Кафедра "Іноземні мови"
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Кафедра "Іноземні мови» була заснована у 1950 році з ініціативи доктора фізико-математичних наук А. П. Рогінського.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту міжнародної освіти Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут". Викладачі кафедри навчають іноземній мові майбутніх спеціалістів різних інженерних галузей. Понад 20 років кафедра успішно співпрацює з Мовним центром Магдебурського університету (Німеччина).
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 7 кандидатів наук: 4 – педагогічних, 2 – філологічних, 1 – технічних наук; 4 співробітника мають звання доцента.
Документ About learning new vocabulary methods(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2024) Tykhonova, M. Ye.Документ Activities based on internet content for ESP(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2013) Levin, Ye. D.; Karlyuk, S. V.; Левін, Євген Давидович; Карлюк, Сергій ВолодимировичThe article deals with benefits and limitations of a content-based approach to ESP and examines how WebQuests can be integrated into ESP teaching.Документ AI tools and students' independent work organization when teaching english(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Karasiova, O. V.; Goncharenko, T. Y.; Koliada, I. V.Документ Allgemeine richtlinien für präsentationen im deutschunterricht(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2013) Skripnitschenko, L. V.; Chrechtshenyk, A. M.; Kostyschewa, O. B.; Massalowa, L. V.; Скрипниченко, Лілія Василівна; Хрещенюк, Алла Миколаївна; Костишева, Олена Борисівна; Масалова, Людмила ВолодимирівнаIn diesem Bericht werden die Fragen der Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten bei den Studenten im Deutschunterricht behandelt. Die Rede ist von der Präsentation eines Produktes (im weiteren Sinne des Wortes) auf dem beliebigen Gebiet der Wissenschaft, Technik, Kultur, Politik. Im Bericht sind erstrangige Richtlinien zusammengefasst, die von den Studenten bei der Vorbereitung auf die Präsentation berücksichtigt werden sollen. Es werden auch die Ausdrücke vorgelegt, die die Studenten bei der Präsentation und ihrer Besprechung gebrauchen können. Das Thema ist heute aktuell, denn der Erfolg hängt oft davon ab, ob man das Produkt dem Kunden richtig präsentiert.Документ The analysis of integration process of Ukraine into the European Union(Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2019) Koschiyenko, M. V.; Karlyuk, S. V.Positive and negative consequences of the introduction of Ukraine into the European Union on economic, political, and social levels are analyzed in the article. SWOT-analysis on the issue has been performed.Документ Analyzing the banking terms' translation problems(Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова, 2021) Serdiukova, Olha I.Документ Artificial intelligence tools use in teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions(Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі, 2024) Коляда, Ірина; Косточка, ІгорThe article is about the application of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the educational process of higher education institutions for learning foreign languages. The conducted research includes a review of modern language learning methods, an analysis of the benefits and opportunities of using AI in the educational sphere, as well as an assessment of the impact of these technologies on students' academic performance. Based on the obtained data and their analysis, conclusions are drawn regarding the prospects for integrating artificial intelligence into the process of learning foreign languages. Additionally, the article emphasizes the growing role of AI in personalizing the learning process, allowing for the adaptation of material to the individual needs of each student. Ethical considerations of using AI in education and the potential challenges faced by teachers and students are also discussed. Special attention is given to how AI can help overcome language barriers and increase student motivation. The article concludes with a discussion on the future development of AI technologies and their potential impact on the transformation of traditional teaching methods.Документ Assessing the informativeness of the controlled parameters in the task of identyfing the state of the system(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Raskin, Lev Hryhorovych; Sukhomlyn, Larysa Vadymivna; Sokolov, Dmytro Dmytrovych; Domochka, Lidiia VladyslavivnaThe effectiveness of solving the problem of identifying the system state significantly depends on the number of controlled parameters and the degree of their informativeness. The traditional method for assessing the informativeness of these parameters is based on the measure of distance between the probability distributions of the values of the controlled parameter for different states of the system proposed by Kullback. The shortcomings of Kullback measure have been revealed. Firstly, the value of this measure is not normalised and is not limited from above. Secondly, this measure is asymmetric, i.e. its numerical value depends on the way its components enter the calculation ratio. The method for calculating the informativeness criterion proposed in this paper takes into account the uncertainty that arises due to the fuzzy description of the boundaries of the areas of possible values of the controlled parameters for each of the possible states of the system. An important enhancement of the known methods for assessing the informativeness of the controlled parameters is to take into account the real existing inaccuracy in estimating the values of the results of measuring these parameters themselves. These circumstances determine the subject and purpose of the study that is the development of a method for calculating the distance between the distributions of fuzzy values of the controlled parameter, free from the shortcomings of the Kullback measure. To calculate the measure of the distance between the distributions of the values of the controlled parameter under conditions of uncertainty of the initial data, described in terms of fuzzy mathematics, a symmetric criterion is proposed, which is easily calculated. Examples of the criterion calculation are given. The possibilities of increasing the level of informativeness of the criterion using analytical descriptions of membership functions of fuzzy values of the controlled parameter for different states of the system are considered.Документ Attitudes to mistakes in the process of teaching foreign languages(ТОВ "Планета-Прінт", 2020) Vrakina, V. V.; Berkutova, Tetyana Ivanivna ; Sadkoska, V. A.Документ Basic concepts of computer lexicography(Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2023) Serdiukova, Olha; Lazareva, Olga; Cherniavska, InnaThe article is devoted to researching computer lexicography and aims at regarding basic concepts of the applied scientific discipline in linguistics. Such tasks of computer lexicography, as parsing, creating a lexical database, lexical analysis of electronic dictionaries, estimation of the number of multi-valued-single-valued words, automatic extraction of hyponym-hypernym relationships, displaying values when extracting from several dictionaries at once, defining a value within a single dictionary and extracting information using a set of monolingual and translation dictionaries are discussed. The major principles of a computer dictionary compiling and an example of a dictionary entry are provided. Such terms as lexeme, lemma and lemmatization are explained. Corpus lexicography as a relatively new branch of computer lexicography is overviewed. The authors also note that computational linguistics is closely related to the central problem of artificial intelligence. It is emphasized that although the aims of traditional and computer lexicography are mainly the same, their methods, tools and approaches differ significantly. It is shown that such features of electronic dictionaries as multifunctionality, the use of multimedia, possibility of updating, convenient search and many others provide considerable advantages over conventional paper dictionaries. Practical lexicography is defined as the process of compiling dictionaries of various types on the basis of theoretical developments. The process of creating electronic dictionaries is discussed. Depending on the purpose of the dictionary, its volume, the order of the words in it, the object of description and other criteria, dictionaries can be divided into various types. Such dictionary types as explanatory, translation, etymological, frequency etc. are described. It is concluded that for researchers working in the sphere of computer lexicography and other fields of applied linguistics, understanding of the basic principles, tasks and functionality of computer-based dictionaries is vital.Документ Calculation of the transformers and electric machines characteristics(National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2021) Shevchenko, V. V.; Domochka, Lidiia VladyslavivnaThis edition is dedicated to the implementation of calculation task "Calculation of the transformers and electric machines characteristics" on the discipline "Electric machines". The purpose of this discipline is to consolidate theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills for calculating the characteristics of transformers, alternation current (AC) electric machines and direct current (DC) electric machines. The objects of study are transformers and electric machines, which are the basis of electric power in various industries. The subject of this discipline are the electric machines, which are used in practice to convert one form of energy into another: mechanical energy to electrical (the generators), electrical energy to mechanical (the engines), and power transformers, which are used to convert the meanings of alternating current and voltage. After training, the student must know the structure, basic elements of the transformers and electric machines, there operation principle and characteristics, peculiarities of motors starting, the ways of rotation frequency control and braking. The student should be able to evaluate new electrical equipment, take into account technical and economic requirements. This assignment consists of five tasks. For each part, control questions and tasks are formulated, recommendations for their solution are given. Calculation tasks are the student’s final document to complete the discipline. The report on the done work must be finished in written form and defended by the examination date. The tasks and the volume of the work must be agreed by the lecturer of this discipline. The report should begin with a cover page, the sample of which is given in Appendix A. When drawing up a report, it is necessary to formulate the task, show the procedure for performing calculations: write down a formula, and then put numbers in this formula and show the result of the calculation. The report should contain the necessary diagrams and graphs. At the end of the report student has to give the list of information sources used in the work. Graphs and diagrams should be built on graph paper, indicating the scale and dimension of the physical quantity on the axes. If the graph was built on a regular sheet of paper, then a uniform "grid" should be drawn on the graph field. Students choose the number of a variant for the work according to the number in the academic group list. New modern notation symbol system of electrical, magnetic, mechanical and energy values, which correspond to the state standards, are used in this study course.Документ Combination of gamification and interractive elements with language learning in higher educational institutions in the distance education era(Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2023) Kolyada, I. V.; Karasiova, O. V.The article reveals the problem of adapting the Ukrainian system of higher professional education to the new format of education. In today’s circumstances, educators must consistently enhance their skills, put in significant efforts, demonstrate creativity, and readily adapt to evolving situations. Traditional education offers an engaging learning experience that caters to students’ requirements for interactive communication, collaborative group work, individual and team-based activities, as well as active games during class and breaks within the school environment. Consequently, it yields the desired educational outcomes and guarantees the successful execution of the curriculum. An analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and the experience of using distance educational technologies in the process of teaching the discipline "Foreign language" in higher educational institutions was carried out, highlighting both the positive possibilities of the digital format and certain limitations associated with organizational, pedagogical, material and technical conditions of its implementation, with the psychological difficulties of the teaching staff and students regarding the transition to the distance learning format. The article emphasizes that the effective use of distance educational technologies and the introduction of distance courses imposes a number of requirements on the informational and communicative competence of teachers and students. The analysis of the educational activity of higher educational institutions in the format of online education also revealed the need for the organization of administrative support for the teaching staff: the introduction of such a model of the educational process that combines traditional and electronic learning, the development of electronic and digital educational resources, and the improvement of the information and communication competence of the teaching staff composition and teaching students to study independently.Документ Communication and language learning(Видавництво Харкiвського регiонального iнституту державного управлiння Нацiональної академiї державного управлiння при Президентовi України "Магістр", 2009) Mokh, Y. A.; Sergina, S. V.Документ A computer game in the simulator genre using unity(2022) Vrakina, K. P.; Vrakina, V. V.Nowadays, video games are gaining popularity and development, in particular, the genre of incremental games is very relevant. It is gaining popularity in the mobile gaming market and dominates many flash portals, solving many revenue management tasks, focusing on making decisions that increase revenue.Документ Computer-integrated components of the automated decision-making support system for operational and maintenance personnel of nuclear power plant units with WWER(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Yefimov, Аleksandr Vyacheslavovych; Yesypenko, Tetyana Oleksiivna; Harkusha, Tetyana Anatoliivna; Kavertsev, Valery Leonidovich ; Berkutova, Tetyana IvanivnaThe purpose of this article is to describe the results of the research aimed at developing computer-integrated components of one of the ADMSS variants for operational and maintenance personnel of NPP units according to the criterion of technical and economic efficiency, taking into account the diagnostics of the technical equipment state based on the simulation model describing by means of up-to-date mathematical methods the technological processes in the main and auxiliary equipment of power units using up-to-date mathematical methods at the level of detailing, corresponding to their principle and deployed thermal schemes. The results of studies aimed at the development of computer-integrated components of the automated decision-making support system (ADMSS) for operational and maintenance personnel of NPP units by the criterion of technical and economic efficiency, taking into account the diagnostics of the state of the power unit equipment, are presented. The general structure of the software package interaction for the analysis of the performance and parameter diagnostics of NPP units with WWER has been developed. When creating the software package, the integrated programming environment Microsoft Visual Studios was used. The structure of the program block for the parameter diagnostics of the equipment of nuclear power units is presented. The main types of problems arising during the operation of NPP units with WWER, that can be solved with the help of the developed ADMSS are considered, and a form for presenting the results to the operational and maintenance personnel of power units is proposed. Developed on the basis of the described computer-integrated components, the automated decision-making support system for the operational and maintenance personnel of NPP power units can be used to solve a wide range of problems arising in the practice of short-, medium- and long-term control of the operation modes of power unit systems and equipment, including obtaining operational (energy) characteristics of power unit systems and equipment, optimizing operation modes and parameters, diagnosing and forecasting technical state of power equipment, predicting the amount of electrical and thermal energy generated by a power unit, as well as optimizing NPP repair cycles.Документ Cross-cultural socialization under conditions of distant learning(Соціально-гуманітарна науково-творча майстерня "Новий курс", 2020) Sheina, L. O.; Grashchenkova, V. V.The work explores the situation with socialisation in higher school during the period of coronavirus lockdown. The problem of socialisation under such conditions is discussed. A way to provide cross-cultural socialisation is proposed.Документ Culturological aspect while studying a foreign language(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Sheina, L. O.Документ Current perspectives of the development of transport logistics in accordance with the new market tendencies and today's problems(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2023) Senka, S. A.Документ Developing soft skills at ESP classes in technical heis(ANAGRAM, 2017) Lazareva, Olga; Kovtun, OlenaThe growing role of social competencies, also referred to as soft skills, for a future working career is discussed, given a significant altering of the concepts of job families and functions, profession, workplace, working hours in the changing economy. The major attention is paid to such soft skills as collaboration, communication, critical thinking and problemsolving and the ways they can be developed at ESP classes in technical HEIs. Some exercises based on student-centred approach aimed to form these important skills are mentioned. To assess the effectiveness of the teaching methods applied through the module devoted to communication in academic and professional environments, a survey was undertaken among students of the first year. Its results show that innovative methods including role plays, team work and brain-storming are generally perceived by students as less appealing and efficient than more traditional ones such as reading or translation. It is concluded that more efforts are needed to introduce student-centred practices for developing soft skills.Документ Developing soft skills within ESP course designed for future IT engineers(Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, 2023) Goncharenko, T. Y. ; Podolska, Ya. A.The coming years will see big changes in the field of professional activity and labor resources caused by several factors. The most influential of them – development of information technologies, rapid growth of artificial intelligence technologies, production automation and robotics – have revolutionized the field of professional activity providing a wide range of tasks that were once only within the power of humans. These factors bring about developing new conditions in business environment and labor market. Soft skills – communication and cooperation skills, critical thinking, and creativity skills – should become in demand in the technological progress and dynamically changing business environment of the beginning of the XXI century. Competency-based English curricula are an excellent tool their development. The article presents the analysis how the soft skills correlate with the professional competencies and learning outcomes acquired by IT students and how they are distributed across the curriculum. Regarding the distribution of soft skills across the curriculum, it was defined that all types of soft skills are components of the professional competencies and learning outcomes acquired by IT students while studying the course content. The soft skills are deeply integrated into the educational content of the four modules of the ESP program which was designed in such a way that the priority in teaching English was formation of professional competencies and obtaining learning outcomes aimed at the practical use of English as a tool to achieve professional goals and to translate theoretical knowledge into practice. The analysis shows the soft skills are not equally presented in the educational program. Soft skills are implicitly built into the curriculum of the ESP course which allows future software engineers respond the challengers of the contemporary work environment and be competitive in the labor market. All these provisions are basic for training future specialists in any engineering specialty