Вісник № 43
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/7173
Документ Розробка аналітичного методу розрахунку розмірів і форми заготовок для витягування коробчастих виробів(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Стеблюк, В. І.; Холявік, О. В.In article provides to the improvement of analytical methods for the calculation of the size and shape of blanks in the drawing box-like parts through the use of the method of building. The experimental and theoretical studies have confirmed the possibility of development of methods for determining the size and shape of pieces in the drawing box-like parts through the use of the method of building and showed a satisfactory correlation between the results obtained experimentally and calculated using the programs developed on the basis of the corresponding models.Документ Экспериментальные исследования технологии производства порошковых лент(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Грибков, Э. П.; Данилюк, В. А.Results of theoretical and experimental studies of production powder electrode tapes are given in article by a rolling method. It is established that the exception of a spillage of the powder core of a metal cover when transporting and melting, requires use of the production technology of powder tapes which is in preliminary rolling of components of the core before loading the subsequent layer in a metal cover that allows to increase the relative density of the core and keeps thus the size of the powder fraction.Документ Экспериментальные исследования режимов кузнечной протяжки заготовок с обкаткой в комбинированных бойках(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Кухарь, В. В.; Василевский, О. В.The methodic of experimental research of form-changing and force parameters during stretch forging of billets with rolling to diameter by combined anvils is worked and realized out. The depends of changing of force parameters, geometric characteristics and optimal modes of deformation of billets during stretch forging by rolling in combined anvils with different values of press upsetting and angles of rotation of billets around far axe are determinates.Документ Моделирование напряженно-деформированного состояния элементов кассет с неприводными вертикальными валками для чистовых клетей сортовых станов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Медведев, В. С.; Базарова, Е. В.; Чичкан, А. А.; Шпаков, В. А.An analysis of the results of mathematical modeling of the stress-strain state (SSS) of the cassette with the non-driven rolls of the finishing stands 580 600 mill conducted through the use of the apparatus of finite elements method and option deformation model of metal strength. The influence of changes in the diameter of not power-driven vertical rolls and temperature rolled strip on VAT cassettes. It is noted that the strength characteristics of the cartridge design satisfies the condition of strength. However, in real working conditions is not sufficient rigidity cartridge in a horizontal plane, which leads to the crown of the end-product rolling. The result of simulation of VAT elements cassette developed measures for its modernization.Документ Уточненный метод расчета сил, действующих на подшипники рабочих валков станов холодной прокатки тонколистовой стали(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Присяжний, А. Г.; Коренко, М. Г.; Сотсков, В. С.The method of calculation of forces, which operate on bearings of workings rollers of the cold rolling mills, is developed in the article. This method allows to determine longevity of bearings of workings rollers taking into account influence of radial and axial forces, the values of which are set depending on all of basic technological factors of process of the cold rolling of thin sheets. Analysis of results of calculation, got on the developed method, expedience of his further application confirms.Документ Определение шероховатости обработанной поверхности при шлифовании(Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", 2013) Дитиненко, Станислав Александрович; Новиков, Федор Васильевич; Иванов, И. Е.A mathematical model for determining surface roughness in diamond grinding and identified the conditions for its reduction, consisting mainly to increase the magnitude of the linear wear of grains until they surround the destruction and subsequent loss of the bunch circle. The possibility of a substantial reduction of surface roughness by creating a diamond circle of flat beans, which corresponds to the experimental data.Документ Ковка поковок типа валов с продольным сдвигом специальными бойками(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Алиева, Л. И.; Жбанков, Я. Г.; Станков, В. Ю.Influence geometric parameters of dies on strain state of billet and defects formation was established. Determined that forging of cylindrical billet by special dies must be done with minimal clearance and relative height deformation 10-15% of billet diameter. Forging of flat billet must be done by special dies with sloping stage. This provides in further correction of billet the high quality surface.Документ Совершенствование развития высоких технологий в машиностроении в свете ресурсосбережения и энергоэффективность(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Мовшович, А. Я.; Резниченко, Н. К.; Кочергин, Ю. А.The questions of perfection of high-tech are affected in the article, requiring developments and research on the modern stage of development of engineer. A their rational application and way of realization domain is shown in an operating production.Документ О некоторых вопросах разработки и применения валков профилегибочных станов с раздельным вращением формующих элементов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Ахлестин, А. В.The analysis of the existing design rolls with separate rotation forming elements. The basic problems associated with the design of such rolls and their using in production of roll-formed sections with decorative-protective coating. Practical recommendations aimed at improving the design of rolls tool and increase the efficiency of its use by eliminating the relative sliding in calibers rolls.Документ Взаємодія технологічних параметрів в осередку деформації при сталому процесі прокатування(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Бережний, М. М.; Чубенко, В. А.; Хіноцька, А. А.; Шепель, А.; Чубенко, В.The center of the strain was at the established process of rolling was considered, deforming voltage and resistance force viscosity flow in the deformation were compared and the mean values of the borders of fluidity at a different modes rolling, calculated rate of strain in compression, widing and lengthening.was calculated. It was determined that the increase in the strain velocity in broadening and elongation leads to increased border flow, which causes the necessity to increase the speed of rolling, which in turn helps to increase the productivity of the process.Документ Вплив температури на характер пластичної деформації високомідистих чавунів(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Гусачук, Д. А.; Савчук, П. П.; Фещук, Ю. П.; Мельничук, М. Д.This paper investigated the characteristics of plastic deformation high-cooper cast iron at elevated temperatures. Found that the presence high-cooper phase can increase the plasticity alloys. The presence of a thickened shell of high-cooper phase around the primary crystals of graphite enables avoid the phenomenon of graphite foliation, which is characteristic of ordinary cast iron. Deformation at temperatures close to 700°C, the effect of subcritical superplastic alloys developed.Документ Разработка схемы ковки валов с интенсивными пластическими деформациями(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Марков, О. Е.The schemes of forging shafts with preliminary of a profiling workpiece by wedge dies were investigated. The non-uniform of strain distribution in the transverse cross-section of the forgings was determined. The forging of the profiling workpiece by flat ensures the uniform strain distribution. The maximal value of the parameter of the stress state scheme was provided at the final forging the profiling workpiece by flat die.Документ Продольная разнотолщинность двухслойных биметаллических лент(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Байков, Е. В.The results of the study of the longitudinal variation in thickness of two-layer bimetal strips after a cold clad in rolls of different diameters and cold rolling on the specified size.Документ К вопросу моделирования реакции корпусов легкобронированных машин на действие ударно-импульсных нагрузок(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Бруль, С. Т.In the paper the generalized approach to numerical modeling of stress-strained state of lightly armoured vehicles hulls is developed. The case of shock impulsive loadings action is considered. The description of improved mathematical model is given.Документ Пути уменьшения технологической обрези на пилигримовом стане(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Стасевский, С. Л.; Угрюмов, Ю. Д.; Гармашов, Д. Ю.; Ксёнз, А. А.The methods of weight reduction pilgrim heads rolling thick- and thin-walled tubes. Industrial research carried out by rolling pipe size 245×10 mm using a special arbor rings providing dokatku pilgergolovki without the cylindrical portion at the rear end of the sleeve. The studies revealed that the savings on a metal sleeve is approximately 30 kg. New technology is being introduced into production for all pipe sizes.Документ Исследование деформаций металла в местах изгиба при осадке гнутых профилей замкнутого сечения(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Забара, Александр СергеевичIn article of deformations in the metal bends with draft tube blank by the finite element method. The analysis of the various schemes of formation. It is concluded that the possibility of modeling of rainfall harvesting, using the finite element method. Set the most appropriate specific conditions and tasks of shaping the way the scheme.Документ Інтенсифікація процесу холодної роздачі трубчастих заготовок конічним пуансоном(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Калюжний, О. В.In the article one of the methods of decreasing of influence of friction between a punch and a die during of expending process of tubular workpieces by conical punch is considered. The punch is made ofconsecutive surfaces which are angularly placed and form a torus, that decrease the contact surface with workpiece. On the example of expanding of workpieces made of stainless steel by calculated method using of the finite element method it is shown that the usage of punch with profiled surface brings to the increasing of expanding coefficient.Документ Выглаживание деталей из титановых сплавов с использованием металлосодержащей смазки(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Лавриненков, А. Д.The article presents the results of the use of metal-containing lubricants in burnishing process with application of an ultrasound of details made of titanium alloy VT22 and VT23. It was found that their use expands the technological capabilities of the process by controlling the speed and processing effort, and also provides quality parameters of the surface layer.Документ Изучение двухпараметрической степенной кривой упрочнения на основе твердости и характеристик прочности металла(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Грушко, А. В.The methods of construction of hardening curve on the basis of standard mechanical descriptions of material are in-process offered – to Brinell hardness in combination with data of tensile and fluidity strengths at tension. Approximation of hardening curve is accepted as a power law by P.Ludwig. Nomogrammy is built, the feature of methods and their exactness is rotined on an example 8 different materials.Документ Обоснование выбора оптимальных вариантов механической обработки высокоточных деталей(Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", 2013) Новиков, Федор Васильевич; Рябенков, Игорь Александрович; Крюк, Анатолий ГригорьевичThe article chosen are the best options machining of precision parts hydraulic equipment, including the rational cutting conditions , the characteristics of blade and grinding tools and other processing conditions . The studies found that the use of modern cutting tools and high-speed CNC machines can fundamentally solve the problem of efficiency machining of hydraulic equipment to improve quality, reduce production costs and increasing productivity.