Кафедра "Електричний транспорт та тепловозобудування"
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Від 2000 року кафедра має назву "Електричний транспорт та тепловозобудування", попередня назва – кафедра "Локомотивобудування" (від 1956), первісна назва – кафедра "Паровозобудування".
Кафедра "Паровозобудування" була заснована у 1893 році. Засновником напрямку навчання інженерів-паровозобудівників є професор Петро Матвійович Мухачов.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту енергетики, електроніки та електромеханіки. Кафедрою здійснено понад 100 випусків спеціалістів – локомотивобудівників.
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 3 доктора технічних наук, 5 кандидатів технічних наук; 3 співробітника мають звання професора, 3 – доцента, 1 – старшого наукового співробітника.
Документ An Estimation of the Energy Savings of a Mainline Diesel Locomotive Equipped with an Energy Storage Device(2024) Riabov, Ievgen; Goolak, Sergey; Neduzha, LarysaThe method of improving a two-section mainline diesel locomotive by using energy storage in the traction system is considered. A mathematical model was developed to study the movement of a diesel locomotive based on the recommendations and provisions of the theory of locomotive traction. For this purpose, the movement of a diesel locomotive as part of a train along a given section of a track was studied. It was determined that the use of an energy storage device on a diesel locomotive will allow up to 64% of the energy spent on train traction to accumulate. The use of energy storage in the accumulator during electrodynamic braking ensured a reduction in fuel consumption by about 50%, regardless of the options for equipping the traction system of the diesel locomotive with an energy accumulator. It is established that regardless of the options for equipping the traction system of the diesel locomotive with an energy storage device, the indicators characterizing the degree of use of the diesel engine do not change. These research results can be used in works devoted to the improvement of the control system of energy exchange between the accumulator and traction engines of diesel locomotives.Документ Analysis of operating modes of single-phase current source rectifier with rectangular-stepped pulse-width modulation(Технологический центр, 2018) Krasnov, Oleksii; Liubarskyi, Borys; Bozhko, Vladimir; Petrenko, Оleksandr; Dubinina, Oksana; Nuriiev, RamilThe operating modes of the single-phase active current-source rectifier in the case of rectangular-stepped pulse-width modulation and load in the form of DC traction motor are investigated. The single-phase bridge rectifier circuit with a discharge diode is considered. The mathematical model of the rectifier is developed and the main ratios for pulse-width modulation with rectangular-stepped modulating signal are determined. On the computer model, electromagnetic processes at three modulation frequencies (900, 1,200, 1,800 Hz) are studied. The features of the effect of the modulation depth and frequency on the rectifier power factor and the total harmonic voltage and current distortion in the mains supply are determined. The DC motor for today remains the main type of the traction motor of the 25 kV, 50 Hz AC mainline electric locomotives of alternating current in Ukraine and in some other countries. To power such motors, diode or thyristor rectifiers are used. At the same time, it is known that converters on fully controlled semiconductor devices provide higher power efficiency. The studies allow determining what values of modulation frequency and depth provide a high power factor (more than 0.9) and minimum total harmonic voltage and current distortion distortions in the mains supply. This allows finding rational approaches to the selection of power circuits and control algorithms for active converters in the traction electric drive of electric locomotives. The efficiency of increasing the power factor and reducing the total harmonic voltage and current distortion can be achieved, first of all, by reducing the power consumption for traction of trains. According to the set of selected comparison criteria, the active current-source rectifier with a modulation frequency of 1,200 Hz is the most suitable for implementation in the traction electric drive of the electric locomotive. Provision of high power characteristics in a wide range of traction loads can be achieved in the multi-zone circuit of such a converter.Документ Analysis of optimal operating modes of the induction traction drives for establishing a control algorithm over a semiconductor transducer(Технологический центр, Украинская государственная академия железнодорожного транспорта, 2017) Liubarskyi, B.; Petrenko, O.; Shaida, V.; Maslii, A.Оптимізовано режими роботи тягового асинхронного приводу тепловоза за критерієм ефективності. Ідентифіковано оптимальні режими керування автономного інвертору напруги при різних температурах обмоток тягових двигунів. Проаналізовано оптимальні режими роботи тягового приводу тепловоза та трамваю, що дозволило встановити відмінності розташування точки переходу з просторово-векторної до однократної ШІМ від температури двигуна.Документ Analysis of the Efficiency of Traction Drive Control Systems of Electric Locomotives with Asynchronous Traction Motors(2023) Goolak, Sergey; Liubarskyi, Borys; Riabov, Ievgen; Lukoševicius, Vaidas; Keršys, Arturas; Kilikevicius, SigitasAn analysis of the operating conditions of the traction drives of an electric rolling stock with asynchronous traction motors was conducted. In the process of operation, the electric traction drive with both direct torque control and vector control was found to possibly experience unstable modes, both in terms of power supply and load. The models of electric locomotive traction drives with asynchronous electric motors with either vector or direct torque control were adapted to account for the possible presence of the aforementioned operational factors. As a result of the modeling, the starting characteristics of the electric traction drives with different control systems were obtained both in the absence and in the presence of power supply and load disturbances. The following cases were investigated for the drive with vector and direct torque control in the absence of power supply and torque disturbances: drive output at the rated speed of rotation of the electric motor shaft; 10% reduction in the rated speed; 10% increase in the rated speed. The comparison of the results obtained has demonstrated that, at lower than nominal frequencies, the electric traction drive with direct torque control has higher accuracy in its regulation of the rotational speed and torque, lower power consumption from the power supply, lower torque overshooting, but a higher level of torque pulsations than the electric traction drive with vector control. Meanwhile, at higher than nominal frequencies, the vector control has higher accuracy in its regulation of the speed, lower torque overshooting, shorter duration of transient processes, and lower torque pulsations than the direct torque control. Moreover, as a result of the investigations, the traction drive with direct torque control has been found to be more resistant to power supply and load disturbances. The results of this work are applicable to the investigation of the influence of electric traction drive control methods on the energy efficiency of the traction drive of an electric locomotive with an alternating current (AC).Документ Assessment of the On-Board Energy Storage Parameters of the Locomotive for Rail Quarry Transport(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022) Riabov, Ievgen; Kondratieva, Liliia; Overianova, Liliia; Goolak, SergiyThe use of on-board energy storage on a locomotive for rail quarry transport is considered. Three scenarios of energy consumption in the power supply of traction electric drive and auxiliary locomotive systems using on-board energy storage system (OESS) are considered. For each of the scenarios, simplified mathematical models of processes have been developed, which describe the energy exchange in the traction and auxiliary systems during exploitation of OESS. The input data for the calculations are the dependence of the power at wheel of locomotive on time, which is determined by the results of solving the traction task for the section railway line. Calculations has been made for the studied scenarios of OESS operation using data of locomotive operation at PJSC “Poltava Ferrexpo Mining”. It is defined that the parameters of OESS depend on the energy consumption scenario. It is proposed to use OESS on the locomotive with electric traction drive based on induction motors for PJSC “Poltava Ferrexpo Mining” according to energy consumption scenarios, which provide power from OESS during shunting and power from OESS when shunting with co-powered from the catenary for guide lifts.Документ Determination of optimal parameters of the pulse width modulation of the 4qs transducer for electriс rolling stock(Технологический центр, 2018) Demydov, O.; Liubarskyi, B.; Domanskyi, V.; Glebova, M.; Lakunin, D.; Tyshchenko, A.Досліджено режими роботи однофазного 4qs-перетворювача з широтно-імпульсною модуляцією в складі електрорухомого складу змінного струму. Розроблено методу визначення параметрiв ШIМ, при яких реалізується оптимальний за критерiєм мiнiмiзацiї величини реактивної потужності в системі "локомотив – тягова мережа" режим роботи перетворювача. Особливостями запропонованої методи є розділення процесу визначення оптимальних параметрів ШІМ на 2 етапи, що дозволяє видалити з імітаційної моделі непотрiбнi на даному етапі блоки та зменшити сумарний час моделювання. На першому етапі визначаються значення коефіцієнту потужності та струму ланки постійного струму в усьому діапазоні коефiцiєнтiв модуляції та зсуву між мережевим струмом та опорним синусоїдальним сигналом. Далi, з отриманого масиву даних виділяються пари значень параметрів ШІМ, за яких реалізується найвищий коефіцієнт потужності системи "електровоз – тягова мережа", та заносяться до табличною системи завдання параметрів ШІМ. На другому етапi визначається залежності електричних втрат, а, отже, й ККД, та коефіцієнту нелінійних спотворювань мережевого струму вiд тактової частоти перетворювачi. Визначення електричних втрат ґрунтується на обчисленнi енергiї, що була розсiяна протягом 1 с на IGBT-транзисторi та снаберному резисторi в залежностi вiд миттєвих значень струму через них. Для знаходження параметрiв ШIМ за наведеною методою розроблено iмiтацiйну модель 4qs-перетворювача, проведено iдентифiкацiю параметрiв ШIМ перетворювача електровозу для тестової задачi. Визначено, що енергетичнi показники перетворювача залежать нелiнiйно вiд трьох керуючих величин, що є параметрами ШIМ: коефiцiєнту модуляцiї, зсуву мiж мережевим струмом та опорним синусоїдальним сигналом, та тактовою частоти ШIМ. Визначено, що перетворювач з iдентифiкованими параметрами ШIМ забезпечує одиничний коефiцiєнт потужностi тягової мережi при навантаженнi бiльше 10 % вiд номiналь- ного в режимах тяги та рекуперативного гальмування. Отримано залежнiсть електричних втрат перетворювача та коефiцiєнту нелiнiйних спотворень в тяговiй мережi вiд тактової частоти ШIМ. Визначено, що рацiональне значення тактової частоти лежить в iнтервалi 900…2000 Гц, при цьому ККД перетворювача досягає 98…95 %, коефiцiєнт нелiнiйних спотворень складає 12…5 %. Визначено, що виключення з силового кола снаберної ланки може суттєво зменшити сумарнi електричнi втрати. Встановлено, що втрати на паразитних опорах фiльтрiв незначнi, тому їх можна не враховувати в загальному балансi втрат.Документ Determination of railway rolling stock optimal movement modes(NTU "KhPI", 2017) Petrenko, O.; Liubarskiy, B.; Pliugin, V.Purpose. To develop a methodology for simulating of an electromotive railway rolling stock in terms of power-optimal modes on a track with a given profile and a set motion graph. Methodology. We have used combined genetic algorithm to determine optimum modes of an electromotive railway rolling stock motion: a global search is performed by a genetic algorithm with a one-point crossover and roulette selection. At the final stage of the optimization procedure we have used Nelder-Mead method for the refinement of the optimum. Results. We have obtained that traction motor on a tramcar, while driving on a fixed site, has an excessive power of the cooling system. Its using only in the considered area allows to modernize the cooling system in the way of its power reducing, which in turn provides an opportunity to increase the overall efficiency of the electromotive railway rolling stock. Originality. For the first time, we have obtained the train motion equation in the program oriented form. This allows to use it for determination of electromotive railway rolling stock optimal control laws according to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman method. Practical value. We have made the computer program to determine optimum modes of an electromotive railway rolling stock motion. The experimental studies of program results for the track section have confirmed the adequacy of the model, which allows to solve the traffic modes optimization problem for the tram track sections and increase the overall efficiency of the electromotive railway rolling stock.Документ Determination of the working energy capacity of the on-board energy storage system of an electric locomotive for quarry railway transport during working with a limitation of consumed power(Warsaw University of Technology, 2023) Kondratieva, Liliia; Bogdanovs, Arturs; Overianova, Liliia; Riabov, Ievgen; Goolak, SergeyThe use of specialized rail rolling stock which is used for transporting ore from the quarry to the crushing plant at mining enterprises is analyzed here. Electric locomotives with an asynchronous traction electric drive and an on-board energy storage system are considered for use. The calculated dependencies of the electric locomotive tractive power were analyzed and it was established that on flat sections of the track profile, the movement is carried out with a power that does not exceed 50% of the nominal one. The movement with the nominal power is carried out on the controlled uphill during the cargo half-passage. To ensure the necessary power for movement in such areas, the use of an on-board energy storage system is proposed, which should feed the traction system while limiting the power consumed from the catenary. This happens when the voltage on the pantograph drops to a minimum level. The aim of this work is to determine the on-board energy storage system parameters during the operation of the electric locomo-tive with limitation of the power consumed from the traction network. Mathematical models of the energy exchange processes in the electric locomotive traction system have been developed. The criteria for comparing options for cal-culating the parameters of the on-board energy storage system have been proposed. The criteria take into account the reduction of energy consumption during movement, the efficiency of energy storage, and the complete use of the on-board energy storage system in terms of power and working energy capacity. Based on the calculation results, it was determined that the use of an energy storage device with a power of 3,540 kW and an operating energy capacity of 63.5 kWh provides a 10% reduction in energy consumption, which is being consumed while moving along the sample section of the road. The current that can be consumed by an electric locomotive with such parameters of the on-board energy storage system is limited by 600 A.Документ Determining electrical losses of the traction drive of electric train based on a synchronous motor with excitation from permanent magnets(Технологический центр, 2018) Liubarskyi, B.; Demydov, O.; Yeritsyan, B.; Nuriiev, R.; Lakunin, D.Iдентифiковано параметри iнвертора напруги тягового приводу на базi синхронного двигуна зi збудженням вiд постiйних магнiтiв. Синтезовано iмiтацiйну модель тягового приводу, що дозволяє отримати миттєвi значення електричних втрат в iнверторi та двигунi. Проаналiзовано залежнiсть електричних витрат вiд швидкостi руху поїзда та тактової частоти iнвертора.Документ Estimation of the main dimensions of the traction permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motor(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Liubarskyi, Borys; Overianova, L. V.; Riabov, Ie. S.; Iakunin, D. I.; Ostroverkh, O. O.; Voronin, Y. V.The goal of the research is to develop an algorithm for selecting the main dimensions of a traction permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motor. Methodology. A method for determining the main dimensions of the motor, which combines the analytical selection of stator parameters and numerical field calculations for the selection of rotor parameters. The need to check the mechanical strength of a rotor with permanent NdFeB magnets in flux barriers is shown. Results. The article proposes an algorithm for selecting the main dimensions of a traction permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motor, which combines analytical expressions for selecting stator parameters and numerical field calculations for selecting rotor parameters. It is determined that analytical methods for calculating the magnetic circuit need to be developed in order to reduce the time to select the main dimensions of the motor. Originality. For the first time the sizes of active parts of the permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motor with power of 180 kW for the drive of wheels of the trolleybus are defined. Practical significance. As a result of research the sizes of active parts, stator winding data and a design of a rotor of the electric motor are defined. The obtained results can be applied when creating an electric motor for a trolleybus.Документ Improvement of the model of power losses in the pulsed current traction motor in an electric locomotive(ПП "Технологічний Центр", 2020) Goolak, S. O.; Sapronova, S. Yu.; Tkachenko, V. P.; Riabov, Ie. S.; Batrak, Ye. O.When studying transients in pulsed current traction motors, it is important to take into consideration the eddy and hysteresis losses in engine steel. Magnetic losses are a function of the magnetization reversal frequency, which, in turn, is a function of the engine shaft rotation frequency. In other words, magnetic losses are a function of time. Existing calculation procedures do not make it possible to derive the instantaneous values of magnetic losses as they are based on determining average losses over a period. This paper proposes an improved model of magnetic losses in the steel of a pulsed current traction motor as a function of time, based on the equations of specific losses. The adequacy criteria of the procedure for determining magnetic losses in electrical steel have been substantiated: the possibility to derive instantaneous values of magnetic losses in the magnetic material as a function of time; the possibility of its application for any magnetic material; and the simplicity of implementation. The procedure for determining magnetic losses in the steel of a pulsed current traction motor has been adapted by taking into consideration the magnetic properties of steel and the geometry of the engine’s magnetic circuit. In order to determine the coercive force, the coefficient of accounting for the losses due to eddy currents, as well as the coefficient that considers the losses on hysteresis, the specifications’ characteristics of specific losses in steel have been approximated using the pulsed current traction motor as an example. The simulated model of magnetic losses by the pulsed current traction motor has demonstrated the procedure for determining average magnetic losses and time diagrams of magnetic losses. The proposed model for determining magnetic losses could be used for any magnetic material and any engine geometry under the condition of known material properties and the characteristics of change in the magnetic flux density in geometry.Документ Increasing the energy efficiency of the multi-motor traction electric drive of an electric locomotive for railway quarry transport(2023) Riabov, Ievgen; Goolak, Sergey; Kondratieva, Liliia; Overianova, LiliiaThe improvement of the energy efficiency of an electric locomotive for railway quarry transport with a multi-motor traction electric drive while disconnection of the traction electric motors has been investigated. Mathematical models of the movement of the train on the track section and during manoeuvring, as well as the model of the energy exchange processes in the traction electric drive, which are used to perform the traction task when the train moves on the track section, have been developed. Through mathematical modelling, the calculation of energy during movement on the track section was performed with all connected and partially disconnected electric motors. When part of the electric motors are disconnected, the energy consumption is reduced by 10% for the cargo half-passage, and by 27% for the empty direct passage. The reduction of energy consumption with disconnected electric motors during manoeuvring has been noticed. The obtained results confirm the expediency and necessity of conducting research aimed to increase the energy efficiency of the multi-motor traction electric drive of an electric locomotive for railway mining transport.Документ Mathematical model of mechanical subsystem of traction electric drive of an electric locomotive(Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, 2021) Goolak, S.; Sapronova, S.; Tkachenko, V.; Riabov, Ie.; Overianova, L.; Yeritsyan, B.The mathematical model of the mechanical subsystem of the traction electric drive of the four-axle section of the locomotive is developed in the article. The peculiarity of the model is taking into account the interconnected vertical oscillations of the locomotive and torsional oscillations in traction transmission and the influence of the anti-discharge device on the processes in the traction electric drive. This allows taking into account the relationship of oscillations of the crew of the locomotive, which have a significant impact on the processes in the electrical part of the traction drive. The model describes the oscillations of the locomotive body, two carts, four wheel pairs, traction motors and gearboxes. When developing the model, the assumption of linear dependence of stiffness and damping coefficients on displacements and velocities is accepted. Coupling of a wheel with a rail is described by means of the approximated dependence. The oscillations of the rails and the bases of the rail track are introduced into the model. As perturbation for vertical oscillations the roughness of a rail track is accepted. The model takes into account the influence of traction force and vertical oscillations of the crew on the unloading of the axles of the locomotive. This will allow us to study the processes of realization of the locomotive's maximum traction forces in the traction mode and in the mode of electrodynamics braking. The use of the developed mathematical model of the mechanical subsystem will allow taking more fully into account the mutual influence of electrical processes and mechanical oscillations on each other, which will increase the accuracy of modeling. The model can be used for research of freight electric locomotives such as VL10, VL11, VL82, VL80, 2EL4, 2EL5 in order to further improve their traction electric drives, in particular, to determine the rational modes of application of the anti-unloading device in traction and braking modes. Further application of the mathematical model is possible to assess the performance of the traction drive and the locomotive in general in the study of modern traction drives, in particular, asynchronous, the use of which is possible on the above locomotives.Документ Mathematical Model of the Electric Traction System of Quarry Railway Transport(Kaunas University of Technology, 2022) Riabov, Ie.; Liubarskyi, B.; Overianova, L.; Goolak, S.; Kondratieva, L.The AC electric traction system of the quarry railway transport has been considered. Ways to improve the system of the electric traction by using electric rolling stock with asynchronous electric drive have been proposed. The necessity of complex research of the electric traction system by mathematical modeling has been shown. A mathematical model has been developed, which includes the model of train dynamics, the model of power flows in electric rolling stock, and the model for calculation and determination of losses in traction power supply systems. Using the developed model will allow research of energy processes and optimize the operation of the electric traction system.Документ Mathematical modeling of the electric drive turnouts based on a linear motor(Одеський національний політехнічний університет, 2015) Buryakovskiy, Sergei; Lyubarskiy, Boris; Masliy, Artem; Masliy, AndrewThe article deals with the issues of improving the structure of the electric turnouts. A mathematical model of linear electromechanical transducer solutions based on Lagrange equation. The model can be used to determine the operating characteristics of the actuator in the further research work and turnout using a linear motor.Документ Method to Improve the Efficiency of the Traction Rolling Stock with Onboard Energy Storage(2019) Yatsko, Sergiy; Sidorenko, Anatoliy; Vashchenko, Yaroslav; Liubarskyi, Borys; Yeritsyan, BagishThis article presents the current problem of the introduction of onboard energy storages in electric transport. The energy diagrams of the electric transport operation have been analyzed, and the main stages of the rational selection of onboard energy storage capacity have been determined. A schematic of traction asynchronous electric drive system combined with onboard capacitive storage, with an improved energy storage module control system, has been provided. A simulation model of the underground rolling stock carriage in the Matlab/Simulink environment has been developed to confirm the proposed technical solution. The simulation modelling results demonstrate the more effective operation of the onboard storage control system at energy absorption, containment and recycling modes at rolling stock acceleration. The proposed algorithm of energy storage will reduce the cost of electricity for traction, reduce the power transfer and smooth the electricity consumption through an electric-traction network; it will improve traction and braking characteristics of the rolling stock.Документ Optimization of thermal modes and cooling systems of the induction traction engines of trams(Технологический центр, 2017) Liubarskyi, Borys; Petrenko, Оleksandr; Iakunin, Dmytro; Dubinina, OksanaWe developed a procedure for the optimization of thermal modes and parameters of the cooling system of induction traction engines of tram carriages. The procedure includes the following basic steps. The optimization of operating modes of an induction traction drive by the criterion of effectiveness of its work under different modes. The optimization of motion modes of a tram carriage along a track section with the assigned motion schedule and profile based on the curves of the motion of a tram carriage, optimal by the criterion of energy consumption, using the method of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman. The optimization of parameters of the cooling fan of traction engines by the criterion of efficiency of a cooling system using the Weyl method by the generalized golden section. It is proposed to conduct determining of operating modes of a traction drive in advance based on the solution to the problem of conditional optimization of its modes. In order to determine the optimal operating modes of a traction drive, we selected a combined method: global search is executed by genetic algorithm with a one-point crossover and by selection on the principle of roulette. At the final stage of an optimization procedure, optimum refining is carried out using the Nelder-Mead method. When a tram carriage moved along a track section, we defined the following. We determined the optimal modes of motion of the tram carriage T-3 VPA with induction traction engines for a track section with the assigned motion schedule. It was found that, compared with the basic design, efficiency of the cooling system increased by 27.6 %, which corresponds to a reduction in the proposed criterion of efficiency. Based on the results of modeling a traction engine with an optimal fan, it was established that the largest overheating is observed in the frontal part of the stator winding. The temperature is 139.6 °C at second 3363 from starting the motion and it does not exceed a permissible value of 140 °C.Документ Procedure for modeling dynamic processes of the electromechanical shock absorber in a subway car(Технологический центр, 2019) Liubarskyi, Borys; Lukashova, Natalia; Petrenko, Oleksandr; Yeritsyan, Bagish; Kovalchuk, Yuliia; Overianova, LiliiaA procedure has been devised for modeling the dynamic pro-cesses in the proposed structure of an electromechanical shock absorber. Such shock absorbers can recuperate a part of the energy of oscillations into electrical energy allowing the subsequent possibility to use it by rolling stock. The procedure is based on solving the Lagrange equation for the electromechanical system. The model’s features are as follows. The model takes the form of a Cauchy problem, thereby making it possible to use it when simulating the processes of shock absorber operation. Two generalized coordinates have been selected (the charge and displacement of the armature). The components of the Lagrange equation have been identified. Based on the results from magnetic field calculation and subsequent regression analysis, we have derived polynomial dependences of flux linkage derivatives for the current and linear displacement of an armature, which make it possible to identify a generalized mathematical model of the electromechanical shock absorber. The magnetic field calculations, performed by using a finite-element method, have allowed us to derive a digital model of the magnetic field of an electromechanical shock absorber. To obtain its continuous model, a regression analysis of discrete field models has been conducted. When choosing a structure for the approximating model, a possibility to analytically differentiate partial derivatives for all coordinates has been retained. Based on the results from modeling free oscillations, it was established that the maximum module value of current is 0.234 A, voltage – 52.9 V. The process of full damping of oscillations takes about 3 seconds over 4 cycles. Compared to the basic design, the amplitude of armature oscillations and its velocity dropped from 13 to 85 % over the first three cycles, indicating a greater efficiency of electromechanical shock absorber operation in comparison with a hydraulic one. The recuperated energy amounted to 3.3 J, and the scattered energy – 11.5 J.Документ Recommendations for the selection of parameters for shunting locomotives(Warsaw University of Technology, 2020) Kuznetsov, Valeriy; Liubarskyi, Borys; Kardas-Cinal, Ewa; Yeritsyan, Bagish; Riabov, Ievgen; Rubanik, IvanShunting is an integral part of the partial process. In 1520 mm gauge countries, shunting operations are performed by outdated locomotives, which are being replaced by modern models; the technical parameters best match the conditions of the shunting work performed. The article analyzes recommendations for the selection of parameters of shunting locomotives and the actual indicators of their work. On the basis of this analysis, a requirement was made on the necessity of compulsory consideration of the operating conditions of the locomotive when determining its technical characteristics. As the main technical parameters of shunting locomotives, the tractive power and starting tractive force are taken and their influence on the duration of an elementary shunting movement of the "acceleration-deceleration" type is investigated. This approach advises the regulatory documentation for the organization of shunting work. Tha developed mathematical model allows to carry out research on the influence of tractive power and starting tractive force on the time of acceleration and deceleration. Calculations of the time of the train's acceleration are carried out with varying their mass and the slope of the track at different values of the tractive power starting tractive force. The calculations were carried out for the mass of compositions 1000...5000 Mg for the profile slopes equal to 0 and 1.5 ‰. The speed of the finish of acceleration was taken equal to 15 and 25 km/h. The thrust starting tractive force varied in the range of 150...300 kN, the tractive power - 200 ... 1100 kW. According to the results of calculations, it was found that the reduction in the duration of the elementary shunting movement is more significantly affected by the power of the locomotive than by the starting traction force. The “saturation” effect was noted, in which a significant increase in power or traction force during starting does not cause a significant reduction in the acceleration time. In this regard, for shunting locomotives with AC traction drive, it is recommended to take a pulling force of an equal continuous traction force.Документ Research and Optimization of Hybrid On-Board Energy Storage System of an Electric Locomotive for Quarry Rail Transport(2023) Goolak, Sergey; Kondratieva, Liliia; Riabov, Ievgen; Lukoševicius, Vaidas; Keršys, Arturas; Makaras, RolandasOperation modes of rolling stock at mining enterprises are considered and analyzed. The justification of the need to replace it with a modern specialized electric locomotive for quarry railway transport, equipped with an asynchronous traction electric drive and an on-board energy storage system, is presented. The determination of the parameters and structure of the on-board energy storage system, based on the condition of power compensation with limited power consumption from the traction network and ensuring the autonomous movement of the electric locomotive, is considered. This study was carried out by modeling the processes of energy exchange in the traction system of an electric locomotive. The use of lithium cells and supercapacitors in energy storage is considered. Variants of the hybridization of energy storage were studied from the standpoint of minimizing the weight, size, and cost indicators. It was established that reducing the mass of the energy storage device, which includes lithium cells and supercapacitors, leads to an increase in the cost of one kilowatt-hour of energy storage capacity, which reduces the attractiveness of capital expenditures for the creation of such an energy storage device. Hybridization of the energy storage device by combining lithium cells of different types practically does not improve its weight, size, and cost indicators. The recommended option is a storage capacity of energy based on LTO elements, for which it is necessary to select elements in order to minimize weight, size, and cost indicators.