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Документ Особенности теплового режима нейтральной атмосферы во время магнитной бури 25.09.98(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Григоренко, Е. И.; Лысенко, В. Н.; Таран, В. И.; Черногор, Л. Ф.The Kharkov incoherent scatter radar observations daring the September 25,1998 severe magnetic storm showed the enhancement of the neutral atmosphere temperature Tn by about-250-720 К over the 250-450 km altitude range. Tn increase is explained in terms of high latitude and local Joule heatinДокумент Особенности работы радара некогерентного рассеяния со сложным зондирующим сигналом(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Скляров, И. Б.; Черняк, Ю. В.In a paper instrumental and methodical peculiarities of a construction of two- frequency systems for a measurement of ionospheric parameters by a IS technique are considered. The structure and operation exposition of a synchronization and assigning system of the radar IS by realizing a two- frequency mode of an ionosphere exploration is reduced. The results of experimental measurements in by using of this mode are presentedДокумент Дискретная модель диска с лопатками газотурбинного двигателя(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Григорьева, П. П.; Лымаренко, Ю. А.; Шамровский, А. Д.Blades and disks are the most loaded elements of gas-turbine engines. In view of the big complexity of a problem, research of their work demands application of the modern methods based on use of the computer. Thus discrete models, as in the best way adapted for such discrete device, as represent the computer, are very interesting. In the article the discrete model of a gas-turbine engine disk with blades is offered, allowing to take into account winding oscillations of blades together with movement of a disk. Use of symmetry of system allows to reduce a task about oscillations of system with the big number of degrees of freedom to a task with two and three degrees of freedom . All mode shapes of oscillations of the system are describedДокумент Анализ чувствительности при комбинированном статико-динамическом нагружении конструкций(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Симсон, Эдуард Альфредович; Назаренко, Сергей Александрович; Зюзин, А. Ю.; Любецкая, В. Б.Sensitivity analysis methods of high both geometric and physical informational content are suggested for complicated FEA models, especially with design variables vector of high dimension, to minimize numbers of straight calculation procedure activation. Computational stages to obtain gradients of constructional functional are investigated. Application domain for developed mathematical apparatus is discussedДокумент Увеличение срока службы режущего инструмента(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Гладкова, В. И.In the article the experiments results at to increasing the service period of the cut tool by drifting the plasma covers by CIB-method and influence the liquid boride method are presented. The drawn a conclusion about advisable using methods in industryДокумент Высотная корреляция квазипериодических флуктуаций мощности некогерентно рассеянного сигнала, сопровождавших прохождение солнечного терминатора и старты космических аппаратов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Бурмака, В. П.; Ерёмин, А. Н.; Подъячий, Юрий Иванович; Таран, В. И.Correlation coefficient variations research results of incoherent scatter signal power fluctuations in the range of heights 100-500 km are described. Quasi-periodic changes of high-altitude correlation coefficient are detected and explained. They are connected with solar terminator movement and launch of space vehicles from the Baikonur and Cape Canaveral cosmodromesДокумент Расчет скоростей скольжения гребней колес относительно рельсов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Маслиев, Вячеслав ГеоргиевичIn clause the specified analytical dependences for calculation of vectors of speeds of sliding of flanges of wheels of a rolling stock on a lateral side of a rail are offered at movement on a railwayДокумент Обзор и сравнение характеристик методов зондирования ионосферы сигналами с разными видами манипуляций(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Бескровцев, Ф. Ю.In article different views of signals, their limitation and advantages surveyed in examination of an ionosphere, and an opportunity of their application in the equipment of a radar incoherent dispersions. Some features of operation of the radio transmitter cicumscribed at application signals with différent views of manipulations equipments of a radar dependent on the circuit solutionДокумент Способ учета начальной температуры объекта органического происхождения при замораживании(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Горбунов, Константин АлександровичIn chemical technology the Planck equation is used for the description of the cooling process of the organic derivation materials with their subsequent refrigerating. By such viewing initial temperature is supposed cryoscopy, that restricts its application for biological objects. In the present paper the method of the account of initial temperature based on the application of the adiabatic approach for the dependence of the volume average temperature for a non-refrigerated part of the object from time is proposedДокумент Положительная фаза ионосферных бурь и особенности ее проявления на средних широтах по данным радара НР в Харькове(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Захаров, И. Г.; Мозговая, О. Л.; Таран, В. И.Magnetic disturbances different in tensity are analyzed by the electron density and vertical plasma drift velocity data that received by incoherent scatter methods at the Institute of ionosphere doring 1997-2002. The effects of ionospheric condition before storm commences are development to the evolution character of ionospheric distribution. It is shown mechanisms inducing are the both the variations of meridional component thermospheric wind velocity and energy ejection through polar caspДокумент Исследование ползучести пологих оболочек на базе уточненной теориии вариационно-структурного метода(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Склепус, С. Н.A creep problem for shallow shells within the framework of the refined theory is considered. The variational formulating of problem is presented. The method of solving of initially-boundary creep problem is based on joint usage of the variational-structural method and the Runge-Kutta-Merson method. The solution structures, the numerical results for creep behavior and the lifetime predictions for spherical shallow shell with different boundary conditions are presentedДокумент Процессы в околоземном космосе, сопровождавшие магнитную бурю 1 октября 2002 года(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Пазюра, С. А.; Черняк, Ю. В.Abstract Parameters variations researches results of ionosphere, which accompanied a magnetic storm with the main phase on October 1, 2002, performed on the Kharkov incoherent scatter radar are presented. According to time variations of concentration, speed, ion temperature of solar wind, induction module variation of IMF measured on artificial satellite "ACE" the picture of the sudden beginning, and also courses of an ionospheres storm is restoredДокумент Информационные возможности цифровой обработки радиосигналов с известной несущей частотой(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Рогожкин, Евгений Васильевич; Белозёров, Д. П.; Ерёмин, А. Н.In modern conditions the fundamental part of signal processing is carried out by a means of digital computer technology. Thereof the digital systems of processing appear by more flexible, that allows to adapt for varied conditions, and thus in the large degree exclude mistakes of analog transformation. In paper the possibilities of the shortest transition from analogue processing (reception, amplification) to digital representations are considered. Signal, at which there are noticeable losses of the informationДокумент Напряженно-деформированное состояние толстостенной цилиндрической оболочки под действием несимметричного давления(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Сало, В. А.The approach is suggested to definition of the stress-strained state of elastic cylinders of any thickness. The used method is based on Reissner's variational principle, R-functions theory, the common equations of the three-dimensional theory of an elasticity, I.N.Vekua's method and algorithm for two-sided estimation of exactitude of approached solutions of the mixed variational problems. Efficiency of the method is shown on exampleДокумент Эффективность решения краевых задач нелинейного изгиба гибких пологих оболочек методом теории R-функций(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Андриевская, Л. С.; Курпа, Лидия Васильевна; Морачковская, Ирина ОлеговнаThe effective method basing on theory of R-functions and variational structural method is developed for solving of non-linear boundary problems. Elastic-plastic bending of thin shallow shells is considered. The problems are reduced to finding of stationar points of suggested mixed variational functionals according to initial linearization by use of schemes of subsequent loading and Newton-Kantorovich jointly with method of varying elastic parameters. The method is used for automatic calculations in «POLE» programming system for calculations of shell structural elements. The numerical justification of the method is given. New laws of non-linear deformation of shallow shells and plates with complex shape in plane are establishedДокумент Лазерная диагностика потоков. Часть 1. Двумерные модуляторы лазерного излучения(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Товажнянский, Леонид Леонидович; Капинос, Василий Максимович; Никитина, Е. В.; Никитин, А. М.Plans of acoustic-optical coherent radiation modulators with fluid fissile devices and the mathematical description of bidimentional acoustic modulation processes are given. The main feature of the described modulator is to derive coherent rays individually oriented in space. Theoretical results for acoustic excitation angles from п/3 to п/2 are observationally confirmedДокумент Конечноэлементный расчет магнитных цепей активных магнитных подшипников на основе уравнений магнитостатики(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Смирнов, М. М.; Мартыненко, Геннадий Юрьевич; Бабенко, Игорь НиколаевичIn work the technique of account of magnetic circuits of active magnetic bearings by a method of final elements and processing of results is of fered with the purpose of definition of discrete parameters of magnetic circuit. The example of account of magnetic circuit with stator as octopole is givenДокумент Узагальнена математична модель структурно зв'язаних механічних систем(НТУ "ХПІ", 2003) Автономова, Людмила Володимирівна; Бондар, Сергій Володимирович; Лавінський, Володимир ІвановичНадана математична постановка мішаної контактної задачі для структурно зв'язаних механічних систем з урахуванням фізично-нелінійного та конструктивно нелінійного деформування елементів при контактному, тепловому й електромагнітному навантаженняхДокумент Влияние структуры наплавленного материала на прочность и долговечность деталей машин(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Березняков, А. И.; Градыский, Юрий Александрович; Стадниченко, Н. Г.The influence of precipitation surface's temperature and the speed of surfacing cooling in the process of material's electromagnetic buiding-up on the fatigue durability and tribomechanical characteristics of the restoration surface were examined. The equation connecting the production of entropy with the speed of material cooling was reached. It was established by the way of experiment that materials thermomagnetic machining leads to the improvement of its structure. It is discovered that details restoration by electromagnetic method leads to the improvement of the structure and tribomechanical properties of the surfaceДокумент Напряженно-деформированное состояние составной матрицы штампа при полугорячем выдавливании металлов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Лавинский, Денис ВладимировичThe analysis of thermal loading on strength and stiffness of semi hot extrusion die was considered in this article. The finite element method which is realized as program package SPACE-T was chosen as tool of solution. The contact interference was solved with contact layer method help
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