована система для забезпечення безпеки будівлі(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2018) Халімов, Т. Р.; Борисенко, Євген АнатолійовичДокумент The development of quality management systems(ФОП Мезіна В., 2017) Tverytnykova, E. E.; Portnoy, B. S.Публікація Environmental management as a component of an integrated management system for gas condensate and oil processing enterprises(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020) Tverytnykova, Elena; Drozdova, Tatyana; Demidova, Yu. Ye.The results of activity and stages of implementation of various measures of environmental policy of the enterprise are considered on the example of Shebelinsky department of gas condensate and oil processing. The structural scheme of the ecological management system model as an important component of the integrated management system of the gas condensate and oil refining enterprise is proposed on the basis of scientific literature, regulatory and legal documents using structural-logical method, systematization and generalization, and methods of meaningful and comparative analysis. This work also describes the specifics of ecological standards implementation based on ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series for integrated management system development. It has been proved in practice that development and implementation of the integrated management system in the natural gas liquids and oil processing enterprise provides certain advantages, specifically, improves the overall products competitiveness, helps to adapt faster to the market environment, shapes environmental policy and approaches for effective resource management. The integrated management system development process consists of 4 basic stages, namely, planning, implementation, verification, and adjustment. Complex process and system approach represents an integral part of the integrated management system development. While being gradually implemented, the application of the additive and simultaneous integration models made it possible to create a single management system based on the requirements of different standards and significantly reduce the documentation volume.Документ The innovative research of Ukrainian scientists in the field of analysis, optimization and automation of energy systems modes in the second half of the 20th century(Estonian Association for the History and Philosophy of Science, 2017) Tverytnykova, ElenaThe article is based on a study on analysis development, optimization and automation of complex power systems modes in Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century. The study demonstrates for the first time the deployment of innovative scientific researches according to the development of methods and software simulation for power systems, relying on archival materials contributed by Ukrainian scientists. The article also introduces the scientific school of the Institute of Electrodynamics at NAS, Ukraine involved in the field of automation of power systems modes. The scientific school, founded by academician S. A. Lebedev, has developed in the works of L. V. Tsukernik, I. M. Sirota, B. S. Stogniy, A. V. Kirilenko, V. N. Avramenko, and others. The main research areas at the Institute of Electrodynamics are calculation of transient state and the stability of power systems; calculation and analysis of normal and emergency modes; calculation of settings of protection devices; analysis and forecasting of electrical loads; and development of operational mode control issues. Also, the activities of the higher electrotechnical school are taken into consideration. In Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, under the supervision of Professor V. G. Kholmsky, the most important research on the development of calculation theory, methodology of analysis and optimization of electrical networks modes were made. Professor G. I. Denisenko at the Lviv Polytechnic Institute initiated the ground-breaking development of the simultaneous electric power transmission of AC and DC.Публікація Management system of occupational safety at ukrainian enterprises: international and european dimension(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Tverytnykova, Elena; Demidova, Yu. Ye.; Drozdova, TatyanaThe international and European experience in creating and improving integrated systems in the field of occupational safety and health on the basis of research regulatory documents of the International Organization for Standardization, European standards, national standards of Ukraine, industry and methodical documents on management of occupational safety and health of oil and gas complex enterprises is overviewed. The implementation features of OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001 international standards to create an integrated safety management system of professional activity have been studied. The ways of implementing the analyzed requirements in the industry safety standards of occupational activity of oil and gas complex enterprises of Ukraine are considered. A number of hazardous events related to occupational activity at the enterprises: industrial safety, technogenic safety, labour hygiene and safety, ecological safety, psychophysiological safety has been considered and a generalizing scheme of dangers and hazardous events has been created. A model of an integrated management system for occupational safety activities for oil and gas enterprises is proposed based on the involvement of scientific literature, regulatory documents using the structural-logical method, systematization and generalization, and methods of meaningful and comparative analysis. It is proved that the management system, based on the principles of the cyclical model of quality management by E. Deming should include such aspects as: quality and risk management, environmental mana gement, occupational safety management, social responsibility and power management.Публікація Mathematical Modeling of Physical Processes of Electromagnetic Field Transformation in Elastic Oscillations Field in Microthick Layers of Metals(Сумський державний університет, 2017) Plesnetsov, S. Yu.; Migushchenko, R. P.; Petryschev, O. N.; Suchkov, G. M.; Khrypunov, G. S.The results of the mathematical studies on the modeling of high-frequency electromagnetic field conversion in the field of elastic oscillations process in microthick surface layers or electrically conductive ferromagnetic material thin films placed in a magnetic field are given, taking into account the coherence of elastic, electric and magnetic properties of the metal. It is shown that in practical calculations, especially in the case of high-frequency oscillations, it is necessary to take into account thickness of skin layer in which electromagnetic field transforms into acoustic field.Документ Measurement uncertainty evaluation by kurtosis method at calibration of a household water meter(2020) Zakharov, Igor; Serhiienko, Maryna; Chunikhina, TetianaThe investigation of measurement uncertainty evaluation at water meter calibration was considered. The peculiarities of this problem is non-linear measurement model and the significant uncertainty, related with the poor repeatability at the small number of the measurements, which makes it difficult to expanded measurement uncertainty evaluate based on the Bayesian approach. The paper checks the influence of the nonlinearity of the model equation on the accuracy of evaluation the numerical value and the standard uncertainty of the measurand. The application of the kurtosis method in the evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of type B and the application of the law of propagation of the expanded uncertainty in the evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of the measurand are described. The obtained values of the expanded uncertainty are very close to the one obtained from Monte Carlo method.Документ Measurment procedure for metrological verification of the measuring channels of the automated process control system for monitoring the turbine generator parameters (СТК-ЕР-М)(Technical University of Sofia Publishing House, 2023) Bossilkov, Krassimir; Tsvetelin, Georgiev; Nikolova, Elena; Radulova, Maya; Chunikhina, TetianaThe report presents the methods for metrological verification of the measuring channels of the automated process control system for monitoring of the turbine generator parameters at Units 5 and 6 at of Kozloduy NPP.Документ Metrological study of the effect of temperature on the dissociation of acetic acid(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Mygushchenko, R. P.; Volobuyev, M. M.; Asieieva, I. V.; Kropachek, O. Yu.; Baliev, V. M.This article is devoted to the study of the dissociation reaction of acetic acid at a temperature change in the range from room (20 °C) to 75 °C. In the course of research, the methods were considered, the classification of the considered methods was carried out, and the methodology of the experiments was formulated. The selected technique reflects the express measurement of the hydrogen pH indicator using a portable pH-meter. Experiments were carried out in laboratory conditions – Lincoln Park, Chicago, USA. Acetic acid with a concentration of 6 mol/l was chosen as the basis. By adding a distilled water, a base concentration of 1 mol/l was obtained. Nodal temperature points were selected for measurements (four points in the temperature range of 20 °C – 75 °C); five experimental samples of acetic acid (1 mol/l) were formed; the analysis of the measurement results at nodal points was carried out for the accuracy of the measurement results of five test samples of acetic acid using first- and second-order statistical moments (mathematical expectation and variance); accuracy characteristics of experimental data (instrumental and methodical errors) were estimated. Research samples (acetic acid samples) were brought to the nodal points with a positive temperature gradient using a steam bath. The measurement error estimate was determined by the accuracy class of the device and was 0.1%. The obtained pH values were converted to the number of hydrogen cations, followed by the determination of the degree of dissociation and the dissociation constant. These determinations were carried out under the condition of ensuring chemical equilibrium. The nature of the behavior of the degree and constant of dissociation when the temperature of the test samples changes is clearly non-linear. In the course of research, the main measurement errors were established, the main of which is the nonlinearity of the transformation. Quantitative values of nonlinearity errors were determined by the method of measurements with multiple observations using the Student's correction factor. The article provides conclusions based on the results of research and presents the prospects for temperature correction of pH-meters to eliminate the temperature component of the error of pH-meters.Публікація Metrological support of pulse oximeters(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Tverytnykova, Elena; Drozdova, Tatyana; Demidova, Yu. Ye.; Kuzmenko, NataliiaThe experience of the International Medical Device Regulators Forum in the use of products for oxygen therapy based on the study of guidelines, international and European regulations on medical devices is considered. Emphasis is placed on issues related to the metrological support of pulse oximeters. The global situation with the pandemic increases the relevance of selected topics. Continuous monitoring of blood oxygen saturation is one of the most important elements in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. Despite the fact that the use of pulse oximeters does not require special medical knowledge, calibration and special maintenance, it is still necessary to control their reliability and accuracy of measurement. The study of pulse oximeter MD300M in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 8893:2019 "Metrology. Pulse oximeters. Calibration Method" 2020. Analysis of MD300M pulse oximeter calibration results revealed that this pulse oximeter was calibrated by the saturation and pulse measurement channel, as the maximum deviation of the measured saturation value from the pulse oximeter calibration measure does not exceed the pulse oximeter measurement documentation specified in the operating documentation. The discreteness of the MD300M pulse oximeter and the discreteness of the reference device MPPO-2, which are specified in the passports for the respective devices, have the greatest influence on the measurement uncertainty.Документ Metrology assurance of the temperature measuring channels(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Banev, Kiril; Chunikhina, TetianaДокумент Modified algorithm for searching the roots of the error locators polynominal while decoding BCH codes(Запорізький національний технічний університет, 2020) Krylova, V. A.; Tverytnykova, Е. Е. ; Vasylchenkov, O. G.; Kolisnyk, T. P.Context. In telecommunications and information systems with an increased noise component the noise-resistant cyclic BCH and Reed-Solomon codes are used. The adjustment and correcting errors in a message require some effective decoding methods. One of the stages in the procedure of decoding RS and BCH codes to determine the position of distortions is the search for the roots of the error locator polynomial. The calculation of polynomial roots, especially for codes with significant correction capacity is a laborious task requiring high computational complexity. That is why the improvement of BCH and RS codes decoding methods providing to reduce the computational complexity is an urgent task. Objective. The investigation and synthesis of the accelerated roots search algorithm of the error locator polynomial presented as an affine polynomial with coefficients in the finite fields, which allows accelerating the process of BCH and RS code decoding. Method. The classical roots search method based on the Chan’s algorithm is performed using the arithmetic of the Galois finite fields and the laborious calculation, in this case depends on the number of addition and multiplication operations. For linearized polynomials, the roots search procedure based on binary arithmetic is performed taking into account the values obtained at the previous stages of the calculation, which provides the minimum number of arithmetic operations. Results. An accelerated algorithm for calculating the values of the error locator polynomial at all points of the GF(2m) finite field for linearized polynomials based on the Berlekamp-Massey method has been developed. The algorithm contains a minimum number of addition operations, due to the use at each stage of the calculations the values obtained at the previous step, as well as the addition in the finite field GF(2). A modified roots search method for affine polynomials over the finite fields has been proposed to determine error positions in the code word while decoding the cyclic BCH and RS codes. Conclusions. The scientific newness of the work is to improve the algorithm of calculating the roots of the error locator polynomial, which coefficients belong to the elements of the finite field. At the same time it simplifies the procedure for cyclic BCH and RS codes decoding, due to reducing the computational complexity of one of the decoding stages, especially finding the error positions using the modified Berlekamp-Massey algorithm. These facts are confirmed by the simulation program results of the roots search of the error locator polynomial algorithm. It is shown, that the application of the accelerated method permits to reach a gain on speed of 1.5 times.Публікація Physical principles of non-contact ultrasonic frequency sensors creation for the study of nanocrystalline ferromagnetic materials(Сумський державний університет, 2018) Plesnetsov, S. Yu.; Mygushchenko, R. P.; Petryschev, O. N.; Suchkov, G. M.; Khrypunova, A. L.A mathematical model is developed to determine the force impacts that are formed when the electro-magnetic field is transformed into a field of ultrasonic oscillations in the skin layer of an electrically conductive ferromagnetic material of an anisotropic magnetic permeability. The main factors determining the excited acoustic field with allowance for permissible limitations are established. It is shown that the main contribution to the acoustic vibrations energetics is made by the magnetostrictive component of the skin layer material, in which the high-frequency electromagnetic field is transformed into an acoustic field.Документ The Professor G. De-Metz's Contribution to the Development of Physical Science in Ukraine(Інститут теоретичної фізики ім. М. М. Боголюбова НАН України, 2021) Gutnyk, Maryna; Tverytnykova, ElenaThe contribution of Professor Georgy De-Metz to the development of physical science in Ukraine is highlighted. The information about the childhood of the future scientist is given and his formation as a scientist is shown. He was extensively involved in physics under the guidance of F. Shvedov and M. Umov. The head of his master’s thesis was Professor A. Kundt. After the publication of the discovery of X-rays by Roentgen, G. De-Metz not only repeated the experiments of the German colleague, but also put new ones. In particular, he investigated the influence of various physical factors on obtaining the clear photographs of this radiation. The scientist managed to make clear pictures of frogs with an image of the internal organs. He also explored the possibility of using X-rays in medicine. In the early twentieth century, he published his first major work on radioactivity “Doctrine of the radioactivity and radioactive substances”, in which the scientist described the physical basics of radioactivity in detail. The researcher examined the radium content in water and flora from the pond of the Kyiv Botanical garden. Using the results of the studies G. De-Metz concluded that some types of living tissue were able to absorb and even concentrate radium from water and the environment. In his work "Radioactivity and the structure of matter", not only a historical review of the development of the doctrine of radioactivity was made, but also the new experimental works of the author were represented. He analyzed 68 various minerals of uranium. G. De-Metz described the picture of the geographical distribution of radioactive minerals and identified the richest deposits of uranium ore at that time. In addition to his scientific work, the scientist was a well-known methodist. It was he who, in the 1920s, developed a method of teaching physics in institutes of Ukraine. It is reported that the scientist in a different period of time was the head of the physical department at various institutions of higher education. Moreover, he was even the Rector of the St. Volodymyr University, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and Kuban University.Документ Professors of the Kharkiv Technological Institute: unknown pages of biography(Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій, 2020) Tverytnykova, Elena; Gutnyk, Maryna; Salata, HalynaThe purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive historical and scientific analysis of the life and scientific and organizational activities of professors of the Kharkiv Technological Institute Oleksii Khinkulov and Pavlo Dedusenko, using the study of scientific literature and involved archival materials. On the basis of the involvement of unknown and little-known archival documents, a historical reconstruction of the creative activity of scientists was conducted; in particular, the little-known period of their life in 1940-1946 was studied in detail. A comprehensive analysis of the scientific activities of Oleksii Khinkulov was carried out, his contribution to the formation of the electrical industry was determined. His role in the development of scientific research in the field of radio engineering in Ukraine was emphasized. He headed one of the largest radio engineering club in Ukraine. The social activities of Oleksii Khinkulov were investigated, it was found that for a long time he worked as deputy chairman, and then as chairman of the All-Ukrainian Association of Engineers, which united the teams of research departments of technical institutions of Ukraine. The scientific and organizational activities of Professor Oleksii Khinkulov certainly contributed to the development of electrical engineering science and education both in Kharkov and in Ukraine. He was one of the organizers and promoters of the radio engineering direction in Ukraine, participated in the work of public organizations and electrical congresses. His colleague at KhTI, Professor of chemistry Pavlo Dedusenko, is undoubtedly an outstanding person. As an active member of various charities, he worked hard for the public. These are both scientific societies and various social projects. A supporter of Ukrainian nationalism, he strove for the Independence of Ukraine, the development of Ukrainian culture. Repressed in 1945, the scientist died in the concentration camp in 1946. In 1991, due to the lack of evidence confirming the guilt of Pavlo Dedusenko, the professor was rehabilitated.Документ Punctured NCC codes for information protection in information and measurement systems(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Krylova, Victoria; Tverytnykova, Elena; Vasylchenkov, Oleg; Kolisnyk, TatyanaDuring development and design of information-measuring systems, enabling to carry out collection, processing and transmission of information, one of the main problems is the choice of effective methods of information protection against defects in noisy communication channels. Effective use of frequency-time resources of information communication channels, as the most valuable part of the information transmission system, is the key to provide reliable delivery of transmitted messages. One of effective directions of reliability increase and information transfer reliability in information-measuring communication networks is implementation of methods and algorithms of noise-resistant coding, providing for detection and coping with errors, arising due to interferences in the communication channel. In this case, the choice in favor of one or another coding method depends on the information characteristics of the data channel. Parameters of the noise coder must be coordinated with the source of the message, the communication channel, as well as the requirements for the reliability of bringing information to the recipient. The problem of obtaining a wide range of codec parameters with simultaneous preservation of the unified macrostructure of the codec in communication systems causes the need for research on the development of adaptive algorithms for error information protection. In the article the research results of the characteristics of variable rate slot convolutional codes for adaptive coding/decoding in information-measuring systems of information transmission are proposed. Consequently, when creating communication networks, there is no need to use a large number of different codecs, even with completely different requirements to the code rate, channel rate and gain due to coding. In addition, there is a real opportunity to create terminal equipment, working on unified algorithms of protection against errors and access.Документ The scientific heritage of professor P. P. Kopnyaev (for 150th anniversary of the scientist)(ФОП Мезіна В., 2017) Tverytnykova, E. E.; Chilindrishvili, A. M.Публікація Simulation of Electromagnetic Conversion Process Under Torsion Waves Excitation(Інститут електродинаміки НАН України, 2018) Plesnetsov, S. Yu.; Petrishchev, O. N.; Mygushchenko, R. P.; Suchkov, G. M.Mathematical modeling of the electromagnetic-acoustic transducer (EMAT) for excitation of nondispersive torsional waves in tubular electrically conductive ferromagnetic hollow rods of small diameter is performed taking into account all the factors that determine the design of the EMAT. The solutions of the differential equation for the values of the electromagnetic fields formed by the high-frequency coil of the device in the gap between the transducer and the tubular ferromagnetic product are found. The results of the research can be used to simulate and design exciting EMATs for measuring, monitoring, and diagnostics in the energy, nuclear, chemical and other industries for ultrasonic test of ferromagnetic tubular products.Публікація Simulation of Electromagnetic Conversion Process Under Torsion Waves Excitation(Інститут електродинаміки НАН України, 2018) Plesnetsov, S. Yu.; Petrishchev, O. N.; Mygushchenko, R. P.; Suchkov, G. M.Mathematical simulation and calculation of electromagnetic fields in the electromagnetic-acoustic transducer of rational design are performed under non-dispersive torsional waves excitation in tubular electrically conductive ferromagnetic hollow rods of small diameter, taking into account spatial, frequency, energy and material factors. The results of the research can be used to simulate and construct exciting EMATs for measuring, monitoring, and diagnostic equipment in the energy, nuclear, chemical and other industries in view of ultrasonic studies of ferromagnetic tubular products.