Кафедра "Українознавство, культурологія та історія науки"
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Кафедра "Українознавство, культурологія та історія науки" створена в 2018 році на основі об’єднання кафедр: "Етика, естетика та історія культури" (від 1977), "Історія науки і техніки" (від 2004) і "Політична історія" (1920-ті рр.).
Кафедра входить до складу Навчально-наукового інституту соціально-гуманітарних технологій Національного технічного університету "Харківський політехнічний інститут". Основою концепції виховної роботи є гуманізація й гуманітаризація всього навчального процесу.
У складі науково-педагогічного колективу кафедри працюють: 1 доктор історичних наук, 8 кандидатів історичних наук, 3 – філософських, 2 – технічних, 1 філологічних; 1 співробітник має звання професора, 13 – доцента.
Документ 135 lat Politechniki Charkowskiej(Politechniki Gdańskiej, 2020) Gutnyk, Maryna; Chrzan, Krystian LeonardW pracy opisano 135 letnią historię Politechniki Charkowskiej, jednej z najstarszych uczelni technicznych Imperium Rosyjskiego i niepodległej Ukrainy. Po zniesieniu pańszczyzny w Rosji w 1861 roku powstały warunki do rozwoju przemysłu. Brak kadry technicznej spowodował konieczność zorganizowania uczelni technicznych. Profesorowie Politechniki Charkowskiej stanowili trzon kadry młodszych Politechnik w Imperium Rosyjskim i ZSRR.Документ 15 років Етнографічному музею "Слобожанські скарби" ім. Г. Хоткевича НТУ "ХПІ"(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Красіков, Михайло МихайловичДокумент "1941–1945: фотоісторія у родинному альбомі"(НТУ "ХПІ", 2015) Красіков, Михайло МихайловичДокумент 72 переводчика: древняя легенда в компьютерную эпоху(НТУ "ХПИ", 2014) Евсеев, Сергей ЛеонидовичСтатья посвящена вопросу творческого потенциала глобальной сети. Показано, что при производстве информации с помощью программных средств, в гипертекстуальной среде Интернета могут возникать ложные смыслы, как в случае с "72 переводчиками" Острожской Библии. Отсутствие эффективного контроля качества приводит к увеличению вероятности возникновения фиктивного знания, а благодаря простоте обмена и заимствования (команды "копировать" и "вставить") – к порождению новых смыслов и бессмыслиц.Документ Abram Slutskin and Radiophysics in Ukraine of the First Half of the 20th Century: World Dimension(Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2022) Tverytnykova, Elena; Gutnyk, MarynaThe article discusses the scientific and pedagogical activity of the outstanding Ukrainian radiophysicist Abram Slutskin in the context of the development of world radiophysical research. It is substantiated that the theoretical works of the scientist defined a new direction of research in Ukraine, namely the radar, and were important for the development of ultrahigh frequency physics. Innovative research initiated by Abram Slutskin found application in new defense technologies, military equipment, and special devices for medicine, biology, navigation, communications, household television and the radio industry. The article proves that Abram Slutskin had priority in launching research in the field of biophysics in Ukraine. The research on the use of ultrahigh frequencies for treatment of oncological patients carried out by scientists were unique for that time. Abram Slutskin᾽s graduate students became well-known specialists, who further developed the scientist’s ideas by initiating innovative areas of research and creating new institutions. We have grounds to consider Abram Slutskin as one of the founders of the Ukrainian scientific radio-physical school.Документ "ART WAY-2017". Хроніка подій(НТУ "ХПІ", 2017) Красіков, Михайло МихайловичДокумент Beckmann's family contribution to the development of European motor transport at the beginning of XX century(Київський національний університет ім. Т. Г. Шевченка, 2019) Gutnyk, Maryna; Krystian, Leonard ChrzanThe formation of the automotive industry in Europe in the early twentieth century was considered. The data about car development in Great Britain, France and Germany is given. It was shown how the automobile racing influenced on the development of cars, in particular the transition from cars creation with a steam engine to cars creation with an internal combustion engine. More and more people became interested in this type of transportation. It was shown that at that time in Europe there were many workshops where cars were developed by scientists-innovators. Among such pioneers of the car industry is to Beckman's family. The activity of this family starting from Paul Beckman to his son Otto Jr. and even his daughter Ilse is presented. To date, it is extremely limited information about Beckmann's family contribution to the automotive industry in Europe. It was Paul Beckmann who started constructing cars in Wroclaw. At the factory which was founded by his father the production of both as small cars and as trucks and even sports was organized. It is noted that before the beginning of the World War I the most efficient cars developed a speed of up to 95 km/h. Beckmann's family cars became prize-winners of the international competitions of that time. It is stated that Paul Beckman can be considered the initiator of a safety belt. His cars were equipped with special leather straps. It should be noted that the company successfully developed and had a dealer network in Germany, Poland and Russia. During the interwar period, the company collapsed and was bought by a larger brand. However, Otto Jr., son of Paul Beckman, continued to take care of a family business. Today there is only one car with the mark of the Wroclaw car factory.Документ Blended education та зміна ролі викладача в освітньому процесі(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2018) Міщенко, Марина МиколаївнаДокумент Chornobyl: a History of the Past or a Demonstration. How Science Can Solve the Problems of the Future?!(Serednyak T. K., 2019) Sokol, Y.; Minakova, K.; Petrov, S.; Radohuz, S.; Lazurenko, O.; Zaitsev, R.; Lavrova, I.; Sincheskul, O.; Ilyinskaya, O.; Shestopalov, O. V.The possibilities of a well-known historical event as a starting point for teaching various scientific and technical aspects are shown. In particular, it is indicated how, as an example of the Chornobyl disaster, it is possible to elucidate in detail the principles of the work of the nuclear power engineering and the scientific basis of the processes that took place during and after the accident (based on sections of the school course of physics covering nuclear physics). It is also indicated for scientific discoveries and implementation, as well as engineering and technical solutions that were used during the elimination of the consequences of the accident. Thus, one man-made disaster allows us to disassemble this problem from the history of science and technology, physics, chemistry and ecology. Thus, this approach allows us to introduce the aspects of multidisciplinarity into learning, and to point out the interconnections of different types of sciences, which promotes a better understanding of the need for comprehensive development by students, and motivates the study of natural sciences [1–2].Документ The contribution of Kharkiv enterprises to the rocket and space industry development(Національна академія наук України, 2021) Larin, A. A.; Gutnyk, Maryna; Tkachenko, S. S.; Horielova, S. O.The article reviews the contribution of Ukrainian enterprises to the development of the rocket and space industry. The most important part of a space or combat ballistic missile is the control system (CS), on which the success of its application depends. Kharkov enterprises – the “Kommunar” plant and the Design Bureau “Electropriborostroenia” (SDB-692, now the RPA “Khartron”) were the largest manufacturers of control systems not only in Ukraine, but throughout the Soviet Union. These systems were not only produced serially, but also developed at these enterprises. The formation and development of Kharkov enterprises of the space industry is the most important page in the history of the development of not only cosmonautics, but also science and technology. Despite the large number of works devoted to the development of the rocket and space technology in Ukraine, the history of the development and production of control systems has not been sufficiently studied. Due to the secrecy of work in the field of the rocket and space technology (RST), there are very few sources for studying the history of its creation. Therefore, the most important part of the work was interviewing the leading experts of SDB-692 in the field of the rocket and spacecraft control systems, namely with A. M. Kalnoguz, Yu. A. Kuznetsov, V. Ya. Makarenko, V. G. Sukhorebrov and V. A. Uralov. Based on these interviews, a special fund was created in the Central State Scientific and Technical Archive of Ukraine. Control systems for many combat ballistic missiles, including P-7, P-7A, P-12, P-16, as well as the most powerful missile in the world P-36M2, which was named in the USA “Satana” (SS-18 “Satan”), “Proton”, “Zenith”, “Energia” and “Cyclone” launch vehicles, “Kvant”, “Kvant-2”, “Crystal”, “Priroda”, “Spectrum” orbital modules, more than 150 satellites of the “Cosmos” series and other objects were developed and serial produced at Kharkov enterprises. In the 1970s, SDB-692 created the USSR᾽s first onboard digital electronic computer. On its basis, a test and launch complex “Electronic launch” was developed, designed for pre-launch testing of control systems for ballistic missiles and launch vehicles.Документ The contribution of Technological institute teachers to the transformation of the architectural space of Kharkiv city(Дніпровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара, 2022) Gutnyk, Maryna; Tverytnykova, OlenaThe article analyzes the transformation processes that took place in the Kharkiv city in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Kharkiv was one of the largest cities in the South of the then Russian Empire. With the beginning of the industrial revolution, the urban environment changed in its facilities and infrastructure. The interaction of city dwellers with the built environment was manifested in the erection of stone townhouses, the opening of the Institute of Technology, a Public Library, and religious buildings, as well as the improvement of life conditions. It was the teachers and graduates of the Institute of Technology who played a leading role in the development of the urban environment. Among the leading architects of that time, it is necessary to single out the achievements of Marian-Jozef-Zdzislaw Charmanskyi, Oleksiy Beketov, Oleksandr Hinzburh, Serhyi Zagoskin, and Mykhailo Lovtsov. If at the end of the XIX century the architectural style of the city of Kharkiv was more of a combination of rationalism, Neo- Renaissance and Neo-Gothic, then from the beginning of the new century the city was built in the Art Nouveau style. It was on the territory of Ukraine that this style had its peculiarities, the so-called Ukrainian Art Nouveau (Modern) appeared. Today, Kharkiv has the largest number of buildings in this style.Документ Development of polytechnical education on the territory of modern Ukraine(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019) Gutnyk, MarynaДокумент Development of technical education in the city of Kharkov: the contribution of Vikentii Khomych Gerburt-Geibovych(Київський національний університет ім. Т. Г. Шевченка, 2019) Gutnyk, MarynaThe work of the leading scientist in the field of mechanics – Vikentii Khomych Gerburt-Geibovych is analyzed. He became one of those who, after the successful graduation from the Kharkiv Practical Technological Institute, stayed in this educational establishment as a teacher. In addition, his further activities contributed to the establishment of higher technical education in Ukraine. It should be noted that for a long time the name of this scientist was out of the attention of historians of science and technology. Therefore, taking into account the scientific work by V. Gerburt-Geibovych, as well as the using of archival materials, it is worthwhile the outlining of the results of the scientific activity of this scientist. Information about the future scientist's family is provided. In particular, it is stated that he was from a noble family. The talented graduate of KhPTI was invited to work at this educational institution. It is shown what subjects the scientist taught. Heredity in teaching the course of flour-mill production from the teacher – Professor K. Zworykin to the student – V. Gerburt-Geibovych was traced. The information about the probation of a scientist at the enterprises of Russian Empire is considered. V. Gerburt-Geibovych᾽s formation as a scientist is shown. For example in 1902 the scientist with Professor G. O. Latyshev, on behalf of the Kharkiv Agricultural Society, became one of the organizers of ploughs testing at Yankivsky Estate of the merchant P. I. Kharitonenko. In order to maintain an appropriate level of knowledge and exchange of information in 1909, the scientist visited the IX congress of flour mills and the 1st All-Russian flour-grinding exhibition held in St. Petersburg in the so-called "salt city". In 1911, the scientist was in a scientific trip in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland, where he inspected the several mills, elevators and factories that produced machines for mills. The activity of the scientist in the development of a new course of lectures – wood technology is analyzed. His research not only in the field of mechanics but also in botany is shown. The expert work of the scientist, including in the equipping of the salt-making plant and in the designing of mills, is shown. The activity of the scientist at the posts of the deputy chairman of the Student technical society and the chairman of the Committee for the needy students of KhTI are considered. Every month Academic Committee received a request from the students for material assistance. Funds for such payments were provided by citizens from all over the Russian Empire who arranged special evenings, performances for the students of the KhTI, some of them left the wills, where the estates departing in favor of students. The scientist had to consider applications, manage the distribution of funds and made reports. On the pages of "Proceedings of South Russian Association of Technologists" the reports about received funds were published: sponsors were indicated by name and the amount of donations. The information about cooperation of V. Gerburt-Geibovych with the Southern Russian Society of Technologists, the editorial office of the "Melnyk" magazine and the edition "People's Encyclopedia" was provided. In particular, in 1910, he published his articles "About the article A. M. Erlanger", "Effect on the quality of the flour of forced work of roller machines and prepacking", "About the needing of thorough separation of small impurities before the grain delivering to cockler". Next year, in the magazine "Melnyk", he published his article "About cooklers and methods of grain cleaning". It was shown that the scientist was one of the founders of women's polytechnic education in Ukraine. The presence of five daughters in the family became a significant incentive for Vikentii Khomych to open the Women's Polytechnic Institute in Kharkiv. The first years of functioning of this newly created institution are considered. It is alleged that wife of a scientist and one of the daughters graduated from the Women's Polytechnic Institute. In addition, in June 1919 Vikentii Khomych elected the vice-rector of the Kharkov Technological Institute. Emphasis is made on significant stress in the work, which led to a weakening of the scientist's health. Thanks to interviewing of relatives of the scientist, the year of his death was ascertained. Despite a rather short life course, only 48 years old, the scientist has left a distinctive mark in the history of the Kharkiv Technological Institute, which he graduated from. The memory of prominent ancestor remains among his descendants.Документ "Docudays.ua" та інші проекти документального кінематографу в Україні(НТУ "ХПІ", 2015) Міщенко, Марина МиколаївнаСпецифіка документального кіно полягає, перш за все, в фактах, які ретельно підібрано, глибоко осмислено й ґрунтовно підтверджено матеріалами, які не завжди є доступними глядачам (ті ж архівні данні). Підйом українського документального кіно відбувся ще в період "перебудови". Процеси національно-культурного відродження, що сталися в усіх соціогуманітарних науках, не оминули й кіномистецтво. Звільнення мистецтва від тиску ідеологічної цензури радянських часів сприяло зрушенню процесів національної самоідентифікації. Головною проблемою документального жанру є просування стрічок до кінотеатрів. І яскравим прикладом вдалої реалізації прокату кінодокументалістики є єдиний в Україні міжнародний фестиваль документального кіно про права людини "Dokudays.ua", що проходить щороку в березні в Києві.Документ Dolnośląskie domy technika, siedziby not(Instytut Napędów i Maszyn Elektrycznych KOMEL, 2018) Chrzan, Krystian Leonard; Gutnyk, MarynaW artykule opisane zostały Domy Technika na Dolnym Śląsku, czyli lokalne siedziby Naczelnej Organizacji Technicznej NOT we Wrocławiu, Jeleniej Górze, Legnicy, Świdnicy i Wałbrzychu. Dom Technika we Wrocławiu jest unikalny ze względu na swoją kubaturę i wystrój architektoniczny, nie tylko na Dolnym Śląsku, ale i w skali całego kraju. Porównywalnym budynkiem dysponuje tylko stołeczna Warszawa na ul. Czackiego 3/5. Spośród Domów Technika w innych miastach dolnośląskich wyróżnia się siedziba NOT w Świdnicy. Wykorzystano tu zabytkowy kościół i basteję, które po remoncie i przebudowie zaadoptowano do nowych celów.Документ Ecological Urban Planning of Ukrainian Cities in the Late 19th – Early 20th Cent.: Tram Traffic and Research in the Field of Electric Traction (to the 130th Anniversary of the 1st Electric Tram in Ukraine)(Національний технічний університет України "Київський політехнічний інститут ім. Ігоря Сікорського", 2022) Tverytnykova, Olena; Gutnyk, Maryna; Salata, HalynaThe main goal of the study is to reveal the peculiarities of the emergence and formation of the tram system, as well as to outline the impact of using this type of urban transport on the urbanization of Ukrainian cities in the late 19th – early 20th cent. It is claimed that this type of transport was and still remains the most environmentally friendly. The forerunner of the electric tram – horse-drawn – had several significant shortcomings: its introduction was limited by the terrain and the life expectancy of the animal. Further attempts to use the steam engine were also unsuccessful. The creation of the electric tram expanded the use of public transport. Belgian companies played a significant role in the introduc- tion of tram transport in Ukraine. The popularity of electric trams contributed to further research in the field of electric traction and the construction of tram cars, as well as the design of cities in general. A number of Ukrainian scientists played a remarkable role in the development of tramways, such as Fedir Pirot- skyi, Hryhorii Dubelir, Pavlo Kopniaiev, Oleksandr Pohorelko, Ivan Nekrasov, Oleksandr Potebnia, and others. Nowadays, the research on public transport and a thorough analysis of the extensive use of trams are particularly important in the face of environmental problems in large cities of Ukraine.Документ The Fe-C diagram – History of its evolution(Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій, 2023-12-24) Gutnyk, Maryna; Nürnberger, FlorianThe evolution of concepts and methods of physical and chemical science that contributed to the formation of the Fe-C diagram during the previous centuries is considered. Despite the classical knowledge, there are still differences in the representation of the Fe-C diagram by scientists from different countries, in particular, the data of scientists from Germany, Poland, Ukraine, the USA, and Australia are somewhat mismatched. The authors tried to understand the reasons for this discrepancy. To conduct the research, general scientific methods of cognition were used: comparative analysis and synthesis, as well as a chronological one. It is claimed that the first studies of carbon content in steel were carried out in 1802. Further research development began in 1827–1829 when it was established that graphite is pure carbon. It is emphasized that further studies of carbon content in steel and cast iron are connected with attempts to create the first graphs of dependence on content and temperature. This, in turn, contributed to the development of the industrial revolution. It is believed that the first complete diagram was presented in 1897 by Roberts-Austen. Later, with the use of X-ray methods and microscopy, the Fe-C diagram gradually took on a new form. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists actively proposed their phase diagrams. Studies conducted by scientists of different countries during 1909–1911 gained a consolidation, which was produced at the 6th Congress of the International Association for testing materials meeting into the unification of the names of phase transformations. Further research until the beginning of the Second World War was aimed at the creation of “pure” steel, that is, without harmful impurities, and clarifying the transformation temperatures. The period of the Great Depression in the USA and the war in Europe did not contribute to scientific research. At the same time, for the mass production of steel and cast iron, errors in critical points of a few degrees did not have a significant impact, that is, refining the temperatures of phase transformations were not considered appropriate. Today’s trend in scientific research is aimed at solving environmental problems caused by the industrial revolution.Документ Formation of academic integrity skills in the educational process (example of Ukraine).(2023) Ткаченко, Світлана Сергіївна; Гутник, Марина ВалеріївнаДокумент Formation of the health protection educational space in NTU "KhPI"(Publishing House The Academy of Management and Administration, 2021) Hliadia, Serhii; Motenko, Yaroslav; Shyshkina, Yevheniia KostyantynivnaIn the paper the features of implementation of the physical training in NTU “KhPI” are revealed as important components of national technical elite education. Authors conditionally divide the process of forming of health protection educational space in the university into four stages covered the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 21st centuries. Having begun as amateur movement, this process as a result of certain historical circumstances was effected by the state deforming, militaristic influence. Since the second half of the 20th century the health protection environment of the university began to function as а people-centered educational system. Pedagogical collective of NTU “KhPI” succeeded in harmonic connection of higher education institution capacities focused on effective functioning of mass awareness-health segment both with fulfillment of the ambitions of big sport. Introduction of P.E. specialty on the department of physical education opened new unique possibilities for the students of NTU “KhPI” and encouraged the pedagogical.Документ George Bothezat and his Contribution into the World Aviation and Astronautics(ВД "Академперіодика", 2022-01) Zhurilo, D. Yu.; Gutnyk, M. V.; Zhurilo, A. G.The article dedicated the life and scientific way of George de Bothezat, the first Doctor of Sciences in the field of aviation. Together with Nikolay Zhukovsky, Igor Sikorsky, Stephen Timoshenko, Alexander Fan-der-Flit, and Alexey Lebedev, he was one of the organizers of the Air Fleet of the Russian Empire. He is the author of various inventions: gyroscopic sight and other types of aviation equipment. We analyze works by G. Bothezat on the impulse theory of propellers. In particular, the scientist derived formulas for ensuring the flight stability of airplanes and helicopters. He developed training ballistic tables, which allowed making corrections for the speed of the flight and the direction of the wind. We briefly described a biography of G. Bothezat, focusing on the student period of his life in Kharkiv, Ukraine, and the reasons for G. Bothezat’s departure to the United States in 1918. It is stated that it was there that his talent as a designer and creator of helicopters of the original system was disclosed in the best way. In 1922, George Bothezat obtained the financial support of the American govern- ment to build a workable helicopter model without prototypes and experiments, only based on the results of calculations. The reasons why G. Bothezat did not manage to achieve the launch of the serial production of helicopters are analyzed. We also mention the activi- ties of the company founded by G. Bothezat, which was engaged in the production of fans of a new type for the US Navy. The Bothezat system fans were installed at the Rockefeller Center in New York as well as in American tanks. It is emphasized that I. Sikorsky also used the works of G. Bothezat in his research. It is stated that the flight trajectory calculated by G. Bothezat in air and airless space was used in the development of the American program of a manned landing on the Moon using the “Apollo” system.