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Документ Анализ вынужденных колебаний системы с двумя степенями свободы, содержащей существенно нелинейный виброгаситель(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Решетникова, Светлана Николаевна; Галас, Олег СергеевичConcept of nonlinear normal modes is used to study vibrations of some elastic structures attached with single-DOF nonlinear elastic absorbers. The localized vibration modes favorable for the absorption are allocated. Stability of nonlocalized modes is investigated. The forced vibrations in such systems are considered also, the principal resonances are analyzed. Forced resonances of the systems under consideration are considered tooДокумент Анализ чувствительности при комбинированном статико-динамическом нагружении конструкций(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Симсон, Эдуард Альфредович; Назаренко, Сергей Александрович; Зюзин, А. Ю.; Любецкая, В. Б.Sensitivity analysis methods of high both geometric and physical informational content are suggested for complicated FEA models, especially with design variables vector of high dimension, to minimize numbers of straight calculation procedure activation. Computational stages to obtain gradients of constructional functional are investigated. Application domain for developed mathematical apparatus is discussedДокумент Вариации относительного содержания молекулярных ионов в зависимости от сезона и магнитной активности(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Григоренко, Е. И.; Живолуп, Т. Г.; Таран, В. И.In this paper the theoretical model for the lower part of the F layer of ionosphere is presented. This model enables to calculate the absolute and relative concentrations of the molecular ions. The altitude-temporal variations of the ion composition for summer and winter are described. The variations of the transition height from molecular ions to atomic oxygen ions during the magnetic storm are consideredДокумент Вариации электронной концентрации ионосферы в спокойных условиях по данным Харьковского радара НР(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Дзюбанов, Дмитрий Анатольевич; Захаров, И. Г.; Ляшенко, М. В.Variations of electron density N of the F-region of an ionosphere in quiet conditions for 1997-1999 are considered. Values N measured by Kharkov in coherent scatter radar and calculated on the global ionospheric models IRI-90 and IRI-2000 for two magnetic quiet periods April and May 1998 are compared. From comparison of experimental and calculated values N it is evident, that the modelling data are more characteristic for conditions of the western hemisphere and that existing global models do not always correctly reflect distribution of parameters of an ionosphere of the East-European region even in quiet conditionsДокумент Влияние структуры наплавленного материала на прочность и долговечность деталей машин(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Березняков, А. И.; Градыский, Юрий Александрович; Стадниченко, Н. Г.The influence of precipitation surface's temperature and the speed of surfacing cooling in the process of material's electromagnetic buiding-up on the fatigue durability and tribomechanical characteristics of the restoration surface were examined. The equation connecting the production of entropy with the speed of material cooling was reached. It was established by the way of experiment that materials thermomagnetic machining leads to the improvement of its structure. It is discovered that details restoration by electromagnetic method leads to the improvement of the structure and tribomechanical properties of the surfaceДокумент Высотная корреляция квазипериодических флуктуаций мощности некогерентно рассеянного сигнала, сопровождавших прохождение солнечного терминатора и старты космических аппаратов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Бурмака, В. П.; Ерёмин, А. Н.; Подъячий, Юрий Иванович; Таран, В. И.Correlation coefficient variations research results of incoherent scatter signal power fluctuations in the range of heights 100-500 km are described. Quasi-periodic changes of high-altitude correlation coefficient are detected and explained. They are connected with solar terminator movement and launch of space vehicles from the Baikonur and Cape Canaveral cosmodromesДокумент Дискретная модель диска с лопатками газотурбинного двигателя(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Григорьева, П. П.; Лымаренко, Ю. А.; Шамровский, А. Д.Blades and disks are the most loaded elements of gas-turbine engines. In view of the big complexity of a problem, research of their work demands application of the modern methods based on use of the computer. Thus discrete models, as in the best way adapted for such discrete device, as represent the computer, are very interesting. In the article the discrete model of a gas-turbine engine disk with blades is offered, allowing to take into account winding oscillations of blades together with movement of a disk. Use of symmetry of system allows to reduce a task about oscillations of system with the big number of degrees of freedom to a task with two and three degrees of freedom . All mode shapes of oscillations of the system are describedДокумент Задача о контактном взаимодействии анизотропных тороидальных оболочек(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Верещака, Сергей МихайловичThe variant of account two of anisotropic of shells of rotation in the form of the tor is offered at action of internal pressure. The considered shells have a general axis and their appropriate surfaces are placed on certain distance one from another. The analysis of distribution of contact pressure will be carried out which arises on a local sites between shells at action of static loading. The account of a task is carried out on a basis of the vectorially nonlinear theory of shells in view of deformations of cross shiftДокумент Информационные возможности цифровой обработки радиосигналов с известной несущей частотой(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Рогожкин, Евгений Васильевич; Белозёров, Д. П.; Ерёмин, А. Н.In modern conditions the fundamental part of signal processing is carried out by a means of digital computer technology. Thereof the digital systems of processing appear by more flexible, that allows to adapt for varied conditions, and thus in the large degree exclude mistakes of analog transformation. In paper the possibilities of the shortest transition from analogue processing (reception, amplification) to digital representations are considered. Signal, at which there are noticeable losses of the informationДокумент Исследование нагруженности и усталостной прочности фланцевого окончания корпуса моста трактора Т-150К(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Никитенко, Ю. Д.Рассмотрены определения параметров нагрузок на ведущий мост, действующих при работе трактора Т-150К. Проведены многочисленные исследования прочности различных вариантов болтового фланцевого соединения и конструкции фланцевого окончания картера моста. Достигнуто повышение прочности корпуса моста ведущего и фланцевого болтового соединенияДокумент Исследование НДС биметаллического вагонного колеса при технологических и эксплуатационных нагрузках(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Щепкин, Александр Витальевич; Андреев, Арнольд ГеоргиевичThis work is devoted to the research of the stress-strain state of an experimental bimetallic carload of the railway car during thermal assembly, optimization of a temperature field in a wheel during its heating for its fitting on to an axis, while in service during interaction with a rail and during heating of bandage during brakingДокумент Исследование ползучести пологих оболочек на базе уточненной теориии вариационно-структурного метода(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Склепус, С. Н.A creep problem for shallow shells within the framework of the refined theory is considered. The variational formulating of problem is presented. The method of solving of initially-boundary creep problem is based on joint usage of the variational-structural method and the Runge-Kutta-Merson method. The solution structures, the numerical results for creep behavior and the lifetime predictions for spherical shallow shell with different boundary conditions are presentedДокумент К вопросу об упрочнении материалов импульсным нагружением(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Вакуленко, К. В.; Сотрихин, С. Ю.; Чернобрывко, М. В.The problem of strengthening constructions elements, which were subject to influencing of the impulsive loading is examined. The mathematical model of process with variation of loading is built. Wave equalization is decided and the numeral experiment for rail steel is conductedДокумент Конечноэлементный расчет магнитных цепей активных магнитных подшипников на основе уравнений магнитостатики(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Смирнов, М. М.; Мартыненко, Геннадий Юрьевич; Бабенко, Игорь НиколаевичIn work the technique of account of magnetic circuits of active magnetic bearings by a method of final elements and processing of results is of fered with the purpose of definition of discrete parameters of magnetic circuit. The example of account of magnetic circuit with stator as octopole is givenДокумент Лазерная диагностика потоков. Часть 1. Двумерные модуляторы лазерного излучения(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Товажнянский, Леонид Леонидович; Капинос, Василий Максимович; Никитина, Е. В.; Никитин, А. М.Plans of acoustic-optical coherent radiation modulators with fluid fissile devices and the mathematical description of bidimentional acoustic modulation processes are given. The main feature of the described modulator is to derive coherent rays individually oriented in space. Theoretical results for acoustic excitation angles from п/3 to п/2 are observationally confirmedДокумент Метод решения задач ползучести тел на основе смешанного вариационного принципа(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Морачковский, Олег Константинович; Соболь, Владимир НиколаевичGeneral statement of creep problems of spatial bodies and variational principle for the mixed functional is given, which for knowing at the any time of moment creep deformations on independently varied functions of strains and stress are formulated. Numerical method for calculation of initially - edges creep problems of bodies is considered in which Runge-Kutta-Merson method and R-functions method are applied. Numerical data of research convergence of approximate solutions with using amount variation of free components in the solution structures and integration accuracy of creep condition equations on the calculation example of rotation bodies are presentedДокумент Метод статистических испытаний эффективности алгоритмов оценки ионосферных параметров в методе НР(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Мазманишвили, Александр Сергеевич; Пуляев, Валерий АлександровичNumerical experimental results of with multiparameter statistical model are given with the purpose of revealing influence of processing methods on accuracy and reliability of ratings ionospheric dataДокумент Напряженно-деформированное состояние составной матрицы штампа при полугорячем выдавливании металлов(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Лавинский, Денис ВладимировичThe analysis of thermal loading on strength and stiffness of semi hot extrusion die was considered in this article. The finite element method which is realized as program package SPACE-T was chosen as tool of solution. The contact interference was solved with contact layer method helpДокумент Напряженно-деформированное состояние толстостенной цилиндрической оболочки под действием несимметричного давления(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Сало, В. А.The approach is suggested to definition of the stress-strained state of elastic cylinders of any thickness. The used method is based on Reissner's variational principle, R-functions theory, the common equations of the three-dimensional theory of an elasticity, I.N.Vekua's method and algorithm for two-sided estimation of exactitude of approached solutions of the mixed variational problems. Efficiency of the method is shown on exampleДокумент Напряженное состояние в винтовой обмотке тороидальной магнитной системы электрофизической установки под действием температуры(НТУ "ХПИ", 2003) Зайцев, Б. Ф.; Асаёнок, А. В.State if stress of the toroidal magnetic system winding of a result of the warm-up is considered. The 3D FEM with special system of the representation of geometry is used. Analysis of results and comparison with other solution are presented
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