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Документ 15 років Етнографічному музею "Слобожанські скарби" ім. Г. Хоткевича НТУ "ХПІ"(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Красіков, Михайло МихайловичДокумент Analysis of topologies of hybrid on-board energy storage systems for electric vehicles(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Shchur, Ihor; Rusek, AndrzejThe paper analyzes possible topologies of hybrid energy storage systems (HESSs), consisting of a battery and a supercapacitor and selects two promising topologies that use one and two DC-DC converters. It discusses the mathematical models that have been developed to describe dynamic processes in HESS and proposes a structure of the control system for HESS, the efficient performance of which is confirmed by computer simulation.Документ Benchmark creep tests for thermal barrier coatings(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Zolochevsky, A.; Sklepus, S.; Parkhomenko, L.; Gnitko, V.; Kühhorn, A.; Kober, M.; Leyens, C.The topic of this paper involves a number of benchmark creep tests and reference solutions that give the possibility to verify the finite element analysis of stress redistribution in thermal barrier coatings related to commercial software packages. The numerical results have been compared in the benchmark tests with the results obtained by other methods and by other authors. The results of creep studies revealed the magnitudes of the local stresses that correlate with the residual stresses determined in the thermally grown oxide by the luminescence spectroscopy method. The creep properties of Ni-based superalloy substrate have strong influence on the stress state and subsequent failure of EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings. The obtained numerical results demonstrate that the future EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings should be developed simultaneously with the Ni-based superalloy substrate, because the effectiveness of coating is influenced by the composition and properties of the substrate.Документ Coal rates in electricity production. The reality of climate causes(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Kovács, FerencRecently, certain political, social and governmental groups have put down the changes in the Earth’s climate to the effect of carbon dioxide (CO₂) of anthropogenic (human, industrial) origin. The first part of the paper provides important arguments to refute this view. Then, through the analysis of the rates of primary fuels in electricity production, it is proven what a significant rate coal types represent in the world and in some leading countries. It is also presented in detail what rates are forecast in electricity supply for the future (2020, 2035, 2050). Comments are made about the fact that in spite of her significant coal resources that can be economically exploited, Hungary is planning an unjustifiably low (4%) coal rate.Документ Coal resources and supply conditions in different countries(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Kovács, FerencThe dynamics of change of norm of consumption of coal is considered for the production of electric energy. Possibilities of the use of coal are investigational on the production of electric energy on a perspective period. The estimation of coal beds of Hungary and possibility of their use is produced.Документ Development of a modular research car ingenio as a platform for analysis of future drive systems(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Acker, Michael; Czarnetzki, Walter Theodor; Krawiec, Johannes; Schneider, WaldemarThe paper describes the research projects on electric and hybrid vehicles drivetrain. INGENIO is a new modular test vehicle for research of processes in the powertrain elements. The drivetrain contains self-made fuel cell stack and an invertible electrolyser at the rear frame with fuel cell range extender. The detailed analysis of physical processes in the membrane of fuel cell is given.Документ Influx of pwm-modulation upon torque harmonics of induction machines(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Plotkin, J. R.Influx of pwm-modulation upon torque harmonics of induction machines.Документ Integration sicherer antriebsfunktionen nach norm IEC 62061(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Kayser, Karl-HeinzThe paper deals with implementation of safety regulations in electric drives. The basic criteria concerning technical systems safety required by IEC 62061 standard are outlined. It is shown how to apply these criteria relative to electric drive operation. Recommendations concerning technical implementation of safety functions in the hardware of electric drives’ control systems are given.Документ Lifetime prediction for electrical drives – limiting factor capacity(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Neuburger, Martin; Lehner, Wolf-Dieter; Neuberger, NikolausThe paper deals with approaches for estimation of capacitors’ condition and performances in context of their lifetime prediction for electrical drives applications. The physical structure and equivalent circuit of the high-voltage capacitor is given. Experiments for evaluation of these parameters are described. Dependences of capacitors’ technical condition and the estimated parameters are given.Документ The method of reducing the intensity of magnetic field outside high voltage power substations(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Shevchenko, S.; Okun, O.; Volokhin, V.This work looks at theoretical methods for reducing the magnetic field generated outside the area of high voltage power substations. It has been shown that changing the construction of busbar wires is an effective measure that facilitates a reduction in the intensity of electromagnetic fields generated inside and outside the area of a substation. The measures connected with the phase sequence alternating of busbar wires can be implemented at the design stage and do not require an additional cost for implementation.Документ On vibration of clamped-free cylindrical shell(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Taharzadeh, H.; Avramov, K. V.The Rayleigh-Ritz method is applied to analyze the eigenfrequencies and the eigenmodes of the cantilever cylindrical shells. The properties of the conjugate eigenmodes are analyzed. The results of the analysis are compared with the data of finite element calculations.Документ Opportunity to study and analysis of traction abnormal mode electrical complex mine electric using the machine petri nets(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Sinchuk, O. N.; Chernaja, V. O.; Budnikov, V. N.The paper deals with the use of the apparatus for the study of Petri nets psevdoavariynyh modes of operation of electrical traction systems miner-axle locomotives. Models of traction electrical complex with protection switching converters from emergency situations.Публікація PR-діяльність у сфері промисловості(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Чернобровкіна, Світлана Віталіївна; Удянська, Галина МихайлівнаРозглянуто концепцію передумов виникнення і розвитку зв'язків з громадськістю у промисловості, як особливого виду діяльності. Виділено ряд істотних комунікаційних проблем, які виникли з укрупненням і зростанням промислових підприємств. Обґрунтовано необхідність PR-діяльності на промислових підприємствах України. Сформульовано чотири основних напрямки PR-діяльності в промисловій сфері. Визначено статус створюваного PR-відділу на промисловому підприємстві.Документ The software for induction motors diagnostic system based on electrical signals analysis(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Mamchur, D. G.In this article the software for induction motors diagnostic system was proposed. This software implements two most reliable diagnostic methods based on electrical signals analysis – Motor Current Signature Analysis and Instantaneous Power Spectra Analysis. Program algorithm based on previously defined diagnostic expressions for both mentioned methods. Presented software could be used both for online diagnostic, working as part of measuring equipment, and for offline diagnostics, analyzing previously stored data.Документ Ultra-Wideband Five-Tier LM-mode Filters Optimized with knowledge-based CAD system(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Yushchenko, A. G.; Mamedov, D. B.An original knowledge-based CAD system for step-by-step automated development offive-tier filters base don wave guide-dielectric resonators with the lowest LM-modes has been proposed. The basic idea of the system created consists in physical analysis of signals passing through the filter, which is performed on the basis of a known solution for electrodynamic problem of scattering of fundamental electromagnetic waves in a multi-tier structure. Regularities in formation of the filter ultra-wide bandwidths and formalized them in the form of production rules for the system were discovered. A comparative analysis of frequency responses for three- and five-tier UWB filters, optimized with the system has been also provided. The designed filters are intended for the next generation of millimeter waveband wireless systems and conform to the latest standards like ECMA-387, WirelessHD, IEEE 802.15.3c and IEEE 802.11ad.Документ Vector control of doubly-fed induction machine: robustness with respect to parameters variation(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Peresada, S. M.; Dynnik, T. V.Electromechanical systems on the base of Doubly-Fed Induction Machine is an attractive solution for restricted speed range drives and energy generation applications. The concept of indirect stator flux orientation was introduced similarly to indirect rotor flux orientation. Line voltage amplitude, frequency and stator resistance have variations and cause torque errors. Robustness of the indirect flux oriented controller is studied in order to define the most critical variations.Документ Автоматизация процесса перевозок путем применения микропроцессорного электропривода и программируемого логического контроллера(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Буряковский, Сергей Геннадьевич; Кольчик, Дмитрий Сергеевич; Смирнов, Василий Васильевич; Рафальский, Александр АлександровичThe article shows one of the possible ways to automate and optimize the turnouts for both railway mainline and industrial railway. The work is based on the application of the results of earlier researches and their implementation by means of a microprocessor electrical drive and a programmable logic controller.Документ Автоматизация процессов управления сложными системами в нештатных ситуациях на базе моделей сетей Петри(НТУ "ХПИ", 2013) Копп, В. Я.; Качур, С. А.Предложен метод построения системы интеллектуального управления на основе понятий следующих областей знаний: 1) физиологии человека; 2) теории автоматического управления; 3) искусственного интеллекта; 4) теории сетей Петри; 5) теории системного анализа. Проведен количественный сравнительный анализ существующих искусственных нейронных сетей и предложенной модульной нейроподобной сети на базе сетей ПетриДокумент Автоматизація обліку розрахунків з ПДВ: підходи та практичні рішення(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Пономарьова, Т. В.Розглянуто облік розрахунків з податку на додану вартість для підприємств, що перейшли на подачу електронної податкової звітності, визначено особливості обліку податкового кредиту та податкового зобов’язання у програмі 1С. Описано основні документи, що використовуються при обліку оподатковуваних операцій.Документ Автоматизація процесу тестування властивостей біологічних матеріалів та наноструктур(НТУ "ХПІ", 2013) Халімовський, Олексій Модестович; Чегель, Володимир Іванович; Литвин, Віталій Костянтинович; Лопатинський, Андрій МиколайовичThe system for automatic search of the maximum fluorescence signal intensity was developed for testing the properties of biological materials and nanostructures. In accordance with the principle of building a system, search for an extremum of the reflected light signal occurs in two stages. At the stage of direct determination of the intensity curve extremum, laser beam light direction change is provided by a local control subsystem of the piezoelectric motor output shaft. Exploitation of a developed algorithm with variable step for extremum search in the system can provide the necessary measurement accuracy in the automatic mode.