Кафедра "Автомобіле- і тракторобудування"
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Кафедра "Автомобіле- і тракторобудування" (первісна назва – кафедра "Тракторобудування") створена разом із Харківським тракторним заводом у 1930 році у складі новоствореного автотракторного факультету (пізніше – факультет транспортного машинобудування). Засновником кафедри "Автомобіле- і тракторобудування" був академік, доктор технічних наук, професор Медведєв Михайло Іванович, який очолював кафедру з 1930 по 1962г.
У 1972 році на базі кафедри "Автомобіле- і тракторобудування" було створено спеціальну кафедру "Колісні і гусеничні машини" для підготовки спеціалістів з танкобудування.
Кафедра "Автомобіле- і тракторобудування" за роки її існування внесла гідний внесок у становлення і розвиток наукової думки в області теорії автомобілів і тракторів.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту механічної інженерії і транспорту.
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 3 доктори технічних наук, 8 кандидатів технічних наук, 1 співробітник має звання професора, 7 – звання доцента.
Документ 80 лет из 125: краткая история сотрудничества кафедры автомобиле- и тракторостроения НТУ "ХПИ" и ОАО "ХТЗ"(НТУ "ХПИ", 2010) Самородов, Вадим Борисович; Ребров, Алексей ЮрьевичВиповнюється 80 років з дати заснування кафедри автомобіле- та тракторобудування НТУ "ХПІ". Розглянута історія співпраці кафедри та ОАО "ХТЗ" протягом усього цього періоду.Документ Analysis of the prospects for implementing a system of optimal weight distribution over the axles of modern mechnical front drive tractors(2023) Buchko, IhorThe article presents an evaluation analysis of the impact of wheeled agricultural tractors' running systems on the soil. The analysis showed that maintaining the optimal weight distribution during traction operations allows reducing the maximum pressure on the soil by 8…40 kPa. This makes it possible to increase up to 14% an average the share of the territory of Ukraine where modern wheeled tractors with single tires can be operated without violating agro-environmental requirements.Документ Comparative analysis of transmissions of mine diesel locomotives with different component schemes(Національний гірничий університет, 2019) Samorodov, V. B.; Taran, I. O.; Bondarenko, A. I.; Klymenko, I. Yu.Purpose. To develop mathematical models and techniques to model stepless transmissions operating as a part of a diesel locomotive, to improve reliability of the results of diesel locomotive movement under actual operating conditions. Methodology. Values of kinematic parameters, power parameters, and energy parameters are identified with the help of solving a system of algebraic equations by Simulink subsystem of Matlab system. Integrated study of changes in basic transmission parameters of "input differential" and "output differential" in terms of its operation within both transport and traction ranges is necessary to determine the initial data to model braking process of a mine diesel locomotive. Findings. The paper has performed comparative analysis of "input differential" and "output differential" hydrostatic mechanical transmissions (HMTs) by means of integrated study of changes in power parameters, kinematic parameters, and energy parameters of the transmissions in terms of traction and transport ranges of motion of a mine diesel locomotive. Values of these parameters are determined by means of solving the system of algebraic equations being considered as the development of a set of mathematical models and techniques to model stepless transmissions operating as a part of a mine diesel locomotive. Originality. The obtained results of integrated study of changes in power, kinematic and energy parameters of "input differential" and "output differential" HMTs in terms of their operation within both transport and traction ranges indicate that each transmission has its own strengths and weaknesses. That is why the both HMTs will be used in future while analyzing a braking process of a mine diesel locomotive. Practical value. The developed structural transmission scheme, mathematical model explaining changes in kinematic parameters and power ones, determined kinematic, power parameters and efficiency of hydrostatic drive in future can be applied as the initial data to model a braking process of a mine diesel locomotive.Документ Comparison a running smoothness of a wheeled tractor with a semitrailer tank or unit while driving on asphalt-concrete surface(Scientific Route, Estonia, 2019) Kozhushko, A. P.; Riezva, K.Документ Determination of inductances for pulsating current traction motor(РС Tесhnology сеntеr, 2021) Goolak, S. O.; Tkachenko, V. P.; Sapronova, S. Yu.; Spivak, A. N.; Riabov, Ye. S.; Ostroverkh, O. O.The object of research is a pulsating current traction motor. To improve the accuracy of its mathematical model, it is necessary to use the values of the parameters that are determined in experimental studies of the electric motor. In particular, it is important to use in the model of the electric motor inductance obtained experimentally. A method is proposed for calculating the inductance of the armature winding, main poles, additional poles and compensation winding and the total inductance of the traction motor armature circuit. The calculations are based on the results of the indirect inductance measurement method, in which the electrical values of various modes of power supply of the electric motor windings are directly measured, and the inductances are determined by auxiliary calculations. The inductances of the traction motor armature circuit have a non-linear dependence on the current flowing through them. The main difference of the study is that the measurements of the electrical parameters required for calculating the inductance are carried out over the entire range of operating currents of the windings. The essence of the proposed technique is to measure the active power in the armature winding, the winding of the main and additional poles, and the compensation winding, as well as in the armature circle as a whole when they are supplied with alternating current. According to the obtained values of active power losses and phase displacement, the corresponding reactive power losses are determined, with the help of which the inductances of the motor windings are calculated. Approbation of the methodology for calculating the conduction inductance for an electric motor of a pulsating current NB-418K6 (country of origin Russia), is used on electric locomotives of the VL80T and VL80k series (country of origin Russia). A scheme for measuring electrical parameters necessary for calculating inductance is proposed. The graphical dependences of the inductance on the armature current, built on the basis of calculations, confirmed the hypothesis about the nonlinear dependence of these inductances on the armature current. For further application of the results obtained in the simulation of the operation of the traction electric motor NB-418K6, a polynomial approximation of the total inductance of the armature circuit was performed.Документ Experimental Appropriateness Verification of K. Gorodetsky`s Mathematical Model for Losses Determinination in Hydrostatic Transmissions for Modern Hydrolic Machines(Auris Verlag, 2014) Samorodov, V. B.; Shuba, S. A.; Derkach, O. I.; Shevtzov, V. M.; Mittsel, N. A.There were experimentally obtained dependences of efficiency coefficients for two hydrostatic transmissions of various sizes and performance on the basis of axial-piston hydraulic machines under various loading conditions. The experimental data is compared with the calculated one obtained using the mathematical model of K. Gorodetsky. The object of study was the hydrostatic monoblock transmission manufactured in 1999 and the hydrostatic transmission made in 2012 with a spaced hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor.Документ Formation of a rational change in controlling continuously variable transmission at the stages of a tractor’s acceleration and braking(Технологический центр, 2016) Samorodov, V.; Kozhushko, A. P.; Pelipenko, E.Сформовані та обґрунтовані раціональні зміни параметрів регулювання гідромашини в гідрооб’ємній передачі на етапах розгону та гальмування колісного трактора ХТЗ-21021 з безступінчастою двопотоковою гідрооб’ємно-механічною трансмісією за рахунок завантаженості гідравлічної гілки. Визначено вплив використання раціональної та лінійної зміни параметрів регулювання гідромашини на показники гідрооб’ємно-механічної трансмісії та в цілому колісного трактора. Встановлено звуження зони найвищого значення коефіцієнта корисної дії гідрооб'ємно-механічної трансмісії.Документ Improvement of aggregation techniques of universal self-propelled chassis by using folding frames(2021) Podrigalo, M. A.; Krasnokutsky, V. M.; Selevich, S. G.; Zakapko, O. G.Документ Influence of change of hydraulic machine control parameter during braking of the tractor with the continuously variable transmission(Технологический центр, 2017) Samorodov, V.; Kozhushko, A. P.; Pelipenko, E.Досліджено процес гальмування колісного трактора з безступінчастою гідрооб’ємно-механічною трансмісією. Визначено вплив форми зміни параметру регулювання гідромашини гідрооб’ємної передачі на кінематичні, силові та енергетичні показники колісного трактора при гальмуванні. Доведено доцільність використання вигнутої форми зміни параметру регулювання гідромашини при гальмуванні за рахунок більш ефективної інтенсивності зміни, що призводить до зменшення часу гальмування та гальмівного шляху.Документ International road freight haulage(2022) Kozhushko, A. P.The educational discipline "International road freight haulage" belongs to the selective disciplines of the professional training of a master's student. It is based on the organization of modern automobile transportation.Документ Investigation of dynamic loading of tractors with volumetric hydraulic drive(Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2020) Mandryka, Volodymyr Rostyslavovych; Krasnokutskyi, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych; Ostroverkh, O. O.The processes that occur in the transmissions of tractor units and self-propelled agricultural machines under various modes of movement and in the process of regulation are characterized by complex dependencies that are studied analytically or experimentally. Various methods are known for obtaining mathematical models. One of them is the classical direct description method. Another is the use of passive and active methods of regression analysis. It is rational to use both methods, the combination of which makes it possible to obtain the necessary mathematical model. Volumetric hydraulic drive (OGP) is increasingly used in transmissions of modern tractors and self-propelled agricultural machines. The presented article discusses the mathematical description of axial piston hydraulic machines. A study of transient processes was carried out and their assessment was carried out to determine the loads arising in the transmission of the machine with a stepwise change in the load, the gear ratio of the OGP and constant fuel supply when the unit is accelerated from a standstill. The unit acceleration mode was studied while driving on plowing and during transport operations for the following parameters and such initial conditions: rotation speed of the hydraulic motor shaft and engine shaft; torque on the motor shaft; hook load; pressure in the OGP pressure line. The dynamic characteristics of hydraulic machines, fluid leaks and its elastic properties, as well as variable values of the hydraulic drive efficiency are taken into account. The simulation results are compared with experimental studies. The objects of research were: a model of a caterpillar tractor T-150E with independent full-flow OGP of the left and right sides; mock-up of a wheeled r oot harvester with independent OGP sides of the rear driving wheels. Depending on the operating modes with unsteady motion, the following control options are possible, providing high performance at a certain level of dynamic loads, or minimum dynamic loads when the time factor is not prevalent. Optimal control is also promising when additional parameters are included in the goal function.Документ Laboratory stand for research of the workflow in hydrostatic mechanical transmissions(Vela Verlag, Germany, 2014) Bondarenko, A. I.; Mittsel, M. O.; Kogushko, A. P.The work of the laboratory stand as a whole as well as its particular elements is described. The effect of laws of parameters change of hydrostatic transmission fluid machines regulation and the laws of the braking torque change on the basic parameters of hydrostatic mechanical transmissions of different structures (two schemes were discussed: the first one with an inlet differential, the second - with an output differential) at implementation of both acceleration and deceleration processes is determined. The phenomenon of non-simultaneous translation of operating regimes of fluid machines being a part of the hydrostatic mechanical transmission with an “output” differential in the areas of zero speed and power modes is studied.Публікація Mathematical model of diesel engine characteristics for determining the performance of traction dynamics of wheel-type tractor(Scientific Route OÜ, Estonia, 2020) Rebrov, O. Yu.; Kozhushko, A. P.; Kalchenko, B. I.; Mamontov, A. G.; Zakovorotniy, Alexander; Kalinin, E.; Holovina, E.Wheel-type tractors carry out a range of processing operations, with the exception of early spring work, when caterpillar tractors are used to reduce the compaction effect on the soil. Therefore, to plan the costs and reserves associated with fuel consumption, it is necessary to have an estimate of the fuel economy of the tractor in basic agricultural operations. An objective assessment of fuel consumption requires a mathematical model that describes the fuel characteristics of the engine, taking into account the speed and load torque in a wide range of variation. Verification of the model is possible only with experimental data. Since the efficiency and fuel economy of a tractor depends not only on engine performance, but also on the perfection of the transmission, the running system and the rational choice of speed, it is necessary to take into account the time-varying nature of the tractor’s traction load. The complex of agricultural operations can be divided into characteristic cycles of load change over time. This principle is the basis of PowerMix test cycles, which are conducted on a concrete track to ensure repeatability of the experiment. The use of the variable load on the tractor in the PowerMix tests is positive, but in actual field tests the results may differ due to the instability of the soil properties. On the other hand, PowerMix field cycles can be taken as standard test loads in the simulation of tractor traction tests on the ground.Документ Mathematical modeling of free liquid surface motionin transporting agricultural semitrailer tanks(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Kozhushko, A. P.; Grigoriev, A. L.; Kalchenko, B. I.Mathematical modeling of the oscillatory process ofthe longitudinal motion of a machine-tractor unit with a semitrailer tank equipped with a hydraulic liquid mixer is developed. The redistribution of liquid in the tank by the characteristics of Rayleighsurface waves is taken into consideration. The influence of the mixer operation on the total vibrational motion of the liquid in the tank is given. Thespectrum of frequencies of free mechanical oscillations is determined, and the corresponding forms ofinterconnected movements of the elements of a tractor and a tank are analyzed.Документ Solution of the problem of calculating the leakage working fluid in eccentric gap of the ball piston pair hydraulic fluid power machine(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Samorodov, Vadym; Avrunin, GrigoryGoal. Conclusion of an analytical expression for calculating leaks in the gap between the ball-pistons and cylindrical holes in the cylinder blocks of radial-piston hydraulic pumps and hydraulic motors of hydraulic fluid power transmission. The object of study was the hydraulic fluid power transmission of the GOP-900 model in a monoblock design, consisting of a pump with an adjustable displacement and an hydraulic motor with a constant displacement. Method. For the laminar flow of the working fluid in the gap between the ball-piston and the cylinder, a calculation scheme is developed and a corresponding mathematical model is proposed for calculating the flow differential in each of the sections along the forming hole in the cylinder block of the hydraulic machine, followed by the integration of the specified differential. The calculation of the working fluid leaks in the MathCAD-15 medium allowed us to determine the average values of leaks with a concentric and eccentric arrangement of the piston balls in the holes of the cylinder blocks for specific set values for the diameters of the piston balls, the viscosity of the working fluid and the pressure drop between the discharge and discharge cavities. Results. For the first time аnalytical expressions are obtained that allow calculating leaks in the gap between the ball-piston and the hole in the cylinder block of a radial-piston hydraulic machine. The adequacy of the mathematical model is confirmed by the results of comparisons with the data of experimental measurements of working fluid leaks. It is shown that the coefficient of eccentricity of the circular gap used in the calculations using the Hagen-Poiseuille formula with a value of 2,5 is significantly overestimated. Conclusion. The method of calculating working fluid leaks in ball-piston hydraulic machines is recommended for use by specialists when developing new hydraulic machines and conducting diagnostics of the technical condition of those in operation in order to determine the volumetric efficiency and, in particular, its effect on the speed of vehicles whose transmissions use hydraulic machines with ball-pistons.Документ Static study of the most loaded elements of the differential "ELocker" when it is locked(ISMA University of Applied Sciences, 2021) Ostroverkh, O. O.Currently, the world has created a large number of programs and software packages that implement the finite element method (FEM). It is the most common method of solving a wide range of scientific and engineering problems. This is due to the simplicity of the concepts of FEM, its inherent logic and efficiency of application. SOLIDWORKS, namely its COSMOS Works Designer module, has been selected as a software package for design and research. The developed and researched model became a rotary plate of a differential with lock "ELocker". The conducted researches allowed to determine the characteristic stress concentrators on the working surface of the rotary plate. According to the results of the calculation, the maximum displacement and deformation equivalent, as well as the minimum strength factor were determined. The temperature regime of loading does not cause fears.Документ Substantiating of Rational Law of Hydrostatic Drive Control Parameters While Accelerating of Wheeled Tractors with Hydrostatic and Mechanical Transmission(Magnolithe GmbH, Austria, 2016) Taran, I. O.; Kozhushko, A. P.The paper explains a process to determine rational laws of change in parameters to control hydraulic units of hydrostatic drive while accelerating wheeled tractors with hydrostatic and mechanical transmissions operating according “input differential” and “output differential”schemes. The paper substantiates application of rational laws of change in parameters to control hydraulic machines by determining power distribution within hydraulic and mechanical branches of hydrostatic and mechanical transmissions produced according to “input differential” and “output differential” schemes. Decrease in a zone of power circulation within hydrostatic and mechanical transmissions with output differential has been determined while applying rational laws of changes in control parameters.Документ Traction and dynamic, fuel and economic calculation of the vehicle(National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Mamontov, A.; Shevtsov, V.; Rezvaya, K.Traction and dynamic, fuel and economic calculation of the vehicle is an important and integral part of a complex approach to vehicle design. According to the results of traction calculation, the main dynamic parameters of the vehicle are determined, the assessment of dynamic qualities is given by comparing them with similar indicators of other existing construction. During the traction calculation, such important parameters as the maximum power of the internal combustion engine, the gear ratios of the transmission elements, etc. are determined. There are two main methods for traction and dynamic calculation. The first method is a design traction calculation. It is performed when designing a new vehicle. The second method is a test traction calculation, which is performed for an existing vehicle. The test calculation is performed during the diploma. It is related with the selection of the base vehicle for a specialized vehicle or tractor for a road train. The purpose of this work is to help students determine the main dynamic and economic parameters of the vehicle and engine when changing the load and speed modes of its operation; dynamic performance during acceleration, to calculate the fuel efficiency of the vehicle. The proposed method of calculation will help to form students' knowledge, skills and abilities to analyze and select the parameters of the vehicle, which ensure the implementation of the specified indicators of its performance properties. The goal is achieved as a result of calculations and plotting of detailed tractionand speed characteristics of the vehicle, which characterize its consumer properties, followed by analysis of the parameters of vehicles. The peculiarity of this publication is to provide examples of determining the parameters of dynamic, fuel and economic characteristics of the vehicle, which allow to implement the concept of individual approach in the learning process. In the methodological instructive regulations the technique of check tractioncalculation on an example of the car Opel Astra Classic is resulted.Документ Volumetric hydraulic drive modelling in transmissions of tractors and self-propelled machines(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020) Mandryka, Volodymyr Rostyslavovych; Krasnokutskyi, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych; Ostroverkh, Alexander Olegovich; Kovalevskyi, Sergei HermanovychРозробка математичного опису окремих вузлів об'єкта дослідження робить математичні моделі нелінійними, з використанням як детермінованих, так і імовірнісних характеристик. При цьому отримати рішення в загальному вигляді для таких математичних моделей без істотних спрощень не представляється можливими. Сучасна обчислювальна техніка дозволяє перейти до модульного методу складання математичних моделей, коли розроблено банк моделей окремих вузлів і агрегатів, комбінація яких дає можливість в короткий термін збирати необхідну узагальнену математичну модель або доповнювати її новоствореними модулями. Основні елементи агрегатів, які в сукупності визначають характер перехідних процесів і динамічні навантаження в трансмісії на різних режимах роботи, будуть розглядатися як деякі модулі, з числа яких можна побудувати необхідну для дослідження математичну модель. Одним з таких модулів є об'ємний гідропривід (ОГП), який все більше знаходить застосування в трансмісіях сучасних тракторів і самохідних сільськогосподарських машин. У представленій статті розглядається математичний опис аксіально-поршневих гідромашин, у яких силове і кінематичне передавальне відношення в ОГП може регулюватися як у насоса, так і у гідромотора. Враховано динамічні характеристики гідромашин, витоку рідини і її пружні властивості, а також змінні значення ККД гідроприводу. Результати моделювання були зіставлені з експериментальними дослідження. Розбіжність між ними знаходилося в діапазоні (5-8)%. Як об'єкти дослідження розглядалися: макет гусеничного трактора Т-150Е з незалежними повно потоковими ОГП лівого і правого бортів; коренезбиральна машина КС-6Б з ОГП на задній ведучий міст; коренезбиральна машина КС-6В з незалежними ОГП на задній і передній провідні мости; макет коренезбиральний комбайна з незалежними ОГП лівого і правого бортів задніх ведучих коліс.Документ Автомобильный цифровой измеритель уровня топлива(НТУ "ХПИ", 2007) Сергиенко, Николай Егорович; Маренич, А. Н.In this work made the research about the choice of the circuit and structure automobile measurement of a fuel level. The block diagram, working-algorithm of digital measurement of a fuel level and its design are submitted.