Вісник № 01. Системний аналіз, управління та інформаційні технології
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/57688
Документ Construction of a multivariate polynomial given by a redundant description in stochastic and deterministic formulations using an active experiment(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Pavlov, Alexander Anatolievich; Holovchenko, Maxim Nikolaevich; Drozd, Valeria ValerievnaWe present the methods for constructing a multivariate polynomial given by a redundant representation based on the results of a limited active experiment. We solve the problem in two formulations. The first is the problem of constructing a multivariate polynomial regression given by a redundant representation based on the results of a limited active experiment. The solution method is based on the previous results of Professor A. A. Pavlov and his students showing the fundamental possibility of reducing this problem to the sequential construction of univariate polynomial regressions and solving the corresponding nondegenerate systems of linear equations. There are two modifications of this method. The second modification is based on proving for an arbitrary limited active experiment the possibility of using only one set of normalized orthogonal polynomials of Forsythe. The second formulation refers to the solution of this problem for a particular but sufficient from the practical point of view case when an unknown implementation of a random variable is not added to the initial measurement results during an active experiment. This method is a modification of the solution method for the multivariate polynomial regression problem. Also, we used the main results of the general theory (which reduces the multivariate polynomial regression problem solving to the sequential construction of univariate polynomial regressions and solution of corresponding nondegenerate systems of linear equations) to consider and strictly substantiate fairly wide from the practical point of view particular cases leading to estimating the coefficients at nonlinear terms of the multivariate polynomial regression as a solution of linear equations with a single variable.