Кафедра "Гідравлічні машини ім. Г. Ф. Проскури"
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Від 2021 року кафедра має назву "Гідравлічні машини імені Г. Ф. Проскури", попередня назва – "Гідравлічні машини" (від 1930 року).
Кафедра заснована на основі гідравлічної лабораторії у 1914 році академіком Г. Ф. Проскурою, первісна назва – кафедра гідромеханіки. У 1923 році була створена кафедра “Авіації”, якою керував також Г. Ф. Проскура, на базі якої в 1930 році був створений Харківський авіаційний інститут (нині Національний аерокосмічний університет “ХАІ”), а кафедра гідромеханіки перейменована в кафедру “Гідравлічні машини”. 2 липня 2021 року кафедра перейменована на честь Георгія Федоровича Проскури – видатного вченого, засновника наукової школи гідромашинобудування і авіації в Україні, члена Президії і голови Відділення технічних наук АН України, заслуженого діяча науки і техніки.
Кафедра "Гідравлічні машини імені Г. Ф. Проскури" готує майбутніх фахівців нової генерації в галузі цифрової гідравліки, гідравлічних машини та гідропневмоприводів, що використовуються практично в усіх галузях промисловості.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту механічної інженерії і транспорту Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут".
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють 2 доктора технічних наук, 10 кандидатів технічних наук; 2 співробітника мають звання професора, 8 – доцента.
Документ Advantages of using hydraulic equipment of modular mounting in the modernization of machine hydrosystems(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Fatieieva, N. M.; Fatyeyev, O. M.; Ponomarov, VladyslavWith each passing year, automation schemes that use hydraulics are becoming more and more complex. With the large number of hydraulic devices in the scheme, replacing threaded connections with other methods of mounting becomes very important. The analysis of building and mounting of hydraulic drives and hydraulic units on the example of metal-cutting machines, namely: round saw and turret lathe. The analysis shows that the optimal variant of pipeless mounting of hydraulic drives is mounting with the use of modular and butt hydraulic equipment. The main advantages of modular mounting are: reducing the number of pipelines and their connections; increasing drive rigidity, reducing noise; compactness, small size and weight; reducing labor costs and time for design and manufacture of the drive; convenience of operation, the ability to quickly reconfigure the drive, replace the failed unit without disassembly of the hydraulic drive; unification of mounting plates and hydraulic panels; increasing their seriality. In addition, with this type of mounting, there is always a constant distance between the individual devices and regulating bodies of different apparatuses that make up a typical element of a hydraulic system (its structural contour). This makes it possible to determine in advance the characteristics, properties and "behavior" not of individual hydraulic apparatuses included in the hydraulic system of the machine drive, but of groups of apparatuses that make up typical modular units. We have an opportunity to judge the characteristics of the hydraulic drive of the machine as a whole already at the stage of its design by predetermined characteristics of typical elements (modular units) included in the hydraulic system of the machine, which will significantly reduce the time for designing, debugging and launching the drive in production. The group of metalworking equipment, in which the hydraulic drive on the basis of modular and butt hydraulic equipment is easily performed, includes: turning group machines; drilling and boring machines; grinding group machines; broaching machines; cutting machines, milling machines and other special machines. Justified selection of the nomenclature of normalized hydrostations, modular and butt hydraulic apparatuses and other unified elements can solve the problem of creating up to 70–75 % of the manufactured hydraulic drives completely based on unified units.Документ Analysis of research results of the flow in the water passage of the reversible hydraulic machine in the pumping operation mode(ТОВ "Планета-Прінт", 2021) Drankovskiy, Viktor Eduardovich; Rezvaya, Kseniya Sergeevna; Dubovitskaya, M. S.Документ Calculation of the spatial flow in the francis high-head turbine using the CFD software package(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Krupa, Y. S.At present, the development of software packages for calculating computational fluid dynamics problems has reached a high level of efficiency, accuracy and flexibility, with their help it is possible to solve the most diverse and complex problems. All modern software packages for computational fluid dynamics solve the problems of continuum mechanics using models based on the Navier-Stokes equations. These models are based on three conservation equations: conservation of mass, conservation of momentum and conservation of energy. A numerical simulation of the spatial flow of a high-head radial-axial hydraulic turbine Fr 310 was carried out for two variants of the flow path – with an runner with 15 blades (modification 1) and with 17 blades (modification 2), using the OpenFOAM software package. The OpenFOAM software package is one of the most used products designed to solve fluid dynamics problems and is distributed under a free GPL license (General Purpose License). The process of solving the set hydrodynamic problems using the CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) software package includes the following stages: creating a three-dimensional model of the object under consideration using a computer-aided design system; construction of a computational grid with the required parameters; selection of a mathematical model that most accurately describes the working process in the flow parts of hydraulic machines; selection of a suitable turbulence model; setting boundary conditions. A visualization of the results of a numerical study of two modifications of the Fr 310-V-100 hydraulic turbine is presented. A method for calculating hydraulic losses in the flow path of a hydraulic turbine is presented. The analysis of the results of numerical simulation was performed. This analysis showed that the modification of a hydraulic turbine with a runner with 15 blades is better in terms of efficiency than the modification with 17 blades. Comparison of the two modifications was carried out exceptionally by the values of the hydraulic efficiency of the hydraulic turbine.Документ CFD підхід для аналізу характеристик потоку високонапірної радіально-осьової гідротурбіни(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Миронов, Костянтин Анатолійович; Олексенко, Юлія Юріївна; Миронов, Вадим КостянтиновичЗ ростом обчислювальної механіки віртуальні гідравлічні машини стають все більш реалістичними, дають можливість визначити незначні деталі потоку, що в свою чергу неможливо отримати при тестуванні моделей. В данній роботі проведено 3D турбулентний аналіз реального потоку в радіально-осьовій гідравлічній турбіні при трьох відкриттях направляючого апарату та різній швидкості обертання за допомогою програмного забезпечення для обчислювальної динаміки рідин (CFD) Ansys CFX. Обчислюються для отримання характеристик потоку середні значення параметрів потоку, такі як швидкість і кути потоку на вході і на виході з робочого колеса, направляючого апарату і статору. Для поліпшення енергетичних показників на попередньому етапі проектування гідротурбіни проводиться чисельне моделювання потоку. Даний підхід CFD знижує витрати і час в порівнянні з експериментальними підходом і дає можливість удосконалити і аналізувати показники турбіни і її конструкцію до моменту виготовлення моделі. Розрахунковий комплекс програм надає можливість побачити картину розподілу тиску, поле векторів швидкості і руху частинок рідини для обґрунтування та аналізу результатів. Наведені результати розрахункового дослідження підтверджують, що гідравлічний коефіцієнт корисної дії гідравлічної турбіни в значній мірі залежить від втрат в напрямному апараті і робочому колесі і означає, що саме цим елементам варто приділяти найбільші увагу, їх конструкції та узгодженню потоку в них. Отримані розрахункові дані відповідають відомим раніше експериментальним рекомендаціям для високонапірної радіально-осьової гідротурбіни.Документ Comparative analysis of software systems for hydraulic turbine flow simulation(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Krupa, Y. S.; Demchuk, R. M.; Volobuiev, A. V.; Kis, S. L.A comprehensive review of modern software complexes used for calculating spatial flow in hydraulic turbine flow parts was conducted. The widely used software system, Ansys, was analyzed. An overview of Ansys was provided, including its history, popularity within the CFD community, key features, and capabilities for analyzing the flow parts of hydraulic turbines. The preprocessing tools, solver parameters, post-processing functions, and visualization capabilities of Ansys were described. The advantages and limitations of using Ansys for calculating spatial flow in hydraulic turbine flow parts were analyzed. The open-source CFD software complex, OpenFOAM, was discussed. The main functions and capabilities of the OpenFOAM program were described. Information about solver libraries, meshing capabilities, advantages, and limitations for analyzing hydraulic turbines was presented, along with insights into the support from the scientific community and resources available to OpenFOAM users. SolidWorks FlowSimulation, which integrates with SolidWorks software, was examined. The unique features of SolidWorks FlowSimulation for analyzing spatial flow in hydraulic turbines were highlighted. The possibilities of CAD integration and the advantages of accurate geometric models were discussed. The capabilities of parametric analysis were explored, and the advantages and limitations of using SolidWorks FlowSimulation for calculating spatial flow in hydraulic turbine flow parts were analyzed. A comparison of the three software complexes was conducted based on their capabilities, ease of use, accuracy, computational resources required, and cost. An assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each program was provided, along with recommendations for choosing the most suitable program based on specific use cases, objectives, and user requirements. This article serves as a valuable resource for engineers, designers, and researchers seeking insights into the available software systems for analyzing hydraulic turbine flow parts. It enables them to make informed decisions in selecting the most suitable software system based on their specific requirements, ultimately contributing to the optimization of hydraulic turbine performance and efficiency.Документ Development of horizontal bulb hydroturbines for high heads with a wide range of reliable operation modes(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Krupa, Y. S.The issues and directions for improving the energy-cavitation and operational performance of hydro turbine equipment of hydroelectric power plants are considered. The paper analyzes in detail the directions for improving the main indicators characterizing the energy and operational advantages of horizontal hydro turbines. Straight-axis Kaplan hydraulic turbines with a horizontal axis of rotation of the hydraulic unit have incomparable advantages compared to hydraulic turbines with water supply using a spiral case, in terms of higher throughput and a wider range of operation. The practice of hydraulic turbine construction has determined the range of heads for which different types of hydraulic turbines are used. The use of horizontal direct flow hydraulic turbines for heads of more than 40 meters encounters a number of problems of a hydrodynamic nature, strength, and reliable operation. The paper analyzes the advantages of direct-flow bulb hydro turbines and the possibility of using them for high heads. New design solutions are considered, for which Ukrainian patents have been obtained, allowing the use of horizontal bulb hydraulic units for higher heads (up to 300 meters) and at the same time obtaining a wider operating area not only in terms of flow rates, but also in terms of heads. The use of twin bulb hydraulic units will significantly expand the operational ranges of highly efficient and reliable operation of horizontal bulb hydraulic turbines at flow rates (power) that allow them to successfully operate at variable peak loads of daily regulation. Based on the analysis of the working process of various horizontal and diagonal turbines, the analysis of their universal characteristics, scientifically based proposals was developed for the nomenclature of twin bulb hydraulic units. The design of a horizontal hydraulic turbine using inlet nozzle channels is presented. The use of nozzle diaphragms as elements that create the angular momentum necessary for optimal operation of the hydraulic turbine makes it possible to use bulb direct-flow hydro units for high heads (80–100 meters).Публікація Hydro turbine speed control system(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Hasiuk, O. I.The article presents a mathematical model of an hydro turbine speed control system. In the world and domestic practice of creating hydraulic turbine equipment, there is a clear tendency to create computer-based rotor speed control systems for hydraulic turbines. Computer systems provide an opportunity to implement the introduction of effective algorithms using software that improve the static and dynamic characteristics of the system. This in turn increases the importance of mathematical modeling both at the design stage and during commissioning. The analysis of the performed works devoted to the mathematical description of the elements of the hydraulic drive of the regulator showed that they are reduced to linearized equations without taking into account a number of important factors that will increase the accuracy of the mathematical model. Improvement of static and dynamic characteristics and the system as a whole can be achieved by solving the scientific problem of studying its dynamics based on the development of a more complete mathematical model. To reduce friction and hysteresis, to prevent obliteration, the electrohydraulic converter plunger in the lower part is equipped with a segner wheel. Improving the dynamic characteristics of hydraulic turbine speed controllers requires the development of nonlinear mathematical models with subsequent analysis of transients in the hydraulic drive of the speed controller. Evaluation of the quality of transient processes and subsequent adjustment of parameters allows to achieve a reduction in the duration of transients, increase the speed and accuracy of positioning at small movements of the servo motor. A number of unaccounted factors during the preparation of the mathematical model of the electro-hydraulic converter makes it possible to increase its adequacy to the real object of study and increase the speed of the control system of the rotor speed of the hydraulic turbine.Публікація Improvement of the working process of hydroturbines and its regulation systems(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Migushchenko, Ruslan; Potetenko, Oleg; Gasiyk, Alexander; Krupa, EvgeniyThe paper provides the detail analysis of the causes of various types of the vortex motion of the turbulent flow in the inlet parts of the turbine and in the inter-blade channels of the runner. The causes of the appearance of large-scale vortex structures in the meridional sections of the spiral case of radial-axial hydraulic turbines with the heads of 400–500 m are shown. As a result of this phenomenon, in the section of the spiral case the flow is directed in the region of the walls to the runner. In the central part it is directed from the runner, i. e. the spiral case executing its functions of supplying the flow functions only with part of its section – the near-wall zone – where the vortex near-wall flow with increased velocity and energy losses enters to the channels of the runner. These conclusions in the work are argued by extensive experimental data. Energy losses in the spiral case reaches 3–5 % and a complex vortex structure, which enters to the runner, leads to a decrease of the energy characteristics. The flow inlet to the runner using nozzle devices located on the ring in front of the runner is considered in the paper. These nozzle devices increase the velocity by five or more times and provide low losses in the inlet (about 0,5 %) and almost uniform flow in front of the runner with a moment of quantity of motion, which provides an optimal operation of the hydraulic turbine. The improvement of the working flow and control systems is presented in this paper using new design solutions, for which more than ten patents of Ukraine for the invention were obtained. In particular, as a result of this study of the working processes of Francis-Deriaz hydraulic turbines, which allowed the use of blade turbines for the heads of more than 400–500 m up to 800–1000 m with high energy and cavitation characteristics with wide operating areas in terms of rates (powers) and heads, with an increase of 2–7 % average operating efficiency. The working process of a new type of diagonal-axial hydraulic turbine with a very wide operation range in terms of flow and pressure with a significantly increased average operating efficiency, increased operation reliability, which is illustrated by the predictive universal characteristic, is also considered. This characteristic allows the use of rotary-blade hydraulic turbines for heads up to 230–250 m. Therefore, the carried out improvement of the working process of hydraulic turbines and their control systems convincingly proves the advantage of the new scientific and technical solutions in comparison with previously used ones.Документ Investigation of fluid flow in two-dimensional and three-dimensional formulation in the flow part of a high-pressure Francis turbine(el-conf.com.ua, 2019) Миронов, Костянтин Анатолійович ; Олексенко, Юлія ЮріївнаДокумент Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamic characteristics in the inlet of a reversible hydraulic machine based on mathematical models(НТУ "ХПИ", 2017) Drankovskiy, Viktor Eduardovich; Rezvaya, Kseniya SergeevnaMathematical models that allow determining the hydrodynamic flow characteristics in the inlet of reversible hydraulic machines are considered. The features of the fluid flow are described. An analysis of the operating conditions of a reversible hydraulic machine, carried out during the design of the water passage, is made. Types of energy losses, taking into account the spatial effects of a viscous fluid, are determined. A group of mathematical models, oriented at different stages of design, is developed. A new way to the design of the water passage based on the experimental results is proposed. Specific programs for the design of the water passage of reversible hydraulic machines are considered. Features of mathematical models are defined.Документ Methodical instructions to perform laboratory work in the course "Mathematical modeling of renewable energy elements work processes"(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Rogovyi, AndriiДокумент Methodical instructions to perform laboratory work in the course "Modeling and calculation of viscous fluid flows"(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Rogovyi, AndriiДокумент Modern software for the numerical study of flow in hydraulic machines(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Krupa, Y. S.; Demchuk, YevheniiaIn the past few decades, the field of developing computer software systems has been actively developing, which in turn leads to competition in the software market. Qualified engineers working in the hydroturbine industry must be able to use a computer not only at the user level, but also at the programmer level in order to program modules for their own needs based on existing software systems. Recently, numerical simulation has become applicable to an ever wider class of flows, replacing experimental research methods. Certain numerical models are characterized by different areas of applicability and expenditures of computational resources. The paper provides an analytical review of modern CFD software systems. The advantages and disadvantages of these programs are analyzed in terms of building a three-dimensional model of the object of study, creating a computational grid, setting boundary conditions and visualizing the calculation results. The analysis and comparison of existing mathematical models that used to calculate the spatial flow in the flow path of hydraulic machines has been carried out. There are many different programs for solving hydrodynamic problems, some of the advanced commercial software systems are Ansys, SolidWorks Flow Simulation, Autodesk CFD. There are also open source software products. These automatic design systems make it possible not only to perform high-quality modeling of systems of various physical nature, but also to study the response of these systems to external influences in the form of distributions of pressures, temperatures, and velocities. The calculation algorithms in the programs are similar; the distinctive features of the programs can be evaluated according to the following criteria: grid generation, accuracy, reliability (convergence), calculation speed, model physics, system flexibility. The use of modern software packages for studying the hydrodynamic characteristics of the flow in hydraulic machines significantly reduces the time and material resources in comparison with physical modeling.Документ Numerical study of the influence of the blade number of the runner on the energy characteristics of the hydraulic turbine(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Demchuk, Yevheniia; Krupa, Y. S.Документ On the theory of synthesis of minimal schemes of systems control of hydraulic and pneumatic drives(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2022) Cherkashenko, M. V.Showed the strict compliance of the scientific direction "Synthesis of minimum control schemes of hydraulic and pneumatic drive systems" developed by the author with the point of view of general algebra, algebra of logic, graph theory and automata theory. The synthesis of the minimum graph of operations, which is a mathematical model of the control system, has been proved. The legitimacy of the methods of undivided decomposition of equations describing the scheme of the control system has been proved. The control system is considered as a cyclic Moore finite automaton. By a cyclic automaton (CA) we will understand the mathematical model of a device designed to control cyclic processes, which are a set of technological operations performed in a certain sequence. In this regard, the automaton at each clock necessarily passes into some new state, and for a finite number of cycles the target reaches any state, and its graph contains a contour, covering all states. In general, the CA may contain several circuits, so that each circuit is interpreted either as one of the possible sequences of technological operations due to the corresponding mode of operation, or as an independent and simultaneous execution of a number of sets of technological operations. A sequential decomposition of the CA is presented in order to represent it by the sequential operation of automata with one internal state. Such a consideration of the function of transitions will naturally lead to a decrease in the number of elements in the implementation of the CA. The study will be subjected to the CA, the graph of which consists of a single circuit, since the results obtained are easily generalized to multi-circuit CA. Obtaining a breakdown of the states of a cyclic automaton in the manner indicated above is performed directly according to any automaton description without any additional calculations, tables and other constructions.Документ Problems of the current state of the ai architectures(FOP Marenichenko V. V., 2024) Yaroshenko, O. A.Документ Reliability of hydropneumodrives for metal cutting equipment(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2023) Fatieieva, N. M.; Fatyeyev, O. M.; Poliakov, V. V.The reliability of hydropneumodrives largely determines the safety of machine tools, metal cutting equipment, the movement of transport vehicles, and the flight of modern passenger aircraft, and their failures can in some cases lead to accidents. The design stage is crucial in ensuring reliability. The main tasks of reliability research and calculation at this stage can be divided into three groups. First, it is a justification of reliability requirements for the main elements of the hydraulic pneumatic actuator (the task of reliability norming). This task is solved at an early stage of design and involves the preliminary development of the unit structure and justification of design principles. Secondly, it is to ensure the reliability of the elements and the unit as a whole. This group of tasks includes research and quantitative assessment of the efficiency of possible ways to ensure reliability; selection of basic design characteristics, statistical reserves of durability and longevity, stability reserves and other indicators; comparative analysis of options and selection of optimal designs. Thirdly, these are control calculations of the unit's reliability according to the design documentation. Algorithms for the distribution of normalised reliability indices at the design stage for hydropneumodrives implemented by the standard positional structure method and the minimisation method are obtained. Algorithms allow already at the early stages of hydropneumodrive design to normalise reliability indices, which makes it possible to obtain optimal solutions of reliability issues at the subsequent stages of development of the drive life cycle. The methods of calculation and determination of design relations for finding quantitative characteristics of failure-free indices of designed hydropneumodrives, implemented by the method of standard positional structure and the method of minimisation, are selected, which allows designing highly reliable hydropneumodrives for new metal cutting equipment. Evaluation of reliability indicators of hydropneumodrives at the stage of preliminary design allows to make a rational choice of structural scheme and parameters, to select appropriate materials and elements of scheme realisations.Документ Study of the spatial flow in the flow part of the high-pressure francis turbine(НТУ "ХПІ", 2018) Mironov, Konstantin Anatolievich; Oleksenko, Yuliia Yuriivna; Mironov, Vadim KonstantinovichThe paper presents some results of a computational study of the spatial turbulent flow of a viscous fluid in the flow part of the high-pressure Francis turbine Fr500, made using the CFX-TASCflow application program package. To improve the energy performance at the preliminary design stage of the turbine, numerical flow simulations should be carried out. This CFD approach reduces costs and time in comparison with the experimental approach and makes it possible to improve and analyze turbine performance and its design before the model is manufactured. The computational complex of programs provides an opportunity to see the picture of pressure distribution, the field of velocity vectors and the movement of fluid particles for substantiation and analysis of results. Numerical modeling of the spatial flow in the flow part of the turbine was carried out to determine changes in the energy characteristics, therefore, the k-ε turbulence model was chosen. As a result of the calculation, the distribution of speeds and pressures in the various elements of the hydraulic turbine was determined at different openings of the guide vane. The analysis of energy losses in the flow part of a Francis turbine: a spiral case, a stator withflat rings, a guide vane, a runner and a draft tube on the optimal operating mode of the hydraulic turbine, as well as an analysis of the effect of opening the guide vane on changes in energy losses in various elements of the flow parts. The results of the computational study confirm that the hydraulic efficiency of a hydraulic turbine largely depends on the losses in the guide vane and the runner, which means it is these elements that should be given the most attention, their design and coordination of the flow in them. The issue of increasing the energy performance of the flow parts of a high-pressure Francis turbine was also considered.Документ Synthesis and analysis of control schemes of hydropneumatic drives(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2021) Lynnyk, Aleksandr; Cherkashenko, M. V.; Fatieieva, Nadezhda; Fatyeyev, Aleksandr; Ponomarov, VladyslavThe method of analysis of circuits of hydropneumatic actuators is offered, which allows to detect and eliminate existing design errors, mainly related to the inconsistency of inputs operating between technological operations and "power struggle" on actuators, as well as the method of synthesis to obtain the scheme, which contains close to the minimum number of logical elements. A formalized method of analysis of control circuits of hydropneumatic actuators is proposed, which allows to detect and eliminate errors possible during synthesis. Equations of output functions and internal states of the system are written directly according to the scheme of the hydropneumatic drive by the method of standard positional structure and from the matrix of correspondences by the method of minimization. Error detection is carried out by determining the correctness of the graph of operations, analysis of the input sequence, the correctness of the matrix of correspondences and the corresponding system of equations. The efficiency of using the matrix of correspondences of M. Cherkashenko for the analysis of schemes is shown, the dimension of which does not depend on the number of inputs and outputs, but only on the number of transitions between technological operations. The proposed method is an effective means of detecting errors, inaccuracies, performance checks, rational construction of circuits, and can be widely used by designers of control systems for hydropneumatic actuators, as well as university students in the study of methods of construction of circuits.Документ Synthesis of discrete drives control systems(НТУ "ХПІ", 2018) Cherkashenko, M. V.The classical methods of creation of schemes using tables of transitions, states, Carnot's cards and other means which dimension depends on number of inputs and outputs of the scheme are not acceptable for systems big dimension (with big number of inputs, outputs and internal states). Control systems of hydropneumatic units are the determined systems of big dimension. Now at synthesis of systems of hydropneumatic units the standard position structure having the known advantages, but which is characterized by a large number of elements of the projected scheme is used. Partial minimization of standard position structure was offered inthe works Yuditsky S., Goedecke W., Belforte G., Reydzo J., etc. The method of full minimization of the standard position structure offered by the author allowed to receive the minimum structure of schemes due to receiving of minimum the operation graph and the offered mathematical model – the matrix conformity (MC) which dimension does not depend on quantity of entrances and exits of system.