Вісник № 02
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2626
Документ Задачи бюджетирования в управлении финансовой деятельностью предприятия(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Терещук, И. В.In given work is considered the process of forming and motion of material and money streams on an enterprise. Basis of plan of enterprise is made by the order book, formed on the planned period. On the basis of the order book and plan of future activity of enterprise raising of task of budgeting is formulated.Документ Классификация изображений на основе признаковых пространственных структур(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Полякова, Т. В.; Куликов, Ю. А.; Гороховатский, В. А.There have been researched new feature spaces on the set of coordinates of structural features of images. The feature spatial structures reflect relative position and relationship of individual parts of the video object. The development results of the methods, that reduce the amount of computing costs by decrease descriptions redundancy, have been put. The results of experiments on image classification based on the proposed methods are discussed.Документ Композиционная модель динамической распределенной задачи структурного синтеза территориально распределенных объектов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Бескоровайный, В. В.; Соболева, Е. В.This work is devoted to methodological bases of distributed object's design. There are revised terms "system", "geographically distributed system". It's presented a compositional model of dynamic distributed problem of distributed system's structural synthesis. It's improved the solving technology of object's structural synthesis problem by using system dynamics simulation procedures.Документ Компрессирование описания визуальных объектов путем фильтрации его компонент по критерию стабильности(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Власенко, Н. В.; Канунников, А. С.; Машталир, С. В.Ways of compression space structural features images using the criterion of stability of their values on the training set of geometric transformations explores in article. A concise description is based on the computed subset of stable points. Experimental results on image classification based on the proposed methods confirm their high efficiency.Документ Математическое моделирование процессов структурообразования тонких пленок при низких температурах(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Куценко, Александр Сергеевич; Марченко, Игорь ИвановичThe mathematical model of the molecular dynamics method, which takes into account the effects of quantum statistics was formulated. Numerical scheme for the solution of the model was proposed. Test calculations and comparison with experimental data were obtained. The averaged is placements of copper surface atoms at different temperatures were computed.Документ Метод выбора технических средств для систем технического учета энергоресурсов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Михнов, Д. К.; Михнова, А. В.; Мухамед, Саиф К.A method is proposed to select technical facilities for energy registration system. This method is based on a combination of expert evaluations and grapho-analytical methods. The method is designed for distributed objects with several informational networks.Документ Метод построения семантически эквивалентных состояний неоднородных баз данных(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Танянский, С. С.Propose a method of constructing a set of possible states of a database by modifying the structure of the data. The conditions of the permitted operations and introduce the operators of state transition of the database. Suggest appropriate algorithms and prove their correctness, adequacy and effectiveness.Документ Методика и алгоритм инженерного расчета температурного режима радиоэлектронной аппаратуры(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Азаренков, Владимир Ильич; Куценко, Александр СергеевичBased on the solution of the heat equation for a rectangular parallelepiped pas similar heat source is proposed engineering method of calculation of the thermal regime of the design of electronic equipment.Документ Модель для параметрического синтеза электронной части следящего привода(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Северин, Валерий Петрович; Никулина, Елена Николаевна; Реуцкая, Мария ВладимировнаThe mathematical model is developed in the state space for the electrohydraulic watching drive of steam turbines on base of drive components models. Variables are defined and model is obtained for parametric synthesis of the electronic part of drive.Документ Модель та інформаційна технологія побудови адаптивної матриці трасування вимог у гнучких процесах розробки програмного забезпечення(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Тамзаєв, Р. О.; Ткачук, Микола ВячеславовичSome features of requirements management in agile software development are considered, and problem actuality to elaborate respective requirements traceability tools for their effective implementation is defined. An approach is proposed, which is based on an algorithm-centered model to build adaptive traceability matrix and on usage of information technology to collect and to process data related to requirements, project artifacts and project's stakeholders participated in iterative software development.Документ Оптимизация портфеля ценных бумаг для модели Хестона(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Путятина, А. Е.In this paper we consider portfolio optimization problem for the Heston model of the asset price behaviour. A method was proposed for solving the portfolio optimization problem under partial information, i.e. only asset prices are observable, but not the volatility. Volatility is estimated by means of filtering.Документ Практическое применение разработанного приложения AdjNet в морфологических задачах(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Каменева, И. В.; Афанасьев, А. С.In the paper reviewed the performance of developed application "AdjNet" based on a common model of Russian inflection of adjectives. It decides the problems of synthesis, analysis and normalization of wordforms, and also analyzes the phonetic of full adjectives in sound form.Документ Применение методов статистического анализа при обработке опытных данных(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Сидоренко, Анна Юрьевна; Мазманишвили, Александр СергеевичThe typical problems of mathematical statistics, related to correlated sequences (to time counts) with a given fixed level of statistical correlation between them, are considered. The analytic expressions featuring distributions Chi-Squared's ones in the case of correlated counts are obtained. The charts of functions and distributions Chi-Squared's in the case of correlated counts are introduction.Документ Решение задачи оптимального планирования выполнения заказов на листопрокатном производстве(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Криводубский, О. А.; Косилов, С. А.There have been proposed models and methods of decision-making in the planning of the optimal production program for technical systems with a variety of conveyor type heterogeneous manufacturing operations and delay before processing the semi-finished product on the machine. The purpose of planning is to guarantee the fulfillment of the greatest number of orders that meet the technological capabilities of production. Design of the production program is formalized as a problem of optima lplanning. There have been implemented the numerical method for solving this problem and designed the algorithm for solving it.Документ Формирование набора ограничений в задаче предварительной обработки неструктурированных журналов регистрации событий(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Чалый, Сергей Федорович; Богатов, Е. О.; Кальницкая, А. Ю.In this paper we consider the problem preprocessing event log, which is solved by Process mining. An approach to the formation of the system of constraints in the form of a set of rules for solving a problem. Proposed implementation of the approach based on multi-agent system.Документ Экспериментальное применение моделей и технологий обеспечения качества для разработки компонентного программного решения реального времени(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Земляной, Андрей АлександровичA technology for quality assurance of some real-time software quality attributes is considered. An experimental example of applying suggested technologies is provided. The example in cludes defining the solution architecture and quality requirements, using the prototype for statistics collection, analysis of the results.Документ Інформаційно-технологічна підтримка процедури вибору та контролю показників діяльності торгівельного підприємства(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Орловський, Дмитро Леонідович; Пилипець, М. С.This article addresses the information technology support for choice, accounting and control of multiple indicators of commercial enterprises within the overall strategy of customer relationship management, in particular the question of forming complex pathways by which the indicator values are controlled and predicted.