Вісник № 43
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/7173
Документ Анализ влияния свойств фиксирующего материала на напряженно-деформированное состояние системы "базовая плита – направляющие колонки" разделительных штампов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Ищенко, О. А.; Грабовский, Андрей Владимирович; Ткачук, Анна Владимировна; Кротенко, Галина Анатольевна; Ткачук, Николай АнатольевичIn the paper a new approach is offered to analysis of strength and inflexibility characteristics of the system "Base flag – Directing columns" of dividing stamps. Analysis of strength and inflexibility of elements of this system is conducted on example of model construction.Документ Анализ проблем и постановка задачи исследования процесса выдавливания стержневых конических деталей(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Кузьменко, Виктор Иванович; Целуйко, Анастасия ИгоревнаDirect cold extruding is the most effective way to get rod details of conical elements. However, direct extruding accompanied by the emergence several problems whose solution depends on the certain requirements of the process, the die and grease.Документ Взаємодія технологічних параметрів в осередку деформації при сталому процесі прокатування(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Бережний, М. М.; Чубенко, В. А.; Хіноцька, А. А.; Шепель, А.; Чубенко, В.The center of the strain was at the established process of rolling was considered, deforming voltage and resistance force viscosity flow in the deformation were compared and the mean values of the borders of fluidity at a different modes rolling, calculated rate of strain in compression, widing and lengthening.was calculated. It was determined that the increase in the strain velocity in broadening and elongation leads to increased border flow, which causes the necessity to increase the speed of rolling, which in turn helps to increase the productivity of the process.Документ Вихретоковый преобразователь для контроля толщины диэлектрических покрытий на металлоизделиях(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Сучков, Григорий Михайлович; Глоба, Светлана Николаевна; Ле, Чи ХиеуThe modification of the compensated eddy current probe (ECP) has been developed, which has a high range of measurement. Experimental researches of ECP performed, which confirmed the promise of its application in the control the thickness of the dielectric coatings on the metal products.Документ Влияние температуры и скорости деформации на механические свойства сталей, применяемых в краностроении(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Беликов, С. Б.; Шевченко, В. Г.; Рягин, С. Л.Influence of a temperature and deformation speed on mechanical characteristics of 09G2S steel had been studied. It was shown that influence of the temperature and deformation speed on mechanical characteristics of specific steels can differ from classical ideas. Plastic deformation take place at low temperature as well.Документ Влияние трения на напряженно-деформированное состояние кольца при холодной раскатке(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Симсон, Эдуард Альфредович; Scicluna, Steven; Хавин, Валерий Львович; Автономова, Людмила ВладимировнаIt is considered the problem of numerical modeling of cold rolling bearing rings. The resolved equations of mathematical formulation is provided. In the three-dimensional formulation contact problem is solved numerically for different coefficients of friction by using a finite element software DEFORM.Документ Вплив кута конусу пуансону на силові режими і якість виробів при роздачі трубчастих заготовок із сталі 12Х18Н10Т(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Калюжний, В. Л.; Піманов, В. В.; Олександренко, Я. С.The mathematical modeling of expanding process of tubular piece made of 12X18H10T in cold condition by conical punch was carried out by finite element method. The influence of cone’s angle of punch at the load of expanding, the stress-strain state and the resource usage of metal plasticity of deformed metal before loss of stability of geometric form were determined. The final form and dimensions of deformed workpiece’s part, coefficients of expanding and metal strengthening were determined.Документ Вплив температури на характер пластичної деформації високомідистих чавунів(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Гусачук, Д. А.; Савчук, П. П.; Фещук, Ю. П.; Мельничук, М. Д.This paper investigated the characteristics of plastic deformation high-cooper cast iron at elevated temperatures. Found that the presence high-cooper phase can increase the plasticity alloys. The presence of a thickened shell of high-cooper phase around the primary crystals of graphite enables avoid the phenomenon of graphite foliation, which is characteristic of ordinary cast iron. Deformation at temperatures close to 700°C, the effect of subcritical superplastic alloys developed.Документ Выбор и обоснование методов теоретических исследований процесса деформирования осесимметричных заготовок(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Драгобецкий, В. В.; Пузырь, Руслан Григорьевич; Аргат, Роман ГригорьевичIt is shown that the methods of theoretical study of metal forming processes must be justified from the standpoint of the expected accuracy of the obtained results and the physical nature of the phenomena occurring in the deformation zone, which arise depending on the method of focus, the geometry of the tool and the workpiece, the properties of deformed metal, conditions of friction between the contacting surfaces. The complexity of the mathematical models and the implementation of the algorithm in the final- result, the adequacy of the solutions depends on the adoption of a simplified and schematic processes of deformation.Документ Выглаживание деталей из титановых сплавов с использованием металлосодержащей смазки(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Лавриненков, А. Д.The article presents the results of the use of metal-containing lubricants in burnishing process with application of an ultrasound of details made of titanium alloy VT22 and VT23. It was found that their use expands the technological capabilities of the process by controlling the speed and processing effort, and also provides quality parameters of the surface layer.Документ Закономірності формування структурних та механічних властивостей сплава системи Zr-Nb в умовах інтенсивних пластичних деформацій(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Злочевська, Н. К.The regularities of formation of the structural properties were determined by deformation in isothermal conditions. The relationship between deformation intensity, structure of material and his mechanical properties was established on the base of experimental forming by the method of helical forging of workpieces, on the base of finite element modeling and metallographic investigation. It was grounded that the plasticity increases at the cost of the refinement of structure components of material.Документ Измерительный комплекс для определения износа боковой поверхности зубьев(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Гапонов, Владимир Степанович; Музыкин, Юрий Дмитриевич; Татьков, В. В.; Путноки, А. Ю.; Войтович, А. И.; Федоренко, И. М.Reasons of destruction of gearings of rental equipment of are considered it is rotined that it is most simple to fix the level of their capacity possibly in size of tearing down of lateral surface of indents, which is fixed by the offered measuring complex.Документ Изучение двухпараметрической степенной кривой упрочнения на основе твердости и характеристик прочности металла(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Грушко, А. В.The methods of construction of hardening curve on the basis of standard mechanical descriptions of material are in-process offered – to Brinell hardness in combination with data of tensile and fluidity strengths at tension. Approximation of hardening curve is accepted as a power law by P.Ludwig. Nomogrammy is built, the feature of methods and their exactness is rotined on an example 8 different materials.Документ Исследование деформаций металла в местах изгиба при осадке гнутых профилей замкнутого сечения(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Забара, Александр СергеевичIn article of deformations in the metal bends with draft tube blank by the finite element method. The analysis of the various schemes of formation. It is concluded that the possibility of modeling of rainfall harvesting, using the finite element method. Set the most appropriate specific conditions and tasks of shaping the way the scheme.Документ Исследование свойств регенерируемых песков(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Евтушенко, Наталья СергеевнаThe article investigated the рhysicomechanical properties of regenerated sand for preparation cold-hardening mixes on pitches with oligofurfuriloxysiloxane binding (OFOS) for the manufacture of high-quality castings of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.Документ К вопросу моделирования реакции корпусов легкобронированных машин на действие ударно-импульсных нагрузок(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Бруль, С. Т.In the paper the generalized approach to numerical modeling of stress-strained state of lightly armoured vehicles hulls is developed. The case of shock impulsive loadings action is considered. The description of improved mathematical model is given.Документ Ковка поковок типа валов с продольным сдвигом специальными бойками(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Алиева, Л. И.; Жбанков, Я. Г.; Станков, В. Ю.Influence geometric parameters of dies on strain state of billet and defects formation was established. Determined that forging of cylindrical billet by special dies must be done with minimal clearance and relative height deformation 10-15% of billet diameter. Forging of flat billet must be done by special dies with sloping stage. This provides in further correction of billet the high quality surface.Документ Моделирование напряженно-деформированного состояния элементов кассет с неприводными вертикальными валками для чистовых клетей сортовых станов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Медведев, В. С.; Базарова, Е. В.; Чичкан, А. А.; Шпаков, В. А.An analysis of the results of mathematical modeling of the stress-strain state (SSS) of the cassette with the non-driven rolls of the finishing stands 580 600 mill conducted through the use of the apparatus of finite elements method and option deformation model of metal strength. The influence of changes in the diameter of not power-driven vertical rolls and temperature rolled strip on VAT cassettes. It is noted that the strength characteristics of the cartridge design satisfies the condition of strength. However, in real working conditions is not sufficient rigidity cartridge in a horizontal plane, which leads to the crown of the end-product rolling. The result of simulation of VAT elements cassette developed measures for its modernization.Документ О некоторых вопросах разработки и применения валков профилегибочных станов с раздельным вращением формующих элементов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Ахлестин, А. В.The analysis of the existing design rolls with separate rotation forming elements. The basic problems associated with the design of such rolls and their using in production of roll-formed sections with decorative-protective coating. Practical recommendations aimed at improving the design of rolls tool and increase the efficiency of its use by eliminating the relative sliding in calibers rolls.Документ Область применения фрикционной штамповки-вытяжки(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Краснокутский, Анатолий Михайлович; Шевченко, Михаил МихайловичThe paper discusses the application of slip-forming exhaust and the role of elastic-friction element (UFE) for the technological possibilities of using the active forces of friction during the production of thin-walled products.