Кафедра "Управління проєктами в інформаційних технологіях"
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У 2024 році змінено назву кафедри "Стратегічного управління". Нова назва "Управління проєктами в інформаційних технологіях" (наказ №209Д від 29.05.2024 р.)
За наказом ректора професора Л. Л. Товажнянського в Національному технічному університеті “Харківський політехнічний інститут” у 2000 році була заснована перша в Україні кафедра "Стратегічне управління". Першим її завідувачем став доктор технічних наук Ігор Володимирович Кононенко.
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У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 1 доктор технічних наук; 7 кандидатів наук: 6 – технічних , 1 – економічних; 1 співробітник має звання професора, 5 – доцента.
Документ Application of discrete optimization in solving a problem of multi-item capacitated lot-sizing with economic objectives(2009) Kononenko, Igor; Protasov, IgorДокумент Balanced scorecard of safety-oriented management for the construction industry enterprises(Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 2021) Momot, T. V.; Filonych, O. M.; Kosiak, A. P.; Lobach, O. V.The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of a balanced scorecard for ensuring safe-oriented management of enterprises in the construction industry. The subject of the research is a set of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects to ensure the formation of the balanced scorecard development to ensure safe-oriented management of enterprises in the construction industry. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions and substantiate practical recommendations for the formation of a model of a balanced scorecard for ensuring safe-oriented management of enterprises in the construction industry, taking into account the interests of all groups of stakeholders. Objectives of the work: to analyze modern trends in the development of enterprises in the construction industry in Ukraine; to generalize approaches to the definition of the concept of safety-oriented management; explore and organize the elements of safety-oriented management; to develop a model of a balanced scorecard for ensuring safe-oriented management in the corporate security system of enterprises in the construction industry. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: abstract-logical analysis, theoretical generalization and systematization, system analysis. The paper analyzes the dynamics of the development of enterprises in the construction industry in Ukraine in the context of the introduction of quarantine measures related to COVID-19. Factors constraining construction activities have been identified, which include financial constraints, insufficient demand, labor shortage, and weather conditions. Approaches to the definition of security-oriented management have been generalized and the definition of security-oriented management in the corporate security system has been improved. The elements of safety-oriented management are systematized with the specification of such components as risk assessment, development and implementation of security policy, definition of requirements, establishment of control and monitoring of the external and internal environment. A model of a balanced scorecard for ensuring safe-oriented management of enterprises in the construction industry has been developed. Conclusions. In the course of the study, the expediency of forming a balanced system of indicators for ensuring safe-oriented management of enterprises in the construction industry was substantiated, taking into account the dynamics of the performance of construction work during 2019-2021. The elements of the system of safe-oriented management are presented in detail and the expediency of the formation of a balanced system of indicators for ensuring the safe-oriented management of enterprises in the construction industry is substantiated. The sequence of the formation of a balanced scorecard for ensuring safety-oriented management is detailed with the specification of a scorecard for assessing strategic goals for the components of a balanced scorecard: finance, customers, internal business processes, training and development.Документ Development of test management system software products(ТОВ "Планета-Прінт", 2021) Grinchenko, Marina Anatoliyvna; Repenko, A. V.Документ Development of the mobile application to find a doctor(ТОВ "Планета-Прінт", 2021) Lobach, Olena; Serhieiev, O.Документ Digitalization in small business for women entrepreneurs in Ukraine(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Kolarov, Kostadin Goranov; Kononenko, Igor Volodymyrovich; Grinchenko, Marina Anatoliyvna; Bukrieieva, Karina SergiyivnaFrom September 2020 to April 2022, the “DIGI-WOMEN, digital entrepreneurship tools and support for women entrepreneurs” project is being implemented within the “Erasmus +” program. Project coordinator - is the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria. Project partners are National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine; Bit-management Beratung Gesmbh, Austria; Baltijas Juras Regiona Klasteru Eksperti, Latvia; Consulenza Direzionale di Paolo Zaramella, Italy; CEPOR Centar za politiku razvoja malih i srednjih poduzeća i poduzetništva, Croatia; Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs – SEGE, Greece. Project overall objective is to develop a training program that will train experts in order to offer trainings and mentorship sessions that are tailored to the needs of the female entrepreneurs digitalizing their business and help them overcome the obstacles they face in the digitalization. As a result of analyzing the relevance of digitalization in small business for women entrepreneurs in Ukraine the conclusion was made that important areas of digitalization are: search for ideas for business and substantiate these ideas using digital technologies; creation and promotion of business websites; presentation and promotion of business in social networks; implementation of a CRM system at the enterprise. A training program is proposed to prepare experts who will then train women entrepreneurs who run small businesses. The program is designed in such a way that women entrepreneurs have mastered precisely those areas of knowledge that are recognized as the most important in the studies. The program consists of a number of trainings on the following topics: "Training techniques for women entrepreneurs in small business", "Search and Substantiation of Ideas for Business", "Development, deployment, analysis and promotion of the web site ", "Introduction to Social Media Marketing (SMM), "Implementation of digital technologies on the example of the Bitrix24 CRM system".Документ Evolution of the generalized body of knowledge on project management(НТУ "ХПИ", 2018) Kononenko, Igor Vladimirovich; Lutsenko, Svitlana YuryevnaAn analysis of the literature on the creation and application of hybrid project management methodologies on the basis of fully plan-driven and Agile methodologies is made. It is shown that every year the volume of application of methodologies, which combines the advantages of fully plan-driven and Agile approaches is growing. To create a special methodology for a particular project, a generalized body of knowledge on project management can be used. The task is to complement the generalized body of knowledge on project management components of popular Agile methodologies DSDM and FDD. Currently, the generalized body of knowledge includes the components of PMBOK Guide, the ISO21500 standard, the PRINCE2 methodology, the SWEBOK Guide, agile methodologies Scrum, XP, and Kanban. The structure of the generalized body of knowledge on project management is given. DSDM principles and FDD values are added to it. The DSDM principles fall into three groups: values and principles relating to the interaction of team members, values and principles relating to the product of the project, and values and principles relating to the project team working technology. The values of FDD are only in the last group. The life cycles, roles, and responsibilities of these methodologies are described. The concept of a process for DSDM is proposed. The process in DSDM is actually the project life cycle. Other processes in DSDM are not provided. DSDM uses the concept of Products. The analysis showed that for this framework, the concepts of processes can be introduced. The creation of each DSDM product requires an appropriate process. As a result of the DSDM analysis, a set of processes was proposed. The proposed DSDM processes and FDD operations are inserted into the knowledge areas and process groups table of the generalized body of knowledge on project management. The DSDM and FDD practices have been added to the knowledge base.Документ Forecasting methods of non-stationary stochastic processes that use external criteria(2008) Kononenko, Igor; Ryepin, AntonThe purpose of this work is to create and study an effective forecasting method of non-stationary stochastic processes in the case when observations in the base period are scarce.Публікація Forecasting of Results of the State-Level Projects Implementation(Yasar University; Valparaiso University College of Business Administration, 2011) Kononenko, Igor; Babich, IgorThe problem of modeling the impact of the state-level projects implementation on introduction of the newest technologies is considered in this paper. To solve this problem the simulation model of scientific and technological development of economic activity types of Ukraine is developed. This model is proposed for optimization of development plans of a particular branch of industry. It is proposed to perform optimization with the help of the developed mathematical model in which the simulation model is used for estimating the values of some parameters of the mathematical model included in the objective functions and constraints. Technique for simulating the impact of the introduction of the newest technologies in the thematic direction "Energy and Energy Efficiency" on the state of Ukrainian industry is developedДокумент Hermeneutic aspects of project management(Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 2020) Grinchenko, Marina Anatoliyvna; Ponomaryov, O. S.; Lobach, O. V.; Kharchenko, A. O.The subject of the article is to determine the hermeneutic aspects in the management of the project team. The hermeneutic aspects of project management should enrich project management technologies and at the same time help relevant specialists to improve the applied methods of project activities. The goal of the article is to determine the tasks of hermeneutics in the general system of project management philosophy, to consider issues of understanding the essence, meaning of the project itself and the nature of the relationship between the customer and the contractors. The objective of the work is to study the hermeneutic aspects of project management, determine the value and place in the general system of behavioral competencies of the project manager, justify the need for a hermeneutic approach in project management and analyze hermeneutic situations in project management practice. Research methods include the principles of the hermeneutic circle, which are the basis of the philosophy of hermeneutics, the application of the hermeneutic approach when using project management technology, approaches to the formation of high socio-psychological competence and understanding of the essence of teamwork, its features and advantages using innovative pedagogical technologies. Methods for solving hermeneutic situations in project management using system analysis technology. Results. At the present stage of social development, design and development of a project management philosophy in general and in its hermeneutic aspects is of great importance. Therefore, in the system of behavioral competencies of the leader, a deep role should be played by his deep understanding of project management technology and the people with whom he has to collaborate. A special role is played by the staging of teaching a behavioral competency course, primarily the clear practical orientation of lectures and an understanding of the degree of conflict and responsibility of potential team members. Conclusions. The spread of project management technology and the constant complication of the content and nature of project tasks put forward new, increased requirements for the quality of their implementation. In turn, this requires a deep understanding by the performers of both the essence of their production functions and tasks, as well as the requirements and expectations of the customer. The systematic application of the hermeneutic approach will allow the leader as a real leader to understand people both in the formation of the team and in the process of team management.Документ Improvement of the simulation model for forecasting the development of industry in Ukraine(NTU "KhPI", 2017) Babych, I. I.Документ Information technology for the integrated assessment of expert competency(Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки, 2018) Lobach, Olena; Babych, I.; Persiyanova, E.The subjectmatter of the study is the processes of selecting and assessing the competency of experts. The goalof the study is to increase the objectivity of expert assessment by developing and applying a model and information technology for the integrated assessment of the competency of experts, which will enable selecting experts for participation in expert groups on a high qualitative level. The following taskswere solved: methods and models for assessing the quality and competency of experts were reviewed; a model for the integrated assessment of the competency of experts was developed; an applied information technology for a comprehensive assessment of the competency of experts was designed and implemented in software. The methodology of the study was based on the following methods:methods of heuristic, test and statistical evaluationwere used to develop the model for the integrated assessment of the competency of experts; principles of system analysis and methods of object-oriented design were used to develop the applied information technology for the integrated assessment of the competency of experts. The following resultswere obtained: the problem of assessing the quality of experts was considered; based on the authors’practical experience and analysis of literature sources, the structural diagram of the properties of experts and their assessment was developed; five main groups of existing methods for assessing the quality of experts were analyzed; existing models of an integrated assessment of the competency of experts were reviewed; a two-stage method for the integrated assessment of the competency of experts was developed by integrating the methods of heuristic, test and statistical assessment; the main groups of users and functional requirements to the information system for assessing the competency of experts were identified; the database and user interface of the information system were developed; the developed information technology of the integrated assessment of the competency of experts was tested on actual data for selecting an expert group to choose the methodology of project management. Conclusions.The problem of selecting and assessing the competency of experts is one of the most difficult in the theory and practice of expert surveys. It cannot be solved by applying singular methods of assessment; its solution requires that complex methods, including both quantitative and qualitative methods for assessing the competency of specialists should be applied. The applied information technology was developed for this purpose;it can be used at various enterprises, institutions and organizations that are interested in automating the process of expert survey and in building quality expert groups.Документ Leadership as a factor for building a project team(Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки, 2018) Grynchenko, M.; Ponomaryov, O.; Lobach, OlenaThe subject matter of the article is to determine the role of leadership for building a project team as the team quality and the professionalism of the team participants play a key role in ensuring the proper work performance that is specified by the tasks of the project. The goal of the article is to reveal the significance of the capability of a leader to build a project team and to develop in it a favorable psychological climate, common values and ideals and show the place of this capability in the general system of the leader‘s behavioural competences, that is to justify the importance of this skill and its application to increase the effectiveness of the impact of leadership on the project team. The objectives of the study involve - identifying a project team as a complex social organism where highly qualified people perform a specific set of functions; - emphasizing the fact that different individual features and qualities of participants greatly complicate the process of building a project team as well as coordinating the goals, aspirations and interests of team participants. Besides, the students who study Project Management should be familiarized with the methods of acquiring the knowledge and developing skills necessary for building a team. The methods of the study involve the analysis of the role of motivation in the process of team building since while building a team the leader has to solve many problems and the issues of motivation are among them. Second, the character of relations among the participants and the rational organization of their efficient teamwork should be analyzed. Third, the analysis of the leader‘s capability to foster the professional and personal development of the participants in the teamwork is of great importance. Fourth, the effective method of cultivating in leaders the skills of building a team is increasing the level of teaching behavioural competences using innovative pedagogical techniques. Results. The clear goal setting and system use of efficient methods of building a project team are critical for professional training specialists in the sphere of project management. The development of relevant skills should be combined with the intentional development of students‘ leadership potential. The adequate organization of teaching behavioural competences plays a special part and the clear practical orientation of conducting lectures and seminars using active teaching methods are of primary importance. Conclusions. First, the prevalence of command methods and forms of activity in project management significantly enhances the importance of the membership of the project team and the nature of the relations among the participants. Secondly, the effective formation of the team requires that the leader have the relevant knowledge and skills, strategic thinking, psychological culture and the ability to assess the professional competence of candidates and their significant professional and social personal qualities. Third, the leader should use a clear system of motivation and incentives to build a project team and organize the teamwork.Документ Long-term forecasting technology of macroeconomic systems development: regional aspect(Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2013) Grinchenko, Marina; Cherednichenko, Olga; Babych, IgorConducting of effective public policy is impossible without the scientifically substantiated evaluation of taken decisions. Long-term modeling and forecasting is the tool that allows evaluating the impact of the ongoing reforms on macroeconomic systems’ development. This requires the processing of huge amount of diverse information. This article is devoted to modeling and long-term forecasting of regional macroeconomic systems’ development. The simulation model based on the method of system dynamics is proposed. The generalized forecasting technology, which includes simulation model setup, validation and long-term forecasting, is developed. The numerical experiments and the forecast of Kharkiv region development until 2025 were carried out on the basis of the suggested information technology.Документ Mathematical Models and Minimization Methods of Works Time and Costs on the Project(2008) Kononenko, Igor; Iemelianova, Olena; Mochenkov, AndriyThere is a wide class of planning tasks in which possible technologies of works execution and their combinations can be succeeded by the alternative variants. These variants can be represented as network models. The dependence between scope, time and cost of works execution are discrete. The goal of work is to creat effective methods for these tasks solution. The mathematical models and minimization method of project execution time on the project with possible funding constrains during different periods and with given alternative variants of the network models fragments are offered in this paper. For project cost minimization problems solution the mathematical model and minimization method of project works costs with project works execution terms constraints and given alternative variants of the network models fragments are offeredДокумент The method for ranking quasi-optimal alternatives in interval game models against nature(National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2019) Romanenkov, Yuri; Kosenko, Viktor; Lobach, Olena; Grinchenko, Evgen; Grinchenko, MarinaThe task of selecting the optimal strategy in the interval game with nature is considered; in particular, the situation when in the interactive dialogue of an analyst and decision support system there are cases of objective ambiguity caused, on the one hand, by interval uncertainty of data, and on the other hand – by the chosen model of the task formalization. The method for ranking quasioptimal alternatives in interval game models against nature is proposed, which enables comparing interval alternatives in cases of classical interval ambiguity. In this case, the function of the analyst preferences is used with respect to the values of the criterion that help determine the indicators for the quantitative ranking of alternatives. By selecting a specific type of the preference function, the researcher artificially converts the primary uncertainty of the data into the uncertainty of the preference function form, which nevertheless enables avoiding the ambiguity in the "fuzzy" areas of quasi-optimal alternatives.Документ Method for selection of project management approach based on fuzzy concepts(NTU "KhPI", 2017) Kononenko, Igor Vladimirovich; Lutsenko, Svetlana YuryevnaLiterature analysis of works that devoted to research of the selection a project management approach and development of effective methods for this problem solution is given. Mathematical model and method for selection of project management approach with fuzzy concepts of applicability of existing approaches are proposed. The selection is made of such approaches as the PMBOK Guide, the ISO21500 standard, the PRINCE2 methodology, the SWEBOK Guide, agile methodologies Scrum, XP, and Kanban. The number of project parameters which have a great impact on the result of the selection and measure of their impact is determined. Project parameters relate to information about the project, team, communication, critical project risks. They include the number of people involved in the project, the customer's experience with this project team, the project team's experience in this field, the project team's understanding of requirements, adapting ability, initiative, and others. The suggested method is considered on the example of its application for selection a project management approach to software development project.Документ Method of the it-project team creation based on maximizing it’s competencies(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Kononenko, Igor Volodymyrovich; Sushko, Hlib VolodymyrovichThe use of agile approaches in software development requires the project team to be multifunctional and self-organized in order to respond effectively to changing project requirements. Therefore information technology project team creation requires a special method. The purpose of the work is to develop a method of IT-project team creation by maximizing it’s competencies taking into account the features of agile approaches to project management. The paper proposes the issue of team creation based on maximizing team competencies under conditions of budget and laboriousness constraints. A method of a project team creation is proposed, which takes into account the requirements of the project, the characteristics of individual candidates, and the general competencies of the team as a whole, as well as the project's limitations on the budget and laboriousness of the project. The proposed approach consists of three stages. At the first stage, a set of candidates is determined, whose competency assessments meet the requirements of the project. In the second stage, team options are formed in accordance with the requirements of the project. The project team creation can take place in several statements. The first statement is to solve the problem of minimizing the distance between the vector of team competencies and the vector of requirements. The second statement of the problem is to solve the problem of maximizing competencies in terms of time and project budget constraints.The third solves the issue of choosing a team according to the chosen setting. Two possible objective functions of the issue are offered. One target function is to create a team that will include candidates with maximum competencies. Such a team will best cope with the requirements that are known at the start of the project. The second target function maximizes the total competencies of the team that exceed a given threshold. As a result, the team will be able to better cope with the changing requirements of the project. The proposed method makes it possible to create an effective software development team that meets the requirements of the project, the values and principles of agile approaches.Документ The Methods of Selection of the Project Management Methodology(Тернопільський національний економічний університет, 2014) Kononenko, Igor; Kharazii, AnnaThe problem of selecting the methodology to manage the company's projects or a specific project is reviewed. The authors suggest the methods to select methodology that are designated for application under the conditions of different degrees of awareness of the decision-maker about the existing methodologies, their advantages and weaknesses, about the range of efficient use. As the methods are more precise, so they require a more laborious analysis of the project and its environment. It is proposed to make the most substantiated choice resulting from solution of the task on optimizing the project's scope to the following criteria: profit, time, cost, quality, risk, and in terms of the company's maturity growth.Документ Model and method for synthesis of project management methodology with fuzzy input data(НТУ "ХПІ", 2016) Kononenko, Igor Vladimirovich; Aghaee, AhmadLiterature analysis concerning the selection or creation a project management methodology is performed. Creating a "complete" methodology is proposed which can be applied for managing projects with any complexity, various degrees of responsibility for results and different predictability of the requirements. For the formation of a "complete" methodology, it is proposed to take the PMBOK standard as the basis, which would be supplemented by processes of the most demanding plan driven and flexible Agile Methodologies. For each knowledge area of the PMBOK standard, the following groups of processes should be provided: initiation, planning, execution, reporting and forecasting, controlling, analysis, decision making and closing. The method for generating a methodology for the specific project is presented. The multiple criteria mathematical model and method are developed for synthesis of methodology when initial data about the project and its environment are fuzzy.Документ The Modeling and Forecasting of the Technological and Innovation Development of a Transition-Economy Country(2006) Kononenko, Igor; Repin, AntonThe rule of GDP change influence on the investment inflows into the country’s economy for transition-economy countries has been found. The method for forecasting the innovational and scientific-technological development of a country, based on consequent use of simulation model of innovational and scientific-technological development of a country and of the method of forecasting the investment inflows into economy has been developed. The method was tested on the Ukrainian statistical data for 2000-2004.