Вісник № 57
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/7733
Документ Анализ перераспределения фаз в диффузионных силицидных покрытиях при их эксплуатации в воздушной среде(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Литовченко, С. В.; Чишкала, В. А.This paper is an attempt to compare the theoretical calculations and experimental data to the study on the phase changes in the silicide coatings on molybdenum and tungsten. To prevent unacceptable changes, it is necessary to foresee the evolution of structure during formation of the coating and during operation of the composite. This paper analyzes the phase change that determine degradation of properties of the coatings.Документ Варианты состояния технических устройств и их отношение(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Ивахненко, И. А.; Ивахненко, Т. Н.Variants of condition and compatibility of engineering devices. This paper concerns developing the algorithm of designing engineering devices. Its main result is to work out the approximate rules of construction the scheme of relationship of adjacent (as for the contextual level) condition of engineering devices.Документ Влияние длительности помола электрокорунда на свойства низкоцементного бетона(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Песчанская, В. В.; Макарова, А. С.Experimental studies have been conducted unveiling influence of time of grinding on change of its reaction of activity, the process of hardening the matrix component, and the flowing properties of the concrete mass and properties low-cement refractory corundum concretes.Документ Влияние способа подготовки шихты на фазовый портрет синтеза бериллиевого индиалита в субсолидусной области(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Мамонтова, С. Г.; Михайлов, М. А.; Богданова, Л. А.It is established that the ceramic and sol-gel technique to obtain beryllian indialite by solid-state method differ both on the phase, and local levels of the crystallogenic medium organization. It emphasized the originality of conduct totals complexity associations phases arising under each of the techniques.Документ Внедрение полимерных связующих в производство металлургических брикетов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Кийк, А. А.; Маркова, С. В.; Кормина, И. В.The problems of usingbinders forbriquetting and sinteringin the steelindustry are considered.The results ofindustrial testsof modern domesticpolymericbindersare given.Документ Вплив величини вакууму при охолодженні на структуру та властивості сплаву ВК10ОМ після компресійного спікання під тиском газу(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Прокопів, М. М.; Харченко, О. В.Presented results of researches of influence of size of vacuum at cooling on a structure and properties of alloy of VK10OM after compression spikannya. Is it rotined that optimum structure and maximal fiziko-mechanical properties of alloy of VK10OM after compression spikannya force-feed Р – 2,5 MPa, turn out at cooling with the vacuum of Р – 1×10‾⁴ MPa.Документ Диспергирование слоистых дихалькогенидов молибдена и вольфрама и получение тонких пленок из их коллоидных дисперсий(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Федоров, В. Е.; Миронов, Ю. В.; Артемкина, С. Б.; Грайфер, Е. Д.This paper presents experimental data on chemical exfoliation of layered molybdenum and tungsteRUn chalcogenides MQ2 (M = Mo, W; Q = S, Se) in organic solvents resulting in the formation of colloidal dispersions. The dispersions are used to form thin films. All materials are characterized by a set of physical methods. The developed method allows to obtain molybdenum and tungsten dichalcogendies as thin films and coatings as well as bulk nanomaterials.Документ Дослідження процесу ущільнення гідроксиапатитної кераміки при мікрохвильовому спіканні(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Товстоног, Г. Б.; Сич, О. Є.; Скороход, В. В.In this work the characteristics of microwave sintering of porous hydroxyapatite ceramics have been investigated. It was established that use of microwave sintering at 1000 °C provides to obtain ceramics based on biogenic hydroxyapatite with porosity of 35 – 46,5 % that was 90 – 95 % open, and compressive strength 21 – 67 MPa. It was shown that increase of compacting pressure from 50 upto 250 MPa promotes the formation of a fine-grained ceramics with particle size 0,06 – 1,37 μm and reduction existence interval of the most pores down to 0,2 – 0,7 μm.Документ Збагачення молочних продуктів риб'ячим жиром(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Юр'єва, Марина СергіївнаIn the article the analysis of an up-to-date status of dairy products fortification with fish oil was performed. The structure and characteristics of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids, as well as their influence on human health were researched. Also a new research considering soft goat cheese fortification with fish oil to deliver healthy omega-3 fatty acids was analyzed. Production of a dairy product containing structured fish oil was suggested.Документ Информационные технологии и радиотехнические средства в автоматизации процессов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Грищенко, В. В.; Завадский, В. А.The article considers the uses of information technology and radio equipment in process automation. Given the current classification of wireless technologies, analyzes their features and options are offered for their use. The practical use of databases in the automation of processes allows us to solve problems of forecasting and modeling, and provides a basis for future research, improvement of technical developments in the future. The application of information technologies and electronic means of helping to solve economic and environmental problems.Документ Использование элементов фрактальной геометрии для расчета дисперсных характеристик измельченного материала(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Орлова, Н. Д.This article contains the formula for calculating the surface area of crushed material using the concepts of fractal geometry. The process of destruction examined from the perspective of the evolution of the interfaces of the individual structural elements and the subsequent development of cracks on these surfaces. Nucleation and propagation of cracks is described from the perspective of fractal geometry as the formation of a fractional-dimensional layer.Документ Клинкерные керамические изделия для облицовки зданий и дорожных покрытий на основе глинистого сырья Пологовского региона(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Миршавка, О. А.; Хоменко, Е. С.; Коледа, В. В.; Скакун, В. Ю.The article shows the possibility of expanding the assortment of ceramic products in the enterprise "Chapaevsky brickyard" (Zaporozhye.). When using the structuring and modifying additives based on local raw materials is possible to obtain ceramics with properties approaching those of clinker materials: compressive strength of 50 – 70 MPa, water absorption of 5 – 3 %. In addition, the products are of auniform dark rich red-brown color and high aesthetic values.Документ Композиционный кладочный материал(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Руссу, И. В.The results of research on the optimization of the structure and properties of composite material from local raw materials for construction of walls. Experimentally proved that disperse reinforcement of composite material with biomass together with improved mechanical strength greatly reduces its thermal.Документ Моделирование свойств самоуплотняющегося бетона при поэтапном введении добавок(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Салих, Ф.; Коваль, С.The method of maintenance of technological properties of self-compacting concrete mixture offers and investigational in the conditions of dry roast of climate at stage-by-stage introduction of additions.Документ Модернизация вибрационного валкового классификатора на основе использования виброударного режима(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Надутый, В. П.; Егурнов, А. И.; Ягнюкова, И. В.The modernized chart of executive device of roller vibroclassifier is offered. The conditions of its vibroimpact mode are determined and basic calculation dependencies are represented.Документ Модифікування периклазохромитовых неформованних безвипалювальних матеріалів(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Бражник, Діна Анатоліївна; Повшук, В. В.This article describes the study of pfisical and mechanical properties of materils periclazocromit fabricated by vibratory casting. The results of samples tests of materials using different modifiers are compares. The most of an optimal supplement determined.Документ Новые конструкции высокоэнергетических устройств для тонкого измельчения порошковых материалов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Баглюк, Г. А.; Хоменко, А. А.; Гончарук, Д. А.Analysis of the main trends in the improvement of high-energy mills for fine grinding are presented. The basic possible solutions to problems associated with the disadvantages of the known highenergy shredders. The review and the analysis of the latest innovations in the field of high-energy milling are presented.Документ Определение траектории движения материала с учётом поперечных колебаний виброгрохота(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Франчук, В. П.; Надутый, В. П.; Левченко, П. В.Analytical expressions are presented in article for definition of a movement trajectory of mountain weight particle on a sifting surface of a screen with an adjustable spatial trajectory of fluctuations. The received equations allow to investigate a way of movement of particles material of various weight and density.Документ Определение характеристик точности технологических процессов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Лысенко, А. А.Depending on the accuracy of the process and the required precision control of the original ore and concentrate control accuracy is determined by a given point in the production line enrichment.Документ Поверхностная активность и прочностные (вяжущие) свойства активированных доменных шлаков(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Кравченко, В. П.; Ганкевич, В. Ф.Based on analysis of the processes under the influence of an external crystal at breaking load valence unsaturation (reactive, for example, ion oxide radicals O–) concluded identity by dispersing increasing of the surface activity and strength (binding) properties blast-furnace slag.