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Документ An adaptive method for building a multivariate regression(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Pavlov, Alexander; Holovchenko, Maxim; Drozd, ValeriiaWe propose an adaptive method for building a multivariate regression given by a weighted linear convolution of known scalar functions of deterministic input variables with unknown coefficients. As, for example, when multivariate regression is given by a multivariate polynomial. In contrast to the general procedure of the least squares method that minimizes only a single scalar quantitative measure, the adaptive method uses six different quantitative measures and represents a systemically connected set of different algorithms which allow each applied problem to be solved on their basis by an individual adaptive algorithm that, in the case of an active experiment, even for a relatively small volume of experimental data, implements a strategy of a statistically justified solving. The small amount of data of the active experiment we use in the sense that, for such an amount, the variances of estimates of unknown coefficients obtained by the general procedure of the least squares method do not allow to guarantee the accuracy acceptable for practice. We also proposed to significantly increase the efficiency of the proposed by O. A. Pavlov. and M. M. Holovchenko modified group method of data handling for building a multivariate regression which is linear with respect to unknown coefficients and given by a redundant representation. We improve it by including some criteria and algorithms of the adaptive method for building a multivariate regression. For the multivariate polynomial regression problem, the inclusion of a partial case of the new version of the modified group method of data handling in the synthetic method proposed by O. A. Pavlov, M. M. Golovchenko, and V. V. Drozd, for building a multivariate polynomial regression given by a redundant representation, also significantly increases its efficiency.Документ Analysis of finite-difference approximation of code "FLOW" in performing design calculations of parameters in the primary and secondary circuits of VVER reactor plant(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Lys, Stepan; Yurasova, Oksana; Galyanchuk, IgorIn code package “FLOW” energy and coolant hydrodynamics equations, neutron kinetics equations and equations of heat conduction in metalwork and fuel rods are solved together. Processes described by these equations are characterized by different time constants and during calculation different degree of time and space discretization is required. The objective of the work was demonstration of stability of numerical schemes used in “FLOW" program and its modules, assessment of error of numerical solution for nodalization. Initial differential equations in partial derivative of the law of conservation of mass, energy and momentum are reduced to the system of usual differential equations on the basis of spatial approximation with the use of integro-interpolation method. Approximation was performed by integrating the initial differential equations in partial derivatives within the limits of each elemental volume of division by spatial coordinate. The usage of integro-interpolation method provides fulfilment of laws of conservation on computational mesh as a whole and the second order of approximation by spatial coordinate. The usage of integro-interpolation method provides fulfilment of laws of conservation on computational mesh as a whole (conservatism of approximation method) and the second order of approximation by spatial coordinate. Effect of limiting error of integration in “FLOW” code on pressure values at the core outlet and mass discharge from the leak is not practically distinguished. Effect of these errors on the values of coolant flow rates at the core inlet and outlet becomes more noticeable. Still, maximum value of these differences doesn’t exceed 7 % for flow rate at the core inlet. More substantial differences (of the order of 10–15 %) are observed in the course of calculated temperature of fuel rod cladding.Документ Analysis of pollutants emissions in the conditions of combustion of alternative and traditional solid fuels(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Levytska, O. H.; Tsarenko, V. V.The problem of pollutant emissions and the correlation of emission values with climate change is an extremely urgent task today. Climate change is causing glaciers to melt, which is causing water levels in reservoirs to rise. The issues of environmental pollution by the products of combustion of solid fuels are becoming more and more relevant. Among the pollutants that enter the air after the combustion of fuel in the furnaces of boiler units, there are also greenhouse gases that stimulate the greenhouse effect, causing climate change. The work determines emission indicators and emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air. The task of the work is to identify and recommend the use of modern and effective methods for reducing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. The work uses analytical articles and sites that raise the problem of climate change. The work also shows the results of calculating pollutant emissions from combined heat and power boilers, carried out according to the recommendations of national guidelines. A high value of dust emission is typical for straw and flax fescue. In terms of nitrogen oxide emissions, wood waste has the highest values. Slightly lower values for the emission of carbon dioxide, methane, NMVOC are determined for wood waste. It is important to note that when gaseous fuels are burned, there will be no emissions of suspended particulate matter. It should also be noted that natural gas and wood waste do not contain sulfurcontaining compounds, which ensures the absence of sulfur dioxide in flue gases when fuels are burned. However, when gases are burned, mercury compounds can be released in trace amounts. One of the options for solving the problem is the transition to alternative energy sources. Проблема викидів забруднюючих речовин та кореляція значень викидів зі зміною клімату є надзвичайно актуальним завданням сьогодення. Зміна клімату спричиняє танення льодовиків, що веде до підвищення рівня води у водоймах. Питання забруднення навколишнього середовища продуктами згоряння твердого палива стають все більш актуальними. Серед забруднюючих речовин, які потрапляють в повітря після згоряння палива в топках котельних агрегатів, є і парникові гази, що стимулюють парниковий ефект та можуть бути причиною зміни клімату. В роботі визначаються показники емісії та викиди забруднюючих речовин в атмосферне повітря. Завданням роботи є виявлення та рекомендація до використання сучасних та ефективних методів зменшення викидів забруднюючих речовин в атмосферу. У роботі використані аналітичні статті та сайти, які порушують проблему зміни клімату. У роботі також наведено результати розрахунку викидів забруднюючих речовин від комбінованих теплоенергетичних котлів, виконаних відповідно до рекомендацій національних методик. Високе значення викиду пилу характерно для костриці солом'яної і льняної. За рівнем викидів оксидів азоту деревні відходи мають найвищі значення. Дещо нижчі значення викиду вуглекислого газу, метану, НМЛОС визначаються саме для деревних відходів. Важливо відзначити, що при спалюванні газоподібного палива не буде викидів зважених твердих частинок. Також слід зазначити, що природний газ і деревні відходи не містять сірковмісних сполук, що забезпечує відсутність діоксиду сірки в димових газах при спалюванні палива. Однак при спалюванні газів сполуки ртуті можуть виділятися в незначних кількостях. Одним з варіантів вирішення проблеми є перехід на альтернативні джерела енергії.Документ Comparative analysis of technical, economic, weight, and size characteristics of horizontal and vertical steam generators for 1000 mw nuclear power plant units(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Yefimov, O. V.; Pylypenko, M. M.; Kavertsev, V. L.; Harkusha, T. A.; Sydorkin, S. D.; Chyzhyk, O. V.A comparative analysis of the technical characteristics and parameters of horizontal and vertical steam generators for reactor installations with water coolant in modern 1000 MW NPP power units has been conducted. It is noted that the peculiarities of the design schemes and constructions of steam generators in NPP power units with water coolants are significantly influenced by the strong dependence between the coolant temperature at the steam generator inlet and the pressure in the reactor circuit. The dependencies of coolant and working substance temperature changes and the amount of heat transferred in steam generator elements have been considered. The t-Q diagram of a steam generator with a water coolant featuring a non-boiling economizer, evaporator, and superheater is presented. The parameters of water coolants and working substances in nuclear power plant steam generators are provided. The t-Q diagram for steam generators without a superheater section is shown, because in modern 1000 MW nuclear power plant units with steam generators which use water as the working substance in the steam-turbine cycle, saturated steam without superheating is used. This is because minor superheating of the steam does not significantly increase the efficiency of the steam-turbine cycle but requires significant complexity in the design of the steam generators. It is noted that the correct choice of their structural schemes is crucial in the creation of steam generators with water coolants. It has been proven that the characteristics determining the structural schemes of steam generators with water coolants are: the scheme of washing the heat exchange surface with the coolant, the form of the heat exchange surface, the layout of steam generator elements, the principle of working substance movement, and others. Виконано порівняльний аналіз технічних характеристик і параметрів горизонтальних і вертикальних парогенераторів для реакторних установок з водним теплоносієм сучасних енергоблоків АЕС потужністю 1000 МВт. Зазначено, що на особливості конструктивних схем і конструкцій парогенераторів енергоблоків АЕС з водними теплоносіями великий вплив робить існування сильної залежності між температурою цих теплоносіїв на вході в парогенератор та їх тиском в контурі реактора. Відмічено, що конструкції і характеристики горизонтальних парогенераторів енергоблоків АЕС потужністю 1000 МВт обмежують можливості подальшого підвищення техніко-економічних показників. Визначено, що прямотечійні вертикальні парогенератори з гідравлічною схемою, що передбачає рух робочої речовини в трубках, а водного теплоносія – в міжтрубному просторі, за своїми габаритними і масовими характеристиками значно поступаються прямотечійним вертикальним парогенераторам з водним теплоносієм в трубках, а за масою – також і вертикальним парогенераторам з природною циркуляцією.Документ Consumer behavior in relation to social enterprises and organizations implementing social innovation(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Szabolcs, NagyThis paper examines the growing role of social enterprises, which prioritize both social and environmental goals alongside profit. Despite the increasing prominence of social enterprises, the factors influencing consumer behavior towards them are under-researched. This paper seeks to fill that gap by reviewing the literature on consumer behavior and social enterprises, focusing on the role of social innovation. Through a systematic literature review, it identifies key factors influencing consumer engagement, including ethical concerns, perceived social impact, trust, and transparency. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on social innovation and consumer behavior, offering insights for both academics and practitioners seeking to enhance the relationship between consumers and socially innovative organizations.Публікація CSR in the construction industry: a critical review of conceptual and methodological frameworks(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024-02-14) Nashchekina, O. M.; Tymoshenkov, Ihor Vladyslavovych; Ovsepіan, RuzanaThe construction industry plays a vital role in the socio-economic development of any society. At the same time, the industry produces adverse social and environmental effects, which makes the adoption ofcorporate social responsibility (CSR) by construction companies especially relevant. For CSR management and research purposes, the abstract concept of CSR should be described in a structured and specific way, using certain conceptual and methodological frameworks. The goal of this article is to provide a critical review of the CSR frameworks used in academic literature on CSR in the construction industry and in CSR-related standards. We discuss CSR in terms of the industry-specific material topics proposedin the SASB standards. In particular, we show the importance of life cycle analysis for the construction industry,taking into account the nature of its products. We also show that the CSR of construction companies extends to the environmental impact not only of their own production activities but also of their construction products(buildings, infrastructure objects). We demonstrate that the LEED rating and certification system provides a comprehensive framework for such an important aspect of CSR as green building. In the academic and business literature, broad dimensions of CSR are often defined using the corporate sustainability and ESG concepts, and then narrower, specific topics are identified within each for those dimensions. We summarize such specific topics along economic, social, environmental, and governance dimensions. An alternative approach to defining the dimensions of CSR is through identifying the interests of stakeholders. The most common groups of stakeholders of construction companies referred to in the literature are shareholders, employees, customers, local communities, suppliers and partners, government, competitors, environment. CSR in the construction industry is shaped by external factors, which we categorize into mandatory rules, social pressures, the CSR infrastructure, market pressures, and technological factors. We introduce the CSR infrastructure as a separate external factor because of its scope and role in promoting CSR and removing barriers to its adoption. We stress the role of technological innovations and green building practices in the CSR implementation in the construction industry. The internal factors that stimulate or impede the adoption CSR by a construction company include the company’s values, vision, culture, strategies and the leadership. We emphasize the importance for the construction industry to use a holistic approach to CSR, considering the impacts within the entire value chainДокумент Culture shock in media discourse: philosophical analysis(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Dezhong, WangThe article examines the philosophical opinion of Confucius about benevolence as the core of culture and the justification of the idea of its achievement; it is found that the followers of Confucius studied and improved his teachings, enriching the concept of benevolence and shaping the cultural spirit of the Chinese people. The role of Confucianism in the formation of its unique national character is proven. Challenges to the traditional Chinese concept of kinship from the culture of numbers are considered, which affects political life, education, and everyday life. Thanks to the analysis of the discourse of the media space, the influence of digital media on culture as a whole, as well as the inevitability of culture shock between traditional culture and the culture of the digital, is substantiated.Документ Determination of the risks of adverse impact on the population of nitrates in plant products grown in the territory of the Northern Inguletsk mining and processing complex(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Chernushenkо, E. A.; Kolesnikov, I. R.An important task in the field of food safety expertise is to ensure the quality of plant materials and the production of safe food products. Conducting research on the content of nitrates in plant products of local production is especially relevant in industrial regions. Many studies by scientists on the effects of nitrates and nitrites on humans prove that they are one of the sources of threat to human health. Comparative characteristics of the nitrate content in plant products sold on the market and in stores are given. The nitrate content exceeds the MAC in early potatoes, which were bought at the market, and early tomatoes. Long-term nitrate load, even in small doses, is one of the important toxic risk factors for public health, reduces the body's resistance. The research involved samples of locally produced agricultural crops grown in the area near the enterprises of the Northern and Ingulets Mining and Processing Plants. The levels of nitrate content in the main types of plant-based food products were determined, the risks of adverse effects of controlled nitrates supplied by plant products were calculated, which confirmed the need for continuous monitoring of food raw material safety. Food products were ranked by their contribution to the overall exposure value. Важливим завданням у галузі експертизи харчової безпеки є забезпечення якості рослинної сировини та виробництво безпечної харчової продукції. Проведення досліджень на вміст нітратів у рослинницькій продукції місцевого виробництва є актуальним особливо у промислових регіонах. Багато досліджень вчених щодо впливу нітратів і нітритів на людину доводять, що вони є одним із джерел загрози здоров'ю людей. Наведено порівняльні характеристики на вміст нітратів у рослинній продукції, що реалізується на ринку та в магазинах. Вміст нітратів перевищує ГДК у ранній картоплі, що була куплена на ринку, та ранніх помідорах. Тривале навантаження нітратами навіть у малих дозах є одним із важливих токсичних факторів ризику для здоров'я населення, що знижує стійкість організму. Для досліджень було взято зразки рослинницької сільгосппродукції місцевого виробництва вирощеної на території поблизу підприємств Північного та Інгулецького ГЗК. Встановлено рівні вмісту нітратів в основних видах харчових продуктів рослинного походження, проведено розрахунок ризиків несприятливого впливу контрольованих нітратів, що надходять рослинною продукцією, що підтвердило необхідність проведення постійного моніторингу безпеки харчової сировини. Проведено ранжування харчової продукції за вкладом у загальне значення експозиції.Публікація Development and research of software solution for business process model correctness analysis using machine learning(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Kopp, Andrii Mykhailovych; Orlovskyi, Dmytro Leonidovych; Litvinova, Uliya SerhiivnaPoorly designed business process models are a source of errors and the subsequent costs associated with these errors, such as monetary costs, lost time, or even some harmful impact on people or the environment if the erroneous business process models are associated with critical industries. The BPM (Business Process Management) lifecycle usually consists of designing, implementing, monitoring, and controlling the business process execution, but it lacks continuous quality control of the created BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) models. Thus, this paper considers the problem of business process models classification based on their correctness, which solution will ensure quality control of the designed business process models. Thus, this study aims to improve the quality of business process models by developing a software solution for business process models classification based on their correctness. The subject of the study is the process of business process models classification based on their correctness, which uses quality measures and thresholds, usually, complexity measures. The subject of the study is a software solution for business process models classification based on their correctness. Therefore, in this study, the algorithm to solve the problem of BPMN models classification using logistic regression, interface complexity, and modularity measures is proposed, the software requirements are determined, the software development tools are selected, the software for business process models classification based on their correctness is designed, the corresponding software components are developed, the use of a software solution for solving the problem of business process models classification based on their correctness is demonstrated, the obtained results are analyzed and discussed. The developed software indicates high performance of BPMN models classification based on their correctness, achieving high accuracy (99.14 %), precision (99.88 %), recall (99.23 %), and F-score (99.56 %), highlighting the high performance of modeling errors detection.Документ Didactic materials perception activating methods in distance education(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Bukhkalo, Svetlana Ivanovna; Ageicheva, Anna Oleksandrivna; Belyanskiy, Oleksandr Mykolaiyvych; Rozhenko, Inesa Vitaliivna; Abakumov, Andrii AnaloliyovychThe article is devoted to the creation of didactic materials on various educational subjects at various levels of distance education. The relevance of the work is determined both by the object of research, which has not yet been subject to comprehensive scientific coverage, and by the need to establish the parameters of didactic materials used in distance learning. It was determined that the systematic usage of the innovative approaches improves language competence and formats necessary skills. The materials of the article consider examples the possibilities for determining the educational goals of university students for the purpose of developing the discipline Innovative restaurant technologies, Commodity science and procurement management for the development of complex projects. Developments are carried out using modern highly effective science-based technologies of food production, for example, from types of classification-identification analysis, general concepts and requirements to types of methodology for determining quality indicators of the quality level and their evaluation through the selection of calculation algorithms at various stages of production and use of the obtained goods. Стаття присвячена створенню дидактичних матеріалів з різних навчальних предметів на різних рівнях дистанційної освіти. Актуальність роботи зумовлена як об’єктом дослідження, який ще не підлягав комплексному науковому висвітленню, так і необхідністю встановлення параметрів дидактичних матеріалів, що використовуються в дистанційному навчанні. Визначено, що систематичне використання інноваційних підходів покращує мовну компетенцію та формує необхідні навички. У матеріалах статті на прикладах розглянуто можливості визначення освітніх цілей студентів ВНЗ з метою освоєння дисципліни «Інноваційні технології ресторанного господарства», «Товарознавство та управління закупівлями» для розробки комплексних проектів. Розробки ведуться з використанням сучасних високоефективних науковообґрунтованих технологій виробництва харчових продуктів, наприклад, від видів класифікаційноідентифікаційного аналізу, загальних понять і вимог до видів методології визначення показників рівня якості та їх оцінки шляхом вибору алгоритми розрахунку на різних етапах виробництва за технологічною схемою відповідно до нормативно-технічної документації з метою використання отриманої продукції.Документ Employees with disabilities as internal stakeholders of organisations(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Manczak, Iryna; Bajak, MariaOrganisation should strive to develop lasting relationships with its stakeholders, particularly its employees, who are the cornerstone of the institution’s activities. For this purpose, its strategy should include activities aimed at developing and equalising opportunities for all employees, including those with disabilities. This article aims to present the issue of employees with disabilities as internal stakeholders of an organisation. It outlines areas of support for the analysed social group, including the values provided by the institution. Measures applicable to implementing the concept of corporate social responsibility towards the social group under analysis are also outlined.Документ Energy and operational analysis of continuous surveillance systems based on multirotor UAVs(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Los, Andrii; Veligorskyi, OleksandrDrones are used in many applications, including continuous surveillance and monitoring. They can be used in cases, when the deployment time of surveillance system should be as fast as possible, or when a centralized electric grid is not available: accompanying fire extinguishing and liquidation of emergencies, 24/7 surveillance of the border area, monitoring of open-air events. They also can be used as stationary cameras, carrier of means of radio-electronic intelligence, weather conditions intelligence in airport areas, monitoring of crops, etc. The optimal solution for surveillance of large areas, such as critical infrastructure facilities (nuclear power plants, dams), and military facilities (field bases, ammunition warehouses), is the utilization of a group of drones when a single drone will observe his sector. The development of such systems and analysis of conditions for continuous surveillance taking into account the limitations of drone batteries require deep studies of drone energy consumption in various operation modes. The paper proposes a comprehensive investigation of operation modes of continuous surveillance systems, based on drones with electric-supplied propulsion systems, and optimization of its parameters. In the study, a comprehensive analysis of drones’ energy demands was done and conditions for continuous surveillance were found. Finally, the conclusion was set that external parameters, such as wind speed and direction, can significantly decrease the achievable distance to the observing point.Документ Features of using surfactants to intensify the operation of watered wells(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Burova, M. Y.; Yatskevych, O. O.; Varavina, O. P.At the late stage of field development, the reservoir pressure drops. For various reasons, liquid begins to rise into the bottomhole zone of the formation, which may entail a sharp drop in the gas well production rate and a reduction in the well life. There are many methods of flooded wells operating, among which the method of using foaming surfactants has recently become increasingly widespread. This paper examines the reasons for the influx of liquid into the wellbore, as well as the features of the use of foaming surfactants to intensify gas production from flooded wells. In addition, an overview was made of various types of foaming surfactants used to intensify gas production by removing liquid from flooded wells, their advantages and disadvantages, and the feasibility of using certain types of foaming surfactants was considered, depending on the mineralization of the liquid and the presence of gas condensate in its composition. An algorithm for selecting foaming surfactants to remove liquid from the bottomhole is presented. The requirements for foaming surfactant compositions are set forth. Processes occurring at application of foaming surfactants for liquid removal from wellbore are described. Parameters characterizing properties of foaming surfactants solutions and factors influencing foaming properties of surfactants are indicated. Methods of injecting aqueous solutions of surfactants into production wells are described. The technology of gas well bottomhole treatment with liquid surfactants, methods of process control, as well as problems that may arise when using surfactants are described. На пізній стадії розробки родовищ відбувається падіння пластового тиску в покладі. За різноманітних причин починається підйом рідини в привибійну зону пласта, що може спричинити різке падіння дебіту свердловини по газу і скорочення терміну функціонування свердловини..Існують багато методів експлуатації обводнених свердловин, серед яких останнім часом все більше розповсюджується метод застосування пінотворних поверхнево-активних речовин. У даній роботі розглядаються причини надходження рідини у стовбур свердловини, а також особливості використання піноутворюючих поверхнево-активних речовин для інтенсифікації видобутку газу з обводнених свердловин. Крім цього зроблено огляд різноманітних типів пінотворних поверхнево-активних речовин, що застосовуються для інтенсифікації видобутку газу шляхом винесення рідини з обводнених свердловин, їх переваг та недоліків і розглянута доцільність використання тих чи інших типів пінотворних поверхнево-активних речовин в залежності від мінералізації рідини і наявності газоконденсату у її складі. Наведений алгоритм вибору пінотворних поверхнево-активних речовин для видалення рідини із вибою свердловин. Викладені вимоги до композицій пінотворних поверхнево-активних речовин. Описані процеси, які відбуваються під час застосування пінотворних поверхнево-активних речовин для виносу рідини зі стовбуру свердловини. Зазначені показники, що характеризують властивості розчинів пінотворних поверхнево-активних речовин, та чинники, що впливають на пінотворні властивості поверхнево-активних речовин. Описані методи закачування водних розчинів поверхнево-активних речовин в експлуатаційні свердловини. Описана технологія обробки вибоїв газових свердловин рідкими поверхнево-активними речовинами, методи контролю за веденням процесу а також проблеми, що можуть виникати під час використання поверхнево-активних речовин.Публікація Game theory as a tool for making optimal business decisions in foreign economic activity of enterprises(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Havrys, Olha; Sun, Changan; Kuchina, Svetlana; Gavrys, MykolaThe article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of game theory in making business decisions regarding foreign economic activity by enterprises in conditions of uncertainty. The sources of information on this issue were analyzed and it was found that further development of the application of game theory in the foreign economic activity of enterprises is necessary. It has been established that the ambiguity of economic development trends, which has been especially evident in recent years in Ukraine and the world, and the instability of the market regulation mechanism encourage enterprises to look for new ways to overcome uncertainty in their activities. When solving economic problems, conflict situations often arise, which are caused by the conflicting interests of various structures. The mathematical apparatus for solving this type of problem is game theory, which is the theory of building mathematical models of optimal decision-making in conflict conditions. Game theory is a theoretical direction in science, a set of methods of mathematical analysis and assessment of the rules of behavior of participants in a conflict situation, which involves the interaction of two or more participants (players) in order for each of them to achieve their goals. The advantages of game theory are analyzed, in particular, the possibility of formalizing the process of considering typical scenarios of decision-making by the parties to the conflict and choosing the procedure for coordinating interests that will be optimal for all its participants. The main concepts, principles and classifications of game theory are presented, the foundations for understanding the use of game theory in economics are laid. Analyzing the usefulness of game theory in market competition, development of enterprise development strategy, investment activities and other areas, the possibility of wide application and effectiveness of game theory in decision-making regarding foreign economic activities of enterprises is shown.Документ GAP-аналіз у публічному управлінні розвитком безпечного середовища в сільських територіальних громадах України(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Бульба, Володимир Григорович; Оробей, Віктор ВікторовичУ статті переосмислено класичний підхід до використання методу GAP-аналізу, розглянуто можливості його використання у публічному управлінні сільськими територіями та оцінювання інноваційних підходів, відповідно до стратегічних напрямів щодо розвитку соціальної сфери. Розроблено та запропоновано рекомендації щодо вдосконалення наявних інноваційних підходів. Доведено, що для збереження сільських територій в Україні в умовах російсько-української війни та у післявоєнний період важливим стратегічним пріоритетом публічного управління є розвиток безпечного середовища в сільській громаді (концепція «Безпечна громада», поліцейські станції, електронні послуги, концепція Zero waste, захист навколишнього середовища).Документ Identification of the coefficient in the diffusion model of hydrodynamic flow in a chemical reactor(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Gamzaev, Kh. M.; Bayramova, N.Kh.A chemical technological process taking place in a chemical reactor with a second-order chemical reaction is considered. A one-parameter diffusion model for nonstationary flows is proposed for the mathematical description of the hydrodynamic flow in the reactor. Within the framework of the proposed model, the task is set to identify the longitudinal mixing coefficient according to an additionally specified condition regarding the concentration of the reagent under study at the outlet of the reactor. A special representation is proposed for the diffusion terms in the hydrodynamic flow model in the reactor. The method of difference approximation is used to construct a discrete analogue of this model using explicit-implicit time approximation for diffusion terms. Decomposition is used to numerically solve the resulting system of linear difference equations, as a result of which the system of difference equations for each discrete value of a time variable splits into two mutually independent linear subsystems, each of which can be solved independently, independently of each other. As a result, an explicit formula was obtained for determining the approximate value of the longitudinal mixing coefficient in a hydrodynamic flow. Based on the proposed computational algorithm, numerical calculations were performed for model problems.Документ Implementation of gamification for international companies throughout rebranding: current and possible future approaches(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Pazii, DmytroIn an ever-evolving and dynamic global business landscape, characterized by rapid technological advancements and shifting consumer prefe rences, international companies are continually seeking to enhance their branding strategies through the adop tion of innovative methodologies. One such approach that has garnered significant attention and adoption is the strategic integration of gamification throughout the rebranding process. Extensive market analysis indicates that gamification has emerged as a highly effective tool in not only capturing the attention of key stakeholders but also in fostering deeper engagement among employees, customers, and partners alike. This engagement, in turn, cultivates a pr ofound sense of involvement and loyalty towards the brand, thereby contributing to its long-term success and sustainability in the competitive marketplace. Furthermore, this article goes beyond mere theoretical discourse by presenting meticulously selected real-world examples that showcase the successful deployment of various gamification strategies within international companies undergoing rebranding initiatives. These strategies range from immersive interactive challenges to captivating social media contests, each tailored to suit the specific objectives and target audience of the rebranding campaign. By delving into both current industry practices and exploring potential future avenues, this comprehensive exploration sheds light on the transformative potential of gamification in rebranding efforts. It underscores the pivotal role played by gamification in driving organizational evolution and in fostering enduring brand resonance that transcends geographical boundaries and cultural barriers. As businesses continue to adapt to the ever-changing landscape, harnessing the power of gamification in rebranding endeavors emerges as a strategic imperative for maintaining relevance and achieving sustained growth in the global marketplace.Документ Improving the energy efficiency of container stack assemblydisassembly operations at container terminal yard(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Kovalenko, Valentyn; Turchyn, Olha; Alieksieiev, Volodymyr; Stryzhak, Vsevolod; Strelkov, Maksym; Poliakov, OleksiiContainer storage in the yard decouples fluctuating incoming and outgoing container flows on container terminals and is an important element of the terminal process chain. The efficiency of handling operations in storage area, such as stacking and extraction of containers, has a significant influence on the overall terminal performance. In this respect, optimization of these processes, such as minimization of numerous unproductive movements of surrounding containers, which impede their immediate accessibility, is of particular interest. The relevant problems are well developed in mathematical terms. Optimizing algorithms mainly involve the use of heuristic/hyper-heuristic rules. However, only a small amount of this work focuses on the energy aspect of this problem. This article focuses on the most general approaches to minimizing energy consumption in container stacking operations. The performed analysis of energy consumption of the yard RTG crane for different working movements showed the prevalence of energy consumption when lifting containers. In this regard, attention is drawn to the importance of including in the optimization analysis in addition to the process of retrieving containers from the stack - the process of stack formation. Minimizing the level of the stack's center of gravity just before disassembling can be considered as a goal. Due to the complexity of the problem, an attempt to simplify the rules of container placement is made, taking into account some features of the energy approach. A possible generalized version of the arrangement scheme and the rule of removal of all containers are considered.Документ Integrating advanced human-computer interaction and machine learning models for optimizing VR systems in educational and business applications(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Tao, Li; Honcharenko, TetyanaThis paper presents the development of an advanced Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) model and algorithm integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) to optimize Virtual Reality (VR) systems for educational and business applications. The proposed model enhances user experience and operational efficiency by addressing interface design, user engagement, real-time data processing, and accessibility. Continuous learning and contextual data integration ensure adaptive and personalized interactions, improving the functionality and applicability of VR environments.Публікація International investments and venture capital in the context of growing economic security: challenges for trade organization in EU countries(Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2024) Novik, Iryna; Suslikov, Stanislav; Matrosova, Victoria; Honchar, IrynaThis document extensively examines the challenges faced by EU countries in organizing trade amidst the presence of international investments and venture capital within the context of increasing economic security. The article discusses the impact of venture capital and international investments on the development of the country, analyzing their influence on economic security in EU countries. As a result of investments, on one hand, the country gains more opportunities for positive development across various sectors and promotes active engagement in implementing new ideas into the realm of trade. On the other hand, new tasks arise for the country regarding the regulation and organization of trade, as well as control over capital and the overall state of the economy. Additionally, the article explores strategies that can be utilized to ensure effective trade organization amidst growing economic stability. The pace of modern trade development always demands proactive measures to improve trade processes. Therefore, countries need to continuously evolve, implement new ideas, and ensure the economic security of the nation to remain competitive and foster trade growth. The state of investment and innovation security of Ukraine was considered. The main challenges and threats in the field of investment and innovation security were identified. As a result of the systematization of the main provisions related to international investments and venture capital in the conditions of growing economic security, the main tasks in the field of ensuring the economic security of the state and for the organization of trade in the EU countries were proposed.