Вісник № 05
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/2700
Документ Анализ математических моделей механизма сажеобразования при сжигании углеводородных топлив(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Левтеров, Антон Михайлович; Левтерова, Людмила ИвановнаThis article discusses the construction of a mathematical model of the operating cycle of diesel engine with direct injection. This paper also provides that result of modeling becomes possible predict the performance of diesel engine on traditional and alternative fuels with the emission of harmful substances in the exhaust gases, including carbon black, which is particularly important for this type of piston engines.Документ Аналіз стану та тенденція використання комерційних програмних пакетів для одно- та двокомпонентної суміші(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Колісніченко, Едуард Васильович; Найда, Максим Васильович; Ткачук, Юрій Якович; Хованський, Сергій ОлександровичPowered by trend analysis and use of software for single- and two-component mixture. The present modeling incompressible fluid flow and gas and liquid flow with a small amount of gas. The conclusion is that modern commercial software products can adequately simulate the complex physical effects of different nature.Документ Визначення критерія кавітації лабіринтно-гвинтового насоса(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Лебедєв, Антон ЮрійовичThe method of calculation and value of criterion of cavitations of labyrinth-spiral pump is resulted in the article. The analysis of influence of structural and working parameters of pump and properties of working liquid is conducted on this criterion. Finding allows during the design of such pumps to estimate probability of origin of cavitations on his entrance.Документ Дослідження робочого процесу вихрового ступеня за допомогою обчислювального експерименту(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Ніколаєнко, Людмила Михайлівна; Лугова, Світлана Олегівна; Салтанов, Станіслав Ігоревич; Котенко, Олександр ІвановичIn this article the analysis of existing methods of calculation of the characteristics of the vortex stage. With the use of the software product of ANSYS CFX 12.0 is a numerical study of the flow in the liquid part of the vortex stage of open type with side channel for a different number of blades, received by the flow pattern and the integral characteristics of the vortex extent.Документ Дослідження системи управління вібраційним об'єктом(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Мигущенко, Руслан Павлович; Кропачек, Ольга Юріївна; Семенченко, Анастасія Сергіївна; Матяш, Катерина ВолодимирівнаThe paper deals with the construction management industry vibrating object. In order to develope the control system chosen object of study, the analysis of its operation, reviewed and analyzed the possible models under consideration of the objects elected in the major areas of research.Документ Застосування нейромережевої моделі для прогнозування стану матеріалу при високошвидкісному деформуванні(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Хавін, Валерій Львович; Автономова, Людмила Володимирівна; Марусенко, Світлана ІванівнаThe neural network's model (NN-model) of determining equations of the plastic state of material is in-process presented for the wide range of deformations, speeds of deformations and temperatures. Realization of model is carried out through the neural network-3-th layer of perseptron with one by the hidden layer. It is got optimum architecture, teaching of NN-model is conducted on the base of experimental information for steel 45. For the verification set of data comparing is conducted to the results has been realize with Johnson-Kuke quation.Документ Математическая модель дифракции волн на периодической плоскопараллельной системе импедансных лент(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Душкин, В. Д.The mathematical model of E-polarized and H-polarized waves diffraction on periodic multilayer system of impedance tapes had been built. This model is based on the basis of a system of singular boundary integral equations of the first and second kind. The method of integral operator's parametric representations had been used. The numerical solution of the obtained system of integral equations can be obtained with the help of discrete singularities method.Документ Математична модель визначення шорсткості поверхні при абразивній обробці(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Новіков, Федір Васильович; Нежебовський, В. В.; Шкурупій, Валентин ГригоровичThe results of theoretical studies of the formation of surface roughness during abrasive machining. The classification structures of the rough surface layer. The basic terms of reducing the surface roughness and practical recommendations for the effective implementation of methods of abrasion.Документ Математична модель гідравлічного стенда для випробувань домкратів(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Гречка, Ірина Павлівна; Клітной, Володимир Вікторович; Свинаренко, М. С.Is received features of working process of a hydraulic jack are described. The full mathematical model of the hydraulic stand for tests of the jacks which feature is that the force developed by a jack, is defined through pressure in its pressure head chamber. It allows to raise accuracy of definition of this force.Документ Математична постановка і числовий аналіз задачі про рух повітряного потоку в циклоні(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Дорундяк, Л. М.; Лютий, Є. М.; Тисовський, Л. О.; Ляшеник, А. В.The complete set of equations for the fluid dynamics of air flow of air in the cyclone. Recorded boundary conditions on the walls of the cyclone and the exhaust pipe. Performed a numerical analysis of the problem and obtained the trajectory of the air flow.Документ Метод визначення параметрів синусоїдальних відбивачів інфрачервоних обігрівачів(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Максимова, М. О.The method of determining of rational parameters of the form and location of sinusoidal infra-red reflectors with the beforehand set properties for heating technical and technological objects are obtained. The algorithms of modeling of motion of reflected rays are created to be able to control the intensity of thermal stream.Документ Моделирование течения крови в патологически искривленных сосудах(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Оверко, В. С.; Бескровная, М. В.Mathematical simulation of the blood flow in the pathologically curved blood vessels was performed. Influence of degrees of the curvature by the intensity and the features of the secondary and the reverse blood flow in the vessels at different times cardiac cycle was determined. The loss pressure for different level of the pathological curvature was defined.Документ Модель рабочего процесса эрлифта с учетом структуры газожидкостных образований снарядного водовоздушного потока(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Кононенко, Анатолий Петрович; Калиниченко, Валерий ВикторовичThe mathematical model of operating process of the airlift is worked out with the projectile structure of the water-air stream in a lifting pipe taking into account the structure of the gas-liquid formations, that allows to define both the quantitative hydrodynamic parameters of the two-phase mixture and calculation descriptions of lift. Adequacy of mathematical model is confirmed by data of experimental researches of work of the airlift.Документ Моделювання тепло- та масообмінних процесів у фільтрі твердих частинок дизеля. Частина 4 : Розрахункове дослідження робочих характеристик фільтра(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Кондратенко, Олександр Миколайович; Строков, Олександр ПетровичThe present paper describes the methodology and results of calculation research of the performance of the filter element of diesel particulate filter. Also this article present data on the identification of parameters of the mathematical model of the process of movement of diesel exhaust gases in the module of filter element.Документ Начальное деформирование упругого полупространства при кинематическом воздействии(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Янютин, Е. Г.; Богдан, Д. И.; Толбатов, Евгений ЮрьевичThe elastic oscillations of a half-space in case of the kinematical influence set on its surface are described in the article. Nonaxisymmetric statement of the second boundary value problem is considered. The problem is solved by using of expansion in Fourier series. The numerical example on finding of movings on depth of the half-space is considered at the known kinematical impact on it's surface.Документ Оцінка ефективності інформаційної технології предметно-орієнтованого математичного моделювання(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Межуєв, В. І.The evaluation of effectiveness of the Information Technology of Domain-Specific Mathematical Modeling (ITDSMM) is given. The reduction of amount of operations needed for development of metamodels in the case of using ITDSMM is proven. The optimization task of choosing the most effective information technology by selection and comparison of the multiple features in herent to the DSM, DSMM and UML technologies is solved.Документ Перспективи розвитку схемо-технічних рішень зовнішнього електропостачання тягових підстанцій залізниць(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Доманський, Ілля ВалерійовичOn the basis of analysis of classic charts of feed of haulings ubstations of railways from grids conceptual directions of development of electric net works of external power supply of hauling substations are worked out in the conditions of market economy and normative requirements electroenergy of Ukraine, which allows to provide energy keeping their work.Документ Перспективы применения импульсных струй жидкости для тушения газовых факелов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Семко, А. Н.; Бескровная, М. В.; Украинский, Ю. Д.; Виноградов, С. А.; Грицына, И. Н.Experimental studies of putting out of gas blowout by means of high-speed impulse liquid jets generated by a powder pulse-jet water canon have been carried out. The speed of impulse jet depending on charge energy ranged in the experiments from 300 to 600 m/s. The speed of the head section of the jet has been measured directly before the torch by means of a non-contact laser speed measuring device, the jet photographing has been carried out. It has been shown that around the high-speed liquid impulse jet in the air is formed a high-speed cloud of large cross-section splashes that efficiently knocks down the flame of the gas torch at distances of 5-20 m from the unit.Документ Підвищення екологічної безпеки експлуатації систем водопідготовки і водоочищення в теплоенергетиці(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Батлук, В. А.; Романцов, Е. В.Methodology of authentication and classification of risks which arise up in the systems of water preparation and water purification in power engineering on the stage of planning and exploitation is developed. Criticism of the system is offered to estimate on those states in which this system can be. Developed matrix of combinations of elements of the system of water preparation and water purification in power engineering by which expediently to conduct the analysis of risks taking into account probability of refusal of every element. Developed idealised, virtual system of water preparation and water purification, that enables to develop general approaches and scientifically ground them by a probability and mathematical statistics theory.Документ Расчётный метод исследования пульсаций давления в сервоприводе регулятора дизеля(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Грицюк, Александр Васильевич; Григорьев, Александр Львович; Врублевский, Александр Николаевич; Овчинников, Алексей АлександровичAnalyzed the order of the controller of hydraulic type, equipped with a servo-controlled load-spool. The method to study the steady vibrations arising in the cavities and control elements for operation of the engine.