Кафедра "Безпека праці та навколишнього середовища"
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Від 2020 року кафедра має назву "Безпека праці та навколишнього середовища", попередня назва – "Охорона праці та навколишнього середовища", первісна назва – кафедра "Охорона праці".
Кафедра "Охорона праці" була створена в 1963 році. Першим її завідувачем був доцент Наумов С. С., який очолював кафедру протягом 1963-1970 років.
За час існування кафедри, крізь її "стіни" пройшло понад 70 тисяч студентів.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту механічної інженерії і транспорту Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 25 викладачів, серед яких 2 доктора технічних наук, 17 – кандидатів технічних, біологічних та психологічних наук, 1 – доктор філософії, 3 співробітника мають звання професора, 14 – доцента.
Документ A Conversation with Prof. Dr. Vambol Sergij(National Institute of Maritime Affairs (NIMA), Karachi, 2024) Vambol, Sergij"Dr. Vambol Sergij is a member of the International Advisory Committee for ICASF-2023. He is the head of the Department at Department of Occupational and Environmental Safety and also serves as a Professor at the National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic, Ukraine. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from 1994. Vambol holds a degree in Doctor of Science in Environment Safety from 2014. In 2015, he received the conferment diploma of the academic degree of Professor in Applied Mechanics. From 2004 onwards, he has been engaged in research and development programs in the field of Environmental Engineering. Vambol has extensive scientific experience and has authored more than 400* scientific and educational publications, including 25 patents and 15 monographs."Документ Analysis and reflection of the current situation in the field of occupational health and safety management in Сhina construction enterprises(Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова, 2023-11-09) Liu, Yujun; Євтушенко, Наталія СергіївнаWith the continuous development and progress of China's economy, people pay more and more attention to safety in the production operation. China has issued a series of laws, regulations, regulations and safety technical standards in road and bridge construction safety production management, and has established a relatively complete organization system of road and bridge construction safety management, and road and bridge construction safety management has also made remarkable achievements. However, the accident frequency is still at a high level in road and bridge construction.Публікація Analysis of a City’s Heat Island Effect on the Micro-Climate Parameters within Cities(Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 2023) Sharma, Rishabh; Amadur Rahman, Khan; Tyshchenko, Vasyl; Illiash, Oksana; Mezentseva, IrynaThe Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a micro-climatic phenomenon that influences the urban areas by elevating its temperature. UHI not only causes the thermal discomfort but also exert serious health issues along with aggravation of urban microclimate. Although a lot of research has been done on this phenomenon but UHI effect on micro scale is still less explored. This paper attempts to make a contribution in UHI studies of micro-climate. It consists of examination of UHI impact on microclimate of Aligarh city areas using mobile traverse method. This study determined the presence and extent of UHI’s microclimate variation within urban communities of different environmental layout and functional uses. The UHI effect started to appear from early afternoon and continue to rise with maximum UHI intensity recorded at early night. The highest recorded UHI intensity was 3.1 °C (at 21:00 hrs.), and the lowest was 0.6 °C (at 09:00 hrs.). A comparison of two districts of the same city located at a distance of 3 km and differing in population density, the number of buildings and landscaping showed that in the L1 area with more dense population and low landscaping, the temperature was consistently higher during the daily period; also the L1 region had less humidity, which combined with the already high temperature, makes it difficult to breathe and control the microclimate. These findings can be used for consideration for the future sustainable development of the affected area in regard of thermal comfort, environmental health and urban planning.Документ Analysis of the Sanitary Purification of Gas Emissions from Dust in the Lime Manufacture(Scientific Route, 2017) Pitak, Inna V.; Briankin, Serhii S.; Pitak, Oleg Ya.; Shaporev, Valery P.Experimental studies have been carried out to study the effect of the location of the blade vortex from the end of the flue (the flow outflow from the flue to the separation chamber) by the value Vϕmax and the determination of the optimum cross section where Vϕmax is reached, and also the study of the influence of structural changes on the purification efficiency. The dependence of this swirler on the value of the tangential velocity of the gas flow at its exit from the separator is established. The cross-sections of the flue duct in which, after the swirler, the maximum values Vϕ, Vr are reached, the features of the dust-gas flow in the studied sections are considered. Based on the studies of the hydrodynamic situation during the flow of a rotating flow in the flue after the swirler, the possibilities of agglomeration of dust particles in the investigated zones, as well as the destruction of NOx gas impurities, are analyzed. During the operation of the reconstructed vortex dust collector, qualitative indices are attained, which confirm the expediency of the conducted studies and the expediency of reconstructing the vortex apparatus. It is proved that the installation of the blade vortex enhances the purification efficiency of the dust-gas flow in a vortex dust collector and will allow for a comprehensive purification of the exhaust gases.Документ Analysis of ways reducing drilling waste in oil and gas production influencing on natural environment(UNIVERSITAS Publishing, Romania, 2019) Shestopalov, Oleksii; Rykusova, N. I.; Tseitlin, Musii; Raiko, ValentinaПублікація Application of cause-and-effect relationships on support strategic decision-making in radioactive waste management in Ukraine(3V Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2024) Yeremenko, Sergiy; Sydorenko, Volodymyr; Mishchenko, Igor; Mezentseva, IrynaThe accumulation and storage of large-scale radioactive waste (RAW) in Ukraine poses a serious threat to the environment. Approximately 2500 tons of nuclear fuel waste was generated during the operation of the RVPK-1000 reactors. About 2800 tons of RW are materials containing nuclear fuel, including reactor graphite, fuel dust, etc. Objectives: The study is aimed at finding the most rational processes for managing accumulated and newly generated radioactive waste. Methods: To resolve complex, poorly formalized problems, system analysis provides the best efficiency. In the current study, an attempt was made to apply exactly this method to the management of radioactive waste. Results: The problem of RW management is complex and requires consideration of numerous factors. The initial basis, should be a functional approach. That is, the representation of the entire system through functional subsystems – groups of objects on which they behave with RW, and the subsequent division of each of the functional subsystems into further subsystems according to the types of accumulated and generated RW (aggregate state, activity level, radionuclide composition, etc.), which in turn is divided into elements. Conclusions: Proposed conceptual model structures the RW management system with all the variety of objects – sources of RW generation, types of RW and types of activities with them in separate subsystems – stages of RW management from their generation to disposal, and thus allows to significantly reduce the number of directions necessary for safety regulations in adoption of solutions.Документ Application of digital technologies in activity educational institutions of higher technical education(Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного, 2024-05-29) Yevtushenko, Nataliia; Ponomarenko, Olga; Sukhenko, OlgaThe work systematizes concepts that characterize the need to implement transformation processes in education, which involve updating the knowledge system and the need for a teacher in an educational organization to adapt to changes in interpersonal interaction using digital technologies. The essential characteristics of the used digital technologies are described, which predetermines the creation by the teacher in the educational electronic environment of conditions for active learning activities of students.Документ Approaches to the organization of workplaces in "open space" offices(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Hofreiter, Ladislav; Ilinska, OlhaThe aspects that should be considered when organizing workplaces in "open space" type offices are considered.Публікація Aspects of the importance of using a NATO standard individual first aid kit in wartime(Український державний університет імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2024) Tverdokhliebova, N. Ye.; Yevtushenko, NataliiaWartime is always accompanied by significant risks to the life and health of the military and civilians. One of the key factors that ensure successful care and rescue of the wounded is properly equipped NATO-standard medical kits.Документ Assessing technogenic risk of emergency situations at fuel and lubricant facilities(Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 2024) Yujun, Liu; Yevtushenko, NataliiaДокумент Assessment and prevention of the propagation of carbon monoxide over a working area at ARC welding(Технологический центр, 2019) Berezutskyi, Viacheslav; Hondak, Inna; Berezutska, Nataliia; Dmitrik, Vitaly; Gorbenko, Veronika; Makarenko, ViktoriiaThis paper reports a study of air environment at industrial premises where welding processes take place, with special attention paid to the formation of carbon monoxide (oxide) (CO) in the working environment in the process of manual arc welding. We have given the classification of basic harmful substances generated during welding and related processes in terms of the character of negative influence on the body of a welder. A mathematical model of the dynamics of change in the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air of a working area has been constructed, based on the amount of a harmful substance (m) in the air at premises at a time point, the intensity of its release into air, and the air exchange rate. A given mathematical model includes the propagation of carbon monoxide in the air, considering the air exchange between the overall volume of a premise and the local volumes of working zones. There are not enough studies into the formation of carbon monoxide during welding processes, which is why examining this process is a priority. Out experimental study has confirmed that the concentration of carbon monoxide outside the local volumes of local ventilation devices, that is in the air of working zones, remains constant (to 0.01 mg/m³) and does not exceed MPC (20 mg/m³). A failure or the absence of general ventilation leads to a rapid increase in the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in line with an exponential dependence (from 150 to 200 mg/m³ over 0.5-0.6 hours) within a small closed workspace (1 m³), and can quickly spread throughout the entire premise. However, a failure or the absence of general ventilation leads to a rapid increase in the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in line with an exponential dependence. This indicates that general ventilation is important, but it does not warrant safety for welders and other workers from gas poisoning. Therefore, the use of local ventilation must be ensured, as well as respiratory protection for all present when conducting welding processes. The derived mathematical models make it possible to assess risks during welders’ operations, to take into consideration CO emissions when calculating ventilation systems in working areas, to adjust the system that manages risks and labor safetyДокумент Basics of psychophysiological assurance of the reliability of professional activity and efficiency of a human operator(2022) Movmyga, N. E.; Maksymenko, O. A.Technical progress on the modern stage of society development is accompanied by the continuous increase of human role in the achievement of high efficiency and quality of work. Complex mechanization of production processes, control systems automation, the usage of computer engineering, and information models of individual and collective usage radically change labor characteristics. A man performs operator functions, his activities continuously become more complicated despite permanent progress of technique and automation of production processes. Modern control system imposes responsibility both on a man, using technique and on that who ensures efficiency and reliability of this usage. Role of human factor in occupational safety is very great. Psychophysiological features of labor process participants are especially important. Psychophysiological basis of safety is based on psychology and physiology of a man. Psychophysiology of occupational safety is based on such sciences as physiology of labor, engineering psychology, ergonomics, etc. Safety psychology considers the application of psychological knowledge for occupational health safety ensurance and is a key point in the structure of actions aimed at human safe activity. Both, internal and external factors influence on the occurrence of such adverse state as stress, fatigue, and decrease in working capacity. The following external factors may be present at production enterprises: microclimat parameters, light, noise, vibration, the other labor environment, social-psychological climate, management style, etc. The following factors may be considered as internal reasons of adverse functional conditions: nervous system type, temperament, professional skills, etc. The aspect of internal factors which have an impact on the appearance of adverse functional conditions is not well studied nowadays. When hiring an employee and during his adaptation it is necessary to take into consideration his psychological features, as they directly impact success and work speed, his condition. It is necessary to take into account an employee's functional conditions during his work performance. The objective of the metodological instructions "Basis of psychophysiological assurance of professional activity reliability and human operator efficiency" is the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills which include holistically interconnected physiological and psychological patterns of employee's professional activity, causing efficiency, reliability and occupational health safety, professional health and longevity increase.Документ Beginning Microsoft Excel 2010. Part 3(Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, 2016) Megel, Yu. Ye.; Kovalenko, S. M.; Chaly, I. V.; Mikhnova, E. D.Methodological guidelines are intended to assist students in studying Informatics in English, both in the classroom and individually.Документ Certification of workplaces and risks(ГО "СФБЖДЛ", 2016) Berezutskyi, Viacheslav; Skibniewska, Krystyna; Madieva, GulmiraAt this material were analyzed of conformity to carry out of certification of workplaces by the old regulatory requirements and international standards that are including the maps of risk a workplaces. New approaches to the procedure for certification of workplaces taking into account the requirements of international standards and risk.Документ Chemical deposition of CdS films from ammoniac-thiourea solutions(Технологический центр, 2018) Pancheva, Hanna; Khrystych, Olena; Mykhailova, Evgeniia; Ivashchenko, Maryna; Pilipenko, AlexeiThis paper investigates the process of chemical deposition of CdS films from ammonia-thiourea solutions. It was established that a change in the turbidity of solution occurs in the process of chemical deposition. The results of visual observations and measurement of turbidity of solution allowed us to establish that these dependences could be used to monitor the status of the process. Visual observations correlate with the obtained dependences for turbidity and suggest that the chemical deposition of CdS includes the accumulation of colloidal-dispersed precipitate in the volume of solution, agglomeration of CdS particles, and a stationary mode of the CdS film growth at the surface of a sample. The first stage of the process is matched by a sharp increase in the turbidity of solution; the second stage is accompanied by the emergence of a maximum in the dependence. No significant change in turbidity occurs at the third stage. The observation of morphology of the resulting precipitate allowed us to establish working concentrations of reagents in solution, which ensure obtaining a high-quality CdS film with a thickness not less than 100 μm. The working concentrations of cadmium chloride, ammonia, and thiourea are, respectively, 1.8, 0.6, and 8.4 g·l⁻¹. It was assumed that the CdS formation is accompanied by the formation of thiourea. This is confirmed by data on the analysis of a working solution. An analysis of the solution revealed high concentrations of the CO₃²⁻ ions, which are a product of the thiourea decomposition. The data obtained are a preliminary stage in the development of a technology of chemical deposition of CdS films from ammonia-thiourea solutions.Документ Communicative competence of future specialists as a factor of readiness for professional risks(Тернопільський національний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України, 2024) Movmyga, Nataliia Yevhenivna; Polezhaieva, Olena ViktorivnaThis article discusses the relevance and necessity of improving the process of professional training of future specialist from the point of view of communicative approach as a prevention of professional risks. The authors of the article indicate that the communicative competence of specialists making decisions in a state of production situations tension that provoke professional risks acts as an adaptation mechanism to extreme situations in professional activity. The article notes that the safety of life and professional environment today is an urgent problem for various areas of scientific knowledge, including professional pedagogy. In this regard, the need to clarify the aspects of professional training of students based on the principle of humanization has emerged. So, the problem of professional risk can be described not only by technological characteristics of dangerous professions or situations, but also by moral and ethical qualification characteristics of the profession and professional self-awareness of a specialist. Technical training of future specialists cannot fully contribute to successful activity in extraordinary situations. Readiness for communicative interaction is necessary to overcome communication barriers that cause professional risks. Communicative skills as core ones are the most spontaneous and uncontrollable in professional activity. The level of professional communication skills formation is a condition under which professional communication can be carried out effectively. The authors of the article proved that the basis of preparation for risks is not only the knowledge of activity standards and its tools but also such psychological and pedagogical factors as: professional culture, self-organization and communicative interaction. With the help of the conducted research, the authors of the article highlight that the starting point in creating conditions for overcoming communication barriers in a situation of professional tension is a communicative approach, the content of which is represented by the skills of effective communication and possession of the communicative competence basics.Документ Comparison of some organic materials for soil remediation(Національний університет "Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка", 2024) Lahori, Altaf Hussain; Mierzwa-Hersztek, Monika; Saleem, Irfan; Afzal, Ambreen; Muhammad, Maria Taj; Vambol, SergijПублікація Construction of a generalized model of the harmful substances biochemical destruction process kinetics under conditions of substrate inhibition using the methods of simulation modeling(Технологический центр, 2019) Bakharieva, Ganna ; Falalieieva, Tetiana; Petrov, Serhii; Mezentseva, I.; Kobylianskyi, Borys; Tolkunov, Ihor; Bondarenko, OleksandrFor the purpose of obtaining the complete range of solutions for substrate inhibition of varying intensity, the mechanism of enzyme kinetics in a biocell was modeled by a multi-channel queuing system. A full range of solutions is required to make a well-grounded choice of a unified generalizing formula. The process of biodegradation with substrate inhibition was described mathematically using the method of dynamics of averages. For specific destruction rate, a full range of solutions Vn of the system from minimum n=2 to limiting n→∞ order was found. It was established that the parameters of the curve shape for the solution with minimum inhibition intensity V2 substantially stand out from the general series of the spectrum formulas. The value of the coordinate of function maximum (n=2) V2 is by 1.42 times higher than that of dependence (n=3) V3. In the numerical experiment, the physical test was simulated by description with the help of the method of the least squares of the data, assigned by the calculation from the formulas of different structures, bearing in mind a sporadic random error. The series of numerical experiments demonstrated the capability of the formula of limiting order formula Ve to describe the dependences of the whole spectrum of solutions. During describing the intermediate ratio V3 with the help of formulas V2 and Ve, the benefit is the possible range of changing the concentrations, which is by 1.5-2 times larger at the same relative error for dependence Vе. For critical minimal order, an average relative error is sure not to exceed five percent. An increase in random error always result in statistical equality, in accuracy of describing by formulas of minimal V2 and limiting orders Ve of the data, assigned by calculation of second-order dependences. Statistical equality is achieved at the ratio of a random error to the initial error equal to ≥2.4. Collectively, the importance of the results of numerical modeling of a physical experiment involves proving the possibility of using the formula of limiting order Ve as unified when describing the biodegradation processes with different mechanisms of substrate inhibition. This conclusion is proved by the adequate (R2=0.9396-0.9953) description with the help of the dependence of limiting order of experimental data on five harmful substances with varying inhibition degrees. A large amount of calculation allowed achieving a definite result – we obtained the unified formula that makes it possible to proceed to scientifically grounded design calculations for bio-treatment plants.Публікація Creation of a safe educational environment for ukrainian youth during war conditions(Ха́рківський націона́льний педагогі́чний університе́т імені Григорія Сковороди, 2024) Tverdokhliebova, Natalia; Yevtushenko, NataliiaThe migration processes in Ukraine have become especially intense in recent years. On the one hand, they are a serious challenge for the education of young people, but, on the other hand, they represent an opportunity for their development, although they require legal support and regulation. The purpose of this article is to study the main psychological reactions to life threatening situations that can affect the psychological well-being of children and youth under martial law in order to develop recommendations for overcoming stress in the process of adaptation to new conditions of existence in a new country and integration into a new educational environment.Публікація Determination of fat-soluble dyes influence on the oxidation induction period of their oil solutions(PC Тесhnology сеntеr, 2023) Petik, Pavlo; Stankevych, Serhii; Zabrodina, Inna; Zhulinska, Oksana; Mezentseva, Iryna; Haliasnyi, Ivan; Hontar, Tatyana; Shubina, Lidiia; Kotliar, Oleh; Bondarenko, SvitlanaThe object of the study is the period of induction of accelerated oxidation of oil solutions of fat-soluble dyes chlorophyll and beta-carotene. The effect of the content of fat-soluble dyes on the period of induction of accelerated oxidation of their solutions in refined sunflower oil was studied. The peculiarity of the work consists in establishing approximate graphic and mathematical dependences of the term of the induction period of accelerated oxidation of refined sunflower oil on the content of chlorophyll and beta-carotene separately and together. This is important for predicting the shelf life of oil solutions of fat-soluble dyes. It was determined that chlorophyll A practically does not show a pro-oxidant effect if its content is up to 0.05 g/l. The content of chlorophyll A at the level of 0.10 g/l leads to a reduction in the duration of the induction period by 14 %; 0.20 g/l – by 36 %; 0.30 g/l – by 48 %. The content of beta-carotene at the level of 0.10 g/l leads to an increase in the duration of the induction period by 35 %; 0.20 g/l – by 47 %; 0.30 g/l – by 54 %. The content in the oil system of 0.10 g/l of beta-carotene and 0.05 g/l of chlorophyll A leads to a reduction in the period of induction of accelerated oxidation by 8.4 % compared to the oil solution of 0.10 g/l of beta-carotene without chlorophyll A. The obtained data are explained by the fact that there is a compensatory effect of the antioxidant beta-carotene on the pro-oxidant effect of chlorophyll A in the oil solution. A feature of the obtained results is the possibility of predicting the shelf life of oil solutions of fat-soluble dyes. From a practical point of view, the results of the research allow to develop oil systems taking into account the separate and compatible features of reactivity to the oxidation of chlorophyll and beta-carotene. An applied aspect of using the scientific result is the possibility of expanding the assortment of oil products of increased nutritional value with different contents of chlorophyll and beta-carotene.