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Документ 3D-Моделирование и расчеты привода главного движения фрезерного станка с шестишпиндельной револьверной головкой(НТУ "ХПИ", 2014) Кроль, О. С.; Журавлев, В. В.Построены 3D-модели специализированного вертикального фрезерно-сверлильного станка второго типоразмера модели СФ16МФ3 в интегрированной САПР КОМПАС-3D и проведено комплексное исследование напряженно-деформированного состояния деталей привода главного движения и револьверной головки в модулях АРМSHAFT, АРМBEAR и АРМSTRUCTURE 3D.Документ 70 лет освобождения Украины от немецко-фашистских захватчиков(НТУ "ХПИ", 2014) Волошко, Екатерина ВладимировнаДокумент 72 переводчика: древняя легенда в компьютерную эпоху(НТУ "ХПИ", 2014) Евсеев, Сергей ЛеонидовичСтатья посвящена вопросу творческого потенциала глобальной сети. Показано, что при производстве информации с помощью программных средств, в гипертекстуальной среде Интернета могут возникать ложные смыслы, как в случае с "72 переводчиками" Острожской Библии. Отсутствие эффективного контроля качества приводит к увеличению вероятности возникновения фиктивного знания, а благодаря простоте обмена и заимствования (команды "копировать" и "вставить") – к порождению новых смыслов и бессмыслиц.Документ Automatic data collection for incoherent scatter complex(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Kozlov, S. S.The creation of the automated data collection system for incoherent scatter complex is justified. The main part of the parameters influencing the control action was considered. The simplified implementation of automated data collection system is presented.Документ CFD-моделирование пленочного охлаждения пластины с входным цилиндрическим участком(НТУ "ХПИ", 2014) Петельчиц, В. Ю.Представлены результаты численного моделирования пленочного охлаждения пластины с многорядной системой цилиндрических отверстий на входном цилиндрическом участке, а также сравнение результатов проведенных расчетов с экспериментальными данными. Моделирование выполнено с помощью программного комплекса ANSYS CFX. Помимо RANS-моделирования потока с различными моделями турбулентности выполнено DES-моделирование, основанное на непосредственном моделировании вихревой структуры потока. Применение рекомендованной рядом исследований DES-модели дало результаты расчета близкие к применению SST модели турбулентности. В работе также рассмотрено применение Reynolds Stress модели турбулентности BSL, которая учитывает анизотропию турбулентной вязкости. С целью повышения достоверности результатов расчета эффективности пленочного охлаждения рассмотрена также возможность адаптации SST-модели турбулентности путем корректировки её констант. Предложенная адаптация SST-модели турбулентности приближает результаты расчета эффективности пленочного охлаждения к экспериментальным данным.Документ Damage accumulation in multilayer thin films on gamma titanium aluminides(НТУ "ХПИ", 2014) Zolochevsky, A.; Parkhomenko, L.; Gnitko, V.; Kühhorn, A.; Kober, M.The present paper involves comprehensive investigations towards an understanding on how aggressive environments, high service temperatures and long dwell times affect damage growth and lifetime reduction of different components of automotive combustion engines and aero-engines made out of gamma titanium aluminides with protective coatings. The outcome of this paper is related to the practical recommendations on how damage growth at high temperatures in multilayer thin films on gamma titanium aluminides under thermal cyclic conditions and multiaxial stress state may be controlled in order to reduce environmental degradation, optimize the protective coating and extend lifetime of a component for automotive, energy and aerospace applications.Документ Evolutionary design of seven-tier LM-mode filters optimized with original knowledge-based cad system(НТУ "ХПИ", 2014) Yushchenko, A. G.; Mamedov, D. B.The evolutionary strategy of multi-tier WDR-filters with LM-modes, optimized with original knowledge-based CAD system designing is proposed and tested. Main point of the strategy is to solve the problem of synthesis and optimization of the seven- (or more) tiered filter through the gradual complication of the simplest one-tiered design, which corresponds to the evolutionary principle of gradual cost function complication. The efficiency of the strategy is confirmed by the designing of three to five and seven-tier millimeter filters, which are intended for the next generation of millimeter wave-band wireless systems and conform to the latest standards like ECMA-387, Wireless HD, IEEE 802.15.3c and IEEE 802.11ad.Документ The F2-layer parameter variations during spring equinox 2013, according to the Kharkiv and EISCAT incoherent scatter radars data(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Zhivolup, T. G.The investigations of temporal variations of the electron density in the F2-layer maximum, ion and electron temperatures in the mid-and high latitudes during the 2013 year spring equinox are conducted. The features of the temporal variations of the parameters of the F2-layer in Kharkiv and Tromsø during the spring equinox are revealed. It was established that during the spring equinox changes amplitude electron and ion temperatures in the ionosphere over Tromsø less than the amplitude of temperature changes of electrons and ions in the ionosphere over Kharkiv on the entire time interval of joint observations from 07:00 to 24:00 UT.Документ Fuzzy logic based control system of converter for powerful sounding pulses generator(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Domnin, I. F.; Levon, O. O.; Varvyanskaya, V. V.This thesis deals with the design of control system for powerful sounding pulses generator using Fuzzy Logic based decision structure and implementation using the 68HC12 microcontroller. Some practical cases with Fuzzy Tech are presented to check the proposed control performance. Conclusions of obtained results are presented.Документ A generalized example of structural and parametric optimization of functionally-oriented process(НТУ "ХПИ", 2014) Stupnytskyy, V.The example of structural and parametric optimization of the functionally-oriented technological process machining of mold’s parts is described in the article. The most essential criteria of optimization are wearproofness, fatigue strength, contact stiffness and corrosion resistance of production. In the article the brought methodology over of researches and algorithm of optimization.Документ Kharkiv incoherent scatter facility(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Domnin, I. F.; Chepurnyy, Ya. M.; Emelyanov, L. Ya.; Chernyaev, S. V.; Kononenko, A. F.; Kotov, D. V.; Bogomaz, O. V.; Iskra, D. A.The structure, parameters and operating modes of the incoherent scatter radar of the Institute of Ionosphere, Kharkiv are presented. Some results of the ionosphere research obtained by this facility are shown.Документ A library of routines for incoherent scatter radar data processing(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Bogomaz, O. V.; Kotov, D. V.The structure of the developed dynamic link library of routines for incoherent scatter radar data processing and incoherently scattered signals simulation and the examples of its application are described.Документ Measurement of the geomagnetic field in the ionosphere using radar methods(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Skvortsov, T. A.; Emelyanov, L. Ya.; Fesun, A. V.; Belozerov, D. P.A new method for measuring the geomagnetic field in the ionosphere by the integrated use of vertical sounding radar (ionosonde) and incoherent scatter radar, its capabilities and features of the technical implementation, as well as the first results of an experimental test are considered.Документ A new numerical method for determination of effective elastic constants in a composite with cross-ply fibers(НТУ "ХПИ", 2014) Darya zadeh, S.; Lvov, G. I.; Kiahosseini, Seyed RahimIn this paper a composite material with similar cross-ply fibers is considered. Assuming orthotropic structure, theory of elasticity is used for investigating the stress concentration. The effective characteristicsof this composite are studied numerically by using ANSYS software. In this research a volume element of fibers in square array in the coordinate x, y, z and the generalized stress state is considered. In order to investigate the numerical finite element modeling, the modeling of a quarter unit cell is considered. For determining the elasticity coefficients, stress analysis is performed for considered volume with noting to boundary conditions. Effective elasticity and mechanical properties of composite which polymer epoxy is considered as its matrix, are determined theoretically and also by the proposed method in this paper with finite element method. Numerical experiments modeled four cases of uniaxial tension in the directions x, z and shear in the planes xy, yz. Finally, the variations of mechanical properties with respect to fiber-volume fraction are studied. Numerical results are compared with approximate estimates method proposed.Документ Refinement of the incoherent scatter radar constant(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Shapovalova, D. V.; Pulyayev, V. А.Examined a variant of the software for procedure realization for comparing the level of noise at the input of the incoherent scatter radar, order to improve its constants without using information from the ionospheric station.Документ Seasonal anomaly in variations of global distributions of F2-layer electron density according to CCIR model(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Grinchenko, S. V.There are presented the global distributions of electron density ne maxF2 and height hmaxF2 of the main maximum of ionosphere. There are analyzed the basic regularities of longitude-latitudinal variations of these parameters in the northern and southern hemispheres. The main attention is given to the effect of seasonal anomaly. It is shown that, according to calculations by the CCIR model seasonal anomaly appears at latitudes between 15 and 60 degrees N. approximately from 9 to 12 hours of local time. In the southern hemisphere the seasonal anomaly is not observed.Документ Simulation of ionospheric plasma velocity along the geomagnetic field lines due to the horizontal neutral winds(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Grinchenko, S. V.; Dziubanov, D. A.; Ziuzgina, Iu. E.With use of horizontal neutral winds model HWM93 there are calculated the elements of a global picture of thermosphere circulation, the changes of value and direction of thermosphere wind over Kharkiv. The calculations of constituent part of vertical component of ionospheric plasma velocity caused by horizontal neutral winds were made.Документ Simultaneous determine of Doppler shift and group delay time using amplitude modulated chirp-signal(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Kolchev, A. A.; Nedopekin, A. E.; Shumaev, V. V.New method of the simultaneous measurement of the frequency dependencies of Doppler shift and group delay time of separate ionosphere modes by means of amplitude modulated chirp signal is presented in this paper. The algorithms of data processing are presented.Документ Technology and equipment for fast oil and adsorbent regeneration with application of high-power HF electromagnetic field(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Rymar, S. I.The method of adsorbent drying by electromagnetic field is presented. Technology and equipment for fast oil and adsorbent regeneration with application of high-power HF electromagnetic field are shown.Документ Travelling ionospheric disturbances over Kharkiv, Ukraine, accompanying the operation of EISCAT heater facility(НТУ "ХПІ", 2014) Panasenko, S. V.; Rietveld, M. T.; La Hoz, C.; Domnin, I. F.We have detected the travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) over Kharkiv with periods of 40–80 min occurring in the time range between 09:00 and 10:30 UT on November 22 and between 10:00 and 12:00 UT on November 23, 2012 during and after the operation of the EISCAT heater facility. The duration of these disturbances were less than 120–180 min. The relative amplitudes of the TIDs in electron density ranged from 0.05 to 0.15 and those in electron and ion temperatures were about 0.02 – 0.05. Assuming that these TIDs have been generated in the heated region, we described the possible mechanisms of their generation.