Кафедра "Теоретичні основи електротехніки"
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Кафедра "Теоретичні основи електротехніки" була заснована у 1931 році видатним вченим та новатором Харківського електротехнічного інституту професором Павлом Петровичем Копняєвим. Він був і першим завідуючим кафедри.
Теоретична школа кафедри створена відомими вченими та педагогами: професорами П.П. Копняевим, Г.М. Ефросом, В.Л. Беніним, Д.С. Колобковим, доцентами Г.В. Остроумовим, А.П. Сукачовим та іншими.
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту енергетики, електроніки та електромеханікиНаціонального технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут". Протягом останнiх 17 рокiв вана була опорною кафедрою Харкiвського регiону з ТОЕ.
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 4 доктора технічних наук, 3 кандидата технічних наук, 1 кандидат історичних наук, 1 доктор філософії; 3 співробітників мають звання професора, 1 – доцента, 1 – старшого наукового співробітника.
Документ Analytical and physical modeling of the magnetically active part of a linear electric generator with permanent magnets(РС Теshnology Сentеr, 2020) Rezinkin, O. L.; Getman, Andriy; Buryakovskiy, Sergei; Kubrik, B.В автономних системах, що потребують компактного джерела електроенергiї, а також при необхiдностi спрощення механiзмiв конструкцiї енергосистем, все бiльш широке застосування знаходять лiнiйнi електрогенератори. Для дослiдження характеристик лiнiйного електрогенератора запропонована аналiтична модель його магнiтоактивної частини. В основу моделi покладено припущення про перiодичнiсть лiнiйного посту-пального руху якоря вiдносно нерухомої цилiндричної обмотки. На основi уявлення магнiтного поля, яке створює якiр електрогенератора, цилiндричними гармонiками скалярного потенцiалу, проведено аналiз магнiтного потоку, створюваного iндуктором, конструкцiя якого мiстить кiлька попарно-протилежно орiєнтованих цилiндричних постiйних магнiтiв. Використання уявлень на основi цилiндричних гармонiк для магнiтного потоку i ЕРС, яка наводяться в круговому контурi, дозволило обґрунтувати рацiональну кiлькiсть цилiндричних магнiтiв якоря i їх геометричнi параметри. Проведено оцiнку втрат, викликаних технологiчною необхiднiстю застосування замiсть суцiльних цилiндричних магнiтiв кiльцеподiбних, з тими ж габаритними розмiрами. Проведено аналiз втрат магнiтного потокозчеплення зi струмовою обмоткою, що виникають у зв'язку з наявнiстю технологiчно необхiдного зазору мiж постiйними магнiтами i секцiями обмотки. Проведено аналiз розташування i комутацiї секцiй обмоток, що дозволило обґрунтувати вибiр рацiонального розмiру в поперечному перерiзу. Для експериментальної перевiрки аналiтично отриманих результатiв була створена фiзична модель лiнiйного електрогенератора з якорем, що мiстить постiйнi цилiндричнi магнiти, поступальний перiодичне рух якого забезпечувалося зовнiшнiм електроприводом. Аналiз зафiксованих за допомогою цифрового осцилографа залежностей ЕРС з невеликою (5 %) похибкою пiдтвердив отриманi аналiтичнi результати i коректнiсть покладених в основу моделi положень.Документ Calculation of electric field distribution in the vicinity of power transmission lines with towers and unmanned aerial vehicles presence(Інститут електродинаміки НАН України, 2018) Rezinkina, M. M.; Sokol, Yevgen I. ; Gryb, O. G.; Bortnikov, A. V.; Lytvynenko, S. A.The results of mathematical modeling of the electric field of overhead power transmission lines (TL) are presented taking into account presence of towers and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for various cases of the TL lines layout: vertical, horizontal and triangular. Numerical calculations of electric field (EF) were performed using finite integration technique and uniaxial perfectly matched layer. In this case the TL lines under the electrical potential were replaced by linear charges located on their axes. The obtained numerical results for the case of towers and UAV absence were compared with the analytical solutions, which showed coincidence of the EF strength moduli within the range of the assigned accuracy of the numerical calculations– 3%. The results of calculations are necessary to determine the flight height of UAVs, safe from the point of view of electromagnetic compatibility of the on-board electronics to influence of the TL EF and TL towers.Документ Calculation of the electric field distribution in the vicinity of the conductive rod(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020) Lytvynenko, SvitlanaThe article reviews the methods of mathematical modeling of electric fields in the vicinity of conducting rods and presents a method developed for calculating the distribution of the electric field strength and potential in systems with conducting rods. This method allows to use a computational spatial grid with a step proportional not to the radius of the rod, but to its length, which is relevant when the ratio of the rods length to its radius is large. The method is applied to the calculation of rods EF, for which this ratio is of the order of 102–103. The proposed method is based on the finite integration method. At the same time, the non-linear decrease in the levels of strength and potential when moving away from the rod in directions perpendicular to its axis is taken into account. The difference coefficients at the nodes surrounding the rod were obtained by integrating over the computational grid cell surfaces of expressions describing the strength and potential of the electric field for an elongated conducting ellipsoid under potential. With this representation of the conducting rod, it was possible to achieve the greatest accordance of calculations with the analytical solution. In practice, the application of the presented method allows for a more accurate calculation of the electric field in the vicinity of a conducting rod, which is either under potential, or in a homogeneous electric field, using a computational grid with a step proportional not to the radius of the rod, but to its length. The non-linear character of the decrease in the strength and potential of the electric field near the rod is taken into account using analytical expressions for a conductive ellipsoid under potential. In the area surrounding the rod and above its top, when using a spatial grid step proportionate with the length of the rod, and not with its radius, the relative errors in calculating the strength decreased from 27 % to 3 %. The results of calculating the electric field of a lightning rod are presented in order to analyze the conditions for the occurrence of upward leaders.Документ A Correlation between Partial Discharge Characteristics and Dendrite Growth Stages in Polyethylene Insulation(American Institute of Physics, 2001) Rezinkina, M. M.; Rezinkin, O. L.; Nosenko, M. I.Документ Designing a structure of the magnetically active part of dipole electromagnets for the system of vertical convergence-separation of beams(РС Теshnology Сentеr, 2021) Getman, AndriyThis paper reports the results of calculating the magnetic parameters for a direct dipole magnet in the system of vertical convergence-separation of particle beams of the upper and lower rings of the heavy-ion collider. An optimized variant of the yoke and superconducting winding structures has been obtained, providing for the assigned value of a homogeneous magnetic field inside the aperture at the minimized contributions of higher-order harmonics, average-integral along the length. The results from the analysis of the transverse pro-jections of the magnetic induction obtained by 2D modeling of two variants of the design of the central cross-section of the dipole electromagnet are presented. The analysis results have established the dependence of the stability of magnetic parameters in the aperture of the electromagnet when the current in the winding changes on the volume of those yoke regions whose magnetization value is close to saturation. A 3D model of the magnetically active part has been built for two variants of the electromagnet design, and the values of the average-integral harmonics of transverse projections of magnetic induction in the aperture have been calculated. The relationship between the third average-integral harmonic of magnetic induction and the size lengths of the yoke and winding has been empirically established, making it possible to correct the heterogeneity of the transverse magnetic field in the aperture of the electromagnet. The results of optimization of the structure of the magnetically active part of the electromagnet are presented on the criteria for a minimum of the values of the average-integral coefficients of magnetic induction, carried out on the basis of correction of the initial geometric parameters of the yoke and winding. An improvement in the stability of magnetic parameters has been demonstrated, by 3 times, as well as a two-fold reduction in the con-tribution to the heterogeneity by the third average-integral harmonic when using a two-row arrangement of the winding turns inside the yoke in the design of the electromagnet.Документ Development of a system of anticoronal shields for the ion beam injector and accelerator of a diagnostic complex for plasma physics research(American Institute of Physics, 1998) Rezinkina, M. M.; Nedzel’ski, O. S.; Khrebtov, S. M.; Rezinkin, O. L.Документ Dielectric dissipation factor in three-core power cables(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2021) Kostiukov, Ivan AleksandrovichThis article is devoted to the analysis of components of variance of the results of measurements of dielectric dissipation factor of insulation layers between the conductive elements of the construction of three core power cables with paper impregnated insulation in a common sheath. The analysis of components of variance was carried out by applying presented relations for the direct calculation of the dielectric dissipation factor. The accuracy of presented relations for the calculation of variance components was verified. The results of carried out analysis have shown that the variance of the dielectric dissipation factor measurements is mostly determined by the variances of multiplication of measurements of aggregate values of dielectric dissipation factor and coefficients depending on the partial capacitances of tested three core cable.Документ Electrical capacitance measurement by scatter ellipse approximation(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2020) Kostiukov, Ivan AleksandrovichThis article is devoted to the substantiation of the possibility of electrical capacitance measurement utilizing equations that are based on the approximation of scattering ellipse, formed by signals proportional to the current flowing through the capacitive tested object and voltage drop on the tested object. On the contrary, to previously developed algorithms, which were based on the approximation of the scattering ellipse by applying the least-squares method, in this case, the approximation was carried out by simply using the values of signals amplitude directly determined from current and voltage curves. The value of the phase shift between the current and voltage curves, which is also necessary to approximate the shape of the scattering ellipse, was determined by using the cross-correlation method. Besides, the article provides formulas for calculating the reactive component of voltage drop on the tested object which is based on the approximation of scattering ellipse without using the least-squares method. Formulas for calculation of the reactive component of the voltage drop on the tested object after the reduction of the quadratic form of the elliptic curve to its canonical form are also given. The results of the impact of the reduction of the quadratic form of scattering ellipse to its canonical form on the value of correlation coefficient between sine curves of current and voltage as well as on the magnitude of major semi-axis and minor semi-axis of scattering ellipse are illustrated. Also, it was shown the relationship between the values of the reactive component of voltage drop on the capacitive tested object, which were determined before the reducing of the quadratic form of scattering ellipse to its canonical form and after such reducing. Despite the rejection of the applying of the least-squares method, to simplify the calculation algorithms, and also despite the presence of a significant noise component in sampled and processed curves of current and voltage, the experimental test has shown the sufficient level of accuracy and, consequently, the possibility of measuring the electric capacitance by approximating the scatter ellipse employing parameters of the quadratic form directly calculated from previously sampled sine curves of current and voltage.Документ Estimation of capacitors stray inductance by the analysis of overdamped discharge current curves(Товариство польських інженерів електротехніки та електроніки, 2021) Kostiukov, Ivan OleksandrovichThis paper gives a description of measurement method which can be used in practice of carrying out measurement of stray inductance of tested capacitive object with the unknown value of electrical capacitance. Stray inductance is determined by means of analysis of previously smoothed by the least squares method curves of discharge current caused by overdamped discharge of tested capacitive object. An example of practical implementation and the analysis of factors that affect the accuracy of proposed method are also given.Документ Estimation of sine signals amplitude by the least squares method: a comparative analysis of accuracy of ellipse fitting algorithms(Академія метрології України, 2020) Kostiukov, I. O.Документ Finding an analytical solution for the cylinder's fluxmetric demagnetizing factor using spherical harmonics(2024) Getman, Andriy; Konstantinov, OleksandrThe work examines an analytical solution for calculating the fluxmetric demagnetizing factor of cylindrical magnets at large values of magnetic susceptibility and an arbitrary value of elongation. The application of the analytical solution for calculating the demagnetizing factor significantly simplifies the modeling and calculation of magnetic characteristics of cylindrical technical objects. A simplified analytical model of the scalar potential of the magnetic field of a cylinder with infinite magnetic favorability, inductively magnetized in a uniform magnetic field, was constructed using an approximate representation of the distribution of fictitious magnetic charges on its surface. The method of spherical harmonic analysis for the magnetic field was used, which made it possible to obtain an analytical representation of the demagnetization field in the central cross section of the cylinder. Limitation of the harmonic series of this representation by seven first harmonics is proposed, and an additional amplitude factor is applied to correct the contribution of the first harmonic to the demagnetization field. This made it possible to compensate for the distortion of the magnetic field near the ends of the cylinder and bring the simplified analytical model closer to the target mathematical model with a uniform demagnetization magnetic field. The reliability of the results of calculating the fluxmetric demagnetizing factor according to the derived formula was evaluated by comparing them with the known results obtained using the numerical method of calculation and according to empirical formulas. It is shown that the proposed approach makes it possible to obtain reliable results of calculating the fluxmetric demagnetizing factor with a deviation of up to 5 % at infinite favorability in the range of cylinder elongation values from 0.01 to 500.Документ Guidelines for the calculation of the individual assignment "The analysis of transient processes in the linear electrical circuits"(National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Rezynkina, M. M.; Kostiukov, I. O.; Lytvynenko, S. A.These guidelines contain general theoretical provisions concerning the topic: "The analysis of transient processes in the linear electrical circuits", as well as the examples of solutions for the typical problems and the list of the individual assignments. These assignments constitute the basis, which allows the students to gain skills in practical application of theoretical knowledge in the field of the analysis of transient processes in the linear electrical circuits. The necessity of the transient processes analysis is caused by the fact that such analysis allows us to detect various surges of voltage and current, which can lead to the emergencies as well as to damage of the equipment subjected to these surges. Transient processes can also lead to the distortions of signals during their transition through the impulse electronic circuits. The guidelines are intended for the students studying the electrical engineering and computer sciences.Документ Guidelines for the calculation of the individual assignment: "The Laplace transform analysis of transient processes in linear electrical circuits"(National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Rezynkina, M. M.; Kostiukov, I. O.; Lytvynenko, S. A.Документ Guidelines of calculation and graphical performing the task on the topic "Calculation of linear DC electric circuits"(Видавничий центр НТУ "ХПІ", 2020) Rezynkina, M. M.; Kiessaiev, O. H.; Rezynkin, O. L.; Lytvynenko, S. A.These guidelines contain the necessary theoretical basis, tasks and examples of calculations of linear DC electric circuits. The task is on the topic "Linear DC electric circuits" of the first semester of students' study of the courses: "Theoretical Basics of Electrical Engineering", "Theory of Electrical and Magnetic Circuits", "Theory of Electric Circuits". The first semester of students’ study in these courses is significant for further study of both theoretical basics of electrical engineering and other specialized disciplines of electrical engineering, for which theoretical basics of electrical engineering are the basic discipline. During the first semester, students learn the basic laws and methods of calculation of DC and AC circuits (Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws, mesh current method and nodal potentials methods, the equivalent generator method and the superposition method), which are the base for practical calculations of electric circuits for various purposes. Self-study students’ work by this task should be considered as the basis for successful learning in the next semesters. At this task performance, students can use sources at the end of the guidelines, which contain the theory and examples of the considered problems solution. Guidelines are for students of specialties 141, 151, 171 of full-time and distance forms of study.Документ Guidelines of calculation and graphical performing the task on the topic "Linear electric circuits of harmonic current"(2020) Rezynkina, M. M.; Kiessaiev, O. H.; Rezynkin, O. L.; Lytvynenko, S. A.The methodical instructions are intended for students of the specialties 141 "Electric Power, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics", 151 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies", 171 "Electronics" of full-time and distance forms of study.Публікація The historiography of formation and development of theoretical electrical engineering in Ukraine (XX – early XXI century)(Instytut Spraw Administracji Publicznej, Polska, 2020) Lavrinenko, OlgaThe article is devoted to the coverage of the level of scientific elaboration of formation and development of theoretical electrical engineering in Ukraine in the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries. The author has conducted a comprehensive historiographical analysis of the numerous publications on the formation of this direction in Ukraine and has identified two chronological periods: Soviet era (1930–1991) and modern period (after 1991). Each of these periods have its own characteristics that influenced the collection of scientific literature. Therefore, the complex historiographical research has comprehensively highlighted the directions of scientific investigation and formed the hierarchical structure of the scientific historical work, and the gradual analysis of the literature helped to reveal and distribute the information on the formation and development of theoretical electrical engineering as the basic direction of electrical engineering in Ukraine.Документ Improving the technology for ensuring the magnetic cleanliness of small spacecraft(РС Теshnology Сentеr, 2023) Getman, AndriyThe object of this study is the technology of ensuring magnetic cleanliness when applied to small spacecraft (SC) with overall dimensions of ~1 m in terms of minimizing the effect of magnetic interference on the on-board magnetometer. As part of solving the general problem of increasing the reliability of spacecraft, the task of improving the technology of magnetic cleanliness is considered. It is shown that the use of the multi-dipole model for the calculation of ~50 nT magnetic interference is limited in the design of small space vehicles that have an increased installation density. The expediency of using a model of its spherical harmonics instead of a multi-dipole model to represent the magnetic field of satellite components was theoretically justified. For the practical application of the model, the budgeting of the projections of the magnetic induction of hindrance to the onboard magnetometer according to the experimentally determined coefficients of the dipole, quadrupole and octupole spherical harmonics is proposed. An algorithm for calculating the coordinates of the location and projections of the magnetic moment of the dipole source inside the satellite based on the results of measuring the coefficients of spherical harmonics of its components is proposed. The possibility of representing the coefficients of the spherical harmonics of the magnetic field of the entire satellite in the form of the sum of the listed corresponding coefficients obtained during field measurements of the components is theoretically justified. It is proposed to use the difference between the calculated and measured values of the corresponding coefficients as a criterion for the quality of the work to ensure magnetic cleanliness. If the proposed procedure is used in the space industry, the quality of ensuring the magnetic cleanliness of small space vehicles can be increased, thereby improving the reliability of their operation in orbit.Документ Interval frequency estimation by cross-correlation analysis(IOP Publishing, 2021) Kostiukov, I. A.This paper presents a substantiation of interval frequency estimation which can be carried out based on frequency dependence of calculated values of cross-correlation coefficient between analyzed signal and reference sine function with zero initial phase. In considered approach the interval of frequencies which contains the exact frequency of analyzed signal is established by finding the range of frequencies limited by the maximum value of the main lobe and the closest zero crossing of this lobe. The results of carried out simulations for interval frequency estimation of a multifrequency signal are also given.Публікація Mathematical model for the evaluation of dielectric properties of inner layers of insulation in three-core belted cables(Товариство польських інженерів електротехніки та електроніки, 2023) Kostiukov, Ivan; Lytvynenko, Svitlana; Lavrinenko, OlgaThis paper presents a discussion of properties of the modified inspection scheme, which is used in practice of evaluation of partial capacitances and dielectric dissipation factor of insulating layers in three-core power cables by using aggregate measurements. The applying of the proposed modification allowed to develop an alternative approach for the evaluation of partial capacitances and dielectric dissipation factor.Документ Mathematical modelling of the electric field of carbon nanotube arrays used in cold cathode electron emission devices(Elsevier Inc., Netherlands, 2021) Rezinkina, M. M.Influence of the ratios of the carbon nanotube arrays geometrical parameters (height to radius – H/R, distance between the individual nanotube to height – S/H) on their properties to enhance the electric field strength at their tips and to accumulate electrostatic charge have been investigated. It was done with the help of their electric field mathematical modelling. Such modelling has shown that dependences of the emission current density on S/H ratio have maximums that are determined both by H/R and the applied electric field strength levels.